Retrofit Post Multipart form data values are empty - java

I am trying to post some multipart form data via Retrofit in Android to a web service.
The web services's API expects the following parameters to be passed as field of a multipart form data:
Name Type
company_id text/plain
image image/*
It also expects an authorization token to be passed as a query string parameter.
So i have defined my API interface call like this:
"Content-Type: multipart/form-data",
"Accept: application/json"
Call<ServerResponse> companyUploadImage( #Part("company_id") RequestBody companyId, #Part MultipartBody.Part file, #Query("token") String token);
Afterwards this is how i call the above API interface method in a custom class:
RequestBody companyId = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), LocalStorage.getInstance().getCompanyId());
File file = new File(postPath);
MultipartBody.Part image = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("image", file.getName(), RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("image/*"), file));
Call<ServerResponse> uploadProfileImage = router.companyUploadImage(companyId, image, token);
uploadProfileImage.enqueue(new Callback<ServerResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<ServerResponse> call, Response<ServerResponse> response) {
Log.e("Upload Profile Image: ", response.body().getMessage());
public void onFailure(Call<ServerResponse> call, Throwable t) {
Log.e("Upload Profile Image Error: ", t.getMessage());
The request is sent successfully to the server, so no networking exceptions occur, however the multipart form values, company_id and image, are received empty on the server side
Any idea?
Thank you!

I managed to solve the issue. It seems that the solution was as simple as removing the #Header annotation from the API interface method. So now it looks like this:
Call<ServerResponse> companyUploadImage( #Part("company_id") RequestBody companyId, #Part MultipartBody.Part file, #Query("token") String token);
Maybe someone will find this post helpful.


How to upload video file with extra string values in body, using Retrofit in Java?

I have to upload video file to Server using API, I am using Retrofit. I tried Multipart (by using different approaches) but failed.
I have to upload a video file, reference key as a string and url as a string (in body). In header, I have to upload token.
First I tried this:
Call<LivenessRequest> requestFun(#Header("Authorization") String token,
#Part("reference") RequestBody referenceId,
#Part("url") RequestBody url,
#Part("file") RequestBody videoFile);
Making RequestBody Objects:
RequestBody fileBody;
RequestBody referenceBody;
RequestBody urlBody;
fileBody = RequestBody.create(okhttp3.MediaType.parse("video/*"), videoFile);
referenceBody = RequestBody.create(okhttp3.MediaType.parse("text/plain"), String.valueOf(
urlBody = RequestBody.create(okhttp3.MediaType.parse("text/plain"), String.valueOf(
calling API:
referenceBody, urlBody, videoFileBody).enqueue(new retrofit2.Callback<request>() {
public void onResponse(retrofit2.Call<request> call, Response<request> response) {
public void onFailure(retrofit2.Call<request> call, Throwable t) {
I tried it with another approach that is:
Call<LivenessRequest> requestFun(#Header("Authorization") String token,
#Body RequestBody body);
Making RequestBody Object:
RequestBody body = new MultipartBody.Builder()
RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/octet-stream"), videoFile))
.addFormDataPart("reference", reference)
API calling:
interface().requestFun(token, body).enqueue(new retrofit2.Callback<request>() {
public void onResponse(retrofit2.Call<request> call, Response<request> response) {
public void onFailure(retrofit2.Call<request> call, Throwable t) {
Postman Screenshot of this api is attached:

How to send a Content-Type form-data request using rest assured?

I need to invoke a form-data typed API using Rest Assured. Here is my code.
private Map<String, String> getFormParamsMap() {
Map<String, String> formParams = new HashMap<>();
formParams.put("creatorId", "Instructor1");
formParams.put("creatorPlatform", "Web");
formParams.put("creatoredSource", "File");
formParams.put("creatoredType", "Auto");
formParams.put("deckId", "5a605b472e02d86561172dad");
formParams.put("userId", "kind");
return formParams;
public void invoke() {
response = given()
.header("Content-Type", "application/form-data")
.header(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME, accessToken) //Some API contains access token to run with the API
.formParams(getFormParamsMap()) // requestParamsMap here.
When I execute this, I am getting the below error.
Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to encode creatorPlatform=Web&creatoredType=Auto&deckId=5a605b472e02d86561172dad&creatorId=Instructor1&creatoredSource=File&userId=kind as a byte stream.
Please use EncoderConfig (EncoderConfig#encodeContentTypeAs) to specify how to serialize data for this content-type.
For example: "given().config(RestAssured.config().encoderConfig(encoderConfig().encodeContentTypeAs("application/form-data", ContentType.TEXT))). .."
Stack Trace:
When I use .config(RestAssured.config().encoderConfig(encoderConfig().encodeContentTypeAs("application/form-data", ContentType.TEXT))) in the invoke() method, it gives the result as below.
"status": 400,
"message": "Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=ISO-8859-1' not supported",
"error": "Bad Request",
"exception": "org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException"
My request is not x-www-form-urlencoded type, it is form-data type. I can execute it using postman.
Appreciate your support on this.
I have solve this issue by using encodeContentTypeAs("multipart/form-data", ContentType.TEXT)
public void invoke() {
response = given()
.encodeContentTypeAs("multipart/form-data", ContentType.TEXT)))
Please add the consumer as well.
See here for the encoders available for Rest Assured.
This might be causing the problem -
encodeContentTypeAs("application/form-data", ContentType.TEXT)
You can also try this -
.encoderConfig(encoderConfig().appendDefaultContentCharsetToContentTypeIfUndefined(false).encodeContentTypeAs("application/form-data", ContentType.TEXT));
As far as I can tell, headers(headers) method replaces all headers, and then RestAssured uses x-www-form-urlencoded content type as default.
Try adding "Content-Type" header after the call to headers(headers).

Uploading image to a Spring-Boot web server from android

I am using retrofit 2 library to send image from android device to a server which runs on Spring - Boot.
I want to simply send an image to see, if all is ok, so i perform this simple type of request:
On server side my controller looks like this:
#PostMapping(value = "/updatePhoto" )
public String updateUserPhoto(#RequestPart(name = "img") MultipartFile img) {
System.out.println("Request update photo "+ img.getOriginalFilename());
return "OK";
This is my request
Call<String> updateUserPhoto(#Part MultipartBody.Part img);
This is how i perform it:
File file = new File(mediaPath);
RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("*/*"), file);
MultipartBody.Part fileToUpload = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("file", file.getName(), requestBody);
System.err.println(filename+" " + fileToUpload);
.enqueue(new Callback<String>() {
public void onResponse(Call<String> call, Response<String> response) {
System.err.println("RESPONSE BODY NULL");
public void onFailure(Call<String> call, Throwable t) {
System.err.println("UPDATE PHOTO FAIL " +t.getMessage());
But every time i try to send an image, my server throws an exception : Required request part 'img' is not present
And cant understand where im doing wrong, i had tried a lot, but a can`t solve this problem. Any ideas what must i improve ?
Try this "img" instead of "file"
RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("*/*"), file);
MultipartBody.Part fileToUpload = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("img", file.getName(), requestBody);

Upload a file to AWS S3 pre-signed URL using Retrofit2

I'm trying to upload a file to Amazon's S3 using a pre-signed URL. I get the URL from a server which generates the URL & sends it to me as part of a JSON object. I get the URL as a String, something like this:
Unfortunately, when I pass this to Retrofit2, it modifies the String attempting to make it into a URL. I've set encoding=true which took care of most of the problem but not completely. I know the String works as it is. I've tried it in Postman & get a successful response.
1st I tried just putting the String (except for what I cut out as baseUrl) as a whole into the Path
public interface UpdateImageInterface {
Call<Void> updateImage(#Path(value="url", encoded=true) String url, Body RequestBody image);
The calling code:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
UpdateImageInterface imageInterface = retrofit.create(UpdateImageInterface.class);
// imageUrl is "ImageName..."
Call<Void> call = imageInterface.updateImage(imageUrl, requestFile);
This works mostly except the the '?' (after "ImageName") get converted to "%3F". This causes a Bad Request / 400.
My next attempt was to create a query with Retrofit2 but then dump the whole String (with multiple queries) into the query.
public interface UpdateImageInterface {
Call<Void> updateProfilePhoto(#Query(value="X-Amz-Security-Token", encoded = true) String token, #Body RequestBody image);
The calling code:
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
UpdateImageInterface imageInterface = retrofit.create(UpdateImageInterface.class);
// imageUrl is "xxfooxx..."
Call<Void> call = imageInterface.updateImage(imageUrl, requestFile);
This gets the '?' rendered correctly but all of the '&' get changed to "%26"
Lastly I tried passing the whole String in baseUrl() but that gives an IllegalArgumentException for not having '/' on the end.
I know that I could parse the pre-signed URL to make multiple queries & assemble them in Retrofit2 as queries should be done but I'd like to avoid that processing.
To restate the question:
Is there a way to easily (without heavy String parsing) upload a file to S3 with a pre-signed URL using Retrofit2?
With help from a colleague, this is the solution.
public interface UpdateImageInterface {
Call<Void> updateImage(#Url String url, #Body RequestBody image);
Calling code:
String CONTENT_IMAGE = "image/jpeg";
File file = new File(localPhotoPath); // create new file on device
RequestBody requestFile = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(CONTENT_IMAGE), file);
/* since the pre-signed URL from S3 contains a host, this dummy URL will
* be replaced completely by the pre-signed URL. (I'm using baseURl(String) here
* but see baseUrl(okhttp3.HttpUrl) in Javadoc for how base URLs are handled
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
UpdateImageInterface imageInterface = retrofit.create(UpdateImageInterface.class);
// imageUrl is the String as received from AWS S3
Call<Void> call = imageInterface.updateImage(imageUrl, requestFile);
Javadoc for info on #Url (class Url) &
baseUrl() (class Retrofit.Builder)
MediaType is a class in the OkHttp library that is often used with Retrofit (both from Square). Info about constants passed to the parse method can be found in the Javadoc.
Use the following while uploading directly to S3 using presigned URL.
Call<Void> uploadFile(#Url String url, #Header("Content-Type") String contentType, #Part MultipartBody.Part part);

Retrofit multipart request

I am using retrofit2+rxAndroid to work with REST. I want to send multipart request with image and text. But something is not working and instead of image+ text I have this "trim,nshtml,max|140".
This is my request:
public Observable<VehicleSearchResponse>
addPost(#Header("Authorization") String token, #Header("Content-Type") String contenttype,
#Part("text") String message,
#Part("attached_images") RequestBody file);
And this is how I form my RequestBody
RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("image/jpg"), persistImage(bitmap2, "test"))
Please help me.
Have you tried using:
MultipartBody.create(MultipartBody.FORM, bytes)
for the attached_images part?

