I try to develop a scenario here my code must be asynchronous using quarkus framework, bellow a snippet of my code:
ThreadContext threadContext;
ManagedExecutor managedExecutor
private void asyncMethod(DataAccessAuthorisationEntity dataAccess) {
logger.info("[][][] for dataAccess id we begin the treatement "+dataAccess.getId());
boolean exit = false;
PortfolioEntity portfolioEntity = portfolioRepository.findById(dataAccess.getPortfolioId());
try {
logger.info("[BEGIN][copyFileAfterSharing] for data access id= "+dataAccess.getId());
String portfolioId = portfolioEntity.getExternalId() + "_" + portfolioEntity.getExternalIdType().getCode();
fileService.copyFileOnAnotherServer(new CopyObject(portfolioId, dataAccess.getStartPoint().toString(),
dataAccess.getEmitterOrganisationId(), dataAccess.getRecipientOrganisationId()));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.info("[ERROR][copyFileAfterSharing][BELLOW STACKTRACE] for data access id= "+dataAccess.getId());
exit= true;
but I get always when I my execution pass by the exception catch and When I call dataAccessAuthorisationRepository.persist(dataAccess) I get:
Transaction is not active, consider adding #Transactional to your
method to automatically activate one.
because I update my entity dataAccess twice time in the same transaction
Quarkus creates a proxy wrapper around your instance that is injected. When you call a method of a manged bean you call actually this proxy object, that hanldes annotations. If you call a mehtod via "this." the Bean-container/proxy will not detect this call as the call does not go thorugh it. You can't use annotations on calls with "this.".
I want to call different methods that interact with my database in one method.
something like this :
EnteteService es; // service for jpaRepository
SystemOracleServiceJpa so; // service using jdbcTemplate
DetailService ds; // service for jpaRepository
public void configure(EnteteAR entete) throws ConfigurationException {
this.es.save(entete); // first methode
List<DetailAR> details = this.so.getStructure(entete.getTableName());
this.ds.saveAllDetails(details); // second
this.so.CreateTable(details, entete.getTableName(), "DEM");//third
this.so.createPkIdxDem(entete.getTableName()); // fourth
this.so.CreateTable(details, entete.getTableName(), "BACK"); // fifth
throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration error");
}catch(Exception e){
throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());
I want to commit only if no errors appears in all this methods inside my main method "configure".
I was thinking that #transactionnal annotation work for this, but that commit after each method inside.
Exemple :
if this.es.save work and this.ds.saveAllDetails dont, I find data of es.save on database :(
Someone can help my please ?
thank with advance for your reading and your potential help.
#Transactional will automatically invoke a rollback if an unchecked exception is thrown from the executed method.
ConfigurationException in your case is a checked exception and hence it does not work.
You can make it work by modifying your annotation to
#Transactional(rollbackOn = ConfigurationException.class)
public void configure(EnteteAR entete) throws ConfigurationException {
try{ ....
Basically I have two services each one of them handle methods for each persistent object that I have in my project, these services hold some method which the endpoint(Google) will call to perform something.
I'm using Google Could Endpoints + Mysql Cloud + Hibernate.
Two POs
public class Device {
public class User {
The services for each one of POs
public class DeviceService {
Device getDevice(Long devId){
return new Dao().getById(devId, Device.class);
void allocateDevice(Long userId){
User u = new UserService().getUser(userId);
... do stuff
public class UserService {
User getUser(Long userId){
return new Dao().getById(userId, User.class);
The endpoint for each one
public class DeviceEndpoint {
name = "device.get",
path = "device/{devId}",
httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET
Device getDevice(Long devId){
MyEntityManager em = new MyEntityManager();
try {
new DeviceService().getDevice(devId);
}finally {
em.cleanup(); //custom method to rollback also
return device;
name = "device.allocate",
path = "device/{userId}/allocate",
httpMethod = ApiMethod.HttpMethod.GET
void allocateDevice(Long deviceId){
MyEntityManager em = new MyEntityManager();
try {
new DeviceService().allocateDevice(userId);
}finally {
em.cleanup(); //custom method to rollback also
I would like to know where I put the database transaction logic(begin,commit,rollback).
Dao layer
Firstly I had inserted into Dao class, but every query/insert/update I had to open and close the connection and when I had to use more than one CRUD I did several open/close connections and it had been expensive and delayed.
Example: In one endpoint request I want to obtain some object from db and update. Two operations and two open/close connections.
Endpoint layer(as example)
Secondly I put the logic to open/close on endpoint methods(as example above), but they said(my work colleagues) it isn't a good pattern, begin and commit transactions in this layer isn't a good idea, then they suggested to do the third option.
Service layer
Put that logic(begin/commit/rollback) into Service layer, in each method, I tried but, some methods call another and that last also open and close the connection, so when the second method return, the transaction came closed.
Please, let me know case missing some important info.
Typically This type of action is performed in the Service Layer as this layer is there to provide logic to operate on the data sent to and from the DAO layer - that being said you could bundle these together into the same module.
The comment "I tried but, some methods call another and that last also open and close the connection, so when the second method return, the transaction came closed." Is interesting; I am not sure how you are managing your connections; but you may want/need to revisit if your connections are being closed before transactions are completed - you may want to look at Hibernates HibernateTransactionManager
Where should "#Transactional" be place Service Layer or DAO
I have used spring declarative retry in my project like
class Service {
#Async #Retryable(maxAttempts=12, backoff=#Backoff(delay=100, maxDelay=500))
public service() {
// ... do something
Now, I have two questions.
Is it fine to use retry with async, I don't have any issue, just
want to be sure.
The second requirement is, if the process fails I want to log it to log file including the number of remaining retries. So, is there a way to pass, or obtain the number of remaining retries from inside the method?
There is no way around using the annotations, #Recover annotated method executes only after the last failed retry, not after each one failing.
Refer to this github documentation
An excerpt from the link above- "Call the "service" method and if it fails with a RemoteAccessException then it will retry (up to three times by default), and then execute the "recover" method if unsuccessful."
Even with using RetryTemplate the Retry callback is called only after all retries are exhausted.
Another excerpt form the same link- "When a retry is exhausted the RetryOperations can pass control to a different callback, the RecoveryCallback. To use this feature clients just pass in the callbacks together to the same method"
You should use the #Recover annotation to perform an action on each fail and keep a count inside your object outside of the methods. Make sure no other methods interact with this counter. Here is the basic premise:
class Service {
private int attemptsLeft=12;
#Retryable(maxAttempts=12, backoff=#Backoff(delay=100, maxDelay=500))
public service() {
// ... do something that throws a KnownException you create to catch later on.
public void connectionException(KnownException e) {
this.attemptsLeft = this.attemptsLeft-1; //decrease your failure counter
Logger.warn("Retry attempts left:{}",attemptsLeft);
If you don't want a member variable tracking count, you might need to ditch the annotations and declare the RetryTemplate to get access to the context, with the getRetryCount() method.
public String serviceWithRetry() {
RetryTemplate retryTemplate = new RetryTemplate();
final SimpleRetryPolicy retryPolicy = new SimpleRetryPolicy();
FixedBackOffPolicy backOffPolicy = new FixedBackOffPolicy();
retryTemplate.execute(new RetryCallback<Void, RuntimeException>()
return retryTemplate.execute(new RetryCallback<Void, RuntimeException>() {
public void doWithRetry(RetryContext context) {
LOG.info("Retry of connection count: {}", context.getRetryCount());
return //something with your connection logic
I'm having a problem with Dropwizard where I can't catch the exception thrown by the Hibernate DAO object within my resource.
I have the following DAO object
public class ApplicantDAO extends AbstractDAO<Applicant>
public ApplicantDAO(SessionFactory factory)
public long create(Applicant person)
return persist(person).getApplicantId();
I am calling the create method from inside my Dropwizard resource to which I'm passing on my managed DAO from my Application's run method. The following doesn't work:
long id = dao.create(applicant);
message += "[Stored: " + id + "] ";
}catch (HibernateException ex)
message +="Could't store: " + exptionToString(ex);
Instead I get Dropwizard's/Jersey's message:
{"code":500,"message":"There was an error processing your request. It has been logged (ID a785167e05024c69)."}
Is there a way to get around that?
I am not familiar with Drop Wizard.
But my best guest is that it has a JAX-RS ExcepionMapper registered that writes its own error when an exception is thrown
see : javax.ws.rs.ext.ExceptionMapper
I figured it out. The problem was happening because of an exception throw inside of a transaction.
So instead of having #UnitOfWork on my resource method, I added #UnitOfWork(transactional = false)
Then I was able to manage my own transactions by passing in the SessionFactory to my resource and that did the trick!
It might be related to the following issue: https://github.com/dropwizard/dropwizard/issues/949
Below is what I did, I need to implement rollback, using #transactional annotation, but not working as expected, what else need to be done for proper rollback to happen ?? I want that when the code is executed result in db should be "testingOne" , currently it is set to "notRollBacked". Can you please point my mistake.
public Response deleteUser(Request argVO)throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
catch (Exception ex)
return new Response();
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.PORTAL, rollbackFor =
{PortalException.class, SystemException.class})
private void testRollbackFunction() throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
throw new PortalException();
****************Edit 1*************
I did what was mentioned in answers:
I did taken bean from context
and written a class/bean as
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.PORTAL, rollbackFor =
{PortalException.class, SystemException.class})
public class RollBack
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.PORTAL, rollbackFor =
{PortalException.class, SystemException.class})
public void thisWillRollBack() throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
throw new PortalException();
spring xml file bean refrence set as :
<bean id="rollBackBean" class="com.alepo.RollBack">
public Response myMethod(Request argVO)throws Exception
Users users = UsersLocalServiceUtil.getUsers("sagar");
Test test = new Test();
Object obj = test.getBean();
RollBack rollBack = (RollBack)obj;
catch (Exception ex)
return new Response();
#################EDIT 4
now calling rollback function as :
RollBack rollBack = (RollBack)PortalBeanLocatorUtil.getBeanLocator().locate("rollBackBean");
No Test class in picture now ...no new anywhere ...
still NOT WORKING .......
If you have a #Transactional annotation on method, Spring wraps the call to this method with aspect handling the transaction.
1) Only public methodes can be wrapped in aspect
2) You call wrapped code only if you call the method on a bean taken from / injected by Spring container.
In your case:
1) The code isn't wrapped in transactional aspect because it is not public method
2) Event if it was, it is called directly from within the class, so you wouldn't call wrapped version anyway.
So the solution is to make separate bean with #Transactional method, inject it into and call it from Response class.
Of course you need <tx:annotation-driven/> in your spring-xml or instruct Spring otherwise to process #Transactional annotations (see the reference).
The issue is you are outside the application context. You are creating a new instance of a class, NEW is bad in Spring, very bad. Get an instance of Test from the application context, not by creating a new instance unless you start your application context in Test. Try to Autowire test in your class you mention above or inject it from Spring and then let me know, but the code you are showing above will never work with transaction management.