Is there any way to reduce the amount of code? - java

I have been doing a project on my studies, it looks fine, but I want to make it as good as possible. I have two separate JSON files, containing Users and Actions. I need to extract that data and do some work with it. But the question is about getting that data. I have a class called DataReader that has two methods - readUsers and readActions.
public class DataReader {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("MM.dd").create();
public ArrayList<Action> readActions(String fileName)
throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException, FileNotFoundException {
Type actionsArrayList = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Action>>() {
return gson.fromJson(new FileReader(fileName), actionsArrayList);
public HashMap<Integer, User> readUsers(String fileName)
throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException, FileNotFoundException {
Type usersHashMap = new TypeToken<HashMap<Integer, User>>() {
return gson.fromJson(new FileReader(fileName), usersHashMap);
As you can see, those two methods do pretty much the same thing, the difference is only the type of object it returns and gets from that JSON file.
So is there any possibilities to make a method like readData that would get only the fileName parameter and sort the things out itself to reduce the amount of code?

You need to close that Reader, specifically your FileReader object you're creating. You also don't need to define Type as a local variable since it's unnecessary. Just inline it.
You can do the same for the other method.
public List<Action> readActionsSimplified(String fileName) throws IOException {
try (Reader reader = new FileReader(fileName)) {
return gson.fromJson(reader, new TypeToken<List<Action>>() {}.getType());

Maybe you can try this.
public<T> T readData(String fileName,TypeToken<T> typeRef)
throws JsonIOException, JsonSyntaxException, FileNotFoundException {
return gson.fromJson(new FileReader(fileName), typeRef);
// make a type class , e.g: MyGsonTypes
public final class MyGsonTypes{
public static final TypeToken<HashMap<Integer, User>> usersHashMapType = new TypeToken<HashMap<Integer, User>>(){}.getType();
// when you use it
var data = readData("1.json", MyGsonTypes.usersHashMapType);


Is there a possibility to store the single event information at a time in a JSONObject/JsonNode using the Jackson JsonParser

I am trying to read the events from a large JSON file one-by-one using the Jackson JsonParser. I would like to store each event temporarily in an Object something like JsonObject or any other object which I later want to use for some further processing.
I was previously reading the JSON events one-by-one and storing them into my own custom context: Old Post for JACKSON JsonParser Context which is working fine. However, rather than context, I would like to store them into jsonObject or some other object one by one.
Following is my sample JSON file:
"department":"computer science",
"name":"ABCD School"
At a time I would like to store only one member such as student or teacher in my JsonObject.
Following is the code I have so far:
What's the best way to store each event in an Object which I can later use for some processing.
Then again clear that object and use it for the next event?
public class Main {
private JSONObject eventInfo;
private final String[] eventTypes = new String[] { "student", "teacher", "boardMember" };
public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException, JAXBException, URISyntaxException {
// Get the JSON Factory and parser Object
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory();
JsonParser jsonParser = jsonFactory.createParser(new File(Main.class.getClassLoader().getResource("inputJson.json").toURI()));
JsonToken current = jsonParser.nextToken();
// Check the first element is Object
if (current != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected content to be an array");
// Loop until the start of the EPCIS EventList array
while (jsonParser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
System.out.println(jsonParser.getCurrentToken() + " --- " + jsonParser.getCurrentName());
// Goto the next token
// Call the method to loop until the end of the events file
// Method which will traverse through the eventList and read event one-by-one
private static void eventTraverser(JsonParser jsonParser) throws IOException {
// Loop until the end of the EPCIS events file
while (jsonParser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
//Is there a possibility to store the complete object directly in an JSON Object or I need to again go through every token to see if is array and handle it accordingly as mentioned in my previous POST.
After trying some things I was able to get it working. I am posting the whole code as it can be useful to someone in the future cause I know how frustrating it is to find the proper working code sample:
public class Main
public void xmlConverter (InputStream jsonStream) throws IOException,JAXBException, XMLStreamException
// jsonStream is the input JSOn which is normally passed by reading the JSON file
// Get the JSON Factory and parser Object
final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory ();
final JsonParser jsonParser = jsonFactory.createParser (jsonStream);
final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper ();
//To read the duplicate keys if there are any key duplicate json
final SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule ();
module.addDeserializer (JsonNode.class, new JsonNodeDupeFieldHandlingDeserializer ());
objectMapper.registerModule (module);
jsonParser.setCodec (objectMapper);
// Check the first element is Object if not then invalid JSON throw error
if (jsonParser.nextToken () != JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Expected content to be an array");
while (!jsonParser.getText ().equals ("members"))
//Skipping the elements till members key
// if you want you can do some process here
// I am skipping for now
// Goto the next token
jsonParser.nextToken ();
while (jsonParser.nextToken () != JsonToken.END_ARRAY)
final JsonNode jsonNode = jsonParser.readValueAsTree ();
//Check if the JsonNode is valid if not then exit the process
if (jsonNode == null || jsonNode.isNull ())
System.out.println ("End Of File");
// Get the eventType
final String eventType = jsonNode.get ("isA").asText ();
// Based on eventType call different type of class
switch (eventType)
case "student":
final Student studentInfo =
objectMapper.treeToValue (jsonNode, Student.class);
//I was calling the JAXB Method as I was doing the JSON to XML Conversion
xmlCreator (studentInfo, Student.class);
case "teacher":
final Teacher teacherInfo =
objectMapper.treeToValue (jsonNode, Teacher.class);
xmlCreator (teacherInfo, Teacher.class);
//Method to create the XML using the JAXB
private void xmlCreator (Object eventInfo,
Class eventType) throws JAXBException
private final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
// Create JAXB Context object
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance (eventType);
// Create Marshaller object from JAXBContext
Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller ();
// Print formatted XML
marshaller.setProperty (Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
// Do not add the <xml> version tag
marshaller.setProperty (Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE);
// XmlSupportExtension is an interface that every class such as Student Teacher implements
// xmlSupport is a method in XmlSupportExtension which has been implemented in all classes
// Create the XML based on type of incoming event type and store in SW
marshaller.marshal (((XmlSupportExtension) eventInfo).xmlSupport (),
// Add each event within the List
eventsList.add (sw.toString ());
// Clear the StringWritter for next event
sw.getBuffer ().setLength (0);
This is the class that overrides the JACKSON class.
This can be used if your Json has duplicate JSON keys. Follow this post for the complete explnation if you need. If you dont need then skip this part and remove the part of the code module from the above class:
Jackson #JsonAnySetter ignores values of duplicate key when used with Jackson ObjectMapper treeToValue method
#JsonDeserialize(using = JsonNodeDupeFieldHandlingDeserializer.class)
public class JsonNodeDupeFieldHandlingDeserializer extends JsonNodeDeserializer {
protected void _handleDuplicateField(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory, String fieldName,
ObjectNode objectNode, JsonNode oldValue, JsonNode newValue) {
ArrayNode asArrayValue = null;
if (oldValue.isArray()) {
asArrayValue = (ArrayNode) oldValue;
} else {
asArrayValue = nodeFactory.arrayNode();
objectNode.set(fieldName, asArrayValue);

Asserting object is a valid top level json serializable

I would like to make sure o is a serializable top level JSON object, that is [] or {} else throw an exception. I have tried the following code using "" and null as input but they are not triggering an exception.
static void checkIsjsonSerializable(Object o, String message)
throws MissingRequiredValueException {
Gson gson = new Gson();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MissingRequiredValueException(message);
What would need to change to get the check I want?
After comments it clear my understanding was wrong. My question has change to:
How can I assert only [] and {} are valid in the following function?
As others have mentioned, modern definitions of JSON do allow primitives (strings, numbers, booleans, null) as top-level elements. But if you really need to do this check with GSON, here's one option:
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
static void checkIsjsonSerializable(Object o, String message)
throws MissingRequiredValueException {
JsonElement rootElement = gson.toJsonTree(o);
if (!rootElement.isJsonArray() && !rootElement.isJsonObject()) {
throw new MissingRequiredValueException(message);

How to serialize/deserialize two different list types into single sequential file

I have three different lists of different contact types that I need to serialize into a single file and then retrieve those lists when needed (deserialize). I've thought about using a hashmap but I'm not familiar with and I'm sure how I would retrieve the lists intact. Any ideas are appreciated.
I'm not sure if I can just use an Object type in the hashmap. It's the one way I'm able to add all three lists to the hashmap.
Also I need to know the correct way to retrieve those lists from the hashmap if that's the best approach.
public class Controller()
// the list objects I need to serialize
List<FamilyContact> friendContacts = new ArrayList<FamilyContact>();
List<Contact> fdContacts = new ArrayList<>(friendContacts);
List<FamilyContact> familyContacts = new ArrayList<FamilyContact>();
List<Contact> fContacts = new ArrayList<>(familyContacts);
// methods to retrieve the lists and list items
//Serialization code
public class Serialization
public void serialize(HashMap<String, Object> lists, String fileName)
// serializes the hashmap passed from calling method
try (ObjectOutputStream output =
new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName)))
catch(IOException ex)
public HashMap<String, Object> deserialize(String fileName)
try (ObjectInputStream input =
new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName)))
HashMap<String, Object> lists = (HashMap)input.readObject();
return lists;
catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex)
if(ex.getClass().getName() == "")
showErrorDialog("File Not Found", "Contacts.ser not found");
return null;
When you deserialise an object it [usually] comes out as the same type as you serialised it. So serialisation is a red herring.
Using a Map in such situations is usually an unnecessary thing to do. Particularly as you have different types, which will lead to casting.
So you will probably want an [immutable] value type, written in the usual [overly verbose] way.

Ignore specific nodes/attributes while comparing two JSONs

I want to compare two JSON strings which is a huge hierarchy and want to know where they differ in values. But some values are generated at runtime and are dynamic. I want to ignore those particular nodes from my comparison.
I am currently using JSONAssert from org.SkyScreamer to do the comparison. It gives me nice console output but does not ignore any attributes.
for ex.
java.lang.AssertionError messageHeader.sentTime
got:09082016 18:49:41.123
Now this comes dynamic and should be ignored. Something like
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedJSONString, actualJSONString,JSONCompareMode, *list of attributes to be ignored*)
It would be great if someone suggests a solution in JSONAssert. However other ways are also welcome.
You can use Customization for this. For example, if you need to ignore a top-level attribute named "timestamp" use:
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedResponseBody, responseBody,
new CustomComparator(JSONCompareMode.LENIENT,
new Customization("timestamp", (o1, o2) -> true)));
It's also possible to use path expressions like "". In your Customization you can use whatever method you like to compare the two values. The example above always returns true, no matter what the expected value and the actual value are. You could do more complicated stuff there if you need to.
It is perfectly fine to ignore that values of multiple attributes, for example:
public void ignoringMultipleAttributesWorks() throws JSONException {
String expected = "{\"timestamp\":1234567, \"a\":5, \"b\":3 }";
String actual = "{\"timestamp\":987654, \"a\":1, \"b\":3 }";
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual,
new CustomComparator(JSONCompareMode.LENIENT,
new Customization("timestamp", (o1, o2) -> true),
new Customization("a", (o1, o2) -> true)
There is one caveat when using Customizations: The attribute whose value is to be compared in a custom way has to be present in the actual JSON. If you want the comparison to succeed even if the attribute is not present at all you would have to override CustomComparator for example like this:
public void extendingCustomComparatorToAllowToCompletelyIgnoreCertainAttributes() throws JSONException {
// AttributeIgnoringComparator completely ignores some of the expected attributes
class AttributeIgnoringComparator extends CustomComparator{
private final Set<String> attributesToIgnore;
private AttributeIgnoringComparator(JSONCompareMode mode, Set<String> attributesToIgnore, Customization... customizations) {
super(mode, customizations);
this.attributesToIgnore = attributesToIgnore;
protected void checkJsonObjectKeysExpectedInActual(String prefix, JSONObject expected, JSONObject actual, JSONCompareResult result) throws JSONException {
Set<String> expectedKeys = getKeys(expected);
for (String key : expectedKeys) {
Object expectedValue = expected.get(key);
if (actual.has(key)) {
Object actualValue = actual.get(key);
compareValues(qualify(prefix, key), expectedValue, actualValue, result);
} else {
result.missing(prefix, key);
String expected = "{\"timestamp\":1234567, \"a\":5}";
String actual = "{\"a\":5}";
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expected, actual,
new AttributeIgnoringComparator(JSONCompareMode.LENIENT,
new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("timestamp")))
(With this approach you still could use Customizations to compare other attributes' values in the way you want.)
you can use JsonUnit It has the functionality that you are looking for we can ignore fields, paths, and values that are null etc. Check it out for more info. As for the example, you can ignore a path like this
"{\"root\":{\"test\":1, \"ignored\": 2}}",
"{\"root\":{\"test\":1, \"ignored\": 1}}",
Sometimes you need to ignore certain values when comparing. It is possible to use ${json-unit.ignore} placeholder like this
"{\n\"test\": {\"object\" : {\"another\" : 1}}}");
First of all there is open issue for it.
In my tests I compare json from controller with actual object with help of JsonUtil class for serialization/deserialization:
public class JsonUtil {
public static <T> List<T> readValues(String json, Class<T> clazz) {
ObjectReader reader = getMapper().readerFor(clazz);
try {
return reader.<T>readValues(json).readAll();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid read array from JSON:\n'" + json + "'", e);
public static <T> T readValue(String json, Class<T> clazz) {
try {
return getMapper().readValue(json, clazz);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid read from JSON:\n'" + json + "'", e);
public static <T> String writeValue(T obj) {
try {
return getMapper().writeValueAsString(obj);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid write to JSON:\n'" + obj + "'", e);
To ignore specific object field I've add new method:
public static <T> String writeIgnoreProps(T obj, String... ignoreProps) {
try {
Map<String, Object> map = getMapper().convertValue(obj, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {});
for (String prop : ignoreProps) {
return getMapper().writeValueAsString(map);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid write to JSON:\n'" + obj + "'", e);
and my assert in test now look like this:
.andExpect(content().json(JsonUtil.writeIgnoreProps(USER, "registered")))
Thank you #dknaus for the detailed answer. Although this solution will not work in STRICT mode and checkJsonObjectKeysExpectedInActual method code needs to be replaced by following code [As suggested by #tk-gospodinov]:
for (String attribute : attributesToIgnore) {
super.checkJsonObjectKeysExpectedInActual(prefix, expected, actual, result);

Java JSON serialization - best practice

I need to implement JSON serialization for some objects, and I've encountered a problem when it came to integration with generic collections.
All serializable classes implement this interface (JSONObject comes from this library):
interface JSONSerializable{
public JSONObject dump() throws JSONException //serializes object
public void load(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException //deserializes object
Code for my collection based on java.util.list looks more or less like this:
class AwesomeList<T extends JSONSerializable> implements JSONSerializable{
private LinkedList<T> items = new LinkedList<T>();
public JSONObject dump() throws JSONException {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
JSONArray a = new JSONArray();
for(T i : items){
result.put("items", a);
return result;
public void load(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException{
//here is my problem
My problem is: When I load AwesomeList from JSONObject, I need to create its elements but it's impossible since java forbids me to write
T newItem = new T();
How should I modify my approach to this task?
Are you tied to this library? Google Gson is very popular. I have myself not used it with Generics but their front page says Gson considers support for Generics very important.
As others have hinted, you should consider dumping org.json's library. It's pretty much obsolete these days, and trying to work around its problems is waste of time.
But to specific question; type variable T just does not have any information to help you, as it is little more than compile-time information.
Instead you need to pass actual class (as 'Class cls' argument), and you can then create an instance with 'cls.newInstance()'.
Well, when writing it out to file, you do know what class T is, so you can store that in dump. Then, when reading it back in, you can dynamically call it using reflection.
public JSONObject dump() throws JSONException {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
JSONArray a = new JSONArray();
for(T i : items){
// inside this i.dump(), store "class-name"
result.put("items", a);
return result;
public void load(JSONObject obj) throws JSONException {
JSONArray arrayItems = obj.getJSONArray("items");
for (int i = 0; i < arrayItems.length(); i++) {
JSONObject item = arrayItems.getJSONObject(i);
String className = item.getString("class-name");
try {
Class<?> clazzy = Class.forName(className);
T newItem = (T) clazzy.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
// whatever
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// whatever
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// whatever

