I need to create simple GUI using Nuklear and Java. I just need a couple of buttons and radio buttons. When I click on them, on the screen should appear short text. Unfortunately I found nothing about that on the Web.
It wouldn't be anything hard to do if I could using Swing or something like that, but Nuklear is necessary :/
Could anybody help me with that and explain/show example of one button in window?
Regards :)
I don't know if this has been asked before. I am going to be building a calculator for my dad. He asked me if there is any way to have customization with the buttons.
I have not done any code yet. I plan on trying a few things. My research has come up with nothing.
This is what I am trying to accomplish, I have a feeling it breaks the android studio law of coding. This is the concept:
Imagine the calculator. You have 8 blank buttons above the numbers. Those buttons ordinarily have the functions such as percent and sqrt.,..etc.
I have been asked if it's possible can he just hold the button and change those functions at will.
So the question at hand is. Can I do if statements to change the symbol and the code for a particular button when long pressed?
The concept of the calculator would be in portrait mode he can customize the buttons to the functions he uses without having to turn the calculator in landscape mode?
So in theory you have a long press which would bring up a selector. He can select any math function and based on that function the symbol and code would change and the button will work properly to the new selection?
I was going to to build the calculator as a standard. But was also wondering myself if this is possible. I know the buttons serve as a one function but in coding anything is possible.
Any help or advice would be appreciated. If this can be done it opens new possibilities to app features to only show what you want and not a predefined controls.
*******once I try a few codes I will edit question to better see the issue and what I am trying to do.
OnLongPress show a dialog with the option you want and change the button text according to selected option.
On Onclick check the button text and call function according to the text
This seems like something really simple and yet I can't find any good solutions online. I am making a simple game and in the main frame I have JButtons. What I would like is for when I click a button it stays looking visually depressed and then when I click it again it "pops" back up. I know I need an ActionListener on the button but I can't figure out the code inside of it. I've seen some discussions referencing "setPressed(true);" but as far as I can tell that is not a method on a JButton object, so I don't know how it's useful. Thanks.
You can use a JToggleButton.
Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Buttons for more information.
I'm about to write a program using Java and i want it to have the next behavior:
Start with a small screen, just one button (i'm going for the JMenuBar) for the user to select a image file (a country or state map)
Once selected the image file, i'll need to resize the frame to the size of the selected image, and put the image as background.
when the user clicks somewhere inside the frame (click on a state or city) the program will have to create a visual object there, a circle, square or any form in that coordinates.
will need also a listener in those objects to know when they are clicked.
Summary: User has to select an image and trace a graph on it.
I am not asking for the code to do this. I would like to have some ideas about which components use to achieve this since i have been reading and there are plenty of ways to set the background image and stuff. But, considering the requirements, can you recommend me which components to use? I am a bit short of time since i've been given only about a week to code this, otherwise i would try all the alternatives by myself.
Some answer like:
"use a label to set the background and then resize the frame by this way: (some stuff) and then you can create a class extending from JLabel to create the circles with the listeners...." that would be enough help
I hope I was clear, any idea is welcome
Many thanks!
If you're going to stick with Swing I would use a JFileChooser to select the image. Once you got the image you can easily resize the JFrame by using the frame.setSize(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
To listen for mouse clicks inside your JFrame you need to use a MouseListener, make sure to add it to the frame, I always forget doing that.
Not sure whether you've succeeded drawing images/shapes at all. If not, you need to use a JPanel, check this topic if you need extra help.
If you are going to use a "JFrame " then you should definitely use Swing JFrames JPanels, and JLabels (as well as any other JComponents you need.) to accomplish this. Use only one JFrame. Use JPanel as the content pane/background for your JFrame and add everything else to it. But I would also suggest learning and using JavaFX because its the newest and I think it would be the easiest to use to do something like this. But if you only have a week and you know some swing use what you know. If you need more information post some code. Or ask a more direct question.
I have music Applet which uses keyboard, mouse and GUI buttons. When applet is first loaded keyboard events work fine, as do mouse events. However, after I have pressed one of my GUI buttons the mouse events still work but the keyboard events don't, and don't start working again until I refresh the applet.
After hunting around on the net I found some posible solutions, I've tried adding button.setFocusable(true); and button.addKeyListener(this); to all my buttons, and and my panels. No effect at all. I've seen recommendations for converting to a JApplet and using key binding, but surely there must be a simpler way?
Sorry for the lack of code, I've been working on this project since I was a newbie and it's a bit of a mess, and very long!
Any help much appreciated!
button.setFocusable(true); and button.addKeyListener(this); to all my buttons
For JButton use Swing Action or default implementations for ActionListener, rather than KeyBindings (for Swing based Container and JComponents), nor using KeyListener
if isn't there really important reasons, don't use prehistoric AWT Applet, use JApplet, may be sufficient would be plain JFrame
Try to cut the problem area out of your project and put it here. Its highly probable, than while localizing the problem area you'll find some errors already.
If your project is a mess already, then the first and the most important thing you should do, is to order it. If it is a mess for you, that means you don't understand it. So, it simply can't work. That is your first and main error.
I want to create an Upwords application for desktop and so I think that the game table should be displayed as canvas. In the beginning of the game I want to ask the user to make some input about the players that will play, but I don't have any ideas. Could you please help me on that?
Also, if there are better implementation ideas than to use canvas, I would be grateful to hear you.
Thanks in advance.
No it's not my first GUI application but I have very little experience.I think it's a good idea to make my own class but I was't sure because I want to use GUI builder(deadline issues) and in the past I had some problems on this.I will try it.For the input I thought about JDialog but I have to simulate a mobile environment so the prompt must be shown on the "screen"(the canvas on our case).
You have a pretty broad question, and I'm guessing this is your first (or one of your first) graphical programs in java. Instead of using AWT components (like Canvas), I would strongly, strongly recommend using Swing, or really, any other graphical library. I would start by looking at the documentation for javax.swing.JFrame. You will probably end up creating a custom component (extending JComponent?) and overriding its paintComponent() method to provide the custom graphics of your 'game table'.
As far as user input at the start of your game, you may want to look at a dialog box. Look at the documentation for javax.swing.JOptionPane which can create a wide variety of simple dialog boxes for gathering user input, taking care of the keyboard input automagically.
There are plenty of java Swing 'Hello World' type programs out there that can help show you how to create a basic Swing app. The Java Tutorials is a good place to start.
Good luck!