getting first level of categorisation from Notes view - java

I have a categorized Notes view, let say the first categorized column is TypeOfVehicle the second categorized column is Model and the third categorized column is Manufacturer.
I would like to collect only the values for the first category and return it as json object:
I am facing two problems:
- I can not read the value for the category, the column values are emptry and when I try to access the underlying document it is null
the script won't hop over to the category/sibling on the same level.
can someone explain me what am I doing wrong here?
private Object getFirstCategory() {
JsonJavaObject json = new JsonJavaObject();
String server = null;
String filepath = null;
server = props.getProperty("server");
filepath = props.getProperty("filename");
Database db;
db = utils.getSession().getDatabase(server, filepath);
if (db.isOpen()) {
View vw = db.getView("transport");
if (null != vw) {
ViewNavigator nav;
nav = vw.createViewNav();
JsonJavaArray arr = new JsonJavaArray();
Integer count = 0;
ViewEntry tmpentry;
ViewEntry entry = nav.getFirst();
while (null != entry) {
Vector<?> columnValues = entry.getColumnValues();
System.out.println("entry notesid = " + entry.getNoteID());
Document doc = entry.getDocument();
if(null != doc){
if (doc.hasItem("TypeOfVehicle ")){
System.out.println("category has not " + "TypeOfVehicle ");
System.out.println("category IS " + doc.getItemValueString("TypeOfVehicle "));
} else{
System.out.println("doc is null");
JsonJavaObject row = new JsonJavaObject();
JsonJavaObject jo = new JsonJavaObject();
String TypeOfVehicle = String.valueOf(columnValues.get(0));
if (null != TypeOfVehicle ) {
if (!TypeOfVehicle .equals("")){
jo.put("TypeOfVehicle ", TypeOfVehicle );
} else{
jo.put("TypeOfVehicle ", "Not categorized");
} else {
jo.put("TypeOfVehicle ", "Not categorized");
row.put("request", jo);
arr.put(count, row);
tmpentry = nav.getNextSibling(entry);
entry = tmpentry;
} else{
//tmpentry = nav.getNextCategory();
//entry = tmpentry;
json.put("data", arr);
} catch (Exception e) {
OpenLogUtil.logErrorEx(e, JSFUtil.getXSPContext().getUrl().toString(), Level.SEVERE, null);
return json;

What you're doing wrong is trying to treat any single view entry as both a category and a document. A single view entry can only be one of a category, a document, or a total.
If you have an entry for which isCategory() returns true, then for the same entry:
isDocument() will return false.
getDocument() will return null.
getNoteID() will return an empty string.
If the only thing you need is top-level categories, then get the first entry from the navigator and iterate over entries using nav.getNextSibling(entry) as you're already doing, but:
Don't try to get documents, note ids, or fields.
Use entry.getColumnValues().get(0) to get the value of the first column for each category.
If the view contains any uncategorised documents, it's possible that entry.getColumnValues().get(0) might throw an exception, so you should also check that entry.getColumnValues().size() is at least 1 before trying to get a value.
If you need any extra data beyond just top-level categories, then note that subcategories and documents are children of their parent categories.
If an entry has a subcategory, nav.getChild(entry) will get the first subcategory of that entry.
If an entry has no subcategories, but is a category which contains documents, nav.getChild(entry) will get the first document in that category.


How can i populate a RecyclerView with hashmap values?

Before i used an ArrayList for this, but because of duplicate Album issues (which i resolved before API29 by using DISTINCT and GROUP BY statements) which are not allowed anymore to use inside a query.
I got values like this in my RecyclerViews Adapter: myArrayList.get(position).getAlbum();
But now that i'm using a HashMap, how can i get a value by position which i get from the adapter?
Code for adding values in Hashmap
HashMap<Integer, Album> albums = new HashMap<>();
String[] projection2 = { MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID,
String selection = MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_MUSIC + "!=0";
String sort = MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM + " COLLATE NOCASE ASC";
cursor = resolver.query(musicUri, projection2, selection, null, sort);
try {
if (cursor != null) {
while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
int columnAlbumId = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID);
int columnAlbumName = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM);
String albumId = cursor.getString(columnAlbumId);
String albumName = cursor.getString(columnAlbumName);
if(albums.containsKey(albumId) == false){
Album album = new Album(albumId, albumName);
albums.put(albumId, album);
}catch (Exception e){
Log.e(TAG, "Exception caught when creating ALBUM!", e);
throw new Exception();
By definition the HashMap is not sorted so how about a SortedMap? An implementation of a SortedMap is a TreeMap which sorts the entries according to keys (or a Comparator).
I believe that suits you since your map has integers as keys.
You can use a List or whatever collection suits you in your adapter. For example keep a reference to the ids and the albums which is the data that you're interested in displaying through the adapter.
private int[] ids;
private Album[] albums;
As you're passing the data (included in a map) to your adapter then you could extract that data and place it in the array containers so you can take advantage of the index. For example,
public MyAdapter(Map<Integer,Album> data){
ids = new int[map.size()];
albums = new Album[map.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer,Album> e : map.entrySet()){
ids[i] = e.getKey();
albums[i++] = e.getValue();
Now that you have your arrays you can sort them also if you like and in case you want to grab the 3rd album and its id all you need to do is,
int id = ids[2];
Album album = albums[2];

Receiving "null" in Place of Correct Values

I'm currently using Jersey REST to create a webpage that has a list of birds and taxonomy number, with a link to a page specifically about the bird in question. While my links work between the two pages, and my Bird Name and Taxonomy Number appear, I can't get the order or family name to appear. Following is the code in question.
public class BirdsList extends Birds {
public String all() {
Iterator iterator = birdnames.keySet().iterator();
String page = "<html><title>All Birds</title><body>";
page += "<p>This is the list of all birds. <br> Click the taxonomy number of the bird you wish to view in detail.</p>";
Object key =;
String value = birdnames.get(key);
HashSet fam = family.get(key);
HashSet ord = order.get(key);
for (String key : birdnames.keySet()) {
page += String.format("<p>Name:%s <br> Taxonomy Number:<a href=%s>%s</a></p>",birdnames.get(key),key,
page += "</body></html>";
return page;
public String getBird(#PathParam("key") String key) {
String page = "<html><title>Bird #: {key}</title><body>";
page += String.format("<p>This page contains info on the %s</p>",birdnames.get(key));
page += String.format("<p>Name:%s <br> Taxonomy Number:%s <br> Family:%s <br> Order:%s</p>",birdnames.get(key),key,family.get(key),order.get(key));
page += "<p>Please click <a href=all>here</a> to return to the list of all birds.</p>";
page += "</body></html>";
return page;
The family and order are saved in a HashSet that is inside of a hashmap, while bird name is in a hashmap. It was written over from a csv file and converted into hashmaps. Following is that code.
public class Birds {
HashMap<String,String> birdnames;
HashMap<String,HashSet<String>> family;
HashMap<String,HashSet<String>> order;
Constructor reads the CSV of all birds
public Birds() {
// long path to eBirds assuming Maven "mvn exec:java" is many levels up
String fileName = "src/main/java/com/example/rest/eBirds.csv";
boolean firstLine = true;
this.birdnames = new HashMap<String,String>(); = new HashMap<String,HashSet<String>>();
this.order = new HashMap<String,HashSet<String>>();
try {
BufferedReader R = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String line;
while (true) {
line = R.readLine();
if (line == null) break;
if (firstLine) { // ignore the first line, it's not a bird
firstLine = false;
String[] fields = line.split(",");
if (!fields[1].equalsIgnoreCase("species")) continue; // ignore all but species records
birdnames.put(fields[0],fields[4]); // add this bird to name table
// extract the order name from fields[6]
String ordername = fields[6];
if (!order.containsKey(ordername)) { // if needed, create first-time order set
order.put(ordername,new HashSet<String>());
order.get(ordername).add(fields[0]); // new order member by number for lookup
// extract the family name from fields[7] -- removing quotes first if needed
String famname = fields[7].replace("\"","");
if (!family.containsKey(famname)) { // if needed, create first-time family set
family.put(famname,new HashSet<String>());
family.get(famname).add(fields[0]); // new family member by number for lookup
catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Stack trace: " + e); }
I've never used HashSets before, that was part of the given info to us. Our assignment was to create a list page and pages specific to each bird and link between the two. I just can't get these last two values to appear correctly. Can anyone help?
Here you use the same key for all values, birdnames, family and order:
Object key =;
String value = birdnames.get(key);
HashSet fam = family.get(key);
HashSet ord = order.get(key);
But you initialize them with different keys:
// extract the order name from fields[6]
String ordername = fields[6];
if (!order.containsKey(ordername))
{ // if needed, create first-time order set
order.put(ordername, new HashSet<>());
order.get(ordername).add(fields[0]); // new order member by number for lookup
Here the key would be fields[6] and not the birdnames key.
If you want to keep using the same key, you could do the following for the orders:
if (!order.containsKey(fields[0]))
order.put(fields[0], new HashSet<>());
Then you can use:
HashSet ord = order.get(key);
And you will receive all the orders for that bird name.
If you don't want to change that and still use the same key you could do something like the following, but that is highly discouraged as it destroys the purpose of using a map in the first place:
Set<String> ord = new HashSet<>();
for (String tmp : order.keySet())
if (order.get(tmp).contains(key))
Here ord would contain all the orders for the "key".
As you can see, you need to do much more redundant work, if you don't switch value and "key".

Is It possible to change value of Range key in DynamoDB Table?

I know it may be a very silly question, but I am new to DynamoDB.
My doubt is is it possible to update the value of a Range Key in DynamoDB.
Suppose My Table is "TEST"
Date : RK
Name : GSI
Add : LSI
I want to modify Date Attribute.
Initial Values in Table was:
ID = "344"
Date = "5656"
Name = "ABC"
Running this code below. I am able to change the Name Attribute which is GSI.
Map<String,AttributeValue> item = new HashMap<String,AttributeValue>();
item.put("ID", new AttributeValue("344"));
item.put("Date", new AttributeValue("5656"));
Map<String,AttributeValueUpdate> item1 = new HashMap<String,AttributeValueUpdate>();
AttributeValueUpdate update = new AttributeValueUpdate().withValue(new AttributeValue("AMIT")).withAction("PUT");
item1.put("Name", update);
UpdateItemRequest updateItemreq = new UpdateItemRequest("Test",item,item1);
UpdateItemResult updateItemres = dynamoDBUSEast.updateItem(updateItemreq);
But When I change this line
item1.put("Name", update);
item1.put("Date", update);
I am getting some error as
Exception in thread "main" com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: One or more parameter values were invalid: Cannot update attribute Date. This attribute is part of the key (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: HRRP24Q7C48AMD8ASAI992L6MBVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG)
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.handleErrorResponse(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.executeHelper(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.execute(
So Is it possible to change the range Key value?
No, like the exception message states, you Cannot update attribute Date. This attribute is part of the key.
You can also see this under the AttributeUpdates documentation:
The names of attributes to be modified, the action to perform on each,
and the new value for each. If you are updating an attribute that is
an index key attribute for any indexes on that table, the attribute
type must match the index key type defined in the AttributesDefinition
of the table description. You can use UpdateItem to update any nonkey
The documentation states that you can update any attribute for "an attribute that is an index key attribute for any indexes on that table", which means that when you update an attribute that is projected onto an index, even it is is part of that indexes key, that index will also be updated to reflect the original item.
From the docs of AttributeValueUpdate
You cannot use UpdateItem to update any primary key attributes.
Instead, you will need to delete the item, and then use PutItem to
create a new item with new attributes.
It's a little buried but in docs for UpdateItem it says:
"You can use UpdateItem to update any nonkey attributes."
So, currently the only way to update the primary key of an item is to delete the old item and write a new one.
Here is my implementation of updating id in .net by deleting the item and then recreating it with the new id. I assume java is very similar:
// Based on
public class UpdateId
private static string tableName = "MyTableName";
private static AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
private static bool isVerbose = false;
public static void ChangeId(string currentId, string newId)
var deletedItem = DeleteItem(currentId);
if (deletedItem.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Item to delete not found: {currentId}");
deletedItem["Id"] = new AttributeValue
S = newId
var updatedItem = RetrieveItem(newId);
if (updatedItem.Count > 0 && updatedItem["Id"].S == newId)
Console.WriteLine($"Item id successfully changed from ({currentId}) to ({newId})");
Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: Item id didn't change from ({currentId}) to ({newId})");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("To continue, press Enter");
private static void CreateItem(Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> item)
var request = new PutItemRequest
TableName = tableName,
Item = item
private static Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> RetrieveItem(string id)
var request = new GetItemRequest
TableName = tableName,
Key = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>()
{ "Id", new AttributeValue {
S = id
} }
ConsistentRead = true
var response = client.GetItem(request);
// Check the response.
var attributeList = response.Item; // attribute list in the response.
if (isVerbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nPrinting item after retrieving it ............");
return attributeList;
private static Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> DeleteItem(string id)
var request = new DeleteItemRequest
TableName = tableName,
Key = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>()
{ "Id", new AttributeValue {
S = id
} }
// Return the entire item as it appeared before the update.
ReturnValues = "ALL_OLD",
// ExpressionAttributeNames = new Dictionary<string, string>()
// {
// {"#IP", "InPublication"}
// },
// ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>()
// {
// {":inpub",new AttributeValue {
// BOOL = false
// }}
// },
// ConditionExpression = "#IP = :inpub"
var response = client.DeleteItem(request);
// Check the response.
var attributeList = response.Attributes; // Attribute list in the response.
// Print item.
if (isVerbose)
Console.WriteLine("\nPrinting item that was just deleted ............");
return attributeList;
private static void PrintItem(Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> attributeList)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AttributeValue> kvp in attributeList)
string attributeName = kvp.Key;
AttributeValue value = kvp.Value;
attributeName + " " +
(value.S == null ? "" : "S=[" + value.S + "]") +
(value.N == null ? "" : "N=[" + value.N + "]") +
(value.SS == null ? "" : "SS=[" + string.Join(",", value.SS.ToArray()) + "]") +
(value.NS == null ? "" : "NS=[" + string.Join(",", value.NS.ToArray()) + "]")
To call it just do this:
UpdateId.ChangeId("OriginalId", "NewId");

Couldn't get text from the textfield Java

I have encounter a problem with my if else statement. I can't execute my if else statement. Actually the program should get the text from the text field and then convert to integer and validate whether the item id is found or not.
below is my partial coding:
Integer itmID = new Integer(inputItemID.getText());
Integer brwID = new Integer(inputBorrowerID.getText());
Item itm = parent.getItems().get(itmID);
Borrower brw = parent.getBorrowers().get(brwID);
if (itm == null) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Item ID not found","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
You are retrieving item like Item itm = parent.getItems().get(itmID); , i assume that getItems() is some kind of collection . You are getting itm = null because your getItems() doesn't contain any item with given itemId.

Jackrabbit update or merge node

I have already send the same message to jackrabbit user list, but nobody reply me.
I would like to update a node and his childs with Jackrabbit 2.4.3 throw jackrabbit-jcr2dav. ( like a merge : updating, creating or removing nodes ).
But when I update a property already existing in the repository I have an ERROR in the log, and nothing is saved. It's not an exception, only an error.
[ERROR] org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.hierarchy.ChildNodeEntriesImpl:176 - ChildInfo iterator contains multiple entries with the same name|index or uniqueID -> ignore ChildNodeInfo.
my code :
Repository repository = JcrUtils.getRepository(jcrUrl);
Session session = repository.login( new SimpleCredentials("admin", "admin".toCharArray()));
try {
String user = session.getUserID();
String repositoryname = repository.getDescriptor(Repository.REP_NAME_DESC);
LOGGER.debug( "Logged in as " + user + " to a " + repositoryname + " repository.");
// Retrieve content
StringBuilder expression = new StringBuilder();
expression.append("SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS mynode ");
expression.append("WHERE id = "+ mynode.getId() +" " );
QueryManager queryMgr = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager();
Query query = queryMgr.createQuery(expression.toString(),Query.JCR_SQL2);
QueryResult result = query.execute();
RowIterator rowIterator = result.getRows();
if (rowIterator.hasNext() ) {
Node node = rowIterator.nextRow().getNode();
// Store metadata content
node.setProperty("description", mynode.getDescription());
node.setProperty("keywords", mynode.getKeywords());
node.setProperty("title", mynode.getTitle()); // ERROR IN THE LOG AT THIS LINE because description and keywords doesn't exist, but title already exist.
node.setProperty("resume", mynode.getResume());
[... updating childs node here ];
} catch ( RepositoryException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error getting data", e);
throw e;
} finally {
return book;
Is someone already try to update a node property ?
Finally, I have confirmation that two nodes under the same parent should note have the same name. That's why I have this error.
Without having the same name, my code is working.

