I am trying to make a new file var.java in project A such that it includes some variables . Now I need to use the same variable while passing to an intent from project B .
Till now what I am doing is that we are defining the variables once in project A and then in B and I need to reduce the code redundancy.
I had an idea to configure the whole project B in A settings.gradle file but since I am just needing the particular file var.java in A there is no point of doing that.
Can anyone please suggest some way to fix this.
Basically, what you're trying to achieve is reusable code to be used among several projects. So the logical approach would be to create a shared library to use in all projects that need it. Extract all general purpose code needed for multiple projects into its own project and add it as a dependency with maven or Gradle or add the library in the old fashioned way manually to your projects.
Of course I am assuming you are talking about information that is already existent at compile time, constant values that do not change during runtime. But as you've written it, it doesn't sound as if you were sharing information during runtime, so a small, simple library would do the trick.
I'm a beginning programmer and I apologize if my questions is trivial but I haven't found a sufficient answer to my problem.
I have a git repository called "toolbox" with some utility classes that I frequently use in other projects. Until now, I have manually copied those class files from this project in other projects whenever I needed them.
This if of course not a good way of doing it. I frequently add new features and fixes in whatever project I'm currently working on to these files. It makes version management a nightmare.
What I'd like to to is to import the toolbox-classes directly into the IntelliJ-Project(s) (which is also on the same git as the toolbox repo) and whenever I make a change to those files in the toolbox-repo I want the other projects to be able to automatically pull those changes as well.
If possible I'd also like to be able to share my toolbox-repo easily with others who might need those classes. But that is not a requirement. I'd just be nice to be able to do so.
I tried to use git submodule. It included the entire toolbox-repo in the target-repo but unfortunately I wasn't able to use the utility classes. I asked someone more experienced and they told me that I need to define "SourceSet" in the gradle.build but I wasn't able to configure that due to my lack of knowledge.
How can I include/import/use my utility classes from my toolbox-repo within other projects?
Thanks for any advice.
I need to create an application that will be deployed on Desktop and Android.
I'll use the MVC pattern; the Desktop and Android versions will share the Controller and the Model.
I thus want to create my two projects in a way that allows me to share the code related to the controller and the model, each project having its own version of the view.
What is the best way to do that in Eclipse? I don't want to use the code as a library because it must be possible to modify it directly from any of the two projects, with the modifications visible immediately in both.
Moreover, when the applications will be done, I must be able to generate an "ant build file", so I want a file structure that allows to build the two versions separately with no redundancy.
Thanks in advance!
You can share class files and jar files between projects as a library, so what you would need would be three projects: two with the interface code and one with the common files. The common files would be your library.
I think u should use maven or gradle build https://spring.io/guides/gs/maven-android/
I know that there is the option to have links to source code under your src directory instead of having the source code files directly in your Eclipse project.
When is this case i.e. links for source code is best used?
I always found it more convenient to have the source code inside the Eclipse project
I can think of two possible use cases for this.
The first would be if you want to keep your source and IDE meta-data separate. For example it may be that some developers use Eclipse and some IntelliJ. In this case you would probably only want the source of the project to be stored in SCM, as otherwise, one set of developers are going to have to remove meta-data before importing the project. If they just link to the source, they can maintain there own meta-data for there IDE. Obviously this isn't an issue if everyone uses the same IDE.
The second use case would be dependencies. Say for example your working on two different projects A and B where A depends on B. If your not using a dependency management tool or willing to build and import the Jar from B to A each time you modify it, you could link to the source in B instead.
I'm sure there are plenty of other use cases floating around.
In addition to what Kingamajick mentions, you could have a structure that causes overly long path names.
Windows can only handle so much (256 characters? in older versions), and a deep package structure easily breaks that limit.
So, having your classes in a shallow directory near the top allows you to have your workspaces deeper down, and still leaves some room to wiggle.
Other scenarios; You have source code which is common for several OS:es, but the Eclipse projects are specific for each OS.
You can also create a form of linked resources that are relative to an environment variable. I've used that for situations where the version control system (ClearCase) adds user-specific catalognames.
I am not so aware of the java project structure. I have few selenium tests which I want to write in java. So I have chosen eclipse as my editor. Here I wan to create a new java project with proper folder structure as I am planning to add few more java classes in future.
Please let me know how to create an idea java project in eclipse. I have seen people create something like com.org.project_name etc and then src , resources directories inside that.
I am not able to make any sense out of those. Please explain.
The software project management tool Apache Maven recommends, uses and expects a common directory layout that can be considered as best practise.
An overview can be found here: Introduction to the Standard Directory Layout
In Java you can create packages. Simply said packages are folders that contain classes.
The statement import java.net.Socket means: from the folder java/net import the class named Socket.
The statement package myApplication.util.SuperCounter means that the class SuperCounter can be found under myApplication/util folder.
Packages are an easy way to organize your work. Because in a big project you will have class name collisions (i.e. classes that use the same name). With packages you can avoid it.
Also Java supports default (private, public, protected). Default methods, attributes, classes can only be seen by elements in the same package!
Eclipse should create the proper folders for you...here is an example
If you want to have a Java Project then go to File -> New -> Java Project.
If its web application then, select Dynamic Web Project.
These will automatically create the required structures.
In Java you work in packages, which define the scope of your classes, and is basically the only thing you should really be concentrating on in the beginning. There's a good article on the subject here - http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/package/packages.html
In eclipse I can add required plug-ins (Dependencies) within UI (see screenshot above). This leads to an entry in the manifest.mf file.
My question is: How can I do this programmatically?
I imagine something like myProject.getManifest().addRequiredPlugin(new PluginImport(...
I already used the Plug-In Selection Spy and copied the used code. The problem is, that internal classes are beeing used there and I don't want to use internal classes. There must be a better way. Thanks in advance.
I don't believe this is possible.
Eclipse uses the manifest to load your plug-in, and probably doesn't read it again after that's done, so editing it would have no effect (since your code doesn't run until after your plug-in is loaded). As such, I doubt an interface has been provided to do this.
What are you trying to accomplish? I don't know of any use cases where trying to do this would be a good idea.