I'm trying to create an app using Android Studio, and I want to use some type of expandable box, where I'll have an indefinite number shown like in a stack, and when clicking on the left side icon, the selected box opens up to show more info.
The basic idea of what I'm searching for:
Would anyone know about something like that??
Thanks in advance.
If I understand it well, what you're looking for is a recyclerview (for the indefinite number of row) and an accordion widget to open close your content.
I will suggest your to look at these projects:
which present all requirements you need.
And here is an similar question/answer : https://stackoverflow.com/a/10313432/6809926
The google search I made : android accordion recyclerview example.
I'm trying to get the same item as Window's combobox in Android java. I realize there's a spinner but what I need is to display a scrollable list of items that the user can simply select one or more. The spinner is nice, but it's a totally different beast.
Is there an equivalent? Because otherwise I guess I would have to create a section of text items, that I would have to build my own scroll function as well as selection. Hoping to avoid all that.
You're going to have to write your own, or find a library. There is no builtin equivalent. Luckily it should be easy, you basically just want a recycler view where the adapter keeps track of what items you've clicked on. That will take care of the scrolling, and the display simplifies to a normal list adapter.
Import third-party library just for little feature is unnecessary, you could try change spinnerMode to dialog, then the spinner is scrollable.
sorry, I noticed that you need select multiple items, my answer is not suitable. You could create a custom widget.
The easiest solution is using library. There a alot library you can use for that problem. Here is the some library you can used:
Or you can follow this tutorial
Hope it help
I want to create some kind of ListView which will be expanding and collapsing after click on one of its item. When item of ListView is expanded show additional data. After I click another one first data collapsing and show actual one. I found one solution (https://github.com/SilenceDut/ExpandableLayout) but I'm thinking that should be other ways to do that without using external library. Am I right ?
P.S sorry for weak english
You can do it using Expandable List View:
Tutorial Link :-http://www.androidhive.info/2013/07/android-expandable-list-view-tutorial/
I know it's not a legitimate question but I'm searching an example to this menu for Android\Java about 2.5 hours and I'm lost. Please just give me a link or write me its name so I can google it, find examples and implement it by myself.
I just saw that many people use sliding menu or dropdown menu but it's different than what I want I guess.
(source: smashingmagazine.com)
Each of those is a spinner, so I thought it might be called an expandable spinner, and got some hits for what you're trying to do : expandable-spinner : How to implement expandable spinner entry in Android
Another term for it might be "multi-level spinner" for which there are more hits similar to what you want. Best practices for implementing a multi-level Option Menu on Android?
I'm not sure this is the best approach for a menu, though. Would you consider something like this instead: https://github.com/pratikbutani/MultiSelectSpinner
I'm new to Java and Android. I have been trying for the past week to make an app for my phone. The app consists of 4 pages, which are diagrammed below:
Page 1: Contains a picture taking up the size of the screen. If I click on the picture it needs to go to "page 2".
Page 2: Consists of an icon on the left (say the flag for instance) followed by a text field (eg. USA). When "USA" strip is clicked it needs to go to page 3.
Page 3: Consists of text, picture and then more text from a string. This page needs to correspond to the strip clicked on in page 2 ("USA" in this example). There are also two buttons at the bottom of "page 3" and "page 4" which when pressed need to go to the corresponding page numbers.
Page 4: This page is displayed if the "More" button is pressed on "page 3".
I would like this phone to work on a minimum Android 2.2 or 2.3. All logos, pictures and string texts need to be locally available (resources folder) and not website based. I have tried all sorts of combinations of ListView's and buttons with OnClickListener's as well as toast screens. My limited knowledge of programming is frustrating.
My question is if there is a template around which will help me out with this app? Or if there are any web resources.
In Android, individual "pages" or "screens" can be implemented as Activitys. You need to extend the Activity class and add the components that you wish to display. Most of the layout can be done in an XML file. I strongly suggest that you google for a tutorial that illustrates the basics of Android programming. From there, you can start by creating an app with two pages. And then just keep adding a little bit at a time until you get the complete app that you want.
There some easy ways to do this. If you want to be backwards compatible to SDK 8 you can do this in two ways. You can use Fragments or Activities for each layout. If you implement fragments, I suggest reading http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html inside there you will about using the FragmentActivity instead of the Activity. Read this link http://developer.android.com/tools/extras/support-library.html as it will have the needed libraries to implement the Fragments in older versions of the SDK. It does looks like you looking for some navigation buttons that reside on the bottom of the layout. In order to fully implement a layout that has this view on the bottom of the screen in SDK 8, you will need to create your own View and place it on the bottom of the screen. RelativeLayout and alignParentBottom = "true" will accomplish this. There is also a way to do this using a ViewPager which will also work in the backwards compatibility requirements you have. I am sorry the amount of information I am throwing at you but I really would recommend looking into other questions posted by users on this topic. How to navigate to another page in android? for example. Good luck and everything you are looking for is able to be learned through a Google search. Maybe not all at once.
I am trying to implement a text box that, when the user types something, it asynchronously expands a drop-down menu that contains suggestions, much like how the Google search bar shows predictive search queries. In other words, combining an EditText with a Spinner in the sense that the user types something and it presents a list of selectable options right below it. Does such a class exist in the Android library?
You can follow this tutorial from android:
is an auto complete example on a EditText.