I created some reports for my system, and that report is made up of many tables. For this, I create a Domain class with an #Entity annotation and implement a JpaRepository repository, I'm using the native query with #Query, as shown below.
My problem is that for each domain class a table is being created by hibernate, how do I stop it?
My Domain class:
public class WidgetDailyReportDomain{
#Column(updatable = false, insertable = false)
private UUID id_construction;
#Column(updatable = false, insertable = false)
private String name;
#Column(updatable = false, insertable = false)
private Date dt_cost;
#Column(updatable = false, insertable = false)
private Double total;
My Repository:
public interface WidgetRepository extends JpaRepository<WidgetDailyReportDomain, UUID>{
#Query(value = " SELECT ct.id AS id_construction, " +
" ct.name, " +
" sm.dt_service AS dt_cost, " +
" sum(smi.nu_value * stiv.amount) AS total " +
" FROM service_measurement sm " +
" INNER JOIN service_measurement_item smi ON smi.id_service_measurement = sm.id " +
" INNER JOIN service s ON s.id = sm.id_service " +
" INNER JOIN service_type_item_service stiv ON stiv.id_service = sm.id_service " +
" AND stiv.id_service_type_item = smi.id_service_item " +
" INNER JOIN construction ct ON ct.id = s.id_construction " +
" WHERE s.id_construction IN ( " +
" select s.id_construction " +
" from service_measurement sm " +
" INNER JOIN service_measurement_item smi ON smi.id_service_measurement = sm.id " +
" INNER JOIN service s ON s.id = sm.id_service " +
" INNER JOIN service_type_item_service stiv ON stiv.id_service = sm.id_service " +
" AND stiv.id_service_type_item = smi.id_service_item " +
" INNER JOIN construction ct on ct.id = s.id_construction " +
" WHERE sm.dt_service BETWEEN :minDate AND :maxDate " +
" GROUP BY s.id_construction " +
" ORDER BY sum(smi.nu_value * stiv.value) DESC " +
" limit :limit " +
" ) " +
" AND sm.dt_service BETWEEN :minDate AND :maxDate " +
" GROUP BY ct.id, sm.dt_service " +
" HAVING sum(smi.nu_value * stiv.amount) > 0 " +
" ORDER BY sm.dt_service;", nativeQuery = true)
List<WidgetDailyReportDomain> findTopExpensiveConstruction(#Param("minDate") Date minDate, #Param("maxDate") Date maxDate, #Param("limit") int limit);
Your WidgetDailyReportDomain is actually projection. You don't need to mark it as #Entity.
And your #Query could belong to any other really existing repository.
You can remove all the javax.persistence annotations like #Column, #Id, #Entity. These annotations represent properties of a table, which you seem to not want it to be.
Then you can use the WidgetDailyReportDomain object as a DTO to be your projection and not have it attached to the EntityManager:
EDIT: Also, do not forget to build a constructor for that object so that Spring JPA loads the values into the object (like described on the documentation).
If you don't want to build a constructor, maybe you can change it into an interface and use it as your projection: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#projections.interfaces
It looks like you're using Spring due to the JpaRepository in your question.
If you're using Spring Boot, then you can add
ddl-auto: none
to your application.yml file, or
to your application.properties file.
If you're using a persistence.xml file, you could add a property to disable it there, too:
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="none"/>
Disabling the generation of the schema tables like this means that you'll have to make sure they're created by some other means before your application will work, though.
After #Zagarh answer, i did a lith of search about DTO, and i came up with a not very elegant solution, but that is working:
The Domain class :
public class WidgetDailyReportDomain{
private UUID id_construction;
private String name;
private Date dt_cost;
private Double total;
I have to create a custom result mapping, for the JPA be able of mapping de result, i use the annotation #SqlResultSetMapping. But for some reason she is only identify in a class that is annotated with # Entity. For not to get disorganized, i create a class exclusive to annotation with # SqlResultSetMapping, because i gona have a lot of mapping to do. The class looked like this:
name = "widget_daily_mapping",
classes = {
targetClass = WidgetDailyReportDomain.class,
columns = {
#ColumnResult(name="id_construction", type = UUID.class),
#ColumnResult(name = "name", type = String.class),
#ColumnResult(name = "dt_cost", type = Date.class),
#ColumnResult(name = "total", type = Double.class)
public abstract class ResultSetMappingConfig {
And then i create a custom implementation of Jpa Repository
public interface WidgetRepositoryCustom {
List<WidgetDailyReportDomain> findTopExpensiveConstruction(Date minDate, Date maxDate, int limit);
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class AR_serviceRepositoryImpl implements AR_serviceRepositoryCustom{
private EntityManager em;
public List<AR_serviceDomain> getListOfService(UUID id_construction) {
Query query = em.createNativeQuery("
//Native Query Here...
", "widget_daily_mapping");// Put the result mapping Here
query.setParameter(1, id_construction //..Parameters Here);
return query.getResultList();
Ps: 1) If any one have a better solution please let me know. 2) Sorry for my english, i'm using google translate.
In my project, in the repository, I have a select that displays all the data I need, including those months for which I don’t have data. To do this, in my select, I create a temporary column, which I named tneDate .
#Query(value = "SELECT \n" +
" theDate, asl.id, asl.interest_payment, asl.interest_rate, asl.principal_payment, asl.total_payment, asl.actual_delta, \n" +
" asl.date, asl.modified, asl.interest_payment_modified, asl.amortization_schedule_initial_id, asl.tranche_id, asl.outstanding_usd,\n" +
" asl.disbursement, asl.floating_index_rate, asl.upfront_fee, asl.commitment_fee, asl.other_fee, asl.withholding_tax, \n" +
" asl.default_fee, asl.prepayment_fee, asl.total_out_flows, asl.net_flows, asl.user_id, asl.outstanding_principal, asl.new_row\n" +
"FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" (SELECT MIN(ams.date) FROM amortization_schedules ams),\n" +
" (SELECT MAX(ams.date) + INTERVAL '1' MONTH FROM amortization_schedules ams),\n" +
" '1 MONTH'\n" +
" ) AS tab (theDate)\n" +
"FULL JOIN amortization_schedules asl on to_char(theDate, 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(asl.date, 'yyyy-mm')", nativeQuery = true)
List<AmortizationSchedule> findAllByDate();
Now, through the getter in Entity , I want to get only this tneDate , that is, the date that I form. I don't want it to be written to the database. Therefore, I put the #Transient annotation, but as I understand it, this annotation ignores the getter of this entity and I cannot get this data, since I get NULL. In this part :
else {
BigDecimal swaprate = getRate(previousAmortiz.getDate(), previousAmortiz.getTranche().getLocalCurrency().getId());
childReports.add(createChild(previousAmortiz.getOutstandingPrincipal(), swaprate, previousAmortiz.getTheDate()));
My Entity
#Table(name = "amortization_schedules")
public class AmortizationSchedule {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
private Date theDate;
#Column(name = //)
private BigDecimal //;
how do i get the tneDate data?
I have the following entity Project:
#ToString(exclude = "roles")
public class Project {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
#Column(unique = true)
private String name;
private String description;
private Boolean isArchived;
private LocalDate archivedDate;
private LocalDate creationDate;
#Column(nullable = false, columnDefinition = "BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE")
private Boolean invoicingActivated;
private Order order;
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private DefaultDailyEntrySettings defaultDailyEntrySettings;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "project", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private List<ProjectEmployee> projectEmployees;
I want to get all projects. Each project should also have their list of projectEmployees.
Thats the entity ProjectEmployee:
#Table(uniqueConstraints = {#UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"employee_id", "project_id"})})
#ToString(exclude = "project")
public class ProjectEmployee {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
#JsonProperty(access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY)
private Project project;
private Employee employee;
private ProjectEmployeeRole projectEmployeeRole;
To avoid n+1 queries, i wrote the following query:
#Query("SELECT project FROM Project project JOIN FETCH project.order ord JOIN FETCH ord.customer " +
"LEFT JOIN FETCH project.projectEmployees projectEmployee LEFT JOIN FETCH project.defaultDailyEntrySettings " +
"LEFT JOIN FETCH projectEmployee.employee LEFT JOIN FETCH projectEmployee.projectEmployeeRole")
List<Project> findAllProjectsInOneQuery();
This works, but it returns all properties of every single object. For example i´m only interested in the id and the name of ord.customer, i dont need all the other fields of ord.customer in this case. The problem with getting all the fields this way is that theres a lot of data being transmitted which i do not need in this case. To only select the ones i need and reduce the amount of data im sending over the internet i could do something like this:
#Query("SELECT new de.project.Project(project.id, project.name, " +
"project.description, project.isArchived, project.archivedDate, " +
"project.creationDate, project.invoicingActivated, project.order.id, " +
"project.order.name, project.order.customer.id, project.order.customer.name) " +
"FROM Project project")
List<Project> findAllMinimal();
But as you see, i can´t get project.projectEmployees that way, because it´s a list and i do not think im able to pass a list via the constructor this way.
I tried:
#Query("SELECT new de.project.Project(project.id, project.name, " +
"project.description, project.isArchived, project.archivedDate, " +
"project.creationDate, project.invoicingActivated, project.order.id, " +
"project.order.name, project.order.customer.id, project.order.customer.name, " +
"projectEmployee.id) " +
"FROM Project project JOIN project.projectEmployees projectEmployee")
List<Project> findAllMinimal();
But projectEmployee.id is just the id of the first projectEmployee, i do not think im able to pass all projectEmployees this way.
Is there any way to get all projects with their projectEmployees(and the other properties i listed in the query above) and specify which fields i would like to get? It does not have to be one query, a constant number of queries is fine. It should obviosuly just avoid n+1 queries.
I came up with a workaround. Im using the following two queries:
#Query("SELECT new de.project.Project(project.id, project.name, " +
"project.description, project.isArchived, project.archivedDate, " +
"project.creationDate, project.invoicingActivated, project.order.id, " +
"project.order.name, project.order.customer.id, project.order.customer.name) " +
"FROM Project project")
List<Project> findAllMinimal();
#Query("SELECT DISTINCT new de.projectemployee.ProjectEmployee(projectEmployee.id, " +
"projectEmployee.employee.id, projectEmployee.employee.email, " +
"projectEmployee.employee.firstName, projectEmployee.employee.lastName, " +
"projectEmployee.employee.address, projectEmployee.employee.weeklyHoursEnabled, " +
"projectEmployee.employee.weeklyHours, projectEmployee.employee.isArchived, " +
"projectEmployee.employee.archivedDate, projectEmployee.project.id, projectEmployeeRole.id, " +
"projectEmployeeRole.name, projectEmployeeRole.hourlyWage) FROM ProjectEmployee projectEmployee " +
"LEFT JOIN projectEmployee.projectEmployeeRole projectEmployeeRole " +
"WHERE projectEmployee.project IN :projects")
List<ProjectEmployee> findByProjects(#Param("projects") List<Project> projects);
To give every project his projectEmployees i need some additional java code:
List<Project> projects = projectRepository.findAllMinimal();
List<ProjectEmployee> projectEmployees = projectEmployeeRepository.findByProjects(projects);
Map<Long, List<ProjectEmployee>> projectIdToProjectEmployeesMap = new HashMap<>();
for (ProjectEmployee projectEmployee : projectEmployees) {
List<ProjectEmployee> projectEmployeesToBeSaved = projectIdToProjectEmployeesMap.getOrDefault(projectEmployee.getProject().getId(), new ArrayList<>());
projectIdToProjectEmployeesMap.put(projectEmployee.getProject().getId(), projectEmployeesToBeSaved);
projects.forEach(project -> project.setProjectEmployees(projectIdToProjectEmployeesMap.get(project.getId())));
return projects;
So, ye as you see im able to achieve my goal of getting all projects with their projectEmployees in a constant number of queries(2) and only select the fields i need. The downside is that i have a javacode running with O(n) complexity. But i reduced the size of the data im transmitting by over 90%, so i guess its worth.
It´s hard to believe that a java code algorithm like the one i used is required to find a solution for my problem, so if anyone finds a better solution(with just sql queries) which is capable of doing the above stated, please share it.
Didn't verify it for your case, but at a first glance you may take advantage of the first level cache. After you perform
List<Project> projects = projectRepository.findAllMinimal();
List<ProjectEmployee> projectEmployees = projectEmployeeRepository.findByProjects(projects);
Any access to projectEmployee.getProject() should return its project from the cache avoiding n+1 problem. So if you can leave project.projectEmployees List unpopulated, you can drop your "custom javacode".
I don't know if this is possible but I am trying to project data queried from JPA repository into a DTO
I have the following query:
#Query(value =
"SELECT crop.id, count(*) as total " +
"FROM xxx.crop_sub_plot " +
"join crop on crop.id = crop_sub_plot.crop_id " +
"join sub_plot on sub_plot.id = crop_sub_plot.sub_plot_id " +
"where sub_plot.enabled = true " +
"group by crop_id " +
"order by total DESC;", nativeQuery = true)
List<CropUsedView> findCropsInUseOrderByDesc();
and the DTO:
public class CropUsedView implements Serializable{
private BigInteger id;
private BigInteger total;
public CropUsedView() {
public CropUsedView(BigInteger id, BigInteger total) {
this.id = id;
this.total = total;
//getters && setters
I'm getting the error:
No converter found capable of converting from type [java.math.BigInteger] to type [net.xxx.crop.CropUsedView]
I don't really know if this is possible, any suggestion?
EDIT: this is how the data is returning when I run the query on MySql and is how I want to be converted to a DTO:
Your query is returning two values: the id and a count (both can be mapped in a long or BigDecimal). But Hibernate, as it's not mapped directly into an object, is just returning BigDecimal[].
To solve this, you should use a custom mapper: UserType (https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/3.5/api/org/hibernate/usertype/UserType.html). This allows you to map whatever response into an object with a manual parsing.
This is not classical N+1 problem. My issue is conserning using projections and DTO objects in Jpa.
I have next method with JPA Query:
public List<MeterDTO> getAllBrokenMeterByHouseServ(House house, Serv serv, Date dt) {
Query query =em.createQuery("select new MeterDTO(m, g.kart.lsk, nvl(e.tp,0)) from Meter m "
+ "join m.exs e with m.id=e.meter.id "
+ "join m.meterLog g with m.meterLog.id=g.id "
+ "join g.kart k with g.kart.id=k.id and :dt between k.dt1 and k.dt2 "
+ "join g.serv s with g.serv.id=s.id "
+ "join k.kw kw with k.kw.id=kw.id "
+ "join kw.house h with kw.house.id=h.id "
+ "where s.id = :servId "
+ "and kw.house.id = :houseId "
+ "and :dt between e.dt1 and e.dt2 and nvl(e.tp,0) in (2,3,4) "
+ "");
query.setParameter("servId", serv.getId());
query.setParameter("houseId", house.getId());
query.setParameter("dt", dt);
return query.getResultList();
I fetch records from the query above into
data transfer object:
meterDao.getAllBrokenMeterByHouseServ(house, serv, dt2).stream().forEach(t-> {
log.info("meter.id={}, lsk={}, tp={} ", t.getMeter().getId(), t.getLsk(), t.getTp());
#Getter #Setter
public class MeterDTO {
private Meter meter;
private Integer lsk;
private Double tp;
public MeterDTO(Meter meter, Integer lsk, Double tp) {
this.meter = meter;
this.lsk = lsk;
this.tp = tp;
Why does hibernate produce one main query:
meter0_.ID as col_0_0_,
kart3_.lsk as col_1_0_,
0) as col_2_0_
MT.METER meter0_
inner join
on meter0_.ID=exs1_.FK_METER
and (
inner join
MT.METER_LOG meterlog2_
on meter0_.FK_METER_LOG=meterlog2_.ID
and (
inner join
AR.KART kart3_
on meterlog2_.FK_KLSK_OBJ=kart3_.FK_KLSK_OBJ
and (
and (
? between kart3_.DT1 and kart3_.DT2
inner join
AR.KW kw6_
on kart3_.FK_KW=kw6_.ID
and (
inner join
AR.HOUSE house7_
on kw6_.FK_HOUSE=house7_.ID
and (
inner join
TR.SERV serv5_
on meterlog2_.FK_SERV=serv5_.ID
and (
and kw6_.FK_HOUSE=?
and (
? between exs1_.DT1 and exs1_.DT2
and (
nvl(exs1_.TP, 0) in (
2 , 3 , 4
and multiple queries with different bind argument "?" to load every entity:
meter0_.ID as ID1_44_0_,
meter0_.FK_K_LSK as FK_K_LSK2_44_0_,
meter0_.FK_METER_LOG as FK_METER_LOG4_44_0_,
meter0_.TRANS_RATIO as TRANS_RATIO3_44_0_
MT.METER meter0_
How to avoid this issue? I want to load all entities Meter in one main query.
Is it possible?
I use:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I simplified my JPA query code to this:
public List<MeterDTO> getAllBrokenMeterByHouseServ(House house, Serv serv, Date dt) {
Query query =em.createQuery("select new com.ric.bill.dto.MeterDTO(m) from Meter m ");
But it still produces mutiple queries:
meter0_.ID as ID1_44_0_,
meter0_.FK_K_LSK as FK_K_LSK2_44_0_,
meter0_.FK_METER_LOG as FK_METER_LOG4_44_0_,
meter0_.TRANS_RATIO as TRANS_RATIO3_44_0_
MT.METER meter0_
20-04-2018 12:52:49.482 [main] DEBUG o.h.l.p.e.p.i.ResultSetProcessorImpl - Starting ResultSet row #0
20-04-2018 12:52:49.482 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL -
meter0_.ID as ID1_44_0_,
meter0_.FK_K_LSK as FK_K_LSK2_44_0_,
meter0_.FK_METER_LOG as FK_METER_LOG4_44_0_,
meter0_.TRANS_RATIO as TRANS_RATIO3_44_0_
MT.METER meter0_
very strange!
upd2 Meter entity:
#Table(name = "METER", schema="MT")
#Getter #Setter
public class Meter extends Base implements java.io.Serializable, Storable {
public Meter (){
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "ID", updatable = false, nullable = false)
protected Integer id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name="FK_METER_LOG", referencedColumnName="ID")
private MeterLog meterLog ;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval=true)
#JoinColumn(name="FK_METER", referencedColumnName="ID")
#BatchSize(size = 50)
private List<Vol> vol = new ArrayList<Vol>(0);
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name="FK_METER", referencedColumnName="ID")
#BatchSize(size = 50)
private List<MeterExs> exs = new ArrayList<MeterExs>(0);
#Column(name = "TRANS_RATIO", updatable = true, nullable = true)
private Double trRatio;
In DTO you have 'Meter meter' field, in meter field you have 'MeterLog meterlog' etc. In this case Hibernate is additionally loading for field for full object. This DTO is to much complex. Try to create more flat object:
public class MeterDTO {
private Integer meterId
private Double meterTrRatio
private Integer lsk;
private Double tp;
And query will be:
(...) new MeterDTO(m.id, m.trans_ratio, g.kart.lsk (...)
And after that you can extending your DTO for the next fields you want.
The accepted answer suggests changing the DTO, which would not always an acceptable solution.
Here is a solution with no need to change your DTO.
Write your HQL like this:
from Meter m
join m.exs e with m.id=e.meter.id
join m.meterLog g with m.meterLog.id=g.id
join g.kart k with g.kart.id=k.id and :dt between k.dt1 and k.dt2 "
join g.serv s with g.serv.id=s.id "
join k.kw kw with k.kw.id=kw.id "
join kw.house h with kw.house.id=h.id "
(more joins and wheres)
Note that there should not be any select.
getResultList will give you List<Object[]>. Each entry is an array of {Meter, m.exs, m.meterLog, g.kart, ....}. Pick the ones you need and make your MeterDTO.
In my case:
jpa repo
#Query("from Bind bind "
+ "left join Employee employee "
+ "with bind.empCode = employee.empCode "
+ "where bind.accountName = :hiveAccount and bind.disabled = 1 ")
List<Object[]> listMembers(#Param("hiveAccount") String hiveAccount);
public class BindDTO {
Bind bind;
Employee emp;
public BindDTO(Object[] objs) {
this((Bind) objs[0], (Employee) objs[1]);
I'm trying to run a JPA query to return only specific fields from my entity, rather than the entire entity (for performance reasons).
Within this entity is this:
#OneToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }, mappedBy = "helper", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#MapKeyColumn(name = "year")
public Map<Integer, DutyHistory> getDutyHistoryList() {
return dutyHistoryList;
I'd like, within my query, to return multiple values from this map e.g. fields from the DutyHistory object for the last 3 years.
My question is, what's the query syntax for this? I'm mapping the returned values to a POJO as below:
#Query(value = "SELECT new com.castlemon.helpers.dto.ReportHelper(h.helperId, h.firstName, h.secondName"
+ ", h.sex, h.service, h.dateOfBirth, h.schoolGroup, h.orientationRequired, h.notes as adminNotes "
+ ", h.primaryDuty.dutyName as primaryDuty, h.secondDuty, h.secondaryDuty.dutyName as secondaryDuty "
+ " WHERE h.travelling = 1")
public List<ReportHelper> getTravellingHelperDetails();
You should create another query with your "year" parameter
#Query(value = "SELECT new com.castlemon.helpers.dto.ReportHelper(h.helperId, h.firstName, h.secondName"
+ ", h.sex, h.service, h.dateOfBirth, h.schoolGroup, h.orientationRequired, h.notes as adminNotes "
+ ", h.primaryDuty.dutyName as primaryDuty, h.secondDuty, h.secondaryDuty.dutyName as secondaryDuty "
+ " WHERE h.travelling = 1 AND h.year >= :yearLimit")
public List<ReportHelper> getTravellingHelperDetailsUntilYear(String yearLimit);