Java httpClient streaming request - java

I'm trying to reproduce some behavior provide by my front end app by using a java http client.
I'm trying to send (stream) binary data from httpClient to server over PUT request. So content type is application/octet-stream. I've to send an unknown amount of data that is incoming.
Firstly, I used Apache HttpClient because it can handle digest authentication easily (that's is a requirement). For it, I use ContentProducer that enable writing directly to the OutputStream.
Below is an example:
HttpPut sendDataReq= new HttpPut(
ContentProducer myContentProducer = new ContentProducer() {
public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException
out.write("ContentProducer rocks!".getBytes());
out.write(("Time requested: " + new Date()).getBytes());
HttpEntity myEntity = new EntityTemplate(myContentProducer);
sendDataReq.setEntity(myEntity );
HttpResponse response= httpClient.execute(sendDataReq);
I expect from this piece of code to stream request (AND NOT RESPONSE) from client to server.
By using Wireshark, I'm able to see my PUT request but it is send over TCP protocol and then nothing. When I try to listen using my front end web app, I can see that the PUT request is sent over HTTP protocol with 0 content length, data is then sent bytes by bytes (packet of some amount of bytes) over HTTP protocol with a log info: CONTINUATION.
Also, I tried with httpUrlConnection but there is no digestAuthentication implementation. So, I give up to use it.
Any hints of what is bad in my ContentProducer and how to accomplish it? Using other java HTTP clients? I can provide Wireshark log of what is expected and what I have.


Java HTTP Request Size

I created object of HTTPRequestBase from package org.apache.http.client.methods
after that I send the object vie CloseableHttpClient
protected CloseableHttpClient httpClient;
HttpRequestBase httpRequest = this.createHttpRequest(request);
this.httpClient.execute(httpRequest, new BasicResponseHandler());
I want to check httpRequest size before I send it. I need it to be limited to a specific number of MB.
How can I check its size?
it's not easy. The header and the body of the request are part of the HTTP application protocol.if your server use ssl,the certificate is sent as part of the SSL / TLS configuration ... before HTTP starts. Even the simple measurement of the amount of data in an HTTP request is tricky. A typical HTTP stack does not assemble the entire request message in one place and does not retain the cumulative total of the data sent. Depending on the HTTP stack you use, you can (in theory) use a custom socket factory and socket flows that count bytes sent.

Example of a Protocol Buffer being sent in http by java

You set content-type to application/x-protobuf, then you serialize the protocol buffer, and then put the binary data into an http body. Send it to server/client!
What is a standard way to program such a task in java?
You can also use Jetty HTTP client, it's as easy as
ContentResponse response = httpClient.newRequest("")
.content(new InputStreamContentProvider(new FileInputStream("serialized_protocol.bin")), "application/x-protobuf")

How to selectively GZIP encode POST and PUT requests

I'm using Jersey on both the server and client of a web application. On the server I have Interceptors as noted in to handle GZIP compression going out and coming in. From the server side, it's easy enough to select which resource methods are compressed using the #Compress annotation. However, if I also want to selectively compress entities from the Client to the Server, what's the best way to do that?
I had started adding a Content-Encoding: x-gzip header to the request, but my client side Interceptor does not see that header (presumably because it's not an official client side header).
Before you point to section 10.6 of the Jersey documentation, note that this works for the Server side. Although I could do something similar on the Client, I don't want to restrict it by URL. I'd rather control the compression flag as close to the request as possible (i.e. Header?).
Here's what I have so far, but it does not work since my header is removed:
class GzipWriterClientInterceptor implements WriterInterceptor {
private static final Set<String> supportedEncodings = new GZipEncoder().getSupportedEncodings(); //support gzip and x-gzip
public void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext context)
throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
if (supportedEncodings.contains(context.getHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaderConstants.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER))) {
System.out.println("ZIPPING DATA");
final OutputStream outputStream = context.getOutputStream();
context.setOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(outputStream));
} else {
context.headers.remove(HttpHeaderConstants.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER) //remove it since we won't actually be compressing the data
Sample Request:
Response response = getBaseTarget().path(getBasePath()).path(graphic.uuid.toString())
.header(HttpHeaderConstants.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER, MediaTypeConstants.ENCODING_GZIP)
.put( Entity.entity(graphic, DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE))
I also have a logging filter as well that shows all the request headers. I've simplified the above, but all other headers I add are logged.

Setting content length of an HTTP POST request

I am trying to make a Http POST request using apache HTTP client. I am trying to copy contents of an HTTP POST request (received at my application) to another HTTP POST request (initiated from my application to another URL). Code is shown below:
httpPost = new HttpPost(inputURL);
// copy headers
for (Enumeration<String> e = request.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String headerName = e.nextElement().toString();
httpPost.setHeader(headerName, request.getHeader(headerName));
BufferedInputStream clientToProxyBuf = new BufferedInputStream(request.getInputStream());
BasicHttpEntity basicHttpEntity = new BasicHttpEntity();
HttpResponse responseFromWeb = httpclient.execute(httpPost);
Basically, I am trying to implement a proxy application which will get a url as parameter, froward the request to the URL and then serve pages etc in custom look and feel.
Here request is HttpServletRequest. I am facing problem in setting content length. Through debugging I found out that clientToProxyBuf.available() is not giving me correct length of input stream and I am getting Http error 400 IE and Error 354 (net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH): The server unexpectedly closed the connection in chrome.
Am I doing it wrong? Is there any other way to achieve it?
The available() function doesn't provide the actual length of the content of the stream, rather
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking. (From javadoc)
I would suggest you to first read the whole content from the stream, and then set that to the content, rather than passing the stream object. That way, you will also have the actual length of the content.
It was rather simple and very obvious. I just needed to get content length from header as:

Sending an error response with

I'm an experienced Java programmer but a newbie web developer. I'm trying to put together a simple web service using the HttpServer class that ships with JDK 1.6. From the examples I've viewed, some typical code from an HttpHandler's handle method would look something like this:
Headers responseHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders();
responseHeaders.set("Content-Type", "text/plain");
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, 0);
OutputStream responseBody = exchange.getResponseBody();
My question: What happens if I send a response header to indicate success (i.e. response code 200) and perhaps begin to stream back data and then encounter an exception, which would necessitate sending an "internal server error" response code along with some error content? In other words, what action should I take given that I've already sent a partial "success" response back to the client at the point where I encounter the exception?
200 is not sent until you either flush the stream or close it.
But once it is sent, there is nothing you can do about it.
Usually it may happen only when you have a really large amount of data and you use chunking.

