How can I get a HashMap value depending on the key? [duplicate] - java

This question already has answers here:
Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?
(31 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
So I have an ArrayList with objects that have name, id, salary etc. And a Queues with another ArrayList objects, model, year etc.
I created a HashMap and used the ArrayList objects as keys and the queues as values, associating each queue for a object in the arraylist.
The thing is, I have to list all the values for a determined key.
I would like to know how can I return all the values of a hashmap depending on the name value of the object.
For example this my map:
{Mech [Name = Ella McCarthy , ID = 1]=[Car [model=Civic, year=2010, fix=flat tyres], Car [model=Audi A3, year=2012, fix=something broken]],
Mech [Name = Josh Reys , ID = 1]=[Car [model=Cruze, year=2014, fix=something broken], Car [model=Impala, year=1990, fix=something broken]]}
Is there any way of returning the value if the name in the object in the key equals to Ella McCarthy?

Next code may comprehensive for you:
public class MapExample {
private static final String DETERMINED_KEY = "Ella McCarthy";
Queue<Car> queue = new PriorityQueue<>();
Map<Mech, Queue<Car>> map = new HashMap<>();
Queue<Car> getValuesByNameInKeyObjectWithStreams() {
Queue<Car> cars = map.entrySet()
.filter(mapEntry -> mapEntry.getKey().getName().contentEquals(DETERMINED_KEY))
.orElseThrow(); // Throw exception if did't find according value. Or return another result with orElse(result)
return cars;
Queue<Car> getValuesByNameInKeyObjectBeforeJava8() {
for (Map.Entry<Mech, Queue<Car>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
String mechName = entry.getKey().getName();
if (mechName.equals(DETERMINED_KEY)) {
return entry.getValue();
// Throw exception or return another result
throw new RuntimeException("If didn't find exception");
class Mech {
String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
class Car {
String value;
If you prefer functional style and use java 8 or higher, peek getValuesByNameInKeyObjectWithStreams method.


Java aggregate same objects into one

I'm quite new into programming and got a tricky question.
I got an object which has multiple parameters:
public class SampleObject {
private String number;
private String valueOne;
private String valueTwo;
private String valueThree;
// getters, setters, all-args constructor
Every object always has non-null number attribute as well as one of three values-field. So for example, if valueOne is not null, the other two value fields valueTwo and valueThree would be null.
So here's my problem:
The SampleObject is referenced in AnotherClass which looks so:
public class AnotherClass {
private UUID id;
private List<SampleObject> sampleObjects;
// getters, setters, all-args constructor
I am receiving one object of AnotherClass containing multiple entities of SampleClass in a list.
What I want to do is merge all SampleObjects which got the same number into one object and provide a map, where the number is the key and value are the value parameters. For example:
Sample1(number:"1", valueOne="1", valueTwo=null, valueThree=null)
Sample2(number:"1", valueOne=null, valueTwo="2", valueThree=null)
Sample3(number:"1", valueOne=null, valueTwo=null, valueThree="3")
Sample4(number:"2", valueOne="5", valueTwo=null, valueThree=null)
Desired state:
Sample1Merged(number:"1", valueOne="1", valueTwo="2", valueThree="3")
Sample4(number:"2", valueOne="5", valueTwo=null, valueThree=null)
What I have already done is the following:
final Map<String, SampleObject> mapOfMergedSamples = new LinkedHashMap<>();
.forEach(s -> mapOfMergedSamples.put(s.getNumber(), new SampleObject(Stream.of(s.getValueOne(), s.getValueTwo())
.collect(Collectors.joining()), s.getValueThree()))
return mapOfMergedSamples;
The problem with my current try is that every number gets overwritten because they have the same key in the map (the number in the SampleObject) does someone know how can I archive my desired state?
Based on your usage of Collector.joining() I assume that you want to concatenate all non-null values without any delimiters (anyway it can be easily changed).
In order to combine SampleObject instances having the same number property, you can group them into an intermediate Map where the number would serve as Key and a custom accumulation type (having properties valueOne, valueTwo, valueThree) would be a Value (note: if you don't want to define a new type, you can put the accumulation right into the SampleObject, but I'll go with a separate class because this approach is more flexible).
Here's it might look like (for convenience, I've implemented Consumer interface):
public class SampleObjectAccumulator implements Consumer<SampleObject> {
private StringBuilder valueOne = new StringBuilder();
private StringBuilder valueTwo = new StringBuilder();
private StringBuilder valueThree = new StringBuilder();
public void accept(SampleObject sampleObject) {
if (sampleObject.getValueOne() != null) valueOne.append(sampleObject.getValueOne());
if (sampleObject.getValueTwo() != null) valueTwo.append(sampleObject.getValueTwo());
if (sampleObject.getValueThree() != null) valueThree.append(sampleObject.getValueThree());
public SampleObjectAccumulator merge(SampleObjectAccumulator other) {
return this;
public SampleObject toSampleObject(String number) {
return new SampleObject(
// getters
To create an intermediate Map we can use Collector groupingBy() and as its downstream Collector, in order to leverage the custom accumulation type, we can provide a custom collector, which can instantiated using factory method Collector.of().
Then we need to create a stream over the entries of the intermediate map in order to transform the Value.
Note that sorting applied in only the second stream.
AnotherClass anotherClass = // initializing the AnotherClass instance
final Map<String, SampleObject> mapOfMergedSamples = anotherClass.getSampleObjects().stream()
e -> e.getValue().toSampleObject(e.getKey()),
(left, right) -> { throw new AssertionError("All keys are expected to be unique"); },

Extract a list containing duplicates from a list and also get the non-duplicate list java 8 stream

I am reading data from an excel file using apache poi and transforming it into a list of object. But now I want to extract any duplicates based on certain rules into another list of that object and also get the non-duplicate list.
Condition to check for a duplicate
phone number
gst number
Any of these properties can result in a duplicate. which mean or not an and
Party Class
public class Party {
private String name;
private Long number;
private String email;
private String address;
private BigDecimal openingBalance;
private LocalDateTime openingDate;
private String gstNumber;
// Getter Setter Skipped
Let's say this is the list returned by the logic to excel data so far
var firstParty = new Party();
firstParty.setName("Valid Party");
var secondParty = new Party();
secondParty.setName("Valid Party");
secondParty.setAddress("Valid Address");
secondParty.setEmail("Valid Email");
secondParty.setGstNumber("Valid GST");
var thirdParty = new Party();
thirdParty.setName("Valid Party 1");
var validParties = List.of(firstParty, secondParty, thirdParty);
What I have attempted so far :-
var partyNameOccurrenceMap = validParties.parallelStream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), HashMap::new, Collectors.counting()));
var partyNameOccurrenceMapCopy = SerializationUtils.clone(partyNameOccurrenceMap);
var duplicateParties =
.filter(party-> {
var occurrence = partyNameOccurrenceMap.get(party.getName());
if (occurrence > 1) {
partyNameOccurrenceMap.put(party.getName(), occurrence - 1);
return true;
return false;
var nonDuplicateParties =
.filter(party -> {
var occurrence = partyNameOccurrenceMapCopy.get(party.getName());
if (occurrence > 1) {
partyNameOccurrenceMapCopy.put(party.getName(), occurrence - 1);
return false;
return true;
The above code only checks for party name but we also need to check for email, phone number and gst number.
The code written above works just fine but the readability, conciseness and the performance might be an issue as the data set is large enough like 10k rows in excel file
Never ignore Equals/hashCode contract
name, email, number, gstNumber
Any of these properties can result in a duplicate, which mean or
Your definition of a duplicate implies that any of these properties should match, whilst others might not.
It means that it's impossible to provide an implementation equals/hashCode that would match the given definition and doesn't violate the hashCode contract.
If two objects are equal according to the equals method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
I.e. if you implement equals in such a way they any (not all) of these properties: name, email, number, gstNumber could match, and that would enough to consider the two objects equal, then there's no way to implement hashCode correctly.
And as the consequence of this, you can't use the object with a broken equals/hashCode implementation in with a hash-based Collection because equal objects might end up the in the different bucket (since they can produce different hashes). I.e. HashMap would not be able to recognize the duplicated keys, hence groupingBy with groupingBy() with Function.identity() as a classifier function would not work properly.
Therefore, to address this problem, you need to implement equals() based on all 4 properties: name, email, number, gstNumber (i.e. all these values have to be equal), and similarly all these values must contribute to hash-code.
How to determine Duplicates
There's no easy way to determine duplicates by multiple criteria. The solution you've provided is not viable, since we can't rely on the equals/hashCode.
The only way is to generate a HashMap separately for each end every attribute (i.e. in this case we need 4 maps). But can we alternate this, avoiding repeating the same steps for each map and hard coding the logic?
Yes, we can.
We can create a custom generic accumulation type (it would be suitable for any class - no hard-coded logic) that would encapsulate all the logic of determining duplicates and maintain an arbitrary number of maps under the hood. After consuming all the elements from the given collection, this custom object would be aware of all the duplicates in it.
That's how it can be implemented.
A custom accumulation type that would be used as container of a custom Collector. Its constructor expects varargs of functions, each function correspond to the property that should be taken into account while checking whether an object is a duplicate.
public static class DuplicateChecker<T> implements Consumer<T> {
private List<DuplicateHandler<T>> handles;
private Set<T> duplicates;
public DuplicateChecker(Function<T, ?>... keyExtractors) {
this.handles =
public void accept(T t) {
handles.forEach(h -> h.accept(t));
public DuplicateChecker<T> merge(DuplicateChecker<T> other) {
for (DuplicateHandler<T> handler: handles) {
return this;
public DuplicateChecker<T> finish() {
duplicates =
.flatMap(handler -> handler.getDuplicates().stream())
return this;
public boolean isDuplicate(T t) {
return duplicates.contains(t);
A helper class representing a single createrion (like name, email, etc.) which encapsulates a HashMap. keyExtractor is used to obtain a key from an object of type T.
public static class DuplicateHandler<T> implements Consumer<T> {
private Map<Object, Set<T>> itemByKey = new HashMap<>();
private Function<T, ?> keyExtractor;
public DuplicateHandler(Function<T, ?> keyExtractor) {
this.keyExtractor = keyExtractor;
public void accept(T t) {
itemByKey.computeIfAbsent(keyExtractor.apply(t), k -> new HashSet<>()).add(t);
public void merge(DuplicateHandler<T> other) {
other.itemByKey.forEach((k, v) ->
itemByKey.merge(k,v,(oldV, newV) -> { oldV.addAll(newV); return oldV; }));
public Collection<Set<T>> getDuplicates() {
Collection<Set<T>> duplicates = itemByKey.values();
duplicates.removeIf(set -> set.size() == 1); // the object is proved to be unique by this particular property
return duplicates;
And that is the method, responsible for generating the map of duplicates, that would be used from the clean code. The given collection would be partitioned into two parts: one mapped to the key true - duplicates, another mapped to the key false - unique objects.
public static <T> Map<Boolean, List<T>> getPartitionByProperties(Collection<T> parties,
Function<T, ?>... keyExtractors) {
DuplicateChecker<T> duplicateChecker =
() -> new DuplicateChecker<>(keyExtractors),
And that how you can apply it for your particular case.
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Party> parties = // initializing the list of parties
Map<Boolean, List<Party>> isDuplicate = partitionByProperties(parties,
Party::getName, Party::getNumber,
Party::getEmail, Party::getGstNumber);
I would use create a map for each property where
key is the property we want to check duplicate
value is a Set containing all the index of element in the list with same key.
Then we can
filter values in the map with more that 1 index (i.e. duplicate indexes).
union all the duplicate index
determine if the element is duplicate/unique by using the duplicate index.
The time complexity is roughly O(n).
public class UniquePerEachProperty {
private static void separate(List<Party> partyList) {
Map<String, Set<Integer>> nameToIndexesMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> emailToIndexesMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Long, Set<Integer>> numberToIndexesMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> gstNumberToIndexesMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < partyList.size(); i++) {
Party party = partyList.get(i);
nameToIndexesMap.putIfAbsent(party.getName(), new HashSet<>());
emailToIndexesMap.putIfAbsent(party.getEmail(), new HashSet<>());
numberToIndexesMap.putIfAbsent(party.getNumber(), new HashSet<>());
gstNumberToIndexesMap.putIfAbsent(party.getGstNumber(), new HashSet<>());
Set<Integer> duplicatedIndexes = Stream.of(
).flatMap(Collection::stream).filter(indexes -> indexes.size() > 1)
List<Party> duplicatedList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Party> uniqueList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < partyList.size(); i++) {
Party party = partyList.get(i);
if (duplicatedIndexes.contains(i)) {
} else {
System.out.println("duplicated:" + duplicatedList);
System.out.println("unique:" + uniqueList);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// name duplicate
new Party("name1", 1L, "email1", "gstNumber1"),
new Party("name1", 2L, "email2", "gstNumber2"),
// number duplicate
new Party("name3", 3L, "email3", "gstNumber3"),
new Party("name4", 3L, "email4", "gstNumber4"),
// email duplicate
new Party("name5", 5L, "email5", "gstNumber5"),
new Party("name6", 6L, "email5", "gstNumber6"),
// gstNumber duplicate
new Party("name7", 7L, "email7", "gstNumber7"),
new Party("name8", 8L, "email8", "gstNumber7"),
// unique
new Party("name9", 9L, "email9", "gstNumber9")
Assume Party has below constructor and toString()(for testing)
public class Party {
public Party(String name, Long number, String email, String gstNumber) { = name;
this.number = number; = email;
this.address = "";
this.openingBalance = BigDecimal.ZERO;
this.openingDate = LocalDateTime.MIN;
this.gstNumber = gstNumber;
public String toString() {
return "Party{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", number=" + number +
", email='" + email + '\'' +
", gstNumber='" + gstNumber + '\'' +

Customized sorting of custom object [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
In Java how do you sort one list based on another?
(23 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am trying to sort custom objects on some custom order but I am not able to. I can sort if objects are String or integer. I have posted some detailed description on code below. Thanks for any help.
Private static final List<String> places = Arrays.asList(“Switzerland”, “America”, “Romania”, “Chad”, "Australia");
//this list is fixed and always needs to maintain this order
Map<String, String> countrFromDB = countryDAO.getAllCOuntriesFromDB();
List<Country> sortCountry= new ArrayList<>();
for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : countrFromDB.entrySet() ){
Country c = new Country(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
for(Country data:sortCountry){
I get America, Chad, Australia, Switzerland, Romania. However, I need to maintain order like in
places = Switzerland, America, Romania, Chad, Australia
You have to use indexOf in the comparator
final List<String> places = Arrays.asList("Switzerland", "America", "Romania", "Chad", "Australia");
Collections.sort(sortCountry, new Comparator<Country>(){
public int compare(Country o1, Country o2){
return places.indexOf(o1.getValue()) - places.indexOf(o2.getValue());
for(Country data:sortCountry){
Why not construct the list in the order you want in the first place, so you don't need to sort it separately?
List<Country> sortCountry= new ArrayList<>();
for(String place : places){
if (countrFromDB.containsKey(place)) {
Country c = new Country(place, countrFromDB.get(place));

In Java: What happens if I change a key in an HashMap to be equal to another key? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Changing an object which is used as a Map key
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I know that I can not have 2 keys in a HashMap which are equal (by the equals()-method). And if I try to add a key-value-pair to the HashMap with the key already existing, the old value is just replaced by the new one.
But what if I change an already existing key to be equal to another existing key?
How will the map.get() method behave in this case (applied to one of these equal keys)?
Very simple example below.
public class Person{
private int age;
private String name;
public Person(int a, String n){
age = a;
name = n;
public void setAge(int a){ age = a; }
public int getAge(){return age; }
public String getName() {return name; }
public boolean equals(Object o){
if(!(o instanceof Person)){return false;}
Person p = (Person) o;
return ((p.getName().equals(this.getName())) && (p.getAge() == this.getAge()));
public int hashCode(){return age;}
public class MainClass{
public static void main(String[]args){
Person p1 = new Person("Bill", 20);
Person p2 = new Person("Bill", 21);
HashMap<Person, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(p1, "some value");
map.put(p2, "another value");
String x = map.get(p1); // <-- What will this be??
When you mutate a key which is already present in the HashMap you break the HashMap. You are not supposed to mutate keys present in the HashMap. If you must mutate such keys, you should remove them from the HashMap before the change, and put them again in the HashMap after the change.
map.get(p1) will search for the key p1 according to its new hashCode, which is equal to the hash code of p2. Therefore it will search in the bucket that contains p2, and return the corresponding value - "another value" (unless both keys happen to be mapped to the same bucket, in which case either value can be returned, depending on which key would be tested first for equality).
In short: p1 will not be reachable anymore.
In general the map is using the hash function to split the keys to buckets and then the equal function to locate the correct key-value. when you change the value of p1 and with that its hash value. If you will look for it the map will look for the value in a different bucket and will not see it and the p1 that is in the map will not be reachable.

MAPS. Java. Return of values

I am struggling with following:
I need to create a method which returns a collection of all values that specify some particular selection criterion specified by one or more arguments.
My MAP consists of PPS numbers(keys) and values( town, name, surname, place of work ) Both are strings .
However, I am not sure what I need to do to get the values after placin in the map.
*This method returns a collection of all people who work for CO-OP
public Set<String> selectKeys(String factory)
for (Set<String>eachTaxPayers : taxPayersList.values())
Set<String>eachClients = taxPayersList.keySet();
return null ;
Could someone help me please?
This is a code how Map is populated.
public class Tax
Map<String, Set<String>>taxPayersList;
public Tax()
taxPayersList = new HashMap<>();
Set<String>taxPayersDetails = new HashSet<>();
taxPayersDetails.add(" Eddie Donegan");
taxPayersList.put("4481908A", taxPayersDetails);
taxPayersDetails = new HashSet<>();
taxPayersDetails.add(" Paddy Power");
taxPayersList.put("6088989B", taxPayersDetails);
taxPayersDetails = new HashSet<>();
taxPayersDetails.add(" Mikey Obama");
taxPayersList.put("6788910B", taxPayersDetails);
I want only to return the key's( PPS numbers) for people who works for the same company
public Set<String> selectKeys(String factory) {
// our return Set
Set<String> factoryWorkers = new HashSet<>();
// Let's iterate over the map entries
for (Map.Entry entry : taxPayersList.entrySet()) {
// Let's grab the value of the current map entruy
Set<String> eachTaxPayers = entry.getValue()
// Risky move
if(eachTaxPayers.contains(factory)) {
// add the key (PPS) to the return set
return factoryWorkers;
FYI, the line marked as "Risky Move" is not the best approach.
Though unlikely, it's possible a city has the same name as factory.
You'd be better using an Iterator on the Set and comparing against the 2nd value.
Even better, instead of having a Map>
you could have a Map
where Employee has fields such as name, city and factoryName.

