Why does my method overwrite positions in my array - java

So I have this method here
while(oMenu == 1 || oMenu == 2){
oMeny = Kbd.readInt("\nClick 1 to make an account\nClick 2 to login\nClick 3 to exit the program");
if(oMeny == 1){
for(int i = 0; Account[i] != null; i++){
if(Account[i] == null){
pos = i;
Account[pos] = new Account();
if(oMeny == 2){
String s = Kbd.readString("Input your accountnumber: ");
for(int i = 0; Account[i] != null; i++){
if(Account[i] != null && s.equals(Account[i].getAccountNumber())){
// Here is rest of my code , the "inner" menu that works menyMetod(iMeny,mMeny);
System.out.println("There are no accounts with that given accountnumber!");
I want to understand why if I access the oMeny == 1 and make 2 accounts Why I can't seem to access the first one I make but rather the latest one? It seems that somehow my array "overwrites" the first empty position. Basically I want to find the first empty position in my array, so in the first case it's always index 0 and then the next time I make an account again, it should be Index 1 logically.
EDIT : Heres my code for the Account class
public class Account{
private int money, transactions;
private String AccountNumber;
public Account(){
money = Kbd.readInt("\nHow much money do you want to put in?");
AccountNumber = Kbd.readString("\nWhat account number do you want?");

The error is here:
for (int i = 0; accounts[i] != null; i++) {
if (accounts[i] == null)
The for loop repeats as long i points to a non-null entry. Therefore the if-condition is never true.
This becomes quickly obvious when you run the program line by line in a debugger.
Next time please provide a complete code example that can be compiled. Your code is full of error, It took me a lot of time to fix it before I was able to execute it.
Corrected code:
import java.util.Scanner;
class Main
static Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
static Account[] accounts = new Account[100];
static class Account
//public int money;
public String accountNumber;
public Account()
//System.out.println("\nHow much money do you want to put in?");
//money = Kbd.nextInt();
System.out.println("\nWhat account number do you want?");
accountNumber = kbd.next();
public static void main(String[] args)
int oMenu = 1;
int pos = 0;
while (oMenu == 1 || oMenu == 2)
System.out.println("\nClick 1 to make an account\nClick 2 to login\nClick 3 to exit the program");
oMenu = kbd.nextInt();
if (oMenu == 1)
for (int i = 0; i<accounts.length; i++)
if (accounts[i] == null)
accounts[i] = new Account();
if (oMenu == 2)
System.out.println("Input your accountnumber: ");
String s = kbd.next();
Account found=null;
for (int i = 0; i<accounts.length; i++)
if (accounts[i] != null && s.equals(accounts[i].accountNumber))
if (found!=null)
System.out.println("Welcome! nr. "+found.accountNumber);
System.out.println("There are no accounts with that given accountnumber!");
Notice how I also fixed the second for-loop.

You did not show the declaration or initialization of pos, so I think it is not working how you expect because you do not go into the for loop where Account[i] is null to set pos. Try this
if(oMenu == 1){
int pos = 0;
while (Account[pos] != null && pos < Account.length)
if (pos < Account.length)
Account[pos] = new Account();
//expand array and add account or throw error


(Using BlueJ) In the terminal, when my code runs to a certain point, the user can continuously type in words but nothing will be done with it

I apologize in advance for my rudimentary code--I started coding a couple months ago.
I'm trying to code a text-based baking game where there's a limited number of combos/recipes (16), and the user has to try to unlock all of the cake combos in order to finish the game. When I try to run the code, when asked for the topping the user wants, no matter what input I type in, the code doesn't run past this part. The expected result would be to take both the flavor and topping and add them together to become the new string of cake.
[A screenshot of the described problem][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/bphyO.png
Another problem I had, but can't check if I still have it because the code won't run past the "topping user input" section, is that when the code runs to the section where it checks if the cake combo has already been found or not, inside the terminal it prints out the combo the user first found infinitely.
I'd really appreciate any help, thank you so much.
The code:
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Bakery
public ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList();
public static int achievements = 0;
static ArrayList<String> foundCakes = new <String>ArrayList();
public static String[] f = {"chocolate", "vanilla", "strawberry", "banana"};
public static String[] t = {"sprinkles", "fruit", "frosting", "nothing"};
public static void main (String[]args) throws InterruptedException {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("(To quit the game, type in 'quit')");
delay("Hi, what's your name?", 60L);
String playerName = sc.nextLine();
delay("Your name is: " + playerName, 60L);
delay("Welcome to this Bakery!", 40L);
delay("This Bakery has been without an owner for so long...",40L);
delay("Most of it's recipies have been lost.", 40L);
delay("It's up to you to collect all of the lost recipies!", 40L);
delay("These are the ingredients provided: ", 60L);
delay("Base flavors: " + Arrays.toString(f), 60L);
delay("Toppings: " + Arrays.toString(t), 60L);
while (achievements != 16){
System.out.println("Pick a flavor");
String flavor = sc.nextLine();
if (flavor.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")){
delay("Thanks for playing!", 40L);
String cuFlavor = flavor.toLowerCase();
boolean oo = false;
while (oo){
oo = true;
if (Arrays.asList(f).contains(cuFlavor) == false){
delay("Not an option, please pick again.", 40L);
flavor = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Pick a topping");
String topping = sc.nextLine();
if (topping.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")){
delay("Thanks for playing!", 40L);
String cuTopping = topping.toLowerCase();
boolean tt = false;
while (tt==false){
if(Arrays.asList(t).contains(cuTopping) == true){
tt = true;
if (Arrays.asList(t).contains(cuTopping) == false){
delay("Not an option, please pick again.", 40L);
topping = sc.nextLine();
String cake = cuFlavor+cuTopping;
boolean bb = false;
while (bb == false){
delay("Previously found recipe!", 40L);
delay(getRandomResponse(), 40L);
bb = true;
boolean nc = true;
while(nc == true){
if(foundCakes.contains(cake) == false){
delay("You found a new cake!", 40L);
delay("Unlocked: "+cake, 40L);
delay("Number of recipes found: " + achievements, 40L);
nc = false;
public int getAchievements(){
return achievements;
private static String getRandomResponse()
final int NUMBER_OF_RESPONSES = 4;
double r = Math.random();
int whichResponse = (int)(r * NUMBER_OF_RESPONSES);
String response = "";
if (whichResponse == 0)
response = "Don't worry! Still delicious.";
else if (whichResponse == 1)
response = "What a classic cake!";
else if (whichResponse == 2)
response = "Yummy :)";
else if (whichResponse == 3)
response = "Smells nice!";
return response;
public String toString(){
return "Flavors: "+Arrays.toString(f)+" Topping: "+Arrays.toString(t);
public static void delay(String s, long delay) throws InterruptedException {
for ( int i= 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
// for loop delays individual String characters
Thread.sleep(delay); //time is in milliseconds
System.out.println(""); // this is the space in between lines
Take a look at your while loops. First:
boolean oo = false;
while (oo){
if (Arrays.asList(f).contains(cuFlavor)) {
oo = true;
This loop is never entered since oo == false.
boolean tt = false;
while (tt == false) {
if (Arrays.asList(t).contains(cuTopping) == true) {
tt = true;
This loop does execute, but what happens if t does not contain cuTopping? In that case, tt never get sets to true and the loop goes on forever.
The next two loops have the same issue.
You need to ensure the loops will end at some point. Example:
while (tt == false) {
if (Arrays.asList(t).contains(cuTopping) == true) {
tt = true;
else {
// Do something to change cuTopping
System.out.println("Pick a topping");
cuTopping = sc.nextLine();
// etc....
You can combine the loops with the gathering of the input:
String cuTopping = null;
do {
if (cuTopping != null) { // Only true after first iteration
System.out.println("That topping is not in the list!");
System.out.println("Pick a topping");
cuTopping = sc.nextLine().toLowerCase();
if (cuTopping.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")) {
delay("Thanks for playing!", 40L);
} while (!Arrays.asList(t).contains(cuTopping));

I have some problems with ArrayList (quiz of head first java)

I've just started learning java since last week. I'm using book called 'head first java' and i'm struggling with solving problems about ArrayList. Error says "The method setLocationCells(ArrayList) in the type DotCom is not applicable for the
arguments (int[])" and I haven't found the solution :( help me..!
enter image description here
This looks like a Locate & Conquer type game similar to the game named Battleship with the exception that this game is a single player game played with a single hidden ship in a single horizontal row of columnar characters. Rather simplistic but kind of fun to play I suppose. The hard part is to locate the hidden ship but once you've located it, conquering (sinking) it becomes relatively easy. I'm sure this isn't the games' intent since it is after all named "The Dot Com Game" but the analogy could be possibly helpful.
There are several issues with your code but there are two major ones that just can not be there for the game to work:
Issue #1: The call to the DotCom.setLocationCells() method:
The initial problem is located within the DotComGame class on code line 13 (as the Exception indicates) where the call is made to the DotCom.setLocationCells() method. As already mentioned in comments the wrong parameter type is passed to this method. You can not pass an int[] Array to the setLocationCell() method when this method contains a parameter signature that stipulates it requires an ArrayList object. The best solution in my opinion would be to satisfy the setLocationCells() method parameter requirement...supply an ArrayList to this method.
The reason I say this is because all methods within the DotCom class work with an established ArrayList and one of the tasks of one of these methods (the checkYourself() method) actually removes elements from the ArrayList which is easy to do from a collection but very cumbersome to do the same from an Array.
To fix this problem you will need to change the data type for the locations variable located within the DotComGame class. Instead of using:
int[] locations = {randomNum, randomNum + 1, randomNum + 2};
you should have:
ArrayList<Integer> locations = new ArrayList<>(
Arrays.asList(random, randomNum + 1, randomNum + 2));
or you could do it this way:
ArrayList<Integer> locations = new ArrayList<>();
locations.add(randomNum + 1);
locations.add(randomNum + 2);
There are other ways but these will do for now. Now, when the call to the setLocationCells() method is made you ahouldn't get an exception this issue should now be resolved.
Issue #2: The call to the DotCom.checkYourself() method:
Again, this particular issue is located within the DotComGame class on code line 18 where the call is made to the DotCom.checkYourself() method. Yet another parameter data type mismatch. You are trying to pass a variable of type String (named guess) to this method whereas its signature stipulates that it requires an integer (int) value. That again is a no go.
To fix this problem you will need to convert the string numerical value held by the guess variable to an Integer (int) value. So instead of having this:
while(isAlive) {
String guess = helper.getUserInput("Enter a Number: ");
String result = theDotCom.checkYourself(guess);
// ... The rest of your while loop code ...
you should have something like:
while(isAlive) {
String guess = helper.getUserInput("Enter a Number: ");
/* Validate. Ensure guess holds a string representation
of a Integer numerical value. */
if (!guess.matches("\\d+")) {
System.err.println("Invalid Value (" + guess
+ ") Supplied! Try again...");
int guessNum = Integer.parseInt(guess);
String result = theDotCom.checkYourself(guessNum);
if (result.equals("kill")) {
isAlive = false;
System.out.println(numOfGuesses + " guesses!");
else if (result.equals("hit")) {
// Do Something If You Like
else {
Below is a game named Simple Battleship which I based off of your code images (please don't use images for code anymore - I hate using online OCR's ;)
BattleshipGame.java - The application start class:
import java.awt.Toolkit;
public class BattleshipGame {
public static int gameLineLength = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
GameHelper helper = new GameHelper();
Battleship theDotCom = new Battleship();
int score = 0; // For keeping an overall score
// Display About the game...
System.out.println("Simple Battleship Game");
System.out.println("In this game you will be displayed a line of dashes.");
System.out.println("Each dash has the potential to hide a section of a");
System.out.println("hidden Battleship. The size of this ship is randomly");
System.out.println("chosen by the game engine and can be from 1 to 5 sections");
System.out.println("(characters) in length. The score for each battle is based");
System.out.println("on the length of the game line that will be displayed to");
System.out.println("you (default is a minimum of 10 charaters). You now have");
System.out.println("the option to supply the game line length you want to play");
System.out.println("with. If you want to use the default then just hit ENTER:");
// Get the desire game line length
String length = helper.getUserInput("Desired Game Line Length: --> ", "Integer", true, 10, 10000);
if (!length.isEmpty()) {
gameLineLength = Integer.parseInt(length);
// Loop to allow for continuous play...
boolean alwaysReplay = true;
while (alwaysReplay) {
int numOfGuesses = 0;
/* Create a random ship size to hide within the line.
It could be a size from 1 to 5 characters in length. */
int shipSize = new java.util.Random().nextInt((5 - 1) + 1) + 1;
int randomNum = (int) (Math.random() * (gameLineLength - (shipSize - 1)));
int[] locations = new int[shipSize];
for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
locations[i] = randomNum + i;
System.out.println("Destroy the " + shipSize + " character ship hidden in the");
System.out.println("displayed line below:");
String gameLine = String.join("", java.util.Collections.nCopies(gameLineLength, "-"));
// Play current round...
boolean isAlive = true;
while (isAlive == true) {
String guess = helper.getUserInput("Enter a number from 1 to " + gameLineLength
+ " (0 to quit): --> ", "Integer", 1, gameLineLength);
int idx = Integer.parseInt(guess);
if (idx == 0) {
System.out.println("Quiting with an overall score of: " + score + " ... Bye-Bye");
alwaysReplay = false;
idx = idx - 1;
String result = theDotCom.checkYourself(idx);
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("kill")) {
isAlive = false;
/* Tally the score dependent upon the gameLineLength... */
if (gameLineLength <= 10) { score += 5; }
else if (gameLineLength > 10 && gameLineLength <= 20) { score += 10; }
else if (gameLineLength > 20 && gameLineLength <= 30) { score += 15; }
else if (gameLineLength > 30 && gameLineLength <= 40) { score += 20; }
else { score += 25; }
gameLine = gameLine.substring(0, idx) + "x" + gameLine.substring(idx + 1);
System.out.println(numOfGuesses + " guesses were made to sink the hidden ship.");
System.out.println("Your overall score is: " + (score < 0 ? 0 : score));
else if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("hit")) {
gameLine = gameLine.substring(0, idx) + "x" + gameLine.substring(idx + 1);
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("miss")) {
score -= 1;
// Play Again? [but only if 'alwaysReplay' holds true]
if (alwaysReplay) {
String res = helper.getAnything("<< Press ENTER to play again >>\n"
+ "<< or enter 'q' to quit >>");
if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) {
System.out.println("Quiting with an overall score of: " + score + " ... Bye-Bye");
GameHelper.java - The GameHelper class:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GameHelper {
private final Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
public String getUserInput(String prompt, String responseType, int... minMAX) {
int min = 0, max = 0;
if (minMAX.length == 2) {
min = minMAX[0];
max = minMAX[1];
if (minMAX.length > 0 && min < 1 || max < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\n\ngetUserInput() Method Error! "
+ "The optional parameters 'min' and or 'max' can not be 0!\n\n");
String response = "";
while (response.isEmpty()) {
if (prompt.trim().endsWith("-->")) {
else {
response = in.nextLine().trim();
if (responseType.matches("(?i)\\b(int|integer|float|double)\\b")) {
if (!response.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?") ||
(responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int") && response.contains("."))) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
// Check entry range value if the entry is to be an Integer
if (responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int")) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(response);
if (i != 0 && (i < min || i > max)) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
return response;
public String getUserInput(String prompt, String responseType, boolean allowNothing, int... minMAX) {
int min = 0, max = 0;
if (minMAX.length == 2) {
min = minMAX[0];
max = minMAX[1];
if (minMAX.length > 0 && min < 1 || max < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\n\ngetUserInput() Method Error! "
+ "The optional parameters 'min' and or 'max' can not be 0!\n\n");
String response = "";
while (response.isEmpty()) {
if (prompt.trim().endsWith("-->")) {
else {
response = in.nextLine().trim();
if (response.isEmpty() && allowNothing) {
return "";
if (responseType.matches("(?i)\\b(int|integer|float|double)\\b")) {
if (!response.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?") ||
(responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int") && response.contains("."))) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
// Check entry range value if the entry is to be an Integer
if (responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int")) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(response);
if (i != 0 && (i < min || i > max)) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
return response;
public String getAnything(String prompt) {
if (prompt.trim().endsWith("-->")) {
else {
return in.nextLine().trim();
Battleship.java - The Battleship class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Battleship {
private ArrayList<Integer> locationCells;
public void setLocationCells(java.util.ArrayList<Integer> loc) {
locationCells = loc;
// Overload Method (Java8+)
public void setLocationCells(int[] loc) {
locationCells = java.util.stream.IntStream.of(loc)
// Overload Method (Before Java8)
public void setLocationCells(int[] loc) {
// Clear the ArrayList in case it was previously loaded.
// Fill the ArrayList with integer elements from the loc int[] Array
for (int i = 0; i < loc.length; i++) {
* Completely removes one supplied Integer value from all elements
* within the supplied Integer Array if it exist.<br><br>
* <b>Example Usage:</b><pre>
* {#code int[] a = {103, 104, 100, 10023, 10, 140, 2065};
* a = removeFromArray(a, 104);
* System.out.println(Arrays.toString(a);
* // Output will be: [103, 100, 10023, 10, 140, 2065]}</pre>
* #param srcArray (Integer Array) The Integer Array to remove elemental
* Integers from.<br>
* #param intToDelete (int) The Integer to remove from elements within the
* supplied Integer Array.<br>
* #return A Integer Array with the desired elemental Integers removed.
public static int[] removeFromArray(int[] srcArray, int intToDelete) {
int[] arr = {};
int cnt = 0;
boolean deleteIt = false;
for (int i = 0; i < srcArray.length; i++) {
if (srcArray[i] != intToDelete) {
arr[cnt] = srcArray[i];
return arr;
public String checkYourself(int userInput) {
String result = "MISS";
int index = locationCells.indexOf(userInput);
if (index >= 0) {
if (locationCells.isEmpty()) {
result = "KILL";
else {
result = "HIT";
return result;

How do I print existing profiles created by the user? Any tips on switching between two profiles created by the user as well?

class Profiles
private Scanner sc;
private Profile[] profiles;
private int idx; // master index of profiles array
private int nop; //number of profiles
public Profiles()
sc = new Scanner(System.in);
idx = -1;
nop = 0;
profiles = new Profile[3];
public void createProfile(String first,String last,int age)
Profile p = new Profile(first,last,age);
profiles[idx] = p;
Util.print("Profile has been created\n");
Util.print("No room to create a new profile\n");
So far, the user can create profiles. But now lies my problem...
public void switchProfile()
Util.print("Unable to switch profiles");
//print the idx and all profiles that currently exist <--not sure how to do this
//accept a profile idx that the user chooses (use Scanner to get user input)
//set idx to the input (this will direct the user to the profile idx they chose)
After the else statement, Im struggling to come up with a way to print the current profiles that exist.
Any ideas?
Break the problem down into steps.
Print the array with an index.
Ask for input
process the input
System.out.println("Pick a profile");
for (int i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
System.out.printf("%d : %s\n", i, profiles[i].getName());
int next = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
if (next < profiles.length && next >= 0) {
idx = next;
} else {
// invalid index
If you call the add profile method after doing this, though, you'll end up overwriting data in the array
To avoid that, you'll need to add profiles to only null positions in the array

I'm trying to add a value to an int in one class and then use it in another, Java

So as the title says im struggling to add a value to an integer and then pass it to another class that uses it, then this class will pass it to the next and then that one will pass it over to the main class. Its an integer that changes the stat template of the enemies in my small game im writing.
I have tried to make constructors in two of my classes as I thought that was the problem, Ive tried to see if they work by passing some messages in them.
The problem seems to be that when I save something in the "private int l" It dosnt actually change the value of that int and I cant figure out why that is.
Here is my code, its probably not very pretty so if you have any suggestions to structure changes that I might wanna do please feel free too let me know!
Thanks in advance!
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Stor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner user_Input = new Scanner(System.in);
Menu user = new Menu();
EnemyValue monster = new EnemyValue();
user.AnvNamn = user_Input.next();
System.out.println(“Your enemy has " + monster.HP + " HP and " +
monster.DMG + " Damage" );
class Menu {
Scanner user_Input = new Scanner(System.in);
String AnvNamn;
String difficultySvar;
String nivåSvar;
int svar;
private int i; /
private int l;
public int getL() {
return l;
boolean difficultyLoop = true;
boolean felLoop = true;
void introMeny() {
System.out.println(“Welcome " + AnvNamn + "!");
void namn() {
System.out.print(“Pick a name: “);
void difficulty() {
do {
System.out.println("\nWhat level do you want ?\n1 = Easy.\n2 =
Medium.\n3 = Hard.”);
svar = user_Input.nextInt();
if (svar == 1) {
System.out.println(“Your not very brave are you ? Are you sure
this is how you wanna play ?”);
difficultySvar = user_Input.next();
if (difficultySvar.equalsIgnoreCase(“Yes”)) {
difficultyLoop = false;
l = 1;
} // If ja 1
else if (difficultySvar.equalsIgnoreCase(“Nej”)) {
System.out.println(“Ahh good! I figuerd you would change
your mind.”);
System.out.println(“I don’t understand….”);
} // if 1
else if (svar == 2) {
System.out.println(“Not to hard or to easy, a good choice! But
maybe you want to go for something harder ? Or maybe easier ?");
difficultySvar = user_Input.next();
if (difficultySvar.equalsIgnoreCase(“Yes”)) {
difficultyLoop = false;
l = 2;
} // if ja 2
else if (difficultySvar.equalsIgnoreCase(“No”)) {
System.out.println(“I sure hope you don’t pick the easy
System.out.println("I don’t understand….");
} // Else if 2
else if (svar == 3) {
System.out.println(“Damn! We have a big player here! Are you
sure you can handle this ?");
difficultySvar = user_Input.next();
if (difficultySvar.equalsIgnoreCase(“Yes”)) {
difficultyLoop = false;
l = 3;
} // If ja 3
else if (difficultySvar.equalsIgnoreCase(“No”)) {
System.out.println(“I don’t understand….”);
} // Else if 3
else {
if (i == 0) {
System.out.println(“Ha you thought you could fool the system?!
The system fools you!”);
System.out.println(“Nah but seriously, you can only choose
between 1-3…..“);
} // if i 0
else if (i == 1) {
System.out.println(“Alright I get that its hard but
} // if i 1
else if (i == 2) {
System.out.println(“OKEY YOU GET ONE LAST CHANCE!!”);
} // if i 2
else if (i == 3) {
System.out.println(“Alright thats it…. GET OUT!”);
} // if i 3
} // Else
} // do while loop
while(difficultyLoop == true);
} //Difficulty metod.
} // Menu class.
class Nivå {
//Menu level = new Menu();
//int levelChoice = level.getL();
int levelChoice;
private int enemyLife;
public int getenemyLife() {
return enemyLife;
private int enemyDMG;
public int getenemyDMG() {
return enemyDMG;
Menu level = new Menu();
levelChoice = level.getL();
void fiendeLiv() {
if (levelChoice == 1)
enemyLife = 100;
else if (levelChoice == 2)
enemyLife = 150;
else if (levelChoice == 3)
enemyLife = 200;
} // fiendeliv method
void fiendeDMG() {
if (levelChoice == 1)
enemyDMG = 5;
else if (levelChoice == 2)
enemyDMG = 10;
else if (levelChoice == 3)
enemyDMG = 15;
} // fiendeDMG method
} // Nivå class
class EnemyValue {
public int HP;
public int DMG;
int maxLife;
int maxDMG;
Nivå stats = new Nivå();
maxLife = stats.getenemyLife();
maxDMG = stats.getenemyDMG();
void rank1() {
HP = maxLife;
DMG = maxDMG;
} // rank1 easy method
} // EnemyValue class
You say that when you save something in l (poor choice of a variable name, by the way) it does not save the value. How do you know that? Where in the code do you check whether the value is saved?
In the constructor for class Nivå you create a new Menu and then call getL() on that menu before you have ever set the value of that variable.
Everything runs at the start of your public static void main(String[] args) method, and nothing will run if its instructions are not in there. For example, you are not actually creating any Niva objects in the main method, so the Niva constructor is never called. That is one issue. The other is your constructors are creating new instances of objects and then getting their values; this gives you empty values from a brand new object:
Menu level = new Menu(); // Don't do this. This is an empty menu
levelChoice = level.getL(); // Getting the blank L value from the empty menu
Instead, you need to define constructors with parameters to pass the values into the class like this:
Nivå(int level){ // add an int parameter
levelChoice = level; // Direct assignment
fiendeDMG(); // Call this in the constructor to set up your last value
Then, when you call the constructor (which you must if you want it to exist), include the parameter. Inside the Stor class:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner user_Input = new Scanner(System.in);
Menu user = new Menu();
user.AnvNamn = user_Input.next();
user.difficulty(); // Run this before creating the other classes; you need the l value
Nivå niva = new Nivå(user.getL()); // Creates new Niva while also assigning l to the levelChoice and then getting DMG
EnemyValue monster = new EnemyValue(/*add some parameters for life and dmg*/);
There is still more that needs to be done, like modifying the constructor of the EnemyLevel. Just remember that methods are never called unless they connect to something running from main and use parameters in functions and constructors to pass on data to other objects. Hope this helps.

Finding duplicates in an array of objects

The purpose of this project is to make a pokedex that adds and holds all the pokemon passed in by user input. When the user inputs a pokemon that is already stored in the pokedex the word "duplicate" is supposed to be printed to the console. The word duplicate is printed even though there are no actual duplicates within the object array. Here is my output from the console :
Welcome to your new PokeDex!
How many Pokemon are in your region?: 3
Your new Pokedex can hold 3 Pokemon. Let's start using it!
List Pokemon
Add Pokemon
Check a Pokemon's Stats
Sort Pokemon
What would you like to do? 2
Please enter the Pokemon's Species: red
Now here is all the code used that could possibly be making this error
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Project4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Welcome to your new PokeDex!");
System.out.print("How many Pokemon are in your region?: ");
int size = input.nextInt();
Pokedex pokedex = new Pokedex(size);
System.out.println("\nYour new Pokedex can hold " + size + " Pokemon. Let's start using it!");
int choice = 0;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
System.out.println("\n1. List Pokemon\n2. Add Pokemon\n3. Check a Pokemon's Stats" + "\n4. Sort Pokemon\n5. Exit");
System.out.print("\nWhat would you like to do? ");
choice = input.nextInt();
switch (choice) {
case 1:
String[] pokemonList = pokedex.listPokemon();
if (pokemonList == null)
for (int i = 0; i < pokemonList.length; i++) {
System.out.println((i + 1) + ". " + pokemonList[i]);
case 2:
System.out.print("\nPlease enter the Pokemon's Species: ");
String species = input.next();
In the following class I have the actual method that adds the pokemon and the constructor for Pokedex
public class Pokedex {
Pokemon[] pokedex;
String pokeArray[];
public Pokedex(int size) {
pokedex = new Pokemon[size];
pokeArray = new String[size];
public boolean addPokemon(String species) {
Pokemon stuff = new Pokemon(species);
for (int i = 0; i < pokedex.length; i++) {
if (pokedex[i] == null) {
pokedex[i] = stuff;
else if (i < pokedex.length && pokedex[i] != null) {
if (pokedex[i].getSpecies().equalsIgnoreCase(species)) {
return false;
Sorry for the mass amounts of code I just need help tracing where this unexpected result is coming from.
The reason it's doing that is because of this bit of code here:
public boolean addPokemon(String species)
Pokemon stuff = new Pokemon(species);
for (int i = 0; i < pokedex.length; i++)
if (pokedex[i] == null)
pokedex[i] = stuff;
else if (i < pokedex.length && pokedex[i] !=null)
return false;
The problem is just a little bit of syntax missing. In your for loop, you check to see if
A) there are any empty spots in the array
B) if every element in the array up to the user inputted size is full
and C) if any element in the array matches the one we're trying to add.
The problem you're encountering is because your C is an if instead of an else if. Because A sees the index is null, it assigns the new Pokemon to the Pokedex. Then because C is an if instead of an else if, it runs after you assign the new Pokemon and sees the Pokemon we just added and says it's a duplicate. Changing it to an else if would fix this.
Also, since there was no break; in A, it would assign every element of the array to the first one entered, causing any further additions to call Max. I edited the code and this is what I had that worked for me:
public boolean addPokemon(String species)
Pokemon stuff = new Pokemon(species);
for (int i = 0; i < pokedex.length; i++)
if(pokedex[i] !=null && pokedex[i].getSpecies().equalsIgnoreCase(species))
else if (pokedex[i] == null)
pokedex[i] = stuff;
else if(i + 1 == pokedex.length)
return false;
Also, out of curiosity, why is the addPokemon() function a boolean? You return a value (albeit arbitrarily) and then never do anything with that value. You could just make it a void, have it return nothing, and it would work just as fine.

