Getting a drawable using for loop index - java

I am designing UI and for that need to populate some dummy content for recyclerview. So I thought to create using for loop so it makes life easier if I want to change the number.
I have drawable resources (images) that suffix with numbers. for instance
avatar_1, avatar_2, avatar_3, ...
featured_1, featured_2, featured_3, ...
I have tried setting R.drwable.featured_ + i and as expected it didn't work and end up with an error.
This is what I am using
for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) {
int username = random.nextInt(userNames.length);
int catInt = random.nextInt(categories.length);
int time = random.nextInt(times.length);
mBlogs.add(new Blog(
R.drawable.featured_ + i, // this
R.drawable.avatar_ + i, // this
Question: How can I get resource within the loop by loop index?

Try as below.
//find drawable resource id
public int getDrawableId(Context context, String name)
try {
return getResources().getIdentifier(name, "drawable", context.getPackageName());
} catch (Exception e) {
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) {
int username = random.nextInt(userNames.length);
int catInt = random.nextInt(categories.length);
int time = random.nextInt(times.length);
int featuredRes = getDrawableId(context, "featured_" + i);
int avatarRes = getDrawableId(context, "avatar_" + i);
// if not found any resource
if (featuredRes == 0) featuredRes = R.drawable.featured_default
if (avatarRes == 0) avatarRes = R.drawable.avatar_default
mBlogs.add(new Blog(

You can use getIdentifier
for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) {
int featuredResId = getResources().getIdentifier("featured_" + i, "drawable", getPackageName())
int avatarResId = getResources().getIdentifier("avatar_" + i, "drawable", getPackageName())
mBlogs.add(new Blog(


Is there a way to dynamically create a counter if such "month" exists?

I would like to enquire or get some reference as to how can I dynamically create a counter for each month if the exists ? Currently, I am retrieving the dates from a CSV file and store it in an ArrayList, from there I am comparing the dates to check whether if such month exists. If the month exists then "counter++". Afterwards, store the counter in a hashmap. I understand my code currently is an inefficient way of coding. How could I make it better ?
public HashMap<String, Integer> getDataPoint() {
//My function code
HashMap<String, Integer> numberOfPost = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int janCounter = 0;
int febCounter = 0;
int marCounter = 0;
int aprCounter = 0;
int mayCounter = 0;
int juneCounter = 0;
int julyCounter = 0;
int augCounter = 0;
int septCounter = 0;
int octCounter = 0;
int novCounter = 0;
int decCounter = 0;
String pattern = "MMM";
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
OpenCsvReader reader = new OpenCsvReader();
ArrayList <STPost> STArray = reader.loadST("file_path");
Iterator STitr = STArray.iterator();
while (STitr.hasNext()) {
STPost St = (STPost);
Date retrievedate = St.getTime();
String strDate = sdf.format(retrievedate);
if(strDate.equals("Jan")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Feb")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Mar")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Apr")) {
else if (strDate.equals("May")) {
else if (strDate.equals("June")) {
else if (strDate.equals("July")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Aug")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Sept")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Oct")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Nov")) {
else if (strDate.equals("Dec")) {
numberOfPost.put("January", janCounter);
numberOfPost.put("Feburary", febCounter);
numberOfPost.put("March", marCounter);
numberOfPost.put("April", aprCounter);
numberOfPost.put("May", mayCounter);
numberOfPost.put("June", juneCounter);
numberOfPost.put("July", julyCounter);
numberOfPost.put("August", augCounter);
numberOfPost.put("September", septCounter);
numberOfPost.put("October", octCounter);
numberOfPost.put("November", novCounter);
numberOfPost.put("December", decCounter);
return numberOfPost
You can create an array of months and check if value exists there using indexOf method.
String months = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
Integer idx = months.indexOf(strDate);
Thereafter you can use SimpleDateFormat("MMMM") pattern to put and get it into your map.
if(idx > -1) {
String longDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(retrievedate);
Integer current = numberOfPost.get(longDate);
if (current == null) {
current = 1;
} else {
current += 1;
numberOfPost.put(longDate, current);
Thereafter, you can use map iterator to display content of map.
You already have a good start. Using a the hash map will make the code much tidier.
You can replace all those if statements and put statements with the code below:
if (!numberOfPosts.containsKey(strDate)) {
numberOfPosts.put(strDate, 0);
numberOfPosts.put(strDate, numberOfPosts.get(strDate) + 1);
The if statement will create a dictionary entry if there is not one with the key of strDate. The value of the entry is set to 0.
numberOfPosts.put(strDate, numberOfPosts.get(strDate) + 1)
The line above increments by 1 the dictionary entry with the key of strDate.

how to input new string if there have value except zero

i need help. can somebody tell me about concept and example code i need use? the case is, I want input game history using java into mysql (phpmyadmin).
I'm already create like this if S0: 1.0; and all value zero
connection = dbManager.getConnection();
String bs = "S0:"+s[0]+"; S1:"+s[1]+"; S2:"+s[2]+"; S3:"+s[3]+"; S4:"+s[4]+"; S5:"+s[5]+"; S6:"+s[6]+"; S7:"+s[7]+"; S8:"+s[8]+"; S9:"+s[9]+"; S10:"+s[10]+"; S11:"+s[11]+"; S12:"+s[12]+"; S13:"+s[13]+"; S14:"+s[14]+"; S15:"+s[15]+"; S16:"+s[16]+"; S17:"+s[17]+"; S18:"+s[18]+"; S19:"+s[19]+"; S20:"+s[20]+"; S21:"+s[21]+"; S22:"+s[22]+"; S23:"+s[23]+"; S24:"+s[24]+"; S25:"+s[25]+"; S26:"+s[26]+"; S27:"+s[27]+"; S28:"+s[28]+"; S29:"+s[29]+"; S30:"+s[30]+"; S31:"+s[31]+"; S32:"+s[32]+"; S33:"+s[33]+"; S34:"+s[34]+"; S35:"+s[35]+"; S36:"+s[36]+"";
catch (SQLException e)
trace("player 1 update error");
and it's working and result like this
S0:1.0; S1:0.0; S2:0.0; S3:0.0; S4:0.0; S5:0.0; S6:0.0; S7:0.0; S8:0.0; S9:0.0; S10:0.0; S11:0.0; S12:0.0; S13:0.0; S14:0.0; S15:0.0; S16:0.0; S17:0.0; S18:0.0; S19:0.0; S20:0.0; S21:0.0; S22:0.0; S23:0.0; S24:0.0; S25:0.0; S26:0.0; S27:0.0; S28:0.0; S29:0.0; S30:0.0; S31:0.0; S32:0.0; S33:0.0; S34:0.0; S35:0.0; S36:0.0
but it's not efficient, the question is how i can input if there have any value except zero, example like S0:1 ; S1:0 ; S2:1 and insert into mysql just like this S0:1 ; S2:1 so if there no have value / zero, not being inserted. Thanks
You could try this:
String bs = "";
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(!s[i].equals(0.0)) {
if(count > 0) {
bs += " ; " ;
bs += "S" + count + ":" + s[i].split(".")[0];
try this code
private static String format (int x) {
if (x == 0) {
return null;
return String.format ("S%d = %d; ", x ,x);
// testing from main
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { // dummy input stream
String rv = format (x);
if (rv != null) {

ArrayList vs. Array. Why is one working and one isn't?

I've been trying to switch an older assignment over from an array to an arraylist, but for whatever reason my find method is not working when I modify it to use arrayList.. Seems to always be returning -1.
This is part of a large class so I don't want to include everything unless completely necessary, but I did include the declarations in case they are important:
public class Switch {
private SwitchEntry[] camTable;
private int numEntries;
private int maxEntries;
public Switch() {
camTable = new SwitchEntry[100]; // default value
numEntries = 0;
maxEntries = 100;
public Switch(int maxEntries) {
camTable = new SwitchEntry[maxEntries];
numEntries = 0;
this.maxEntries = maxEntries;
public int find (MACAddress source) {
int found = -1;
for (int i=0; i < numEntries; i++)
if (source.isEqual (camTable[i].getAddress())){
found = i;
return found;
public int find (MACAddress source) {
int found = -1;
for (int i=0; i < numEntries; i++)
if (source.isEqual (camTable.get(i).getAddress())){
found = i;
return found;
Where numEntries is modified & where the new entries are added into the arrayList:
public void processFrame(Frame inFrame) {
// first, add source MAC to camTable if not already there
if (find(inFrame.getSource()) == -1) {
if (numEntries >= maxEntries) {
System.out.println ("Error...camTable is full - cannot add " + inFrame.getSource());
} else {
camTable.add(new SwitchEntry(inFrame.getSource(), inFrame.getPort())); //PROBLEM LINE
System.out.println ("Adding " + inFrame.getSource() + " to camTable");
//process frame
int index = find(inFrame.getDestination());
if (index != -1){
System.out.print ("Sending frame with data " + inFrame.getData() + " from " + inFrame.getSource() + " to " + inFrame.getDestination());
System.out.println (" out port " + camTable.get(index).getPort() );
} else {
System.out.print ("Flooding frame with data " + inFrame.getData() + " from " + inFrame.getSource() + " to " + inFrame.getDestination());
System.out.println (" out all ports" );
camTable.add(numEntries++, new SwitchEntry(inFrame.getSource(),inFrame.getPort()));
Try This
public int find (MACAddress source) {
int found = -1;
ArrayList<MACAddress> camTable = new ArrayList<MACAddress>();
ListIterator<MACAddress> itr = camTable.listIterator();
MACAddress tempAdd =;
found = itr.nextIndex();
return found;
return found;
I assume in ArrayList you store the objects of MACAddress. in if condition i check the source.getAddress to tempAdd.getAddress() is same then it will retun index of ArrayList. here ArrayList is local variable but you can create as a class variable
Use Contain method of collection.(ArrayList)
Solution was straight-forward and just an oversight by me. All I had to do was add numEntries back into my add statement, which I neglected to fix after changing from an array to arrayList
Solution is posted in the original question now:

XYPlot doesn't draw all points correctly

I'm trying to display 550 data points with periodic peaks (the flat line is 61). The problem is, that androidplot isn't drawing all the points correctly! From my log:
ECG I values 61,61,62,63,62,61,61,61,61,67,71,68,61,53,61,61,61,61,61,61,61,61,62,63,64,64,64,63,62,61,61,61
I've got the rangeboundaries set to plot.setRangeBoundaries(0,100, BoundaryMode.AUTO);, but as you can see, the peaks never drop to the 53 data point. I can see this lower point sometimes, but it gets smoothed out a fraction of a second later (as you can see in the screenshot).
My line and point formatter is:
LineAndPointFormatter lapf = new LineAndPointFormatter(p.color, null, null, null);
I've tried with the both Paint.Join.ROUND and Paint.Join.BEVEL and got the same effect. I've also used the debugger to check that 53 is being inserted into the series.
After some debugging, it looks like my pulse loop thread is wrong:
while (keepRunning) {
for (PulseXYSeries j : series) {
for (int k = 0; k < j.plotStep; k++) {
int at = (j.position + k) % j.getSize();
if (j.pulsing) {
if (j.pulsePosition == j.pulseValues.size() - 1) {
j.pulsing = false;
j.pulsePosition = 0;
} else {
try {
int pulseVal = j.pulseValues.get(j.pulsePosition);
j.pulsePosition += 1;
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
j.pulsePosition = 0;
} else {
j.setY(j.pulseValues.get(0), at);
long currTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (currTime - j.getLastPulse() >= j.getPulseDelay()) {
j.pulsing = true;
j.remove(((at + j.eraserSize) % j.getSize()));
j.position = (j.position + 1) % j.getSize(); // fixed it by changing +1 to + j.plotStep
My custom series looks like:
private class PulseXYSeries implements XYSeries {
private List<Integer> pulseValues = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private int pulsePerMinute;
public int pulsePosition;
public int position;
private ArrayList<Integer> values;
private String title;
private long lastPulse;
public boolean pulsing = false;
public int eraserSize = 20;
public int plotStep = 3;

OpenGL - too many textures

I have a 90 frames animation and i want to display it on the minecraft hud.
Here is the code i use now:
String CType = "Target";
int CSpeed = 30;
int fast = 0;
public int CenterRoteryCounter = 0;
public void CenterRotery(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event){
res = new ScaledResolution(mc.gameSettings, mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight);
int width = res.getScaledWidth();
int height = res.getScaledHeight();
if(CenterRoteryCounter == 90){CenterRoteryCounter = 0;}
if(CenterRoteryCounter < 10){ ResourceLocation("CenterRotery/"+CType+"000" + CenterRoteryCounter + ".png"));
}else{if(CenterRoteryCounter < 100){ ResourceLocation("CenterRotery/"+CType+"00" + CenterRoteryCounter + ".png"));
}else{ ResourceLocation("CenterRotery/"+CType+"0" + CenterRoteryCounter + ".png"));
drawTexturedModalRect((width/2)-44, (height/2)-37, 0, 0, 250, 250);
if((fast % CSpeed)==0){CenterRoteryCounter++;}fast++;
but as you can see, this is creating ~30 new ResourceLocations every second..!!
How can i pre-load the textures and display them the same way?
You can simply use a private static final Hashmap from your class in a method getResourceLocation(String resourceLocation). Something like :
private static ResourceLocation getResourceLocation(String resourceLocation) {
ResourceLocation myRes = myHashMap.get(resourceLocation);
if (myRes == null) {
myRes = new ResourceLocation(resourceLocation);
myHashMap.put(resourceLocation, myRes);
return myRes;
It will cache your resources on demand. Just be sure of the necessary amount of memory needed !

