Limit for `onErrorContinue(...)` in Flux? - java

I have a (possibly infinite) Flux source that is supposed to first store each message (e.g. into a database) and then asynchronously forward the messages (e.g. using Spring WebClient).
The forward(s) in case of failure are supposed to log an error, without completing the source Flux.
I however realized that forward(s) wihtin the flow (flatMap(...)) block execution of the source Flux after exactly 256 messages that cause exceptions (e.g. reactor.retry.RetryExhaustedException).
Representative example that fails in the assert since only 256 messages are processed:
public void sourceBlockAfter256Exceptions() {
int numberOfRequests = 500;
Set<Integer> sink = new HashSet<>();
.fromStream(IntStream.range(0, numberOfRequests).boxed())
.flatMap(i -> Mono
// normally the forwards are contained here e.g. by means of Mono.when(...).thenReturn(...).retryWhen(...):
.error(new Exception("any"))
.onErrorContinue((throwable, o) -> log.error("Error", throwable))
Assertions.assertEquals(numberOfRequests, sink.size());
Doing the forward within the subscribe(...) doesn't block the source Flux but that's certainly no solution, since I don't possibly want to lose messages.
What has happened here? (probably related to some state stored in just one bit)
How can I do this correctly?
According to the discussion below I've constructed an example that uses FluxMessageChannel (which up to my understanding is made for infinite streams and definitly not expected to block after 256 Errors) and has exactly the same behaviour:
public void maxConnectionWithChannelTest() {
int numberOfRequests = 500;
Set<Integer> sink = new HashSet<>();
FluxMessageChannel fluxMessageChannel = MessageChannels.flux().get();
.range(0, numberOfRequests).boxed()
.map(i -> MessageBuilder.withPayload(i).build())
.flatMap(i -> Mono.error(new Exception("whatever")))
Assert.assertEquals(numberOfRequests, sink.size());
I just raised an issue in the reactor core project:


Call a WebService and a REST API using JDK8 Streams and CompletableFuture

I have a SOAP call that I need to make and then process the results from the SOAP call in a REST call. Each set of calls is based on a batch of records. I am getting completely lost in trying to get this to run using JDK8 streams as asynchronous as possible. How can I accomplish this?
SOAP Call:
CompletableFuture<Stream<Product>> getProducts(final Set<String> criteria)
return supplyAsync(() -> {
return service.findProducts(request);
REST Call:
final CompletableFuture<Stream<Result>> validateProducts(final Stream<Product> products)
return supplyAsync(() -> service
.submitProducts(products, false)
I am trying to invoke the SOAP call, pass the result into the REST call, and collect the results using a JDK8 stream. Each SOAP->REST call is a "set" of records (or batch) similar to paging. (this is totally not working right now but just an example).
public void should_execute_validations()
final Set<String> samples = generateSamples();
//Prepare paging...
final int total = samples.size();
final int pages = getPages(total);
log.debug("Items: {} / Pages: {}", total, pages);
final Stopwatch stopwatch = createStarted();
final Set<Result> results = range(0, pages)
.mapToObj(index -> {
final Set<String> subset = subset(index, samples);
return getProducts(subset)
log.debug("Executed {} calls in {}", pages, stopwatch.stop());
assertThat(results, notNullValue());
I think there are two usage that are incorrect in your example: thenApply and join.
To chain the 1st call (SOAP) and the 2nd call (REST), you need to use thenCompose instead of thenApply. This is because method "validateProducts" returns completable futures, using "thenApply" will create CompletableFuture<CompletableFuture<Stream<Result>>> in your stream mapping. But what you need is probably CompletableFuture<Stream<Result>>. Using thenCompose can resolve this problem, because it is analogous to "Optional.flatMap" or "Stream.flatMap":
.mapToObj(index -> {
final Set<String> subset = subset(index, samples);
return getProducts(subset)
The 2nd incorrect usage is join. Using join blocks the current thread waiting for the result of that CompletableFuture. In your cases, there are N completable futures, where N is the number of pages. Instead of waiting them one by one, the better solution is to wait all the them use CompletableFuture.allOf(...). This method returns a new CompletableFuture that is completed when all of the given CompletableFutures complete. So I suggest that you modify your stream usage and return a list of futures. Then, wait the completion. And finally, retrieve the results:
List<CompletableFuture<Stream<Result>>> futures = range(0, pages)
.mapToObj(index -> {
final Set<String> subset = subset(index, samples);
return getProducts(subset).thenCompose(this::validateProducts);
CompletableFuture.allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0])).join();
for (CompletableFuture<Stream<Result>> cf : futures) {
// TODO Handle the results and exceptions here
You can see the complete program on GitHub.

Reactor - how to retry on hot flux without dropping elements?

I have an infinite hot flux of data. I am about to engage in carrying out an operation on each element in the stream, each of which returns a Mono which will complete (one way or another) after some finite time.
There is the possibility of an error being thrown from these operations. If so, I want to resubscribe to the hot flux without missing anything, retrying elements that were in the middle of being processed when the error was thrown (i.e. anything that did not complete successfully).
What do I do here? I can tolerate repeated operations on the same elements, but not losing elements entirely from the stream.
I've attempted to use a ReplayProcessor to handle this, but I can't see a way of making it work without repeating a lot of operations that might well have succeeded (using a very conservative timeout), or losing elements due to new elements overriding old ones in the buffer (as below).
Test case:
public void fluxTest() {
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
ConnectableFlux<String> flux = Flux.fromIterable(strings).publish();
//Goes boom after three uses of its method, otherwise
//returns a mono. completing after a little time
DangerousClass dangerousClass = new DangerousClass(3);
ReplayProcessor<String> replay = ReplayProcessor.create(3);
.doOnNext(s ->"Completed {}", s))
public class DangerousClass {
Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DangerousClass.class);
private int boomCount;
private AtomicInteger count;
public DangerousClass(int boomCount) {
this.boomCount = boomCount;
this.count = new AtomicInteger(0);
public Mono<String> doThis(String s) {
return Mono.fromSupplier(() -> {"doing dangerous {}", s);
if (count.getAndIncrement() == boomCount) {
LOG.error("Throwing exception from {}", s);
throw new RuntimeException("Boom!");
return s;
This prints:
doing dangerous one
doing dangerous two
doing dangerous three
doing dangerous four
Throwing exception from four
doing dangerous two
doing dangerous three
doing dangerous four
Completed four
Completed two
Completed three
One is never completed.
The error (at least in the above example) can only occur in the flatMap(dangerousClass::doThis) call - so resubscribing to the root Flux and replaying elements when this one flatMap() call has failed seems a bit odd, and (probably) isn't what you want to do.
Instead, I'd recommend ditching the ReplayProcessor and just calling retry on the inner flatMap() call instead, so you end up with something like:
ConnectableFlux<String> flux = Flux.range(1, 10).map(n -> "Entry " + n).publish();
DangerousClass dangerousClass = new DangerousClass(3);
flux.flatMap(x -> dangerousClass.doThis(x).retry(1))
.doOnNext(s -> System.out.println("Completed " + s))
This will give you something like the following, with all entries completed and no retries:
doing dangerous Entry 1
doing dangerous Entry 2
doing dangerous Entry 3
doing dangerous Entry 4
Throwing exception from Entry 4
doing dangerous Entry 4
Completed Entry 2
Completed Entry 1
Completed Entry 3
Completed Entry 4

Project Reactor: Multiple Publishers making HTTP calls and one Subscriber to handle all results

The problem with the following code is that the subscriber sees only items of the first flux (i.e. only printing 1). Interestingly, if I add delayElements, it works fine.
This is a toy example, but my intention is to replace it with Flux's that make HTTP GET requests and emit their results (also, could be more than two).
So reformulating my question, I have a many-to-one relation that needs to be implemented. How to implement it, considering my case? Would you use some kind of Processor?
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Flux<Integer> flux1 = Flux.generate(emitter -> {;
Flux<Integer> flux2 = Flux.generate(emitter -> {;
Flux<Integer> merged = flux1.mergeWith(flux2);
merged.subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));
Trying to achieve the same idea with a TopicProcessor but it suffers from the same issue:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Flux<Integer> flux1 = Flux.generate(emitter -> {;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
Flux<Integer> flux2 = Flux.generate(emitter -> {;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
TopicProcessor<Integer> processor = TopicProcessor.create();
processor.subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));
From the docs:
Note that merge is tailored to work with asynchronous sources or finite sources. When dealing with an infinite source that doesn't already publish on a dedicated Scheduler, you must isolate that source in its own Scheduler, as merge would otherwise attempt to drain it before subscribing to another source.
You're creating an infinite source here without a dedicated scheduler, so it's attempting to drain that source fully before merging - and that's why you have your issue.
This may not be an issue in your real-world use case, since the result of the GET request, presumably, won't be infinite. However, if you want to make sure the results are interleaved regardless, you just need to make sure you set up each flux with its own scheduler (by calling subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic()); on each Flux.)
So your example then becomes:
Flux<Integer> flux1 = Flux.<Integer>generate(emitter ->
Flux<Integer> flux2 = Flux.<Integer>generate(emitter ->
Flux<Integer> merged = flux1.mergeWith(flux2);
merged.subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));

RxJava Combining Multiple Observer after filter

Following is my Current Code
private final List<Disposable> subscriptions = new ArrayList<>();
for (Instrument instrument : instruments) {
// Waiting for OrderBook to generate Reliable results.
GenericBook Book =
.filter(gob -> onBookUpdate(gob))
gob -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error on subscription:", e);
e -> logger.error("Error on subscription:", e)));
So what it does is for each instrument it first Block wait till the output of onBookUpdate(gob) Becomes true. onBookUpdate(gob) returns boolean.
Once we have first onBookUpdate as true then i Will push that subscriber into subscriptions variable.
This slow down as I have to wait foreach instrument and then move on the next instrument.
My Goal is to run all these in parallel then wait all to finish and push them to subscriptions variable.
I tried zip but didn't work
List<Observable<GenericOrderBook>> obsList = null;
for (Instrument instrument : instruments) {
// This throws nullException.
.filter(gob -> onBookUpdate(gob))
// Some how wait over here until all get first onBookUpdate as true.
String o =, (i) -> i[0]).blockingLast();
When using observables etc, one should embrace them wholeheartedly. One of the premises for embracing is to separate the configuration and construction of your pipeline from its execution.
In other words, configure your pipeline upfront and then, when the data is available, send the data through it.
Furthermore, embracing observables implies avoiding for-loops.
I'm not 100% what your use case is but what I'd suggest is to create a pipeline that takes an instrument as input and returns a subscription...
So something like
.flatMap(gob -> {
return gob;
That will return an Observable that you can subscribe to and add the result to the subscriptions.
Then create a seed observable that pumps the instrument objects into it.
Not sure of some of the details of your API, so come back to me if this is not clear or I've made a wrong assumption.
I am assuming instruments to be a List. If yes, then you can do something like this,
// Returns item from instrument list one by one and passes it to getBook()
instrument -> getBook(instrument.getData())
gob -> onBookUpdate(gob)
// onComplete will be called if no items from filter
onBookUpdateResponse -> // Do what you want,
error -> new Throwable(error)
Hope this helps.

Limiting rate of requests with Reactor

I'm using project reactor to load data from a web service using rest. This is done in parallel with multiple threads. I'm starting to hit rate limits on the web service, so I would like to send at most 10 requests per second to avoid getting these errors. How would I do that using reactor?
Using zipWith(Mono.delayMillis(100))? Or is there some better way?
Thank you
You can use delayElements instead of the whole zipwith.
One could use Flux.delayElements to process a 10 requests batch at every 1s; be aware though that if the processing takes longer than 1s the next batch will still be started in parallel hence being processed together with the previous one (and potentially many other previous ones)!
That's why I propose another solution where a 10 requests batch is still processed at every 1s but, if its processing takes longer than 1s, the next batch will fail (see overflow IllegalStateException); one could deal with that failure such that to continue the overall processing but I won't show that here because I want to keep the example simple; see onErrorResume useful to handle overflow IllegalStateException.
The code below will do a GET on at a rate of 10 requests per second. You'll have to do additional changes in order to support the situation where your server is not able to process in 1s all your 10 requests; you could just skip sending requests when those asked at previous second are still processed by your server.
void parallelHttpRequests() {
// this is just for limiting the test running period otherwise you don't need it
int COUNT = 2;
// use whatever (blocking) http client you desire;
// when using e.g. WebClient (Spring, non blocking client)
// the example will slightly change for no longer use
// subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic())
RestTemplate client = new RestTemplate();
// exit, lock, condition are provided to allow one to run
// all this code in a #Test, otherwise they won't be needed
var exit = new AtomicBoolean(false);
var lock = new ReentrantLock();
var condition = lock.newCondition();
MessageFormat message = new MessageFormat("#batch: {0}, #req: {1}, resultLength: {2}");
.take(COUNT) // this is just for limiting the test running period otherwise you don't need it
.doOnNext(batch -> debug("#batch", batch)) // just for debugging
.flatMap(batch -> Flux.range(1, 10) // 10 requests per 1 second
.flatMap(i -> Mono.fromSupplier(() ->
client.getForEntity("", String.class).getBody()) // your request goes here (1 of 10)
.map(s -> message.format(new Object[]{batch, i, s.length()})) // here the request's result will be the output of message.format(...)
.doOnSubscribe(s -> debug("doOnSubscribe: #batch = " + batch + ", i = " + i)) // just for debugging
.subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic()) // one I/O thread per request
// consider using onErrorResume to handle overflow IllegalStateException
s -> debug("received", s) // do something with the above request's result
e -> {
// pay special attention to overflow IllegalStateException
debug("error", e.getMessage());
signalAll(exit, condition, lock);
() -> {
signalAll(exit, condition, lock);
await(exit, condition, lock);
// you won't need the "await" and "signalAll" methods below which
// I created only to be easier for one to run this in a test class
private void await(AtomicBoolean exit, Condition condition, Lock lock) {
while (!exit.get()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// maybe spurious wakeup
private void signalAll(AtomicBoolean exit, Condition condition, Lock lock) {
try {
} finally {

