OpenGL - difficulty with constructing shapes - java

I'm starting work on a simple shape-batching system for my 3D engine that will enable me to draw lines and rectangles, etc... with a lower draw call count. I think I've got the basic ideas figured out for the most part, but I'm having problems when I try to draw multiple objects (currently just lines with a thickness you can specify).
Here's a screenshot to show you what I mean:
I'm using indexed rendering with glDrawElements, and two VBOs to represent the vertex data - one for positions, and one for colours.
I construct a line for my shape-batcher by specifying start and end points, like so:
shapeRenderer.setCurrentColour(0, 1f, 0);
shapeRenderer.drawLine(2, 2, 5, 2);
shapeRenderer.setCurrentColour(0, 1f, 1f);
shapeRenderer.drawLine(2, 5, 5, 5);
The first line, represented in green in the screenshot, shows perfectly. If I draw only one line it's completely fine. If I were to draw only the second line it would show perfectly as well.
When I call drawLine the following code executes, which I use to compute directions and normals:
private Vector2f temp2fA = new Vector2f();
private Vector2f temp2fB = new Vector2f();
private Vector2f temp2fDir = new Vector2f();
private Vector2f temp2fNrm = new Vector2f();
private Vector2f temp2fTMP = new Vector2f();
private boolean flip = false;
public void drawLine(float xStart, float yStart, float xEnd, float yEnd){
temp2fA.set(xStart, yStart);
temp2fB.set(xEnd, yEnd);
v2fDirection(temp2fA, temp2fB, temp2fDir);
v2fNormal(temp2fDir, temp2fNrm);
float halfThickness = currentLineThickness / 2;
//System.out.println("new line called");
v2fScaleAndAdd(temp2fB, temp2fNrm, -halfThickness, temp2fTMP);
v2fScaleAndAdd(temp2fB, temp2fNrm, halfThickness, temp2fTMP);
v2fScaleAndAdd(temp2fA, temp2fNrm, halfThickness, temp2fTMP);
v2fScaleAndAdd(temp2fA, temp2fNrm, -halfThickness, temp2fTMP);
//System.out.println(indexCount + " before rendering.");
int index = indexCount;
pushIndices(index, index + 1, index + 3);
pushIndices(index + 1, index + 2, index + 3);
//System.out.println(indexCount + " after rendering.");
private void resetLineStates(){
pushIndices is the following function:
private void pushIndices(int i1, int i2, int i3){
indexCount += 3;
And pushVertex works like so:
private void pushVertex(float x, float y, float z){
shapeVertexData[vertexDataOffset] = x;
shapeColourData[vertexDataOffset] = currentShapeColour.x;
shapeVertexData[vertexDataOffset + 1] = y;
shapeColourData[vertexDataOffset + 1] = currentShapeColour.y;
shapeVertexData[vertexDataOffset + 2] = z;
shapeColourData[vertexDataOffset + 2] = currentShapeColour.z;
//System.out.println("\tpushed vertex: " + data.x + ", " + data.y + ", 0");
vertexDataOffset += 3;
I'm using the following fields to store vertex data and such - this is all sub-buffered to a VBO when I flush the batch. If the vertex data arrays have not had to grow in size, I will sub-buffer them to their respective VBO, likewise with the element buffer, otherwise if they have had to grow then I re-buffer the VBO to fit.
private float[] shapeVertexData;
private float[] shapeColourData;
private int vertexDataOffset;
private ArrayList<Integer> shapeIndices;
private int indexCount;
When I use my debugger in IDEA, the vertex data appears completely correct in the arrays I'm constructing, but when I explore it in RenderDoc, it's wrong. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong to get these results, and obviously the first two vertices appear completely fine even for the second rectangle, but the others are totally wrong.
I'm confident that my shaders are not the problem, as they're very simple, but here they are:
shape_render.vs (vertex shader):
#version 330
layout (location = 0) in vec3 aPosition;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 aColour;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
flat out vec3 shapeFill;
void main(){
shapeFill = aColour;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4(aPosition.x, aPosition.y, 0.0, 1.0);
shape_render.fs (fragment shader):
#version 330
layout (location = 0) out vec4 fragColour;
in vec3 shapeFill;
void main(){
fragColour = vec4(shapeFill, 1);
I think I've just about explained it to the best of my knowledge, any insight would be greatly appreciated. I've already checked and determined I'm enabling the necessary vertex arrays, etc... and rendering the correct amount of indices (12):
Thanks so much for having a look at this for me.

I figured it out after thinking about it for a while longer. It was to do with how I was specifying the indices. I was using the correct amount of indices however specifying them incorrectly.
For arguments sake to construct a triangle, the first one would have an index count of 0, and with four vertices, the indices would be 1,2,3 and 2,3,1 (for example). However for each new triangle I was starting the index count at the old count plus six, which makes sense for addressing an array, but because each rectangle only specified four vertices, I was pointing indices at data that didn’t exist.
So instead of using indexCount += 3 each time I pushed indices, I’ll get the current count of vertices instead and build my indices from that.


OpenGL VBO with single float per Vertex problem

I have been stuck all day yesterday with this problem and cant figure it out. The code is below but generally i am trying to give a mesh Vertex Attributes for 1.Postions 2.Indices 3.Normals and 4.a single float value.
The values are all stored in different VBOs and after binding each vbo i declare the vertexAttribPointer. I cant get both normals and float value working. What im seeing seems like the position of the float value is either the x y or z part of the normals vec3 in the previous vbo.
GL4 gl = GLContext.getCurrentGL().getGL4();
int[] vaoids = new int[1];
int[] vboids = new int[4];
FloatBuffer verticesBuffer = FloatBuffer.allocate(mesh.vertices.length);
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboids[0]);
gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.vertices.length * 4 ,verticesBuffer,gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, gl.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
verticesBuffer = null;
//normal buffer
FloatBuffer normalBuffer = FloatBuffer.allocate(mesh.normals.length);
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboids[2]);
gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.normals.length * 4 ,normalBuffer,gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(2, 3, gl.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
normalBuffer = null;
//color buffer
float[] colors = new float[mesh.vertices.length/3];
FloatBuffer colorBuffer = FloatBuffer.allocate(colors.length);
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboids[3]);
gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, colors.length * 4 ,colorBuffer,gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(3, 1, gl.GL_FLOAT,false, 0, 0);
colorBuffer = null;
IntBuffer indicesBuffer = IntBuffer.allocate(mesh.indices.length);
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboids[1]);
gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.indices.length * 4 ,indicesBuffer,gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(1, mesh.type.equals(MeshType.TRIANGLE) ? 3 : mesh.type.equals(MeshType.LINE) ? 2 : mesh.type.equals(MeshType.POINT) ? 1:0, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, false, 0, 0);
indicesBuffer = null;
This the code that declares the vao and vbos. I render with glDrawElements and enable the needed VertexAttributeArray Indices before that. In my Shader I access the value as following:
layout (location=0) in vec3 position;
layout (location=2) in vec3 normal;
layout (location=3) in float color;
out vec3 normals;
out vec4 positionWorldSpace;
out flat float vertexColor;
And the fragment shader
in flat float color;
I can get both of them working separate but if i declare both they float values are not correct anymore. The normals seems to be right however. As i said the values in the float seem the be values from the normals. Can there be some sort of overflow from the normal vbo to the float vbo? After hours of looking at the code i just cant spot the error.
The indices are not attributes. The [Index buffer](Index buffers) (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER) is stated in the VAO directly. See Vertex Specification.
When you use glDrawArrays then the order vertex coordinates of the vertex coordinates in the array defines the primitives. If you want to use a different order or you want to use vertices for different primitives, then you have to use glDrawElements. When you use glDrawElements, then the primitives are defined by the vertex indices in the GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer:
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboids[1]);
gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.indices.length * 4 ,indicesBuffer,gl.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
//gl.glVertexAttribPointer(1, mesh.type.equals(MeshType.TRIANGLE) ? 3 : mesh.type.equals(MeshType.LINE) ? 2 : mesh.type.equals(MeshType.POINT) ? 1:0, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, false, 0, 0);
indicesBuffer = null;
gl.glDrawElements(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, mesh.indices.length, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, null);

Java/Processing - scale image matrix with wrapping edges

I've been wondering how to efficiently implement the following image scale procedure in Java or Processing. When scaling out, the bounds of the image wrap around the screen edges.I'd like to apply the same at runtime to my Pixels() array in Processing. (to keep this Processing agnostic - Pixels() is nothing else than a method that returns all pixels on my current screen in an array).
(Note that this example was made in MaxMsp/Jitter using the jit.rota module, which appears to use a very efficient implementation).
zoomed out
Can anyone help me out on how to get started? I assume it must be a combination of downscaling the image and creating adjactent copies of it - but this doesn't sound very efficient to me. the above example works perfectly on videos with even the most extreme settings.
One option I can think that will be fast is using a basic fragment shader.
Luckily you've got an example pretty close to what you need that ships with Processing via File > Examples > Topics > Shaders > Infinite Tiles
I won't be able to efficiently provide a decent start to finish guide, but
there's an exhaustive PShader tutorial on the Processing website if you're starting the from scratch.
A really rough gist of what you need:
shaders are programs that run really fast and parallelised on the GPU, split into two: vertex shaders (deal with 3d geometry mainly), fragment shaders (deal with "fragments"(what's about to become pixels on screen) mainly). You'll want to play with a fragment shader
The language is called GLSL and is a bit different(fewer types, stricter, simpler syntax), but not totally alien(similar C type of declaring variables, functions, conditions, loops, etc.)
if you want to make a variable from a GLSL program accessible in Processing you prefix it with the keyword uniform
use textureWrap(REPEAT) to wrap edges
to scale the image and wrap it you'll need to scale the texture sampling coordinates:
Here's what the InfiniteTiles scroller shader looks like:
// Display endless moving background using a tile texture.
// Contributed by martiSteiger
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform sampler2D tileImage;
#define TILES_COUNT_X 4.0
void main() {
vec2 pos = gl_FragCoord.xy - vec2(4.0 * time);
vec2 p = (resolution - TILES_COUNT_X * pos) / resolution.x;
vec3 col = texture2D (tileImage, p).xyz;
gl_FragColor = vec4 (col, 1.0);
You can simplify this a bit as you don't need to scrolling. Additionally, instead of subtracting, and multiplying(- TILES_COUNT_X * pos), you can simply multiply:
// Display endless moving background using a tile texture.
// Contributed by martiSteiger
uniform float scale;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform sampler2D tileImage;
void main() {
vec2 pos = gl_FragCoord.xy * vec2(scale);
vec2 p = (resolution - pos) / resolution.x;
vec3 col = texture2D (tileImage, p).xyz;
gl_FragColor = vec4 (col, 1.0);
Notice I've repurposed the time variable to become scale, therefore the Processing code accessing this uniform variable must also change:
// Display endless moving background using a tile texture.
// Contributed by martiSteiger
PImage tileTexture;
PShader tileShader;
void setup() {
size(640, 480, P2D);
tileTexture = loadImage("penrose.jpg");
void loadTileShader() {
tileShader = loadShader("scroller.glsl");
tileShader.set("resolution", float(width), float(height));
tileShader.set("tileImage", tileTexture);
void draw() {
tileShader.set("scale", map(mouseX,0,width,-3.0,3.0));
rect(0, 0, width, height);
Move the mouse to change scale:
Update You can play with a very similar shader here:
I effectively did come up with a solution - but will implement George's method next as the speed difference using shaders seems to be worth it!
public void scalePixels(double wRatio,double hRatio, PGraphics viewPort) {
int[] PixelsArrayNew = viewPort.pixels.clone();
double x_ratio = wRatio ;
double y_ratio = hRatio ;
double px, py ;
for (int i=0;i<viewPort.height;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<viewPort.width;j++) {
px = Math.floor(j%(wRatio*viewPort.width)/x_ratio) ;
py = Math.floor(i%(hRatio*viewPort.height)/y_ratio) ;
viewPort.pixels[(int)(i*viewPort.width)+j] = PixelsArrayNew[(int)((py*viewPort.width)+px)] ;

java 3D rotations not working

I've had this old graphics project laying around (written in oberon) and since i wrote it as one of my first projects it looks kinda chaotic.
So I descided that, since i'm bored anyway, i would rewrite it in java.
Everything so far seems to work... Until i try to rotate and/or do my eye-point transformation.
If i ignore said operations the image comes out just fine but the moment i try to do any of the operations that require me to multiply a point with a transformation matrix it all goes bad.
the eye point transformation generates stupidly small numbers with end coördinates like [-0.002027571306540029, 0.05938634628270456, -123.30022583847628]
this causes the resulting image to look empty but if i multiply each point with 1000 it turns out it's just very, very small and, in stead of being rotated, has just been translated in some (seemingly) random direction.
if i then ignore the eye point and simply focus on my rotations the results are also pretty strange (note: the image auto scales depending on the range of coordinates):
setting xRotation to 90° only makes the image very narrow and way too high (resolution should be about 1000x1000 and is then 138x1000
setting yRotation to 90° makes it very wide (1000x138)
setting zRotation to 90° simply seems to translate the image all the way to the right side of the screen.
What i have checked so far:
i have checked and re-checked my rotation matrices at least 15 times now so they are (probably) correct
doing a test multiplication with a vector and the identity matrix does return the original vector
my matrices are initialized as identity matrices prior to being used as rotation matrices
the angles in the files are in degrees but are converted to radian when read.
Having said that i have 2 more notes:
a vector in this case is a simple 3 value array of doubles (representing the x, y and z values)
a matrix is a 4x4 array of doubles initialized as the identity matrix
When trying to rotate them i do it in the order:
scale (multiplying with a scale factor)
rotate along x-axis
rotate along y-axis
rotate along z-axis
do eye-point transformation
then, if the point isn't already on the z-plane, project it
like so:
protected void rotate() throws ParseException
Matrix rotate_x = Transformations.x_rotation(rotateX);
Matrix rotate_y = Transformations.y_rotation(rotateY);
Matrix rotate_z = Transformations.z_rotation(rotateZ);
Matrix translate = Transformations.translation(center.x(), center.y(), center.z());
for(Vector3D point : points)
point = Vector3D.mult(point, scale);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, rotate_x);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, rotate_y);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, rotate_z);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, translate);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, eye);
if(point.z() != 0)
here's the code that initializes the rotation matrices if you're interested:
public static Matrix eye_transformation(Vector3D eye)throws ParseException
double r = eye.length();
double teta = Math.atan2(eye.y(), eye.x());
double zr = eye.z()/r;
double fi = Math.acos(zr);
Matrix v = new Matrix();
v.set(0, 0, -Math.sin(teta));
v.set(0, 1, -Math.cos(teta) * Math.cos(fi));
v.set(0, 2, Math.cos(teta) * Math.sin(fi));
v.set(1, 0, Math.cos(teta));
v.set(1, 1, -Math.sin(teta) * Math.cos(fi));
v.set(1, 2, Math.sin(teta) * Math.sin(fi));
v.set(2, 1, Math.sin(fi));
v.set(2, 2, Math.cos(fi));
v.set(3, 2, -r);
return v;
public static Matrix z_rotation(double angle) throws ParseException
Matrix v = new Matrix();
v.set(0, 0, Math.cos(angle));
v.set(0, 1, Math.sin(angle));
v.set(1, 0, -Math.sin(angle));
v.set(1, 1, Math.cos(angle));
return v;
public static Matrix x_rotation(double angle) throws ParseException
Matrix v = new Matrix();;
v.set(1, 1, Math.cos(angle));
v.set(1, 2, Math.sin(angle));
v.set(2, 1, -Math.sin(angle));
v.set(2, 2, Math.cos(angle));
return v;
public static Matrix y_rotation(double angle) throws ParseException
Matrix v = new Matrix();
v.set(0, 0, Math.cos(angle));
v.set(0, 2, -Math.sin(angle));
v.set(2, 0, Math.sin(angle));
v.set(2, 2, Math.cos(angle));
return v;
public static Matrix translation(double a, double b, double c) throws ParseException
Matrix v = new Matrix();;
v.set(3, 0, a);
v.set(3, 1, b);
v.set(3, 2, c);
return v;
And the actual method that multiplies a point with a rotation matrix
note: NR_DIMS is defined as 3.
public static Vector3D mult(Vector3D lhs, Matrix rhs) throws ParseException
if(rhs.get(0, 3)!=0 || rhs.get(1, 3)!=0 || rhs.get(2, 3)!=0 || rhs.get(3, 3)!=1)
throw new ParseException("the matrix multiplificiation thingy just borked");
Vector3D ret = new Vector3D();
double[] vec = new double[NR_DIMS];
double[] temp = new double[NR_DIMS+1];
temp[0] = lhs.x;
temp[1] = lhs.y;
temp[2] = lhs.z;
temp[3] = lhs.infty? 0:1;
for (int i = 0; i < NR_DIMS; i++)
vec[i] = 0;
// Multiply the original vector with the i-th column of the matrix.
for (int j = 0; j <= NR_DIMS; j++)
vec[i] += temp[j] * rhs.get(j,i);
ret.x = vec[0];
ret.y = vec[1];
ret.z = vec[2];
ret.infty = lhs.infty;
return ret;
I've checked and re-checked this code with my old code (note: the old code works) and it's identical when it comes to the operations.
So I'm at a loss here, I did look around for similar questions but they didn't really provide any useful information.
Thanks :)
small addition:
if i ignore both the eye-point and the rotations (so i only project the image) it comes out perfectly fine.
I can see that the image is complete apart from the rotations.
Any more suggestions?
A few possible mistakes I can think of:
In the constructor of Matrix, you are not loading the identity matrix.
You are passing your angles in degrees instead of radians.
Your eye-projection matrix projects in another range you think? I mean, in OpenGL all projection matrixes should projection onto the rectangle [(-1,-1),(1,1)]. This rectangle represents the screen.
Mixing up premultiply and postmultiply. Id est: I usually do: matrix*vector, where in your code, you seem to be doing vector*matrix, if I'm not mistaken.
Mixing up columns and rows in your Matrix?
I'm going to take another look at your question tomorrow. Hopefully, one of these suggestions helps you.
EDIT: I overlooked you already checked the first two items.
alright, i'm currently feeling like a complete idiot. The issue was a simply logic error.
The error sits in this part of the code:
for(Vector3D point : points)
point = Vector3D.mult(point, scale);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, rotate_x);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, rotate_y);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, rotate_z);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, translate);
point = Vector3D.mult(point, eye);
if(point.z() != 0)
I forgot that, when you obtain an object from a list, it is a new instance of that object with the same data rather than a reference to it.
So what i have done is simply remove the old entry and replace it with the new one.
Problem solved.

How to find evenly distributed points on a line?

This is to find evenly-distributed points lying on a specific line (from a starting position, 2 points on the line, and an angle against the horizontal) and then past the second point, to draw something so it's moving at a fixed rate in a given direction.
I'm thinking about calculating a slope, which would give me vertical movement to horizontal movement. However, I don't even know how to assure they'd be the same speed in two different lines. For example, if there are two different pairs of points, how it would take the same amount of time for the drawing to travel the same distance on both.
Is what I'm describing the correct idea? Are there any methods in OpenGL that could help me?
You should use vectors. Start with a point and travel in the direction of a vector. For example:
typedef struct vec2 {
float x;
float y;
} vec2;
That defines a basic 2D vector type. (This will work in 3D, just add a z coord.)
To move a fixed distance in a given direction, simply take some starting point and add the direction vector scaled by a scalar amount. Like this:
typedef struct point2D {
float x;
float y;
} point2D; //Notice any similarities here?
point2D somePoint = { someX, someY };
vec2 someDirection = { someDirectionX, someDirectionY };
float someScale = 5.0;
point2D newPoint;
newPoint.x = somePoint.x + someScale * someDirection.x;
newPoint.y = somePoint.y + someScale * someDirection.y;
The newPoint will be 5 units in the direction of someDirection. Note that you'll probably want to normalize someDirection before using it in this manner, so it's length is 1.0:
void normalize (vec2* vec)
float mag = sqrt(vec->x * vec->x + vec->y * vec->y);
// TODO: Deal with mag being 0
vec->x /= mag;
vec->y /= mag;

Virtual trackball implementation

I've been trying for the past few days to make a working implementation of a virtual trackball for the user interface for a 3D graphing-like program. But I'm having trouble.
Looking at the numbers and many tests the problems seems to be the actual concatenation of my quaternions but I don't know or think so. I've never worked with quaternions or virtual trackballs before, this is all new to me. I'm using the Quaternion class supplied by JOGL. I tried making my own and it worked (or at least as far a I know) but it was a complete mess so I just went with JOGL's.
When I do not concatenate the quaternions the slight rotations I see seem to be what I want, but of course It's hard when it's only moving a little bit in any direction. This code is based off of the Trackball Tutorial on the OpenGL wiki.
When I use the Quaternion class's mult (Quaternion q) method the graph hardly moves (even less than not trying to concatenate the quaternions).
When I tried Quaternionclass'sadd (Quaternion q)` method for the fun of it I get something that at the very least rotates the graph but not in any coherent way. It spazzes out and rotates randomly as I move the mouse. Occasionally I'll get quaternions entirely filled with NaN.
In my code I will not show either of these, I'm lost with what to do with my quaternions. I know I want to multiply them because as far as I'm aware that's how they are concatenated. But like I said I've had no success, I'm assuming the screw up is somewhere else in my code.
Anyway, my setup has a Trackball class with a public Point3f projectMouse (int x, int y) method and a public void rotateFor (Point3f p1, Point3f p2), Where Point3f is a class I made. Another class called Camera has a public void transform (GLAutoDrawable g) method which will call OpenGL methods to rotate based on the trackball's quaternion.
Here's the code:
public Point3f projectMouse (int x, int y)
int off = Screen.WIDTH / 2; // Half the width of the GLCanvas
x = x - objx_ - off; // obj being the 2D center of the graph
y = off - objy_ - y;
float t = Util.sq(x) + Util.sq(y); // Util is a class I made with
float rsq = Util.sq(off); // simple some math stuff
// off is also the radius of the sphere
float z;
if (t >= rsq)
z = (rsq / 2.0F) / Util.sqrt(t);
z = Util.sqrt(rsq - t);
Point3f result = new Point3f (x, y, z);
return result;
Here's the rotation method:
public void rotateFor (Point3f p1, Point3f p2)
// Vector3f is a class I made, I already know it works
// all methods in Vector3f modify the object's numbers
// and return the new modify instance of itself
Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z).normalize();
Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z).normalize();
Vector3f n = v1.copy().cross(v2);
float theta = (float) Math.acos(;
float real = (float) Math.cos(theta / 2.0F);
n.multiply((float) Math.sin(theta / 2.0F));
Quaternion q = new Quaternion(real, n.x, n.y, n.z);
rotation = q; // A member that can be accessed by a getter
// Do magic on the quaternion
I'm getting closer, I found out a few simple mistakes.
1: The JOGL implementation treats W as the real number, not X, I was using X for real
2: I was not starting with the quaternion 1 + 0i + 0j + 0k
3: I was not converting the quaternion into an axis/angle for opengl
4: I was not converting the angle into degrees for opengl
Also as Markus pointed out I was not normalizing the normal, when I did I couldn't see much change, thought it's hard to tell, he's right though.
The problem now is when I do the whole thing the graph shakes with a fierceness like you would never believe. It (kinda) moves in the direction you want it to, but the seizures are too fierce to make anything out of it.
Here's my new code with a few name changes:
public void rotate (Vector3f v1, Vector3f v2)
Vector3f v1p = v1.copy().normalize();
Vector3f v2p = v2.copy().normalize();
Vector3f n = v1p.copy().cross(v2p);
if (n.length() == 0) return; // Sometimes v1p equals v2p
float w = (float) Math.acos(;
n.normalize().multiply((float) Math.sin(w / 2.0F));
w = (float) Math.cos(w / 2.0F);
Quaternion q = new Quaternion(n.x, n.y, n.z, w);
rot_ = q;
Here's the OpenGL code:
Vector3f p1 = tb_.project(x1, y1); // projectMouse [changed name]
Vector3f p2 = tb_.project(x2, y2);
tb_.rotate (p1, p2);
float[] q = tb_.getRotation().toAxis(); // Converts to angle/axis
gl.glRotatef((float)Math.toDegrees(q[0]), q[1], q[2], q[3]);
The reason for the name changes is because I deleted everything in the Trackball class and started over. Probably not the greatest idea, but oh well.
I can say with pretty good certainty that there is nothing wrong with projecting onto the sphere.
I can also say that as far as the whole thing goes it seems to be the VECTOR that is the problem. The angle looks just fine, but the vector seems to jump around.
The problem is the multiplication of the two quaternions, I can confirm that everything else works as expected. Something goes whacky with the axis during multiplication!
The problem is the multiplication of the two quaternions, I can confirm that everything else works as expected. Something goes whacky with the axis during multiplication!
You are absolutely correct!! I just recently submitted a correct multiplication and Jogamp has accepted my change. They had incorrect multiplication on mult(quaternion).
I am sure if you get the latest jogl release, it'll have the correct mult(Quaternion)
I did it!
Thanks to this C++ implementation I was able to develop a working trackball/arcball interface. My goodness me, I'm still not certain what the problem was, but I rewrote everything and even wrote my own Quaternions class and suddenly the whole thing works. I also made a Vectors class for vectors. I had a Vector3f class before but the Quaternions and Vectors classes are full of static methods and take in arrays. To make it easy to do vector computations on quaternions and vice versa. I will link the code for those two classes below, but only the Trackball class will be show here.
I made those two classes pretty quickly this morning so if there are any mathematical errors, well, uh, oops. I only used what I needed to use and made sure they were correct. These classes are below:
Here is my Trackball class:
public class Trackball
private static final float RADIUS_ = Screen.DFLT_WIDTH / 2.0F;
private static final int REFRESH_ = 50;
private static final float SQRT2_ = (float) Math.sqrt(2);
private static final float SQRT2_INVERSE_ = 1.0F / SQRT2_;
private int count_;
private int objx_, objy_;
private float[] v1_, v2_;
private float[] rot_;
public Trackball ()
v1_ = new float[4];
v2_ = new float[4];
rot_ = new float[] {0, 0, 0, 1};
public void click (int x, int y)
v1_ = project(x, y);
public void drag (int x, int y)
v2_ = project(x, y);
if (Arrays.equals(v1_, v2_)) return;
float[] n = Vectors.cross(v2_, v1_, null);
float[] o = Vectors.sub(v1_, v2_, null);
float dt = Vectors.len(o) / (2.0F * RADIUS_);
dt = dt > 1.0F ? 1.0F : dt < -1.0F ? -1.0F : dt;
float a = 2.0F * (float) Math.asin(dt);
Vectors.mul_r(n, (float) Math.sin(a / 2.0F));
if (count_++ == REFRESH_) { count_ = 0; Quaternions.norm_r(rot_); }
float[] q = Arrays.copyOf(n, 4);
q[3] = (float) Math.cos(a / 2.0F);
rot_ = Quaternions.mul(q, rot_, rot_);
public float[] getAxis ()
return Quaternions.axis(rot_, null);
public float[] project (float x, float y)
x = RADIUS_ - objx_ - x;
y = y - objy_ - RADIUS_;
float[] v = new float[] {x, y, 0, 0};
float len = Vectors.len(v);
float tr = RADIUS_ * SQRT2_INVERSE_;
if (len < tr)
v[2] = (float) Math.sqrt(RADIUS_ * RADIUS_ - len * len);
v[2] = tr * tr / len;
return v;
You can see there's a lot of similarities from the C++ example. Also I'd like to note there is no method for setting the objx_ and objy_ values yet. Those are for setting the center of the graph which can be moved around. Just saying, so you don't scratch your head about those fields.
The cross-product of two normalized vectors is not normalized itself. It's length is sin(theta). Try this instead:
n = n.normalize().multiply((float) Math.sin(theta / 2.0F));

