How to get Text from a website to a Texview - java

Halo, friends?
I am very new to programming, I am trying to Learn Kotlin.
I am trying to get text from a web page to a text view in my activity.
e.g, in '' there is a text on that page an I would like to get it to a text view.(read page content)
how can i start to go about this? Or is there anyone who can point me in the right direction. I've been trying examples from the internet for three days now to no avail.
I hope my question is wel presented, if not please, forgive and correct me. I'll learn along the way.
Thanks in advance.


The element link didn't redirect to its target page?

Hello everyone for testing Purposes
I tried to copy the InnerHtml of "facebook create new account button", and then load it on webview1
<span class="t">Create Account</span>
But after I click the create new account button, the webview becomes all white.
I dont know the exact phrase of this question
Please edit my question so I can find the exact keyord on google search and also
Please edit my grammar
Thank you
In links you don't need to use & you can just use the ampersand as it is.

Get userinput from edittext on a fragment

I wanna start out by saying that im just starting to learn android development(and programming) just so you guys know that im not an expert or anything.
So im creating an app that has 5 fragments. the first one has a spinner, the next 3 have each of them 1 edittext, and the last one has a textview. My problem is, i want to collect the user input from the edittext's and the spinner and use it on a formula that is going to give a result to be shown on the last fragment.
And what i need to know is how do i get the user input from the edittexts and the spinner so i can use them on the formula.
For you guys to have an idea of what im aiming for here is a video that i found:
(I have done other apps that use a basic layout with the edittexts all on one activity, but i wanted to try with the type of layout you see on the video)
I want my app to work exactly like that one, but instead of using numberpickers i use edittexts and a spinner.
This is probably a lot for anyone to explain, but i have been on this forever and i need to deliver this school project tomorrow. Hopefully anyone can give me a help with this as fast as possible.
I appreciate any help given!
Thank you
Here is the code:
One of the Fragments(Basically all the same)-
EDIT: Thanks for the reputation! I can now post more than 2 links

Reading from arc file (commoncrawl dataset) with ARCReader

Well this question may sound stupid, but I did research like hours to find solution but I couldn't so if anyone knows, that would be GREAT!!!
I successfully read arc file (from commoncrawl dataset). With arcHeader.getUrl(); I'm getting all URLs. However I don't understand, if 'outgoing' links from that particular URL is there, if its there how to get those?
[PS] By 'outgoing', I mean, in whole page, which URL it contains as say ad, content etc. Does that commoncrawl arc file contains, if yes how to get those?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I solved this, read HTML content and got all ! wasnt that difficult!

User-arrangeable Android GridView

So here's the thing, I want to build a GridView containing few items that are movable/rearrangeable by the user. Pretty much similiar as the one you'd see on the home screen of Android.
I've looked into some places but ended up with zero result. The closest thing I was able to find was the sample of a home screen app found on but It doesn't have the thing I'm looking for (the items are unarrangeable).
Please give me a hint how this could be done. Code examples are also welcome.
Thanks in advance! :)
I think you should implement a drag&drop.
The GridView can handle the OnDragListener, so you could do : myGridView.setOnDragListener and do whatever you want with it.
I also advise you to check the following link
I hope it helped!

GWT AdsManager not displaying ads on map

Here's my code:
AdsManagerOptions options = AdsManagerOptions.newInstance();
AdsManager ads = AdsManager.newInstance(map, "google");
I tried doing this before the map is added to a panel, after a map is added to a panel, and any other way i could think of that could possibly make sense. My publisher id is "google" because I havent been approved for adsense yet, but ive tried taking a real publisher id and i got the same result.
What is confusing me a bit, is that the AdsManager isnt a widget, so I cant choose where i want to place it on the map. Ive read that this is actually how it works, but ive seen sites like where the ads are not in the typical bottom right corner.
Can someone PLEASE enlighten me on what I am doing wrong because this is driving me mad! Thanks!
I still have no answer. I am now trying with a legitimate publisher ID so I know that an invalid publisher id wasnt the reason for my frustrations. Anyone have any ideas?
Are you using firefox? If yes, do you have adblock on? Or any other adblocker on your browser?
Its also possible that the region you're looking at doesn't have any ads... Try zooming into a place like New York...

