Update string field concatenating another string in mongodb with spring-data - java

How I can update a string field in a mongo document, concatenating another string value, using java and spring-data mongo? Ex:
“languages”: “python,java,c”
Concat “kotlin”:
“languages”: “python,java,c,kotlin”
Thanks so much.

Starting in MongoDB v4.2, the db.collection.update() method can accept an aggregation pipeline to modify a field using the values of the other fields in the Document.
Update with Aggregation Pipeline
Try this one:
UpdateResult result = mongoTemplate.updateMulti(Query.query(new Criteria()),
"collection"); //mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(Entity.class)
//AcknowledgedUpdateResult{matchedCount=1, modifiedCount=1, upsertedId=null}
In MongoDB shell, it looks like this:
{ "$set" : { "languages" : { "$concat" : ["$languages", ",", "kotlin"]}}}


Java MongoTemplate: aggregation using String criteria

I need to rewrite some code previoulsy with Jongo but using Springframework MongoDb. Previous code was:
.aggregate("{$match:" + query + "}")
.and("{$group: {_id: '$domain', domain: {$first: '$domain'}, codes: {$push: '$code'}}}")
.and("{$project : { _id: 0, domain: 1 , codes: 1 } }")
where eventsCollection is Jongo MongoCollection, and query is a String containing with criteria.
New code must probably look like :
Aggregation myAggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
Aggregation.match(/* something here */),
mongoTemplate.aggregate(myAggregation, "collectionName", DomainCodes.class);
but I don't find a way to create match criteria using String (similare as BasicQuery that can take a query as String for argument)
In order to change as little code as possible, is there anyway to use query String as in Jongo ?
Thank you,

How to custom search for text query in mongodb?

I'm new in mongodb. I have following data as a JSON format in mongodb. I need to search the bookLabel or the shortLabel for the book and it should show me all the information about the book. For example: if I query for 'Cosmos' it'll show all the description about the book, like: bookLabel, writer, yearPublish, url. How can I do that in java? Need query, please help.
"bookLabel":"Cosmos (Mass Market Paperback)",
"writer":"Carl Sagan",
"bookLabel":"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks",
"shortLabel":"Immortal Life",
"writer":"Rebecca Skloot",
"2010, 2011"
"bookLabel":"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich",
"shortLabel":"Rise and Fall",
"writer":"William L. Shirer",
With MongoDB Java Driver v3.2.2 you can do something like this:
FindIterable<Document> iterable = collection.find(Document.parse("{\"Description.shortLabel\": {$regex: \"Cosmos\"}"));
This returns all documents containing Cosmos in the Description.shortLabel nested field. For an exact match, try this {"Description.shortLabel": "Cosmos"}. Replace shortLabel with bookLabelto search the bookLabel field. Then you can do iterable.forEach(new Block<Document>()) on the returned documents. To search both bookLabel and shortLabel, you can do a $or{}. My syntax could be wrong so check the MongoDB manual. But this is the general idea.
For this, you can use MongoDB's Text Search Capabilities. You'll have to create a text index on your collection for that.
First of all create a text index on your collection on fields bookLabel and shortLabel.
db.books.createIndex({ "Description.bookLabel" : "text", "Description.shortLabel" : "text" })
Note that this is done in the Mongo shell
DBObject command = BasicDBObjectBuilder
.start("text", "books")
.append("search", "Cosmos")
CommandResult result = db.command(command);
BasicDBList results = (BasicDBList) result.get("results");
for(Object o : results) {
DBObject dbo = (DBObject) ((DBObject) o).get("obj");
String id = (String) dbo.get("_ID");
Haven't really tested this. But just give it a try. Should work.

Fuzzy query on dates with ElasticSearch Java API

I'm trying to perform the following query through ElasticSearch Java API
"query" : {
"fuzzy" : {
"dateOfBirth" : {
"value" : "1944-11-30",
"fuzziness" : "365d"
I doesn't understand how to specify the fuzzines value for 365 days in this kind of query.
You can use this:
FuzzyQueryBuilder queryBuilder = fuzzyQuery("dateOfBirth" ,"1944-11-30" ).fuzziness(Fuzziness.build("365d"))
Hope this helps

Plain string template query for elasticsearch through java API?

I have a template foo.mustache saved in {{ES_HOME}}/config/scripts.
POST to http://localhost:9200/forward/_search/template with the following message body returns a valid response:
"template": {
"file": "foo"
"params": {
"q": "a",
"hasfilters": false
I want to translate this to using the java API now that I've validated all the different components work. The documentation here describes how to do it in java:
SearchResponse sr = client.prepareSearch("forward")
However, I would instead like to just send a plain string query (i.e. the contents of the message body from above) rather than build up the response using the java. Is there a way to do this? I know with normal queries, I can construct it like so:
SearchRequestBuilder response = client.prepareSearch("forward")
I believe the setQuery() method wraps the contents into a query object, which is not what I want for my template query. If this is not possible, I will just have to go with the documented way and convert my json params to Map<String, Object>
I ended up just translating my template_params to a Map<String, Object> as the documentation requires. I utilized groovy's JsonSlurper to convert the text to an object with a pretty simple method.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
public static Map<String,Object> convertJsonToTemplateParam(String s) {
Object result = new JsonSlurper().parseText(s);
//Manipulate your result if you need to do any additional work here.
//I.e. Programmatically determine value of hasfilters if filters != null
return (Map<String,Object>) result;
And you could pass in the following as a string to this method:
"q": "a",
"hasfilters": true
"filter_name" : "foo.untouched",
"filters" : [ "FOO", "BAR"]
"filter_name" : "hello.untouched",
"list" : [ "WORLD"]

Spring data mongodb removes a positional operator from "$unset" update query part

I have a collection of users:
> db.users.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("544ab933e4b099c3cfb62e12"),
"token" : "8c9f8cf4-1689-48ab-bf53-ee071a377f60",
"categories" : [
DBRef("cue_categories", ObjectId("544ab933e4b099c3cfb62e10")),
DBRef("cue_categories", ObjectId("544ab933e4b099c3cfb62e11"))
I want to find all users who have (let's say) ObjectId("544ab933e4b099c3cfb62e10") category and remove it (because this category was deleted and I don't want users to refer to it anymore).
The valid query to do it in JSON format would be:
DBRef("cue_categories", ObjectId("544ab933e4b099c3cfb62e10"))
Here's a Spring mongodb query:
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
operations.updateMulti(query, update, User.class);
In order to make an appropriate DB reference I have to provide a list of category IDs, each category ID (in categoryIds) is an instance of org.bson.types.ObjectId.
The problem is that the result query turns out to be without a positional operator:
DEBUG o.s.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate - Calling update using
query: { "categories.$id" : { "$in" : [ { "$oid" :
"544ab933e4b099c3cfb62e10"}]}} and update: { "$unset" : { "categories"
: 1}} in collection: users
So the update part must be { "$unset" : { "categories.$" : 1}}
I managed to get around by falling back to the plain Java driver use
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("categories.$id", new BasicDBObject("$in", categoryIds));
DBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$unset", new BasicDBObject("categories.$", true));
operations.getCollection("users").updateMulti(query, update);
But my question still remains open!
My case is very similar to Update Array Field Using Positional Operator ($) Does Not Work bug and looks like it was fixed for versions 1.4.1 and 1.5. That being said I use spring-data-mongodb version 1.5.1. And I'm confused. Does anybody have a clue?
You can not use positional $ operator with unset as per MongoDB documentation. It will set the value as Null. https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/positional/

