How to abbreviate "number of <items>" in source code? - java

I'm new to learning Java and I'm bad at English but I try my best to write good, understandable source code.
I want to make variables to save the "number of cars" or "number of items". How do I abbreviate "number of ..." without using symbols like # that don't work in a source code?

You have several choices to do that
numberOfItems (verbose, but clear in meaning)
numItems (it's ok)
itemCount (probably, the best — what I'd have used)
items (shortest, but can't know if it is an integer or a list of items)

I try my best to write good, understandable source code
Then my best advice would be not to abbreviate variable names.
Just go with numberOfCars.
I know you've probably seen a lot of programs where people use one-letter variables or stuff like numCars.
Abbreviating your variables make your code less clear for others (including you in 6 months).
We all have great text editors with auto-completion on variables, use that.


CheckStyle with warning '100' is a magic number

In my code,it shows the warning with message '100' is a magic number.See the below code,
int randomNo = generator.nextInt(100);
I read it here What is a magic number, and why is it bad? but my doubt is declaring 100 by creating variable with static will occupy more space,since i am using this in a single place.Is this a correct way to solve this?
public static final int HUNDRED= 100;
Any Suggestion?
well HUNDRED really is kinda silly, but why did you choose 100 and what is its meaning?
something like:
public static final int RANDOM_UPPER_LIMIT=100;
or something even more informative, depending on what you use the value for:
public static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS=100;
would make more sense and improve readability.
Space saving should not be a consideration in this case, the space overhead of declaring a variable, if there is such, is completely negligible.
It doesn't really have to do with storage, it's readability. If you want to change some number it can be difficult to find in code, if it's up at the top then it's better (if it's in a config file, better yet in many cases).
Yes, that's a good solution.
If you don't need it outside that file, you should make it "private", and you might want to be even more readable and use a name that indicates what it really means, like:
better yet include what it's used for
or something like that.
In this way when you go to look into that file 5 months from now because you added 20 new cards, it's completely obvious what you have to change without even glancing at the code.
It's good to write not the shortest code, but code which is easy to understand and maintain. Storing this 100 to constant you may add a good name explaining why it's really 100. For example if you want to generate random score and your maximal possible score is 100, then you can define
static final int MAX_SCORE = 100;
After that you can use it in other places as well. Everybody will understand why it's 100 and nothing else. And if someday you will need to change it, say, to 200, you will have to replace it in only one place without searching through the code.
Also it's possible that in some other part of your program you will have 100 which has different meaning (say, MAX_PERCENT). If you want to change MAX_SCORE to 200, but leave MAX_PERCENT as is, it would be much easier if you have separate constants.
Check out Robert Martin's (Uncle Bob)
Clean Code
book for a thorough explanaition (or any other guide on coding style). Basically a hard coded '100' doesn't mean anything to the reader of your code. It won't mean anything to you in 6 months either, after you are done with your app. It is a magic number since it appears in the code - in 99 out of 100 cases - as almost out of nowhere. Why is it 100 and not 99 or 101? Why should your app limit the random number generation to 100 and not above (or below)?
To wrap up, it's a thing of readability of your code for yourself and for present or future readers of your code, it's a matter of coding style.
Most compilers, including JIT compilers, will inline constant primitives, including statics. IE, at compile time it will remove the variable and expand your code back to
So in practice there won't be space trade-offs, and you're improving readablity.
Be careful about expanding the idea out to more complicated code though. There are compiler and language dependent rules on when it is able to do certain optimisations.

Check Comments/Javadoc number of words with Checkstyle

Is it possible to set up a checkstyle rule that will count the number of words from a commment and then shows a problem if the number of words is under a defined limit. I searched on the checkstyle Javadoc properties, but did not found something useful.
For Example:
* Stores the database connection.
private Connection mConnection;
The comment contains more than 3 words and would be correct. But if the number of words would be under the limit, checkstyle should mark it as a problem.
If this is possible, it would be great if the rule is applied to every part of a comment (description of return, the parameters, method description and so on).
There isn't a standard Checkstyle check to do that. However you could write your own:
The "Writing Checks" page provides an introduction.
You could use the source code for the classes in the ...checks.javadoc package to help you understand how to deal with comments.
Comment: word count is not a valid measure of javadoc quality. It is not bad style to have terse or minimal descriptions for things whose meaning is blatantly self-evident in the context. Besides, counting words is only going to encourage people to pad out their javadocs with useless or meaningless stuff; e.g "yadda, yadda, yadda" :-).
If you want to make a meaningful assessment of javadoc quality, a human being needs to read them.

Simple physical quantity measurement unit parser for Java

I want to be able to parse expressions representing physical quantities like
and so on. In the simplest way possible. Is it possible to do so using something like Pyparsing (if such a thing exists for Java), or should I use more complex tools like Java CUP?
EDIT: To answere MrD's question the goal is to make conversion between quantities, so for example convert g to kg (this one is simple...), or maybe °F/(kg*s^2) to K/(lb*h^2) supposing h is four hour and lb for pounds
This is harder than it looks. (I have done a fair amount of work here). The main problem is there is no standard (I have worked with NIST on units and although they have finally created a markup language few people use it). So it's really a form of natural language processing and has to deal with :
ambiguity (what does "M" mean - meters or mega)
inconsistent punctuation
symbols (e.g. "mu" for micro)
unclear semantics (e.g. is kg/m/s the same as kg/(m*s)?
If you are just creating a toy system then you should create a BNF for the system and make sure that all examples adhere to it. This will use common punctuation ("/", "", "(", ")", "^"). Character fields can be of variable length ("m", "kg", "lb"). Algebra on these strings ("kg" -> 1000"g" has problems as kg is a fundamental unit.
If you are doing it seriously then ANTLR (#Yaugen) is useful, but be aware that units in the wild will not follow a regular grammar due to the inconsistencies above.
If you are REALLY serious (i.e. prepared to put in a solid month), I'd be interested to know. :-)
My current approach (which is outside the scope of your question) is to collect a large number of examples from the literature automatically and create a number of heuristics.

Java's String.replace() vs. String.replaceFirst() vs. homebrew

I have a class that is doing a lot of text processing. For each string, which is anywhere from 100->2000 characters long, I am performing 30 different string replacements.
string modified;
for(int i = 0; i < num_strings; i++){
modified = runReplacements(strs[i]);
//do stuff
public runReplacements(String str){
str = str.replace("foo","bar");
str = str.replace("baz","beef");
return str;
'foo', 'baz', and all other "targets" are only expected to appear once and are string literals (no need for an actual regex).
As you can imagine, I am concerned about performance :)
Given this,
replaceFirst() seems a bad choice because it won't use Pattern.LITERAL and will do extra processing that isn't required.
replace() seems a bad choice because it will traverse the entire string looking for multiple instances to be replaced.
Additionally, since my replacement texts are the same everytime, it seems to make sense for me to write my own code otherwise String.replaceFirst() or String.replace() will be doing a Pattern.compile every single time in the background. Thinking that I should write my own code, this is my thought:
Perform a Pattern.compile() only once for each literal replacement desired (no need to recompile every single time) (i.e. p1 - p30)
Then do the following for each pX: p1.matcher(str).replaceFirst(Matcher.quoteReplacement("desiredReplacement"));
This way I abandon ship on the first replacement (instead of traversing the entire string), and I am using literal vs. regex, and I am not doing a re-compile every single iteration.
So, which is the best for performance?
So, which is the best for performance?
Measure it! ;-)
ETA: Since a two word answer sounds irretrievably snarky, I'll elaborate slightly. "Measure it and tell us..." since there may be some general rule of thumb about the performance of the various approaches you cite (good ones, all) but I'm not aware of it. And as a couple of the comments on this answer have mentioned, even so, the different approaches have a high likelihood of being swamped by the application environment. So, measure it in vivo and focus on this if it's a real issue. (And let us know how it goes...)
First, run and profile your entire application with a simple match/replace. This may show you that:
your application already runs fast enough, or
your application is spending most of its time doing something else, so optimizing the match/replace code is not worthwhile.
Assuming that you've determined that match/replace is a bottleneck, write yourself a little benchmarking application that allows you to test the performance and correctness of your candidate algorithms on representative input data. It's also a good idea to include "edge case" input data that is likely to cause problems; e.g. for the substitutions in your example, input data containing the sequence "bazoo" could be an edge case. On the performance side, make sure that you avoid the traps of Java micro-benchmarking; e.g. JVM warmup effects.
Next implement some simple alternatives and try them out. Is one of them good enough? Done!
In addition to your ideas, you could try concatenating the search terms into a single regex (e.g. "(foo|baz)" ), use Matcher.find(int) to find each occurrence, use a HashMap to lookup the replacement strings and a StringBuilder to build the output String from input string substrings and replacements. (OK, this is not entirely trivial, and it depends on Pattern/Matcher handling alternates efficiently ... which I'm not sure is the case. But that's why you should compare the candidates carefully.)
In the (IMO unlikely) event that a simple alternative doesn't cut it, this wikipedia page has some leads which may help you to implement your own efficient match/replacer.
Isn't if frustrating when you ask a question and get a bunch of advice telling you to do a whole lot of work and figure it out for yourself?!
I say use replaceAll();
(I have no idea if it is, indeed, the most efficient, I just don't want you to feel like you wasted your money on this question and got nothing.)
PS. After that, you might want to measure it.
[edit 2]
PPS. (and tell us what you found)

Effective way to handle singular/plural word based on some collection size [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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There are many instances in my work projects where I need to display the size of some collection in a sentence. For example, if the collection's size is 5, it will say "5 users". If it is size of 1 or 0, it will say "1 user" or "0 user". Right now, I'm doing it with if-else statements to determine whether to print the "s" or not, which is tedious.
I'm wondering if there's an open source JSP custom tag library that allows me to accomplish this. I know I can write one myself... basically, it will have 2 parameters like this: <lib:display word="user" collection="userList" />. Depending on the collection size, it will determine whether to append an "s" or not. But then, this implementation is not going to be too robust because I also need to handle "ies" and some words don't use any of those. So, instead of creating a half-baked tool, I'm hoping there's a more robust library I could utilize right away. I'm not too worried about prefixing the word with is/are in this case.
I use Java, by the way.
Thanks much.
Take a look at inflector, a java project which lets you do Noun.pluralOf("user"), or Noun.pluralOf("user", userList.size()), and which handles a bunch of variations and unusual cases (person->people, loaf->loaves, etc.), as well as letting you define custom mapping rules when necessary.
Hmm, I don't quite see why you need a library for this. I would think the function to do it is trivial:
public String singlePlural(int count, String singular, String plural)
return count==1 ? singular : plural;
Calls would look like:
singlePlural(count, "user", "users");
singlePlural(count, "baby", "babies");
singlePlural(count, "person", "people");
singlePlural(count, "cherub", "cherubim");
... etc ...
Maybe this library does a whole bunch of other things that make it useful. I suppose you could say that it supplies a dictionary of what all the plural forms are, but in any given program you don't care about the plurals of all the words in the language, just the ones you are using in this program. I guess if the word that could be singular or plural is not known at compile time, if it's something entered by the user, then I'd want a third party dictionary rather than trying to build one myself.
Suddenly it occurs to me that what you were looking for was a function for making plurals generically, embodying a set of rules like "normally just add 's', but if the word ends in 'y' change the 'y' to 'ies', if it ends in 's' change it to 'ses', ..." etc. I think in English that would be impossible for any practical purpose: there are too many special cases, like "person/people" and "child/children" etc. I think the best you could do would be to have a generic "add an 's'" rule, maybe a few other common cases, and then a long list of exceptions. Perhaps in other languages one could come up with a fairly simple rule.
So as I say, if the word is not known at compile time but comes from some user input, then yes, a third-party dictionary is highly desirable.
This gets complicated in languages other than English, that inflector aims to support in the future.
I am familiar with Czech where user = uživatel and:
1 uživatel
2 uživatelé
3 uživatelé
4 uživatelé
5 uživatelů
You can see why programs written with hardcoded singular+plural would get un-i18n-able.
Java11 allows you to use the following:
ChoiceFormat fmt = new ChoiceFormat("1#uživatel | 1.0< uživatelé | 4< uživatelů");
ChoiceFormat documentation
This functionality is built into Ruby on Rails. I don't know exactly where, but it should be easy enough to find in the source code, and then you could simply crib the code.
EDIT: Found you some code:
inflector.rb (very helpful comments!)
inflections.rb (extensive word list)
If I remember correctly, it's mainly a matter of appending an "s" to most words, though I believe there is a list (probably hash, err dictionary) of some common exceptions. Notable is the conversion from "person" to "people" :)
You would of course be in for a world of pain if you decided you want to internationalize this to other languages than English. Welcome to the world of highly irregular grammars, and good luck!

