Couchbase storing List values wrongly - java

Basically I have a simple POJO class which has some variables. Whenever I try using .save() it saves all values fine except for List<> values. Im storing to couchbase and the end result is something like this:
"location": "location",
"categories": {
"empty": false
Categories is a List and what I pass into my Postman body is:
"categories": [
but as you can see the serialization isnt done correct and I always get the "empty": false even if its my own class or a String. Any ideas what might be causing this?

This is It is fixed in the working 4.1.0 snapshot and will be in the upcoming 4.0.2 release scheduled for tomorrow.


How to access key value in array of objects - java

I'm getting result from cloudant db and response type would be Document object.
This is my query:
FindResult queryResult = cloudantConfig.clientBuilder()
This is my result from cloudant db:
"bookmark": "Tq2MT8lPzkzJBYqLOZaWZOQXZVYllmTm58UHpSamxLukloFUc8BU41GXBQAtfh51",
"docs": [
"sports": [
"name": "CRICKET",
"player_access": [
I'd like to access 'name' and 'player access,' but I can only go up to'sports,' and I can't get to 'name' or 'player access.' This is how I attempted to obtain 'name.'
With above one I'm getting an error like this The method get(int) is undefined for the type Object
I'm receiving the values when I try to get up to'sports.'
This is how I obtain sports:
When I sysout the aforementioned sports, I get the results below.
[{name=CRICKET, player_access=[All]}]
So, how do I gain access to 'name' and 'player access' here? Can somebody help me with this?
I've dealed with JSON values recently. But ended up just using regex and splitting/matching from there.
You can regex everything from the "name" (not including until the last comma) and do the same for sport Access.
Be aware that this is just a work around, and not the best option. But sometimes JSON objects on Java can be Tricky.

Checkboxes checked into JSON Format in SpringMVC

I am working on a spring MVC application. I have a sitaution where i need to check some checkboxes from UI and save the checked values in the form of JSON in the backend and i need to convert that into a string.
The picture shows more.
So i want to save like:
Coast : 'East',
States : [ 'NY', 'MI' ]
Coast : 'Central',
States : [ 'TX', 'OK' ]
Please suggest me how can i implement this.
Your question is quite vague so I'm going to assume because you've used the json tag that you're asking for help on how to model this information in JSON and handle it within your Spring app.
You probably want to restructure your JSON schema to support extra fields being set per state. Instead of States being a list of strings, you could change it to a list of objects which has a name and selected field.
I'd also recommend you change the keys in your JSON to be lower case, this enables more fluent mapping between your JSON and model classes.
For example, MI is selected in the below JSON, whereas NY isn't:
"coast": "East",
"states": [{
"name": "NY",
"selected": true
}, {
"name": "MI",
"selected": false
}, {
...same again for West and Central
You could then have some classes along the lines of and use Jackson to map between them:
public class Region {
String coast;
List<State> states;
public class State {
String name;
boolean selected;

How to index new document in elasticsearch using term_vector?

I'm trying to implement application that get document from MongoDB and insert it to ElasticSearch. Here is a piece of code that should insert document to the ElasticSearch index:
final Document o = (Document) document.get("o"); // this is where object lives
client.prepareIndex(index, mapping, id.toString())
And finally I get this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mapper for [title] conflicts with existing mapping in other types:
[mapper [title] has different [store_term_vector] values, mapper [title] has different [store_term_vector_offsets] values, mapper [title] has different [store_term_vector_positions] values, mapper [title] has different [store_term_vector_payloads] values]
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.FieldTypeLookup.checkCompatibility(
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.checkNewMappersCompatibility(
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.merge(
I'v tried to remove index completely using XDELETE and recreate using XPUT and error remain.
Here is how my index settings look like:
"msg": {
"mappings": {
"Message": {
"properties": {
"title": {
"type": "string",
"term_vector": "with_positions_offsets_payloads",
"analyzer": "russian"
However if I remove this term_vector part from index settings the code is inserts new document successfully.
Can someone explain me what is the problem? The same problem occur when I'm trying to use mongo-connector. If settings contain term_vector part for title field => mongo-connector fails with same Exception. And it works well without term_vector.
Are you sure you are using the correct term_vector value? I am only aware of five valid values for that attribute, as listed in the documentation:
Possible values are no, yes, with_offsets, with_positions, with_positions_offsets. Defaults to no.
I would suggest trying a different term_vector such as with_positions_offsets to see if you get the results you're expecting.
I hope my answer will help someone else.
The problem was that I have another mapping in the same index that also have field title. You have to update all other mappings to use same settings.

Retrieve data from Elasticsearch using aggregations where the values contains hyphen

I am working on elastic search for quite some time now... I have been facing a problem recently.
I want to group by a particular column in elastic search index. The values for that particular column has hyphens and other special characters.
SearchResponse res1 = client.prepareSearch("my_index")
Terms termAgg=res1.getAggregations().get("cat_agg");
for(Bucket item :termAgg.getBuckets()) {
cat_number =item.getKey();
System.out.println(cat_number+" "+item.getDocCount());
This is the query I have written inorder to get the data groupby "category" column in "my_index".
The output I expected after running the code is:
category-1 10
category-2 9
category-3 7
But the output I am getting is :
category 10
1 10
category 9
2 9
category 7
3 7
I have already went through some questions like this one, but couldn't solve my issue with these answers.
That's because your category field has a default string mapping and it is analyzed, hence category-1 gets tokenized as two tokens namely category and 1, which explains the results you're getting.
In order to prevent this, you can update your mapping to include a sub-field category.raw which is going to be not_analyzed with the following command:
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/my_index/data/_mapping -d '{
"properties": {
"category": {
"type": "string",
"fields": {
"raw": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
After that, you need to re-index your data and your aggregation will work and return you what you expect.
Just make sure to change the following line in your Java code:
add .raw here
When you index "category-1" you will get (by default) two terms, "category", and "1". Therefore when you aggregate you will get back two results for that.
If you want it to be considered a single "term" then you need to change the analyzer used on that field when indexing. Set it to use the keyword analyzer

Freemarker, Maps and Mongo. Getting a value out a nested structure

I have a Mongo Database and I am making a small web application to display the values from the database. I'm having a little problem with getting a value from a nested structure.
The database structure I have is:
"_id": ObjectId("4e244ddcb1633b25c38f2155"),
"id": "2173",
"type": "P",
"title": "Test title",
"tag": {
"0": {
"_id": ObjectId("4e244ddcb1633b25c38f1fc1"),
"name": "Education",
"id": "6"
What I do is, I get the database from the database and put this in a map and this map I put together with several other maps into one map (root) and put that into the .ftl page.
I can then read the value in .ftl like: ${root.title} which will ofcourse print 'Test title' in the above example.
I now what to get the value of name in tage so that it can print 'Education'
I don't know how to get this. Any ideas.
You can access the value using Freemarker's built-in's for hashes. Similar to below:
<#assign tagKeys = root.tag?keys>
<#list tagKeys as tagKey>
I have not tested this yet but generally speaking this should work. You might also want to read some previous answers on SO:
Freemarker iterating over hashmap keys

