How add a firebase dependency in java using eclipse - java

I want to add the firebase dependency on a java project of jhipster, I'm using eclipse, but when I add this dependency:
that give Firebase, I get this error in my app in Java in eclipse:
The error 206 in english is:
the filename or extension is too long
I appreciate much your help


Getting error while using Jira rest java client

I am trying to use jira-rest-java-client-api in my Jira server plugin.
I am using following versions,
Jira - 7.13.0
jira-rest-client. Version - 5.2.0
In my pom I have added jira-rest-java-client-api and jira-rest-java-client-core dependency like,
I have added scope as provided so when I am building project using maven (atlas-mvn clean package) there is no error, but when I am trying to start the Jira server, my plugin is not added to Jira.
Getting following error
Unable to resolve 185.0: missing requirement [185.0]
Also, If I have not added the scope as provided then getting an error for banned dependencies while building using atlas-mvn clean package.
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.

Maven dependency weird bug

I have 4 projects in my eclipse workspace. They are all 4 maven projects. The names are API, Games, Faction, Board.
API is used in all the other maven projects (Games, Faction, Board) and itself depends of a jar into my PC and also HikariCP.
I declare this dependencies in my API pom.xml
Then I declare on my 3 other projects that they depend of API
But I have a big warning on the API and the error log says this:
I don't understand why is there this error as I can code with the API in my classes. Can someone explain me? Thanks
EDIT: As requested the text of the screenshot:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Project 'OnimaAPI' is missing required Java project: 'paperspigot' OnimaAPI Build path Build Path Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
Project 'OnimaGames' is missing required Java project: 'onimaapi' OnimaGames Build path Build Path Problem
I don't know why I can't set the pom.xml here so here's a link:
You're declaring paperspigot with system scope.
Dependencies with the scope system are always available and are not looked up in repository. They are usually used to tell Maven about dependencies which are provided by the JDK or the VM.
You should declare it with compile scope:
This is the default scope, used if none is specified. Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of a project. Furthermore, those dependencies are propagated to dependent projects.

The import cannot be resolved in Eclipse

I am getting this error:
The import cannot be resolved
My configuration is below:
Project Properties - Android:
Java Build Path:
I still get the error below even after restarting Eclipse.
Can anyone help? Thx :D
You haven't added the client libraries in your project.
You will get the file at the above link.
Save those jar files in your libs folder of Android project.
Add this:
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
If you are trying to add a Google API to an Android app as I was, and if you are using Eclipse, the following is very easy.
Right-click on a project, select "Google > Add Google APIs...", select
the Google API you need from the list of available Google APIs,
click Finish, and it will automatically download the API client library

Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bouncycastle/asn1/DEREncodable during PDF Encryption [duplicate]

I'm trying to use iText Java.
When you run the example "how to sign" the following error occurs:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo
According "Getting Started with iText - How to sign a PDF using iText", I have to use the BouncyCastle.
I downloaded the file: bcprov-jdk15on-147.jar from BouncyCastle download page.
And added to the project: Java Build Path/Libraries/Add External JARs...
I added the following line:
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
When you run the example the same error occurs.
So I downloaded another file: bcpkix-jdk15on-147.jar entitled "PKIX/CMS/EAC/PKCS/OCSP/TSP/OPENSSL"
And added to the project: Java Build Path/Libraries/Add External JARs...
Now I have two Jars.
When you run the example the following error occurs:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEREncodable
I tried downloading the file "bcprov-ext-jdk15on-147.jar" but did not solve the problem.
I am using iText 5.2.1 and eclipse on Windows 7 64 bits.
iText marks bouncycastle dependencies as optional. If you require them, you need to add the dependencies in your own pom file.
To find out which dependency to include in your project, open the itextpdf pom.xml file of the version you are using (for example 5.3.2, here) and search for the 2 bouncycastle dependencies.
Copy them into your pom file and remove the optional option.
BouncyCastle libs are undergoing heavy API changes that broke the compatibility with other libs like iText.
use a previous version of BouncyCastle libs. Old versions can be found here. However, you'll have to find the right version of iText that was compatible with this particular version of BC.
make your own build of iText (the SVN trunk has been fixed). iText can be build with Maven (there's a short readme file at the root of the SVN). Please note that it's at your own risk, there may be bugs in trunk.
wait for the next version of iText. From my experience, iText releases come every couple of months, sometime more often, sometimes less. I'm not an iText committer though, so I can't give you any ETA.
More information can be found in this thread
With itextpdf version 5.5.4 org.bouncycastle dependencies are marked as <optional>true</optional>. This means you MUST include those dependencies in your own pom, or you can run into classnotfound exceptions.
<!-- Bouncycastle dependencies necessary as they are optional = true
in itextpdf ... but they're not-so-optional in reality -->
from version of bcprov-jdk15on-147, class of DEREncodable is no longer exist under the path of org.bouncycastle.asn1. You can use version before 146 (including 146) to resolve this question.
It's strange that the jars available at don't seem to contain this class. Perhaps, you may want to use one from the locations listed in this page (link).
i have the same problem, but a fix it when i download the libreria and update those files on /WEBINF/LIB
Luckily, the dependency jars are being delivered along with the iText now.
Please check the repository link below and download file
For jruby-ers with the same failure, I updated to jruby-complete- from jruby-complete-1.6.6.jar and the problem seemed to resolve...FWIW...

Android: error including/repacking dependencies which reference javax core classes

I'm working on an Android app using Maven as the build tool. I managed to set evertyhing up correctly (maven dependencies are exported to the apk etc.), however I have one remaining problem which is driving me crazy.
I want to include a dependency on simpleframework's xml parser defined as follows in my POM file:
When I issue mvn install on the project, I get the following error (truncated):
trouble processing "javax/xml/namespace/NameSpaceContext.class" ...
I know the error results from the simple xml parser referencing these javax-classes, however I haven't found a solution yet (setting the --core-library flag is of no use).
I'm currently trying to repack the dependency with the maven-jarjar-pluging but this doesn't seem to work either.
Can anyone help me out with this? Many, many thanks in advance!
Define your simple-xml depedency like this :
<!-- StAX is not available on Android -->
<!-- Provided by Android -->
I use android-maven-plugin, and adding <coreLibrary>true</coreLibrary> to the <configuration> tag of the plugin in the POM works for me. However, there's a bug:, that you need to include to fix the plugin you are using, since the bug won't be fixed until 3.0. Here's how I got it working for me using 2.9.0-SNAPSHOT.
add a pluginRepository pointing to http:// to get 2.9.0-SNAPSHOT
update your plugin version to use 2.9.0-SNAPSHOT and add <coreLibrary>true</coreLibrary> to pom.xml
get the fix: git clone
remove src/test/java/com: so the test won't fail
mvn package
copy it and overwrite your local maven cache in .m2 (You may need to remove your plugin repository yours gets overwritten every time.)
Step 3-6 won't be necessary after the fix gets into 2.9.0-SNAPSHOT.
Update July 2010: 2.9.0-beta-4 has the fix, so you don't need the above workaround if you use 2.9.0-beta-4 or later. I tested 2.9.0-beta-5 which worked just fine.
Spring Android uses Maven to integrate Simple. Take a look at the following URL, it should provide pointers on how to get Maven working with Simple.

