what should we use SOAP and when should use REST? - java

When should we use SOAP and when should we use REST?
Can someone give a justifiable answer to this.
This was asked during an interview. I said it's up to contract with other parties. I don't know whether this is right or wrong. Can someone help with this.
SOAP I mean structure like below.
<?xml version='1.0' Encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
<m:reservation xmlns:m="http://travelcompany.example.org/reservation"
<n:passenger xmlns:n="http://mycompany.example.com/employees"
<n:name>Fred Bloggs</n:name>
<p:itinerary xmlns:p="http://travelcompany.example.org/reservation/travel">
<p:departing>New York</p:departing>
<p:arriving>Los Angeles</p:arriving>
<p:departureTime>late afternoon</p:departureTime>
<p:departing>Los Angeles</p:departing>
<p:arriving>New York</p:arriving>

In very few words, using REST you can describe the same operations you may expect from a database find, insert, update, delete. In REST such operation are paired with the HTTP command: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE. That's also why REST is referred as "state transfer" in the sense that you move objects in/out like in a database, in other words changing the state of your "model".
On the other hand SOAP reflect more a Remote Call Procedure (RPC) where, the message is heavily structured by XML, this means that in SOAP you do not simple transfer data but submit commands. In SOAP you can define, like in a programming language, methods and parameters. Regarding this last point to allow a client to use the "methods" (really are well structured XML messages, with name and parameters) defined by a SOAP service, the same service has to publish an XML document describing what messages and their format it can accept: if the method does not exists, it throws an error like "Service not supported".


pact-jvm testing multi tier authorization

I want to test my authorization-service via pact-jvm.
In my request I'm sending a html-body via post, including some metadata to verify the user - including his username and which is also sent in the header where I use Http Basic Auth. I add the header in my testclass with #TargetRequestFilter in my JUnit-Test after reading username+password from a configuration file.
This is because the application runs on different tiers. Every tier has another username+password combination. And the pact should work for every tier. Also when the user changes I only want to make little changes in my configuration file. It holds username, password, hostname, port and the protocol.
The problem is: I need to manipulate the html-body of the request depending on the content of my configuration file to match with the headers I set in my testclass without creating a new pact file every time.
So my question is: Is there a way to manipulate selective parts of the html-body I expect (via pact) from within the JUnit class?
Maybe there's another way to solve my problem I don't see yet.
Thanks in advance!
For clarity purpose an example of a Request:
<soap:envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<inputmetadata> <version>V_1_0_0</version> <metadataentry>
<key>US</key> <value>some_username</value> </metadataentry> <metadataentry>
<key>MA</key> <value>some_user_id</value> </metadataentry> </inputmetadata>
<request> <attrs> <type>String</type> <values>
<value>some_user_id</value> </values> <xacml>urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id</xacml>
</attrs> <attrs> <type>String</type> <values> <value>00</value>
</values> <xacml>http://thisisaservice.com/resource/dataRES</xacml>
</attrs> <attrs> <type>String</type> <values> <value>abc</value>
</values> <xacml>http://thisisaservice.com/subject/authprofilename</xacml>
</attrs> <attrs> <type>String</type> <values> <value>importData</value>
</values> <xacml>http://thisisaservice.com/resource/CompanyfunctionRES</xacml> </attrs>
I cannot change the provider or the consumer. I'm just here to make the verification work.
Edit: Maybe I forgot to say... I want to have the response bodies matching (actual and expected), what is no problem. But I need to modify the html-body of the request depending on my config-file.
The problem here is that you're trying to do validation of XML, which Pact does not currently support out of the box as we do all our validation using JSON. What you can do is simply use a string validator or a regex validator, however, if anything in your string changes (like white space), your tests might not validate.
At this point, you're kind of on your own for creating a way to template the output into a string to validate your interactions. We have looked at supporting XML, but there's simply very little interest.

Sabre Java SOAP api integration

I'm new to web-service integration as well as SOAP services. And, I was trying to integrate Sabre SOAP web services using java. On the SabreDevStudio website they provided the sample SOAP request which is format given below.
<OTA_AirAvailRQ Version="2.2.0"
<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="12-21">
<DestinationLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>
<OriginLocation LocationCode="HNL"/>
My Questions are
1, is is this all that is part of the request format?(I mean, did they hide the rest of the XML format purposefully because it was obvious?)
2, If it is so, what should it be..?
3,Somebody please explain the significance of all the three "xmlns" in the code? Which one is the request url and which one is the namespace...?
Thanks in advance.
PS:- It'll be a great help if you can create the equivalent java code for the above request. Please.
See, if you're using SOAP based service, this will be appended by it's header part as well. This node can be kept in body part but the header will have to be implemented with having binarytoken freshly created within 30 minutes (Default time to expire a token).
This explains your question 1 & 2, and for third question the answer is:-
if you'll go through the XSD's, you'll find the use of various xmlns. Better to use marshalling and unmarshalling to consume the services.
If this doesn't give a clear picture, I'll try to give you a sample of already created request.
I hope you're aware of the fact that the first service would be SessionCreateRQ.

Get SOAP XML or header in Axis web service (IBM WebSphere 7)

I have in my hands, an Axis web service that supposedly receives SOAP requests and gives SOAP responses. This was done by some other people and I don't have any prior experience with Apache Axis.
When a test program sends a sample SOAP request to the web service, at first org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost received the request as an HTTP POST request. It then goes through some processing in Axis2 API which finally calls our own code through reflection.
At this entry point of our code, we can only get what is defined with the axis namespace in the SOAP XML request. What I need is to get the request header or the entire SOAP XML request, through Java.
A skeleton sample structure is:
<Envelope xmlns:axis="soap-service-url">
At the entry point of our code, we are only getting sometext and othertext as Strings. My goal is to get the header, that is some-header-content, but I'll be happy if I can just get the entire SOAP XML.
I had been trying to find a solution for quite some time (searched a lot, looked up similar questions in SO), but the more I read up the more I get confused. I have tried:
Invoke org.apache.axis.client.Call object created from org.apache.axis.client.Service.createCall() - this always results in a NullPointerException no matter what configuration I try for setTargetEndpointAddress, setOperationName, setSOAPActionURI etc.
MessageContext.getCurrentContext() - returns null
Thought about adding a Handler but I'm not sure how to do it, or even how the Handler will pass the header content to where I actually need it (aren't handlers asynchronous?)
It is possible my understanding of how Axis functions is wrong and I need to approach this problem differently.

How to parse a custom XML-style error code response from a website

I'm developing a program that queries and prints out open data from the local transit authority, which is returned in the form of an XML response.
Normally, when there are buses scheduled to run in the next few hours (and in other typical situations), the XML response generated by the page is handled correctly by the java.net.URLConnection.getInputStream() function, and I am able to print the individual results afterwards.
The problem is when the buses are NOT running, or when some other problem with my queries develops after it is sent to the transit authority's web server. When the authority developed their service, they came up with their own unique error response codes, which are also sent as XMLs. For example, one of these error messages might look like this:
<Error xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Message>Sorry, no stop estimates found for given values.</Message>
(This code and similar is all that I receive from the transit authority in such situations.)
However, it appears that URLConnection.getInputStream() and some of its siblings are unable to interpret this custom code as a "valid" response that I can handle and print out as an error message. Instead, they give me a more generic HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found error. This problem cascades into my program which then prints out a java.io.FileNotFoundException error pointing to the offending input stream.
My question is therefore two-fold:
1. Is there a way to retrieve, parse, and print a custom XML-formatted error code sent by a web service using the plugins that are available in Java?
2. If the above is not possible, what other tools should I use or develop to handle such custom codes as described?
URLConnection isn't up to the job of REST, in my opinion, and if you're using getInputStream, I'm almost certain you're not handling character encoding correctly.
Check out Spring's RestTemplate - it's really easy to use (just as easy as URLConnection), powerful and flexible. You will need to change the ResponseErrorHandler, because the default one will throw an exception on 404, but it looks like you want it to carry on and parse the XML in the response.

MTOM Request / Non-MTOM Response

We have a pretty simple WS, implemented using annotations. We would like to be able to call this from clients both supporting MTOM/XOP and not.
Right now, it is annotated simply #MTOM.
It takes a request containing (amongst others) a base64Binary element, and serves a response containing a single boolean element.
Calling it is no problem, either with our without MTOM - it works. Only, the response, even though it doesn't contain any MTOM:able elements has headers declaring it a MTOM message, which chokes the non-MTOM client.
<tran:headers xsi:type="http:HttpResponseHeaders" xmlns:http="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/http" xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<tran:user-header name="X-Powered-By" value="Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1"/>
<http:Date>Tue, 11 May 2010 07:27:51 GMT</http:Date>
Does anyone know how to get the service to always respond with a non-MTOM response while still accepting both MTOM and non-MTOM requests?
The service runs on a WebLogic 10.3 server...
Kind regards,
Actually what I found odd was if I don't put an #MTOM the resulting message never returns a mutli-part message. However, the web service still accepts the MTOM data in WebSphere.

