Platform: Windows 10 PC;
Java: 1.8.0_201;
gRPC: 1.21.x
I have recently looked into the Google RPC (gRPC) package to attempt to evaluate it for use with Java. I have read through a lot of the information available on the site ( and have attempted to download/build/install it for test evaluation. I have not had much luck.
It's a little unclear (to me anyway) what exactly is needed in order to use gRPC. There seem to be a number of moving parts and it's hard to tell everything that is needed. I know that it uses Google Protobuf, so I followed directions to install the Protobuf compiler, protoc. I'm not sure if I need something else for Protobuf besides the compiler. I assume that there is a "core" to gRPC and then a language-specific module (e.g. for Java) that implements the necessary logic to interface with Java programs. I don't know if there are any other dependencies.
I am unable to clone the git repo due to security policies where I work, but I downloaded the distro (v1.21.x from and unpacked it into a directory. I followed the directions to build the sample client and server. The process failed due to missing files. Below is an excerpt of the failure.
> Task :grpc-compiler:compileJava_pluginExecutableJava_pluginCpp
C:\Users\jo24447\workspace\gRPC\grpc-java-1.21.x\compiler\src\java_plugin\cpp\java_generator.h(8): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h': No such file or directory
c:\users\jo24447\workspace\grpc\grpc-java-1.21.x\compiler\src\java_plugin\cpp\java_generator.h(8): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h': No such file or directory
c:\users\jo24447\workspace\grpc\grpc-java-1.21.x\compiler\src\java_plugin\cpp\java_generator.h(8): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h': No such file or directory
I joined the gRPC mailing list and submitted some questions describing the issues I'm having. The short reply indicated that I should pull down the latest version (which I have) - I had originally pulled down the master branch and apparently that was the wrong thing to do. It was implied that it came with a pre-built code generator plugin (codegen). I was not given a reason for the build failure.
A link to instructions to build the codegen plugin were also provided. The site documentation seems to indicate that I should not need to build the codegen unless I'm actually changing the code, which I am not. Regardless I looked through the instructions. It would appear that it is intended for this to done on a *nix platform. What are people who are doing this on a Windows platform supposed to do?
In any case, I attempted to do the build with the new distro and it fails with the same issue. I responded back and have heard nothing.
At this point I am stuck and have no idea what to do next.
Any ideas about the following would be very helpful and appreciated:
The minimum required distributions to permit a successful build and
subsequent usage
Unambiguous directions on the steps needed to take
it from downloaded distro(s) to fully functional application/utility
I have responded in part in what I assume is the mailing list thread you referenced.
grpc-java is its own complete implementation. It is not based on "C core" at
In short, you have gotten off the beaten path; you should not need to compile grpc-java yourself. We have binaries already available on Maven Central.
When you downloaded grpc-java, you should have downloaded v1.12.0 which is the release tag, not v1.12.x. Released versions are easily downloaded in the release section.
We don't have unambiguous instructions when git clone is unavailable, because that is rare and the answers will vary for each environment.
If you want to make changes to gRPC-Java or build it yourself see the instructions.
But you do not need to do this to use it.
To use in the Maven / Gradle project, just add the necessary dependencies:
compile 'io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded:1.20.0'
compile 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.20.0'
compile 'io.grpc:grpc-stub:1.20.0'
For protobuf-based codegen, you can use plugins integrated with your build system:
apply plugin: ''
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
protobuf {
protoc {
artifact = ""
plugins {
grpc {
artifact = 'io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.20.0'
generateProtoTasks {
all()*.plugins {
grpc {}
You can find more details in the README.
I'm working off an AEM project, I'm new to AEM btw. I'm trying to use a couple of 3rd party non-OSGI libraries, like Dozer and Spring. I'm really struggling with this, it is a pain in the ass, maybe it is because OSGI is kind of old school. My bundles get installed, but not Active in the OSGI console, as they complain about missing packages.
I want to do step by step. First I want to make work my bundles with just Dozer and nothing else. This is my pom dependencies:
Here is my maven-bundle-plugin configuration:
As you can see, I'm using dozer-osgi already. I'm not sure why it doesn't pick it up. It complains about this:
org.dozer,version=[5.5,6) -- Cannot be resolved
org.dozer.loader.api,version=[5.5,6) -- Cannot be resolved
First, I don't understand why it says [5.5,6), because I'm telling it to use 5.5.1. Second, I'm using dozer-osgi already, I believe it should pick it up automatically.
I tried also using:
Whit dozer-osgi added, things start to get better, and more complex at the same time. It seems like now it loads dozer, but starts complaining about transitive dependencies:
android.dalvik -- Cannot be resolved
dalvik.system -- Cannot be resolved
javassist.util.proxy -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.commons.beanutils,version=[1.9,2) -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters,version=[1.9,2) -- Cannot be resolved
The beanutils utils is easy to fix. I just need to add the regarding dependencies like this:
and add "commons-beanutils" here:
Now, it complains about:
android.dalvik -- Cannot be resolved
dalvik.system -- Cannot be resolved
javassist.util.proxy -- Cannot be resolved
org.hibernate.proxy -- Cannot be resolved
The hibernate dependency error is new. I thought beanutils depended on hibernate, but not, is Dozer the one depending on it.
I tried adding hibernate, like this:
And so on, it is like a look, it gets worse and worse everytime I try to add a transitive dependency. I also tried this, only keeping dozer-osgi in my dependencies:
android.dalvik -- Cannot be resolved
dalvik.system -- Cannot be resolved
javassist.util.proxy -- Cannot be resolved
org.hibernate.proxy -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.commons.beanutils -- Cannot be resolved
org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters -- Cannot be resolved
It is like if Embed-Transitive doesn't work at all.
What is the best way to work with 3rd party libraries when using Maven and AEM? In my case, Maven is using to install the bundles in my AEM instance.
In OSGi you have to distinguish between the build and the runtime. At build time your initial approach was totally fine.
You use dozer and the maven-bundle-plugin creates suitable Import-Package statements. You can check these by looking into the Manifest of the jar.
The rules for package imports result in a range of version that should work with your code. So [5.5,6) is exactly the expected import range.
Now to runtime. Here you have to supply all dependencies of your code (including the transitive ones) as bundles in AEM (or more generally in the OSGi runtime).
So you also need to install dozer OSGi as bundle. If this complains again then you also need to install its dependencies.
This is the default approach and normally totally fine.
Now if you want to make your bundle standalone in respect to having no additional runtime depenencies then you can try to embed all dependencies. Then you only need to install your bundle.
Be aware though that this is not easy. If your code uses some of the embedded classes in its own API then you get into lots of problems with embedding. So if your are not very experienced then better go the way of installing all dependencies as bundles.
To simplify the install process you can create a content package that contains all needed bundles.
You also have to check that all dependencies actually are bundles. In some cases the normal maven dependencies are not suitable. In this case have a look at apache servicemix bundles. It is a project that creates OSGi bundles for popular dependencies and deploys these to maven central.
My current project consisting of a war and ejb module, is using a jar (incorperated via maven). This jar contains a CDI component which, when I inject this in the war module it works as expected, but when I inject this in my ejb module I get a NoClassDefFoundError during startup from my WAS 8.5 in eclipse (full profile).
When I start the server first, add the inject later and republish it seems to work. Also when I use Liberty profile it works. Also on Z/os and IPAS it works as expected.
I think it might has something todo with classloading, but have no idea how to solve this properly.
Using Eclipse Neon, WAS full profile , jee6
Project is using java 8 while the component is using java 6
This is the first part of the stacktrace:
[13-9-17 14:54:26:589 CEST] 0000003e InjectionProc W CWNEN0047W: Resource annotations on the fields of the BestelFacade class will be ignored. The annotations could not be obtained because of the exc
eption : Logger
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFieldsImpl(Native Method)
I found a way to get the job done, but I'm not sure if this is a proper solution or just a workaround while masking the real problem.
When I take a look at the ear module assembly I see in the source column c:/ws/.../jar and in the deploy path lib/jar
when I change the source into /..ear/target/../jar it works
Try setting the <bundleDir>/</bundleDir>
This will place the external jar/ejb not in lib, but in the root.
I am currently working with CQ5/AEM, and we have an #Reference annotation that seems to act in a similar fashion to an injector annotation.
Our problem was that we had a misconfiguration in our POM file, which caused the injection to just fail.
We had to brute force change the POM file section by section to identify what was causing the problem. Brute force is obviously never the best approach.
What are the different methods in other frameworks such as spring, to debug annotative injectors when they fail?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as we are finding it a common enough problem.
Best regards,
We fixed it after removing configuration.
However by setting the replicator dependency with scope of provided also solved it.
My core question is still, given that we only have #Reference being null to start with, would you have any suggestions for how to attack this problem given just a null on a reference?
#Reference is not specific to CQ, it's handled by the Apache Felix maven-scr-plugin to generate metadata for OSGi Declarative Services (DS).
You're not saying how the "injection just failed" in your case.
If your problem happens at build time, it's probably due to a misconfiguration of the maven-scr-plugin, in which case the DS metadata won't be generated correctly. That metadata is generated under target/scr-plugin-generated/OSGI-INF, you could check the files that are in there against the DS spec to check that they're correct. The syntax of the XML metadata files generated there is fairly simple and documented in the DS specs. Note also mvn -X which outputs debug information at build time, that might help troubleshoot such issues.
If on the other hand the build and DS metadata are ok but the reference isn't satisfied at build time, you can check via the OSGi console (under /system/console in Sling and CQ5) if the required OSGi services are present, and if not check the system logs for possible reasons or debug the service modules at the Java level.
What is the simplest way to retrieve version number from maven's pom.xml in code, i.e., programatically?
Assuming you're using Java, you can:
Create a .properties file in (most commonly) your src/main/resources directory (but in step 4 you could tell it to look elsewhere).
Set the value of some property in your .properties file using the standard Maven property for project version:${project.version}
In your Java code, load the value from the properties file as a resource from the classpath (google for copious examples of how to do this, but here's an example for starters).
In Maven, enable resource filtering. This will cause Maven to copy that file into your output classes and translate the resource during that copy, interpreting the property. You can find some info here but you mostly just do this in your pom:
You can also get to other standard properties like, project.description, or even arbitrary properties you put in your pom <properties>, etc. Resource filtering, combined with Maven profiles, can give you variable build behavior at build time. When you specify a profile at runtime with -PmyProfile, that can enable properties that then can show up in your build.
The accepted answer may be the best and most stable way to get a version number into an application statically, but does not actually answer the original question: How to retrieve the artifact's version number from pom.xml? Thus, I want to offer an alternative showing how to do it dynamically during runtime:
You can use Maven itself. To be more exact, you can use a Maven library.
And then do something like this in Java:
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
Model model = FileReader("pom.xml"));
The console log is as follows:
Update 2017-10-31: In order to answer Simon Sobisch's follow-up question I modified the example like this:
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
Model model;
if ((new File("pom.xml")).exists())
model = FileReader("pom.xml"));
model =
new InputStreamReader(
Packaged artifacts contain a META-INF/maven/${groupId}/${artifactId}/ file which content looks like:
#Generated by Maven
#Sun Feb 21 23:38:24 GMT 2010
Many applications use this file to read the application/jar version at runtime, there is zero setup required.
The only problem with the above approach is that this file is (currently) generated during the package phase and will thus not be present during tests, etc (there is a Jira issue to change this, see MJAR-76). If this is an issue for you, then the approach described by Alex is the way to go.
There is also the method described in Easy way to display your apps version number using Maven:
Add this to pom.xml
Then use this:
I have found this method to be simpler.
If you use mvn packaging such as jar or war, use:
It reads a property "Implementation-Version" of the generated META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (that is set to the pom.xml's version) in the archive.
To complement what #kieste has posted, which I think is the best way to have Maven build informations available in your code if you're using Spring-boot: the documentation at is very useful.
You just need to activate actuators, and add the properties you need in your or application.yml
Automatic property expansion using Maven
You can automatically expand info properties from the Maven project using resource filtering. If you use the spring-boot-starter-parent you can then refer to your Maven ‘project properties’ via #..# placeholders, e.g.
project.description=Demo project for info endpoint
When using spring boot, this link might be useful:
With spring-boot-starter-parent you just need to add the following to your application config file:
# get values from pom.xml
After that the value is available like this:
private String pomVersion;
Sometimes the Maven command line is sufficient when scripting something related to the project version, e.g. for artifact retrieval via URL from a repository:
mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout
Usage example:
VERSION=$( mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout )
ARTIFACT_ID=$( mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.artifactId -q -DforceStdout )
GROUP_ID_URL=$( mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.groupId -q -DforceStdout | sed -e 's#\.#/#g' )
curl -f -S -O http://REPO-URL/mvn-repos/${GROUP_ID_URL}/${ARTIFACT_ID}/${VERSION}/${ARTIFACT_ID}-${VERSION}.jar
Use this Library for the ease of a simple solution. Add to the manifest whatever you need and then query by string.
System.out.println("JAR was created by " +"Created-By"));
Get Version using this.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion()
PS Don't forget to add:
Step 1: If you are using Spring Boot, your pom.xml should already contain spring-boot-maven-plugin. You just need to add the following configuration.
It instructs the plugin to execute also build-info goal, which is not run by default. This generates build meta-data about your application, which includes artifact version, build time and more.
Step2: Accessing Build Properties with buildProperties bean. In our case we create a restResource to access to this build info in our webapp
public class BuildInfoResource {
private BuildProperties buildProperties;
public ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> getBuildInfo() {
Map<String, String> buildInfo = new HashMap();
buildInfo.put("appName", buildProperties.getName());
buildInfo.put("appArtifactId", buildProperties.getArtifact());
buildInfo.put("appVersion", buildProperties.getVersion());
buildInfo.put("appBuildDateTime", buildProperties.getTime());
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(buldInfo);
I hope this will help
I had the same problem in my daytime job. Even though many of the answers will help to find the version for a specific artifact, we needed to get the version for modules/jars that are not a direct dependency of the application. The classpath is assembled from multiple modules when the application starts, the main application module has no knowledge of how many jars are added later.
That's why I came up with a different solution, which may be a little more elegant than having to read XML or properties from jar files.
The idea
use a Java service loader approach to be able to add as many components/artifacts later, which can contribute their own versions at runtime. Create a very lightweight library with just a few lines of code to read, find, filter and sort all of the artifact versions on the classpath.
Create a maven source code generator plugin that generates the service implementation for each of the modules at compile time, package a very simple service in each of the jars.
The solution
Part one of the solution is the artifact-version-service library, which can be found on github and MavenCentral now. It covers the service definition and a few ways to get the artifact versions at runtime.
Part two is the artifact-version-maven-plugin, which can also be found on github and MavenCentral. It is used to have a hassle-free generator implementing the service definition for each of the artifacts.
Fetching all modules with coordinates
No more reading jar manifests, just a simple method call:
// iterate list of artifact dependencies
for (Artifact artifact : ArtifactVersionCollector.collectArtifacts()) {
// print simple artifact string example
System.out.println("artifact = " + artifact);
A sorted set of artifacts is returned. To modify the sorting order, provide a custom comparator:
new ArtifactVersionCollector(Comparator.comparing(Artifact::getVersion)).collect();
This way the list of artifacts is returned sorted by version numbers.
Find a specific artifact
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifact("de.westemeyer", "artifact-version-service");
Fetches the version details for a specific artifact.
Find artifacts with matching groupId(s)
Find all artifacts with groupId de.westemeyer (exact match):
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifactsByGroupId("de.westemeyer", true);
Find all artifacts where groupId starts with de.westemeyer:
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifactsByGroupId("de.westemeyer", false);
Sort result by version number:
new ArtifactVersionCollector(Comparator.comparing(Artifact::getVersion)).artifactsByGroupId("de.", false);
Implement custom actions on list of artifacts
By supplying a lambda, the very first example could be implemented like this:
ArtifactVersionCollector.iterateArtifacts(a -> {
return false;
Add these two tags to all pom.xml files, or maybe to a company master pom somewhere:
It would be great if maybe some people could give the solution a try. Getting feedback about whether you think the solution fits your needs would be even better. So please don't hesitate to add a new issue on any of the github projects if you have any suggestions, feature requests, problems, whatsoever.
All of the source code is open source, free to use even for commercial products (MIT licence).
It's very easy and no configuration is needed if you use Spring with Maven.
According to the “Automatic Property Expansion Using Maven” official documentation you can automatically expand properties from the Maven project by using resource filtering. If you use the spring-boot-starter-parent, you can then refer to your Maven ‘project properties’ with #..# placeholders, as shown in the following example:
And you can retrieve it with #Value annotation in any class:
private String RELEASE;
I hope this helps!
With reference to ketankk's answer:
Unfortunately, adding this messed with how my application dealt with resources:
But using this inside maven-assemble-plugin's < manifest > tag did the trick:
So I was able to get version using
String version = getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion();
Preface: Because I remember this often referred-to question after having answered it a few years ago, showing a dynamic version actually accessing Maven POM infos dynamically (e.g. also during tests), today I found a similar question which involved accessing module A's Maven info from another module B.
I thought about it for a moment and spontaneously had the idea to use a special annotation, applying it to a package declaration in I also created a multi-module example project on GitHub. I do not want to repeat the whole answer, so please see solution B in this answer. The Maven setup involves Templating Maven Plugin, but could also be solved in a more verbose way using a combination of resource filtering and adding generated sources directory to the build via Build Helper Maven. I wanted to avoid that, so I simply used Templating Maven.
Accepted answer worked for me once in the step #2 I changed ${project.version} to ${pom.version}