On acquiring a state machine with stateMachineService the machine is started, but I passed 'false' as a second parameter.
stateMachine = stateMachineService.acquireStateMachine(id, false)
According to console output 'acquireStateMachine' starts the machine.
I'm using DefaultStateMachineService
public StateMachineService<BookingItemState, BookingItemEvent> stateMachineService(
StateMachineFactory<BookingItemState, BookingItemEvent> stateMachineFactory,
StateMachineRuntimePersister<BookingItemState, BookingItemEvent, String> stateMachineRuntimePersister) {
return new DefaultStateMachineService<>(stateMachineFactory, stateMachineRuntimePersister);
The issue is in DefaultStateMachineService class. I suppose that you have configured SM as below enabling autoStartap property:
public void configure(StateMachineConfigurationConfigurer<String, String> config) throws Exception {
If you call acquireStateMachine the DefaultStateMachineService creates a new SM using stateMachineFactory (but you SM has enabled autoStartup) it starts a new SM and stores it to DB.
Let's consider the metnod:
public StateMachine<S, E> acquireStateMachine(String machineId, boolean start) {
log.info("Acquiring machine with id " + machineId);
StateMachine<S, E> stateMachine;
// naive sync to handle concurrency with release
synchronized (machines) {
stateMachine = machines.get(machineId);
if (stateMachine == null) {
log.info("Getting new machine from factory with id " + machineId);
stateMachine = stateMachineFactory.getStateMachine(machineId);
if (stateMachinePersist != null) {
try {
StateMachineContext<S, E> stateMachineContext = stateMachinePersist.read(machineId);
stateMachine = restoreStateMachine(stateMachine, stateMachineContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error handling context", e);
throw new StateMachineException("Unable to read context from store", e);
machines.put(machineId, stateMachine);
// handle start outside of sync as it might take some time and would block other machines acquire
return handleStart(stateMachine, start);
To avoid this issue you may disable autoStartup option or implement you custom StateMachineService. But then you have to explicitly call stateMachine.start().
I need to migrate to Kinesis library to version 2.2.11 so I followed the tutorial: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/streams/latest/dev/kcl-migration.html
I need to run multiple instances of my consumer app, so every one of them needs to have an unique application name in order to have a separate lease table in DynamoDb.
When initializing the consumer Kinesis runs DynamoDBLeaseRefresher.createLeaseTableIfNotExists which checks if a new table needs to be created for this application name and creates one if it cannot be found.
So 2 operations are performed:
DescribeTable - it returns the table info or throws a ResourceNotFoundExecption,
if needed - CreateTable.
The problem for me is with the DescribeTable method. When I am looking for an existing table it returns it with no problem. But when I am looking for a non-existent table it throws the ResourceNotFoundExecption -> so far so good. Unfortunately it then gets wrapped and is now:
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: software.amazon.awssdk.awscore.exception.AwsServiceException$Builder.extendedRequestId(Ljava/lang/String;)Lsoftware/amazon/awssdk/awscore/exception/AwsServiceException$Builder;
and the app expecting ResourceNotFoundException gets something different instead and crashes.
The wrapped exception message is a bit misleading: "Unable to execute HTTP request" since the request was performed and returned the proper message: "Resource not found".
Funny thing is that it sometimes works, the exception does not get wrapped, the CreateTable operation is performed and the consumer starts properly.
I have made a workaround for it for now where I just create the table before the initialization of the LeaseCoordinator, so it always gets the existing table.
here is my code:
public KinesisStreamReaderService(String streamName, String applicationName, String regionName) {
KinesisAsyncClient kinesisClient = KinesisAsyncClient.builder()
DynamoDbAsyncClient dynamoClient = DynamoDbAsyncClient.builder().region(Region.of(regionName)).build();
CloudWatchAsyncClient cloudWatchClient = CloudWatchAsyncClient.builder().region(Region.of(regionName)).build();
// if(!dynamoDbTableExists(dynamoClient, applicationName)) {
// createDynamoDbTable(dynamoClient, applicationName);
// }
ConfigsBuilder configsBuilder = new ConfigsBuilder(streamName, applicationName, kinesisClient,
dynamoClient, cloudWatchClient, workerId(), KinesisReaderProcessor::new);
scheduler = new Scheduler(
configsBuilder.retrievalConfig().retrievalSpecificConfig(new PollingConfig(streamName, kinesisClient))
private void createDynamoDbTable(DynamoDbAsyncClient dynamoClient, String applicationName) {
log.info("Creating new lease table: {}", applicationName);
CompletableFuture<CreateTableResponse> createTableFuture = dynamoClient
try {
CreateTableResponse createTableResponse = createTableFuture.get();
log.debug("Created new lease table: {}", createTableResponse.tableDescription().tableName());
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
throw new DataStreamException(e.getMessage(), e);
private boolean dynamoDbTableExists(DynamoDbAsyncClient dynamoClient, String tableName) {
CompletableFuture<DescribeTableResponse> describeTableResponseCompletableFutureNew = dynamoClient
try {
DescribeTableResponse describeTableResponseNew = describeTableResponseCompletableFutureNew
return nonNull(describeTableResponseNew);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
log.info(e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
private static String workerId() {
String workerId;
try {
workerId = format("%s_%s", getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(), randomUUID().toString());
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
workerId = randomUUID().toString();
return workerId;
public void read(Consumer<String> consumer) {
this.consumer = consumer;
private class KinesisReaderProcessor implements ShardRecordProcessor {
private String shardId;
public void initialize(InitializationInput initializationInput) {
this.shardId = initializationInput.shardId();
log.info("Initializing record processor for shard: {}", shardId);
public void processRecords(ProcessRecordsInput processRecordsInput) {
log.debug("Checking shard {} for new records", shardId);
List<KinesisClientRecord> records = processRecordsInput.records();
if (!records.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("Processing {} records from kinesis stream shard {}", records.size(), shardId);
records.forEach(record -> {
String json = UTF_8.decode(record.data()).toString();
public void leaseLost(LeaseLostInput leaseLostInput) {
log.info("Record processor has lost lease, terminating");
public void shardEnded(ShardEndedInput shardEndedInput) {
try {
} catch (ShutdownException | InvalidStateException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
public void shutdownRequested(ShutdownRequestedInput shutdownRequestedInput) {
try {
} catch (ShutdownException | InvalidStateException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
Am I missing some configuration for the scheduler or something? Why is it sometimes working?
The problem is this block of code in DynamoDBLeaseRefresher.tableStatus() is invoked to check if the table exists:
DescribeTableResponse result;
try {
try {
result =
(DescribeTableResponse)FutureUtils.resolveOrCancelFuture(this.dynamoDBClient.describeTable(request), this.dynamoDbRequestTimeout);
} catch (ExecutionException var5) {
throw exceptionManager.apply(var5.getCause());
} catch (InterruptedException var6) {
throw new DependencyException(var6);
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException var7) {
log.debug("Got ResourceNotFoundException for table {} in leaseTableExists, returning false.", this.table);
return null;
and in my case it should get ResourceNotFoundException if the table is not found, but as I said the expection gets wrapped to CompletionException before it reaches the appropriate catch block and is caught in the code here:
catch (ExecutionException var5) {
throw exceptionManager.apply(var5.getCause());
This is happening 20 times in the loop while trying to Initialize the LeaseCoordinator and then just stops trying to initialize the connection. (As mentioned above it works occasionally, but that makes it even stranger to me)
With my workaround it only needs 1 try to get initialized
You don't need to create a lease table manually - DynamoDBLeaseCoordinator will create one if not exists on initialization and wait until it exists:
public void initialize() throws ProvisionedThroughputException, DependencyException, IllegalStateException {
final boolean newTableCreated =
leaseRefresher.createLeaseTableIfNotExists(initialLeaseTableReadCapacity, initialLeaseTableWriteCapacity);
if (newTableCreated) {
log.info("Created new lease table for coordinator with initial read capacity of {} and write capacity of {}.",
initialLeaseTableReadCapacity, initialLeaseTableWriteCapacity);
// Need to wait for table in active state.
final long secondsBetweenPolls = 10L;
final long timeoutSeconds = 600L;
final boolean isTableActive = leaseRefresher.waitUntilLeaseTableExists(secondsBetweenPolls, timeoutSeconds);
if (!isTableActive) {
throw new DependencyException(new IllegalStateException("Creating table timeout"));
The issue in your case, I think, is that it's eventually created and you probably should periodically check until table appears - like DynamoDBLeaseCoordinator#initialize() does.
My app is built upon Spring + SockJs. Main page represents a table of available connections so that user can monitor them in real-time. Every single url monitor can be suspended/resumed separatelly from each other. The problem is once you suspend some monitor then you can never resume it back because ApplicationEvents property of MonitoringFacade bean suddenly becomes null for the SINGLE entity. For other entites listener keeps working pretty well. When attempt to invoke methods of such null listener NullPointerException is never thrown though.
class IndexController implements ApplicationEvents
public IndexController(SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate, MonitoringFacade monitoringFacade) {
this.simpMessagingTemplate = simpMessagingTemplate;
this.monitoringFacade = monitoringFacade;
public void initialize() {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">>Index controller initialization.");
public void monitorUpdated(String monitorId) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">>Sending monitoring data to client with monitor id " + monitorId);
try {
ConfigurationDTO config = monitoringFacade.findConfig(monitorId);
Report report = monitoringFacade.findReport(monitorId);
ReportReadModel readModel = ReportReadModel.mapFrom(config, report);
simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/client/update", readModel);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception: ", e);
public class MonitoringFacadeImpl implements MonitoringFacade
private ApplicationEvents dispatcher;
public void addDispatcher(ApplicationEvents dispatcher) {
logger.info("Setting up dispatcher");
this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
public void refreshed(RefreshEvent event) {
final String monitorId = event.getId().getIdentity();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(String.format(">>Refreshing monitoring data with monitor id '%s'", monitorId));
Configuration refreshedConfig = configurationService.find(monitorId);
reportingService.compileReport(refreshedConfig, event.getData());
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(String.format(">>Notifying monitoring data updated with monitor id '%s'", monitorId) + dispatcher);
dispatcher.monitorUpdated(monitorId); // here dispatcher has null value... or it's actually not
void refreshed(RefreshEvent event) method succesfully receives updates from Quartz scheduler through the interface and sends it back to controller.
The question is how a singleton-scoped bean can have different property values for different objects it is applied for and why such a property becomes null even though i have never set it to null?
public void handleSuspend(#DestinationVariable String monitorId) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">>>Handling suspend request for monitor with id " + monitorId);
try {
monitorUpdated(monitorId);// force client update
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception: ", e);
public void handleResume(#DestinationVariable String monitorId) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(">>>Handling resume request for monitor with id " + monitorId);
try {
monitorUpdated(monitorId);// force client update
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception: ", e);
We are using DisallowConcurrentExecutionAttribute annotation inside the Java class to prevent concurrent execution of multiple instances, however, looks like Quartz has triggered twice the same instance concurrently. Please address this issue and provide us more information and fix this issue if it is a bug.
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = false)
public void execute(final JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {
logger.log(Log.DEBUG, "++++ Quartz JOB BatchJobDetector started");
try {
boolean triggerNextJob = true;
while (triggerNextJob) {
TriggeredBatchProcessDTO triggeredBatchProcessDTO = getNextJob(jobExecutionContext, 0);
if (triggeredBatchProcessDTO != null) {
triggerJobImmediatly(triggeredBatchProcessDTO.getId(), jobExecutionContext);
} else {
triggerNextJob = false;
} catch (final UnexpectedRuntimeException e) {
logger.log(Log.ERROR, "Error during execution of TriggeredBatchProcessDetectorJob: " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new UnexpectedRuntimeException(CoreExceptionId.RUN_0001_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION,
new Object[] { "TriggeredBatchProcessDetectorJob error" }, t);
logger.log(Log.DEBUG, "++++ Quartz JOB BatchDetector finished");
You need to set up quartz correctly through properties to run it into the cluster mode and I'm not sure but imho you should also use #PersistJobDataAfterExecution annotation. I was using clustered quartz without any problems also with depracated job implementations
StatefulJob. You need to show us your config - here is sample - and give quartz lib versions
We use hazelcast in client-server mode. The hazelcast cluster contains 2 hazelcast nodes and we have about 25 clients connected to the cluster.
What I am lookin for now is a simple check that tries to figure out if the cluster is still alive. It should be a rather cheap operation because this check will occure on every client quite frequently (once every second I could imagine).
What is the best way to do so?
The simplest way would be the register a LifecycleListener to the client HazelcastInstance:
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient();
client.getLifecycleService().addLifecycleListener(new LifecycleListener() {
public void stateChanged(LifecycleEvent event) {
The client uses a periodic heartbeat to detect if the cluster is still running.
You can use the LifecycleService.isRunning() method as well:
HazelcastInstance hzInstance = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient();
As isRunning() may be true even if cluster is down, I'd go for the following approach (a mixture of #konstantin-zyubin's answer and this). This doesn't need an event-listener, which is an advantage in my setup:
if (!hazelcastInstance.getLifecycleService().isRunning()) {
return Health.down().build();
int parameterCount;
LocalTopicStats topicStats;
try {
parameterCount = hazelcastInstance.getMap("parameters").size();
topicStats = hazelcastInstance.getTopic("myTopic").getLocalTopicStats();
} catch (Exception e) {
// instance may run but cluster is down:
Health.Builder builder = Health.down();
builder.withDetail("Error", e.getMessage());
return builder.build();
Health.Builder builder = Health.up();
builder.withDetail("parameterCount", parameterCount);
builder.withDetail("receivedMsgs", topicStats.getReceiveOperationCount());
builder.withDetail("publishedMsgs", topicStats.getPublishOperationCount());
return builder.build();
I have found a more reliable way to check hazelcast availability, because
when you use async reconnection mode is always return true, as was mentioned.
public class DistributedCacheServiceImpl implements DistributedCacheService {
private HazelcastInstance client;
protected ConfigLoader<ServersConfig> serversConfigLoader;
private void initHazelcastClient() {
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
if (isCacheEnabled()) {
ServersConfig.Hazelсast hazelcastConfig = getWidgetCacheSettings().getHazelcast();
for (String address : hazelcastConfig.getAddresses()) {
.setConnectionAttemptLimit(0) // infinite (Integer.MAX_VALUE) attempts to reconnect
client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(config);
public boolean isCacheEnabled() {
ServersConfig.WidgetCache widgetCache = getWidgetCacheSettings();
return widgetCache != null && widgetCache.getEnabled();
public boolean isCacheAlive() {
boolean aliveResult = false;
if (isCacheEnabled() && client != null) {
try {
IMap<Object, Object> defaultMap = client.getMap("default");
if (defaultMap != null) {
defaultMap.size(); // will throw Hazelcast exception if cluster is down
aliveResult = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Connection to hazelcast cluster is lost. Reason : {}", e.getMessage());
return aliveResult;
Im using hibernate 3 and spring.
When I start a thread an exception occurred:
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions
I dont know how to detach entities or close session with this architecture.
I appreciate some help.
CommunicationService.sendCommunications() code:
public void sendCommunications(HibernateMessageToSendRepository messageToSendRepository) {
Long messageId = new Long(41); //this is only for test. the idea is get a list of id and generate a thread group.
MessageSender sender = SmsSender(messageId, messageToSendRepository);
Invoking sendCommunications code:
ApplicationContext appCont = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("appContext.xml");
ServiceLocator serviceLocator = ServiceLocator.getInstance();
HibernateMessageToSendRepository messageToSendRepository = (HibernateMessageToSendRepository) appCont.getBean("messageToSendRepository");
CommunicationService communication = serviceLocator.getCommunicationService();
SmsSender (extends from MessageSender (thread)) code:
public class SmsSender extends MessageSender {
public SmsSender(Long messageToSendId, HibernateMessageToSendRepository messageToSendRepository) {
MessageToSend messageToSendNew = this.messageToSendRepository.getById(messageToSendId);
this.messageToSend = messageToSendNew;
public void run() {
try {
MessageToSendSms messageToSendSms = (MessageToSendSms) this.messageToSend;
Iterator<CustomerByMessage> itCbmsgs = messageToSendSms.getCustomerByMessage().iterator();
while (itCbmsgs.hasNext()) {
CustomerByMessage cbm = (CustomerByMessage) itCbmsgs.next();
//sms sending
this.getGateway().sendSMS(cbm.getBody(), cbm.getCellphone());
} catch (Exception e) {
this.log.error("Error en sms sender " + e.getMessage());
MessageToSendRepository code:
public void update(MessageToSend messageToSend) {
try {
} catch (HibernateException e) {
this.log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw e;
You need to detach messageToSendNew after you you retrieve it, but before you share it with another thread. You can detach the object by calling Session.close() on your hibernate session.
Caveat you must eagerly populate all the fields that you need.
If you need to reconnect it with a new session you can use the merge() method.