How do i import javafx in eclipse? [duplicate] - java

This question already has answers here:
How to add JavaFX runtime to Eclipse in Java 11?
(6 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
How do I import javafx in eclipse? Why is it not added by default with jre or jdk? What is the recommended forms library in java?
I have installed e(fx)clipse 3.6.0 plugin but it did not help.
This is screenshot of my project libraries.

Since JDK 11, JavaFX has been decoupled from the JDK.
This means you must import it as you would any other library. This is different to previous versions in which it was included as part of the JDK.
You must:
Make sure the JavaFX jars are available on the classpath. (You can do this by downloading the jars manually and copying them in, or through a build system like maven or gradle)
Import the classes you need in your source file
Note that there are several jars you may want (e.g core, components, swing compatibility, fxml support, etc).


How to build real desktop executable application from JavaFX 11 project? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Bundle JavaFX app with openjdk 11 + runtime
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have written a new JavaFX 11 project. This project is modular and uses JavaFX 11 & JDK 11 too. It doesn't include any build tools such as Maven or Gradle or something else. Now the project has been completed and I'm trying to package it as an executable application for Windows platform (.exe file with dependencies). Anybody could help me with the solution or documentation references??
The first question is why do you start a new project based on the outdated Java 11 and even worse JavaFX 11? The current version of Java is 13 (and 14/15 already availabe as EA releases) and the current JavaFX version is also 13 (and 14 as EA). If it absolutely has to be Java 11 you can still combine that with the latest JavaFX release. So, 11/13 or even 11/14 would be ok.
In order to answer your question: If you were willing to switch to Java 14 you could directly use the new jpackage tool which is included in this release to build an exe and because your project is modular it would be just calling a single command.

e(fx) clipse doesn't work on fresh macOS Mojave Java 11 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to add JavaFX runtime to Eclipse in Java 11?
(6 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I just installed the newest Eclipse and e(fx)clipse, but it didn't change anything - I have no idea why javafx imports are not resolved.
Sorry I can't provide more proves I tried to solve it, but I just think (and remember it was I like that before) installing it and restarting Eclipse should be sufficient.
The purpose of e(fx)clipse is not to resolve JavaFX imports. If using Java 11 or higher, you have to add the JavaFX dependency yourself because JavaFX has been removed in Java 11. See Java 11 release notes:
JavaFX is no longer included in the JDK. It is now available as a
separate download from
See: Getting Started with JavaFX 11
e(fx)clipse offers as a runtime e. g. a way to build JavaFX OSGi/Eclipse-based applications and provides tooling for JavaFX, e. g. to edit FXML files.

Is it possible to view source code of an API class? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Where can I find the Java JDK source code? [closed]
(11 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
E.g I'd like to see how Integer Class is coded. Is that available?
When you install JDK, there is an option to install the sources, which is selected by default.
After installing, when you open a project, IDEs will usually automatically index Java sources. If not, you can attach the sources to your project depending on your IDE.
Alternatively, you open <JDK_HOME>\ and see the Java sources.
Assuming you are using some IDE.To attach the Java source code with Eclipse(for example), When you install the JDK, you must have selected the option to install the Java source files too Or you can refer below think to attach.
See Also
Attach java source in Eclipse.

How to use correct version of JavaFX in Eclipse Plugin? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use JavaFX 2 SDK in Eclipse?
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
How to use JavaFX classes inside Eclipse Plugin?
Apparently I am unable to add jfxrt.jar somehow, because it depends on java version and I don't know under which java my plugin will run.
In the "duplicate" question How to use JavaFX 2 SDK in Eclipse? it is answered either to set classpath to jafrt.jar or to use e(fx)clipse
First option looks not portable, because path to java may vary.
And I had failed with second. I have installed e(fx)eclipse into my application but can't figure which plug-ins to include into runtime config.
The only option you have today with Java7 or Java8 is to make use of Equinox Adapter Hooks. e(fx)clipse provides those for free and they are already used by other Eclipse tools like the Spring IDE.
You can find a tutorial on how to integrate JavaFX into your Eclipse Plugins at
Please note that the tutorial is pointing to the nightly builds who only work with Luna & Java8 if you want to target Kepler / Java7 you need to use the released version of e(fx)clipse which is at
The easiest way would be to download the latest version of Java7 and use that to start eclipse (Java7 now has JavaFX packaged with it).
Otherwise I believe you would need to specify it either in your shortcut to eclipse (I'm assuming a Windows OS):
"C:\Program Files\...\eclipse.exe" -vm "C:\Program Files\...\javaw" -Xbootclasspath "C:\Program Files\...\jre\lib\jfxrt.jar"
Or you could create a _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable containing the same information about the classpath:
-Xbootclasspath "C:\Program Files\...\jre\lib\jfxrt.jar"
The JVM should pick that up.
Please note, this is highly OS specific and the file paths need to be adjusted for your system.
The JVM argument has been updated per the suggestion by #tomsontom

How to Use JavaFX in Eclipse Swing Project

I'm wanting to use a few JavaFX components in a Swing app (notably JFXPanel for its HTML 5 rendering support). My app is currently set up in Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) and I have the latest Java 7 JDK installed on my machine.
This tutorial from Oracle suggests that all you have to do is just refer to a JavaFX class and it'll work in a Swing app. So I type in JFXPanel panel = new JFXPanel(), but Eclipse does not recognize it as a valid Java class. It does recognize other Java 7 classes, like java.nio.
I can't figure out how to get Eclipse to recognize JavaFX classes. This question was previously answered about JavaFX in Eclipse. The first response said that you need to start by creating a new JavaFX project, which I can't do because I already have a fairly developed Swing app. The second is to use the e(fx)clipse plugin, but the tutorial also seems to require this. If there's something special I have to do in order to get a non-JavaFX project in Eclipse to use JavaFX classes, I can't figure out how to do it.
The problem with JavaFX is that it is not on the default classpath so eclipse won't find it (and your exported swing application won't either unless you use the oracle packaging utility!).
So you have 2 options:
a) you install e(fx)clipse and modify the projects Buildpath to include the JavaFX-SDK library.
b) you add the jfxrt.jar yourself to the projects Buildpath (you don't need anything else).
e(fx)clipse would give you extra support for FX development. The version that can be installed into Kepler can be found at

