By default it has an image with the path /img/profileicon/29.png
but then from the main I want to change it, but for some reason instead of changing it disappears.
The code:
int iconId = summoner.getProfileIconId();
ImageIcon img = new javax.swing.ImageIcon("/img/profileicon/"+iconId+".png");
Finally I was able to use this code, making use of class.getResource
URL iconUrl = EuwGG.class.getResource("/img/profileicon/"+profileIconId+".png");
Image profileImage =;
ImageIcon profileIcon = new ImageIcon(profileImage);
Image i = profileIcon.getImage().getScaledInstance(125, 125, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
profileIcon = new ImageIcon(i);
This is the code
btnVoltar.setIcon(new ImageIcon(AdicionarRefeiĆ§Ć£o1.class.getResource("/icons/Back Icon.png")));
I want to resize it so it fits on a label, but its way too big.
You can try this codes here, but then again this post is a duplicate from stackoverflow
private ImageIcon image; // where in your case it's your class resource
Image IMG = image.getImage(); // transform it
Image newimg = IMG.getScaledInstance(200, 200, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); // scale it the smooth way
//Change the 200,200 to the number you prefer to resize it to
image = new ImageIcon(newimg); // transform it back
I have made a chessboard out of JPanel. Using ImageIcon doesn't work, so I looked over the site, but all of it seems complicated, how do I add images to an array like
This is the JPanel that I created for the chessboard
private JPanel[][] tiles = new JPanel[6][6];
I have tried this:
ImageIcon bn = new ImageIcon("art/BN.gif");
ImageIcon bb = new ImageIcon("art/BB.gif");
ImageIcon br = new ImageIcon("art/BR.gif");
ImageIcon wn = new ImageIcon("art/WN.gif");
ImageIcon wb = new ImageIcon("art/WB.gif");
ImageIcon wr = new ImageIcon("art/WR.gif");
tiles[0][0].add(new JLabel(bn));
tiles[0][1].add(new JLabel(wn));
tiles[0][2].add(new JLabel(wb));
tiles[0][3].add(new JLabel(wb));
tiles[0][4].add(new JLabel(wn));
tiles[0][5].add(new JLabel(wr));
tiles[5][0].add(new JLabel(br));
tiles[5][1].add(new JLabel(bn));
tiles[5][2].add(new JLabel(bb));
tiles[5][3].add(new JLabel(bb));
tiles[5][4].add(new JLabel(bn));
tiles[5][5].add(new JLabel(br));
But it doesn't work
Where are your images being stored? What exactly doesn't work?
I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume you're attempting to load files that are embedded in your application.
Taken from;
ImageIcon(String filename)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.
ImageIcon(URL location)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL.
Try this;
ImageIcon bn = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("art/BN.gif"));
It will attempt to create an ImageIcon from a URL returned by .getResource()
This is my code thus far
ImageLoader saver = new ImageLoader(); = new ImageData[]
{ toSave.getImageData() };, SWT.IMAGE_PNG);
toSave is an image that was loaded using the SWTResourceManager that is transparent in the program. fileName is a string representing the file I want to save the image to (ends with .png)
The result is an image with a black background instead of a transparent background that I want. How do I make the background transparent? I think it has something to do with the transparency mask, but I could be wrong.
Thanks in advance!
SWTResourceManager seems to be causing your problem. I would not recommend to use it.
Try this code, it works for me:
Display d = Display.getDefault();
Image image = new Image(d, "/pictures/Llama.gif");
ImageLoader saver = new ImageLoader(); = new ImageData[] { image.getImageData() };"output.png", SWT.IMAGE_PNG);
Remember to dispose the Image when you don't need it anymore.
I have a label. I want to render image into it. But the following code would do anything.
CardLayout cl = (CardLayout) (mainPanel.getLayout());, "newPersonaCard");
BufferedImage myPicture = File("C:\\Desktop\\Documents\\Pictures\\always.jpg"));
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(myPicture);
I am using netbean designer.
You are right, in some cases there issue with repainting Icon in the JLabel, then you have to call,
rest of methods is implemented in the Icon and JLabel correctly
File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
JLabel label = new JLabel();
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(file.getAbsolutePath());
//add label to panel
fileChooser.showDialog(saveBtn2, null);
File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
System.out.println("The path to file "+file.getAbsolutePath());
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(file.getAbsolutePath());
I try to load an image with:
ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(url);
if I query the load status:
it returns MediaTracker.ERRORED
Is there a way to get an error message saying what the problem was?
You can try loading the image via alternate methods. That might give you better feedback:
Image img =;
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(img);