i have a channel that stores messages. When new messages arrive, if the server has not yet processed all the messages (that still in the queue), i need to clear the queue (for example, by rerouting all data into another channel). For this, I used a router. But the problem is when a new messages arrives, then not only old but also new ones rerouting into another channel. New messages must remain in the queue. How can I solve this problem?
This is my code:
public IntegrationFlow integerFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("input")
.bridge(e -> e.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 1000).maxMessagesPerPoll(1)))
.route(r -> {
if (flag) {
return "mainChannel";
} else {
return "garbageChannel";
public IntegrationFlow outFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("mainChannel")
.handle(m -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(m.getPayload() + "\tmainFlow");
public IntegrationFlow outGarbage() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("garbageChannel")
.handle(m -> System.out.println(m.getPayload() + "\tgarbage"))
Flag value changes through #GateWay by pressing "q" and "e" keys.
I would suggest you to take a look into a purge API of the QueueChannel:
* Remove any {#link Message Messages} that are not accepted by the provided selector.
* #param selector The message selector.
* #return The list of messages that were purged.
List<Message<?>> purge(#Nullable MessageSelector selector);
This way with a custom MessageSelector you will be able to remove from the queue old messages. See a timestamp message header to consult. With the result of this method you can do whatever you need to do with old messages.
I am trying to configure my Spring AMQP ListenerContainer to allow for a certain type of retry flow that's backwards compatible with a custom rabbit client previously used in the project I'm working on.
The protocol works as follows:
A message is received on a channel.
If processing fails the message is nacked with the republish flag set to false
A copy of the message with additional/updated headers (a retry counter) is published to the same queue
The headers are used for filtering incoming messages, but that's not important here.
I would like the behaviour to happen on an opt-in basis, so that more standardised Spring retry flows can be used in cases where compatibility with the old client isn't a concern, and the listeners should be able to work without requiring manual acking.
I have implemented a working solution, which I'll get back to below. Where I'm struggling is to publish the new message after signalling to the container that it should nack the current message, because I can't really find any good hooks after the nack or before the next message.
Reading the documentation it feels like I'm looking for something analogous to the behaviour of RepublishMessageRecoverer used as the final step of a retry interceptor. The main difference in my case is that I need to republish immediately on failure, not as a final recovery step. I tried to look at the implementation of RepublishMessageRecoverer, but the many of layers of indirection made it hard for me to understand where the republishing is triggered, and if a nack goes before that.
My working implementation looks as follows. Note that I'm using an AfterThrowsAdvice, but I think an error handler could also be used with nearly identical logic.
MyConfig.class, configuring the container factory
public class MyConfig {
// NB: bean name is important, overwrites autoconfigured bean
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory(
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
Jackson2JsonMessageConverter messageConverter,
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate
) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
// AOP
var a1 = new CustomHeaderInspectionAdvice();
var a2 = new MyThrowsAdvice(rabbitTemplate);
Advice[] adviceChain = {a1, a2};
return factory;
MyThrowsAdvice.class, hooking into the exception flow from the listener
public class MyThrowsAdvice implements ThrowsAdvice {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyThrowsAdvice2.class);
private final AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate;
public MyThrowsAdvice2(AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate) {
this.amqpTemplate = amqpTemplate;
public void afterThrowing(Method method, Object[] args, Object target, ListenerExecutionFailedException ex) {
var message = message(args);
var cause = ex.getCause();
// opt-in to old protocol by throwing an instance of BusinessException in business logic
if (cause instanceof BusinessException) {
NB: Since we want to trigger execution after the current method fails
with an exception we need to schedule it in another thread and delay
execution until the nack has happened.
new Thread(() -> {
try {
var messageProperties = message.getMessageProperties();
var count = getCount(messageProperties);
messageProperties.setHeader("xb-count", count + 1);
var routingKey = messageProperties.getReceivedRoutingKey();
var exchange = messageProperties.getReceivedExchange();
amqpTemplate.send(exchange, routingKey, message);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("Sleep interrupted", e);
// NB: Produce the desired nack.
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException("Business logic exception, message will be re-queued with updated headers", cause);
private static long getCount(MessageProperties messageProperties) {
try {
Long c = messageProperties.getHeader("xb-count");
return c == null ? 0 : c;
} catch (Exception e) {
return 0;
private static Message message(Object[] args) {
try {
return (Message) args[1];
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.info("Bad cast parse", e);
throw new AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException(e);
Now, as you can imagine, I'm not particularly pleased with the indeterminism of scheduling a new thread with a delay.
So my question is simply, is there any way I could produce a deterministic solution to my problem using the provided hooks of the ListenerContainer ?
Your current solution risks message loss; since you are publishing on a different thread after a delay. If the server crashes during that delay, the message is lost.
It would be better to publish immediately to another queue with a TTL and dead-letter configuration to republish the expired message back to the original queue.
Using the RepublishMessageRecoverer with retries set to maxattempts=1 should do what you need.
I am consuming batches in kafka, where retry is not supported in spring cloud stream kafka binder with batch mode, there is an option given that You can configure a SeekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler (using a ListenerContainerCustomizer) to achieve similar functionality to retry in the binder.
I tried the same, but with SeekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler, but it's retrying more than the time set which is 3 times.
How can I do that?
I would like to retry the whole batch.
How can I send the whole batch to dlq topic? like for record listener I used to match deliveryAttempt(retry) to 3 then send to DLQ topic, check in listener.
I have checked this link, which is exactly my issue but an example would be great help, with this library spring-cloud-stream-kafka-binder, can I achieve that. Please explain with an example, I am new to this.
Currently I have below code.
public class ConsumerConfig {
public ListenerContainerCustomizer<AbstractMessageListenerContainer<?, ?>> customizer() {
return (container, dest, group) -> {
SeekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler seekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler
= new SeekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler();
seekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler.setBackOff(new FixedBackOff(0L, 2L));
//container.setBatchErrorHandler(new BatchLoggingErrorHandler());
public void handleActivity(List<Message<Event>> messages,
#Header(name = KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT) Acknowledgment
#Header(name = "deliveryAttempt", defaultValue = "1") int
deliveryAttempt) {
try {
log.info("Received activity message with message length {}", messages.size());
log.debug("Processed activity message {} successfully!!", messages.size());
} catch (MessagePublishException e) {
if (deliveryAttempt == 3) {
String.format("Exception occurred, sending the message=%s to DLQ due to: ",
publisher.publishToDlq(EventType.UPDATE_FAILED, "message", e.getMessage());
} else {
throw e;
After seeing #Gary's response added the ListenerContainerCustomizer #Bean with RetryingBatchErrorHandler, but not able to import the class. attaching screenshots.
not able to import RetryingBatchErrorHandler
my spring cloud dependencies
Use a RetryingBatchErrorHandler to send the whole batch to the DLT
Use a RecoveringBatchErrorHandler where you can throw a BatchListenerFailedException to tell it which record in the batch failed.
In both cases provide a DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer to the error handler; disable DLTs in the binder.
Here's an example; it uses the newer functional style rather than the deprecated #StreamListener, but the same concepts apply (but you should consider moving to the functional style).
public class So69175145Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So69175145Application.class, args);
ListenerContainerCustomizer<AbstractMessageListenerContainer<?, ?>> customizer(
KafkaTemplate<byte[], byte[]> template) {
return (container, dest, group) -> {
container.setBatchErrorHandler(new RetryingBatchErrorHandler(new FixedBackOff(5000L, 2L),
new DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer(template,
(rec, ex) -> new TopicPartition("errors." + dest + "." + group, rec.partition()))));
* DLT topic won't be auto-provisioned since enableDlq is false
public NewTopic topic() {
return TopicBuilder.name("errors.so69175145.grp").partitions(1).replicas(1).build();
* Functional equivalent of #StreamListener
public Consumer<List<String>> input() {
return list -> {
throw new RuntimeException("test");
* Not needed here - just to show we sent them to the DLT
#KafkaListener(id = "so69175145", topics = "errors.so69175145.grp")
public void listen(String in) {
System.out.println("From DLT: " + in);
# for DLT listener
2021-09-14 09:55:32.838ERROR...
2021-09-14 09:55:37.873ERROR...
2021-09-14 09:55:42.886ERROR...
From DLT: foo
I'm new in Spring Integration, I'm trying to get the message from temporary channel.
Reading the documentation there is a temporary channel use by spring.
I guess it named NullChannel
I need my gateway returns the value from temporary channel.
http controller -> gateway -> direct channel -> activator 1 -> queue channel -> activator 2
So my activator 2 will put the new value into temporary channel, so the gateway will retrieve the value from temporary channel
public class Activator2 {
private NullChannel nullChannel;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "asyncChannel")
public void plus(Integer message){
try {
log.info("Activator 2: " +message );
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error("I don't want to sleep");
it not working. I'm not sure if everything is well connected
NullChannel is like /dev/null in Unix; it just discards the value.
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "asyncChannel")
public Integer plus(Integer message){
return message;
will automatically do what you want.
If there is no outputChannel, the framework sends the result to the replyChannel header.
I am using IntegrationFlow as Sftp Inbound DSL Configuration where I am using CustomTriggerAdvice to handle manual trigger. Please see below code snippet for reference.
I am also using RotatingServerAdvice for handling multiple path in same host.
But when I start the Sftp Inbound it fetch file for the first time from every path but it does not work for second time and onward. Sftp Inbound Starts but does not fetch file from paths. I couldn't figure out the problem. Is there anything that I am missing?
public IntegrationFlow fileFlow() {
SftpInboundChannelAdapterSpec spec = Sftp
.localDirectory(new File(getDestinationLocation()));
return IntegrationFlows
.from(spec, e -> e.id(BEAN_ID)
private MessageChannel sftpReceiverChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct().get();
... ... ...
public RotatingServerAdvice customRotatingServerAdvice(
DelegatingSessionFactory<LsEntry> dSF
) {
List<String> pathList = getSourcePathList();
for (String path : pathList) {
keyDirectories.add(new RotationPolicy.KeyDirectory(KEY, path));
return new RotatingServerAdvice(
public CustomTriggerAdvice customTriggerAdvice() {
return new CustomTriggerAdvice(customControlChannel(),BEAN_ID);
public IntegrationFlow customControlBus() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(customControlChannel())
public MessageChannel customControlChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct().get();
public class CustomTriggerAdvice extends AbstractMessageSourceAdvice {
private final MessageChannel controlChannel;
private final String BEAN_ID;
public CustomTriggerAdvice(MessageChannel controlChannel, String beanID) {
this.controlChannel = controlChannel;
this.BEAN_ID = beanID;
public boolean beforeReceive(MessageSource<?> source) {
return true;
public Message<?> afterReceive(Message<?> result, MessageSource<?> source) {
if (result == null) {
controlChannel.send(new GenericMessage<>("#" + BEAN_ID + ".stop()"));
return result;
Starting Sftp Inbound using MessageChannel
#Qualifier("customControlChannel") MessageChannel controlChannel;
public void startSftpInbound(){
controlChannel.send(new GenericMessage<>("#" + beanID + ".start()"));
I need the system to start on demand and fetch file completing one cycle. If it is not stopped after that, it will continue polling and won't stop and my system will fall into an infinite loop. Is there any way to get that when the RotatingServerAdvice is completing polling from all servers at least one? Does it throw any event or something like that ?
You probably misunderstood the logic with the afterReceive(#Nullable Message<?> result, MessageSource<?> source) contract. You can't stop a channel adapter for your requirements when one of the servers has returned nothing to poll. This way you don't give a chance for another server to poll on the next polling cycle.
I think your idea is to iterate over all the servers only once and then stop. Probably independently of the result from any of them. It looks like the best way to stop for you it is to use a RotatingServerAdvice with the fair = true to move to the next server every time. The stop might be performed from the custom afterReceive() independently of the result when you see that the RotationPolicy.getCurrent() is equal to a last one in the list. So, this way you iterate over all of them and stop moving the first one for the next poling cycle.
I'm trying to build integration scenario like this Rabbit -> AmqpInboundChannelAdapter(AcknowledgeMode.MANUAL) -> DirectChannel -> AggregatingMessageHandler -> DirectChannel -> AmqpOutboundEndpoint.
I want to aggregate messages in-memory and release it if I aggregate 10 messages, or if timeout of 10 seconds is reached. I suppose this config is OK:
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "amqpInputChannel")
public MessageHandler aggregator(){
AggregatingMessageHandler aggregatingMessageHandler = new AggregatingMessageHandler(new DefaultAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor(), new SimpleMessageStore(10));
aggregatingMessageHandler.setCorrelationStrategy(new HeaderAttributeCorrelationStrategy(AmqpHeaders.CORRELATION_ID));
//default false
aggregatingMessageHandler.setExpireGroupsUponCompletion(true); //when grp released (using strategy), remove group so new messages in same grp create new group
aggregatingMessageHandler.setSendPartialResultOnExpiry(true); //when expired because timeout and not because of strategy, still send messages grouped so far
aggregatingMessageHandler.setGroupTimeoutExpression(new ValueExpression<>(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10))); //timeout after X
//timeout is checked only when new message arrives!!
aggregatingMessageHandler.setReleaseStrategy(new TimeoutCountSequenceSizeReleaseStrategy(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)));
return aggregatingMessageHandler;
Now, my question is - is there any easier way to manualy ack messages except creating my own implementation of AggregatingMessageHandler in this way:
public class ManualAckAggregatingMessageHandler extends AbstractCorrelatingMessageHandler {
private void ackMessage(Channel channel, Long deliveryTag){
try {
Assert.notNull(channel, "Channel must be provided");
Assert.notNull(deliveryTag, "Delivery tag must be provided");
channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new MessagingException("Cannot ACK message", e);
protected void afterRelease(MessageGroup messageGroup, Collection<Message<?>> completedMessages) {
Object groupId = messageGroup.getGroupId();
MessageGroupStore messageStore = getMessageStore();
messageGroup.getMessages().forEach(m -> {
Channel channel = (Channel)m.getHeaders().get(AmqpHeaders.CHANNEL);
Long deliveryTag = (Long)m.getHeaders().get(AmqpHeaders.DELIVERY_TAG);
ackMessage(channel, deliveryTag);
if (this.expireGroupsUponCompletion) {
else {
if (messageStore instanceof SimpleMessageStore) {
((SimpleMessageStore) messageStore).clearMessageGroup(groupId);
else {
messageStore.removeMessagesFromGroup(groupId, messageGroup.getMessages());
I managed to do it after your help. Most important parts: Connection factory must have factory.setPublisherConfirms(true). AmqpOutboundEndpoint must have this two settings: outboundEndpoint.setConfirmAckChannel(manualAckChannel()) and outboundEndpoint.setConfirmCorrelationExpressionString("#root"), and this is implementation of rest of classes:
public class ManualAckPair {
private Channel channel;
private Long deliveryTag;
public ManualAckPair(Channel channel, Long deliveryTag) {
this.channel = channel;
this.deliveryTag = deliveryTag;
public void basicAck(){
try {
this.channel.basicAck(this.deliveryTag, false);
catch (IOException e) {
public abstract class AbstractManualAckAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor extends AbstractAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor {
public static final String MANUAL_ACK_PAIRS = PREFIX + "manualAckPairs";
protected Map<String, Object> aggregateHeaders(MessageGroup group) {
Map<String, Object> aggregatedHeaders = super.aggregateHeaders(group);
List<ManualAckPair> manualAckPairs = new ArrayList<>();
group.getMessages().forEach(m -> {
Channel channel = (Channel)m.getHeaders().get(AmqpHeaders.CHANNEL);
Long deliveryTag = (Long)m.getHeaders().get(AmqpHeaders.DELIVERY_TAG);
manualAckPairs.add(new ManualAckPair(channel, deliveryTag));
aggregatedHeaders.put(MANUAL_ACK_PAIRS, manualAckPairs);
return aggregatedHeaders;
public class ManualAckServiceActivator {
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "manualAckChannel")
public void handle(#Header(MANUAL_ACK_PAIRS) List<ManualAckPair> manualAckPairs) {
manualAckPairs.forEach(manualAckPair -> {
Right, you don't need such a complex logic for the aggregator.
You simply can acknowledge them after the aggregator release - in the service activator in between aggregator and that AmqpOutboundEndpoint.
And right you have to use there basicAck() with the multiple flag to true:
#param multiple true to acknowledge all messages up to and
Well, for that purpose you definitely need a custom MessageGroupProcessor to extract the highest AmqpHeaders.DELIVERY_TAG for the whole batch and set it as a header for the output aggregated message.
You might just extend DefaultAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor and override its aggregateHeaders():
* This default implementation simply returns all headers that have no conflicts among the group. An absent header
* on one or more Messages within the group is not considered a conflict. Subclasses may override this method with
* more advanced conflict-resolution strategies if necessary.
* #param group The message group.
* #return The aggregated headers.
protected Map<String, Object> aggregateHeaders(MessageGroup group) {