What am I doing?
I am writing a data analysis program in Java which relies on R´s arulesViz library to mine association rules.
What do I want?
My purpose is to store the rules in a String variable in Java so that I can process them later.
How does it work?
The code works using a combination of String.format and eval Java and RJava instructions respectively, being its behavior summarized as:
Given properly formatted Java data structures, creates a data frame in R.
Formats the recently created data frame into a transaction list using the arules library.
Runs the apriori algorithm with the transaction list and some necessary values passed as parameter.
Reorders the generated association rules.
Given that the association rules cannot be printed, they are written to the standard output with R´s write method, capture the output and store it in a variable. We have converted the association rules into a string variable.
We return the string.
The code is the following:
// Step 1
Rutils.rengine.eval("dataFrame <- data.frame(as.factor(c(\"Red\", \"Blue\", \"Yellow\", \"Blue\", \"Yellow\")), as.factor(c(\"Big\", \"Small\", \"Small\", \"Big\", \"Tiny\")), as.factor(c(\"Heavy\", \"Light\", \"Light\", \"Heavy\", \"Heavy\")))");
//Step 2
Rutils.rengine.eval("transList <- as(dataFrame, 'transactions')");
//Step 3
Rutils.rengine.eval(String.format("info <- apriori(transList, parameter = list(supp = %f, conf = %f, maxlen = 2))", supportThreshold, confidenceThreshold));
// Step 4
Rutils.rengine.eval("orderedRules <- sort(info, by = c('count', 'lift'), order = FALSE)");
// Step 5
REXP res = Rutils.rengine.eval("rulesAsString <- paste(capture.output(write(orderedRules, file = stdout(), sep = ',', quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)), collapse='\n')");
// Step 6
return res.asString().replaceAll("'", "");
What´s wrong?
Running the code in Linux Will work perfectly, but when I try to run it in Windows, I get the following error referring to the return line:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
This is a common error I have whenever the R code generates a null result and passes it to Java. There´s no way to syntax check the R code inside Java, so whenever it´s wrong, this error message appears.
However, when I run the R code in brackets in the R command line in Windows, it works flawlessly, so both the syntax and the data flow are OK.
Technical information
In Linux, I am using R with OpenJDK 10.
In Windows, I am currently using Oracle´s latest JDK release, but trying to run the program with OpenJDK 12 for Windows does not solve anything.
Everything is 64 bits.
The IDE used in both operating systems is IntelliJ IDEA 2019.
Linux run configuration:
Windows run configuration:
I am trying to read events from the event log of two windows machines. One is Windows 10 Enterprise (works perfectly) and one is Small Business Server 2008. On the SBS2008 machine output is truncated at the 78th character but I can’t see why.
This is the powershell command that I am running:
get-eventlog Application -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-10) |
Where-Object {$_.EntryType -like 'Error' -or $_.EntryType -like
'Information'} | Format-Table -Property TimeGenerated, Index,
EventID, EntryType, Source, Message -autosize | Out-String -Width 4000
It performs fine in a powershell edit window on both machines, no truncation.
If I run it in a command window using powershell -file GetEvents.ps1 the output is truncated:
C:\BITS>powershell -file GetEvents.ps1
I cannot work out what is doing this. This is the Java code:
String command = "powershell.exe " + Cmd;
Process powerShellProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
String line;
BufferedReader stdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(powerShellProcess.getInputStream()));
while ((line = stdout.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.length() > 0) {
Can anyone suggest a better way to get the events out of the log or suggest how I read the output from the powershell script without it being broken up by carriage returns? This was quite disappointing as I had tested it extensively on my machine (the W10 one) only to find it fails on the SBS2008 customer machine!
I have checked the libraries and java versions used on the different machines and they are the same. It’s not the println statement because I do some parsing of the string within the final ‘While’ block and the incoming line is definitely truncated.
I have subsequently tried using Get-winevent but when I put a filterhashtable flag on the command it fails when run on SBS2008 saying 'the parameter is incorrect' (works fine on W10).
My ideal would be able to get all the events from a specific logfile since a given eventID (because I can store that) but it seems to be virtually impossible to get the same output across all windows operating systems in the same format. Any suggestions welcome.
The answer for SBS2008 is here; http://www.mcbsys.com/blog/2011/04/powershell-get-winevent-vs-get-eventlog/
SBS2008 cannot use a hashtable, must use filterxml. Unfortunately when I use filterxml on SBS2008 it does not return the error message, everything else, just no the message. This is using the prescribed method of cutting and pasting the XML query from Event Viewer (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/powershell/2011/04/14/using-get-winevent-filterxml-to-process-windows-events/).
After more research I have come up with a script which does (sort of) what I want. It lacks the eventindex (which is a shame) but it consistently returns the events from the System & Application eventlogs:
$fx = '<QueryList>
<Query Id="0" Path="Application">
<Select Path="Application">*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3) and TimeCreated[timediff(#SystemTime) <= 43200000]]]</Select>
function Set-Culture([System.Globalization.CultureInfo] $culture) { [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $culture ; [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = $culture } ; Set-Culture en-US ; get-winevent -FilterXml $fx | out-string -width 470
$fx = '<QueryList>
<Query Id="0" Path="System">
<Select Path="System">*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3) and TimeCreated[timediff(#SystemTime) <= 43200000]]]</Select>
Set-Culture en-US ; get-winevent -FilterXml $fx | out-string -width 470
I hope that this is useful to someone else!
I need to detect whether my application is running within a virtualized OS instance or not.
I've found an article with some useful information on the topic. The same article appears in multiple places, I'm unsure of the original source. VMware implements a particular invalid x86 instruction to return information about itself, while VirtualPC uses a magic number and I/O port with an IN instruction.
This is workable, but appears to be undocumented behavior in both cases. I suppose a future release of VMWare or VirtualPC might change the mechanism. Is there a better way? Is there a supported mechanism for either product?
Similarly, is there a way to detect Xen or VirtualBox?
I'm not concerned about cases where the platform is deliberately trying to hide itself. For example, honeypots use virtualization but sometimes obscure the mechanisms that malware would use to detect it. I don't care that my app would think it is not virtualized in these honeypots, I'm just looking for a "best effort" solution.
The application is mostly Java, though I'm expecting to use native code plus JNI for this particular function. Windows XP/Vista support is most important, though the mechanisms described in the referenced article are generic features of x86 and don't rely on any particular OS facility.
Have you heard about blue pill, red pill?. It's a technique used to see if you are running inside a virtual machine or not. The origin of the term stems from the matrix movie where Neo is offered a blue or a red pill (to stay inside the matrix = blue, or to enter the 'real' world = red).
The following is some code that will detect whether you are running inside 'the matrix' or not:
(code borrowed from this site which also contains some nice information about the topic at hand):
int swallow_redpill () {
unsigned char m[2+4], rpill[] = "\x0f\x01\x0d\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc3";
*((unsigned*)&rpill[3]) = (unsigned)m;
return (m[5]>0xd0) ? 1 : 0;
The function will return 1 when you are running inside a virutal machine, and 0 otherwise.
Under Linux I used the command: dmidecode ( I have it both on CentOS and Ubuntu )
from the man:
dmidecode is a tool for dumping a
computer's DMI (some say SMBIOS) table
contents in a human-readable format.
So I searched the output and found out its probably Microsoft Hyper-V
Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 25 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
Product Name: Virtual Machine
Version: 5.0
Serial Number: some-strings
UUID: some-strings
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
Handle 0x0002, DMI type 2, 8 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
Product Name: Virtual Machine
Version: 5.0
Serial Number: some-strings
Another way is to search to which manufacturer the MAC address of eth0 is related to: http://www.coffer.com/mac_find/
If it return Microsoft, vmware & etc.. then its probably a virtual server.
VMware has a Mechanisms to determine if software is running in a VMware virtual machine Knowledge base article which has some source code.
Microsoft also has a page on "Determining If Hypervisor Is Installed". MS spells out this requirement of a hypervisor in the IsVM TEST" section of their "Server Virtualization Validation Test" document
The VMware and MS docs both mention using the CPUID instruction to check the hypervisor-present bit (bit 31 of register ECX)
The RHEL bugtracker has one for "should set ISVM bit (ECX:31) for CPUID leaf 0x00000001" to set bit 31 of register ECX under the Xen kernel.
So without getting into vendor specifics it looks like you could use the CPUID check to know if you're running virtually or not.
No. This is impossible to detect with complete accuracy. Some virtualization systems, like QEMU, emulate an entire machine down to the hardware registers. Let's turn this around: what is it you're trying to do? Maybe we can help with that.
I think that going forward, relying on tricks like the broken SIDT virtualization is not really going to help as the hardware plugs all the holes that the weird and messy x86 architecture have left. The best would be to lobby the Vm providers for a standard way to tell that you are on a VM -- at least for the case when the user has explicitly allowed that. But if we assume that we are explicitly allowing the VM to be detected, we can just as well place visible markers in there, right? I would suggest just updating the disk on your VMs with a file telling you that you are on a VM -- a small text file in the root of the file system, for example. Or inspect the MAC of ETH0, and set that to a given known string.
On virtualbox, assuming you have control over the VM guest and you have dmidecode, you can use this command:
dmidecode -s bios-version
and it will return
On linux systemd provides a command for detecting if the system is running as a virtual machine or not.
$ systemd-detect-virt
If the system is virtualized then it outputs name of the virtualization softwarwe/technology.
If not then it outputs none
For instance if the system is running KVM then:
$ systemd-detect-virt
You don't need to run it as sudo.
I'd like to recommend a paper posted on Usenix HotOS '07, Comptibility is Not Transparency: VMM Detection Myths and Realities, which concludes several techniques to tell whether the application is running in a virtualized environment.
For example, use sidt instruction as redpill does(but this instruction can also be made transparent by dynamic translation), or compare the runtime of cpuid against other non-virtualized instructions.
While installing the newes Ubuntu I discovered the package called imvirt. Have a look at it at http://micky.ibh.net/~liske/imvirt.html
This C function will detect VM Guest OS:
(Tested on Windows, compiled with Visual Studio)
#include <intrin.h>
bool isGuestOSVM()
unsigned int cpuInfo[4];
return ((cpuInfo[2] >> 31) & 1) == 1;
Under Linux, you can report on /proc/cpuinfo. If it's in VMware, it usually comes-up differently than if it is on bare metal, but not always. Virtuozzo shows a pass-through to the underlying hardware.
Try by reading the SMBIOS structures, especially the structs with the BIOS information.
In Linux you can use the dmidecode utility to browse the information.
Check the tool virt-what. It uses previously mentioned dmidecode to determine if you are on a virtualized host and the type.
I Tried A Different approach suggested by my friend.Virtual Machines run on VMWARE doesnt have CPU TEMPERATURE property. i.e They Dont Show The Temperature of the CPU. I am using CPU Thermometer Application For Checking The CPU Temperature.
(Windows Running In VMWARE)
(Windows Running On A Real CPU)
So I Code a Small C Programme to detect the temperature Senser
#include "stdafx.h"
#define _WIN32_DCOM
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <comdef.h>
#include <Wbemidl.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "wbemuuid.lib")
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Step 1: --------------------------------------------------
// Initialize COM. ------------------------------------------
hres = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
if (FAILED(hres))
cout << "Failed to initialize COM library. Error code = 0x"
<< hex << hres << endl;
return 1; // Program has failed.
// Step 2: --------------------------------------------------
// Set general COM security levels --------------------------
hres = CoInitializeSecurity(
-1, // COM authentication
NULL, // Authentication services
NULL, // Reserved
RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT, // Default authentication
RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, // Default Impersonation
NULL, // Authentication info
EOAC_NONE, // Additional capabilities
NULL // Reserved
if (FAILED(hres))
cout << "Failed to initialize security. Error code = 0x"
<< hex << hres << endl;
return 1; // Program has failed.
// Step 3: ---------------------------------------------------
// Obtain the initial locator to WMI -------------------------
IWbemLocator *pLoc = NULL;
hres = CoCreateInstance(
IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *)&pLoc);
if (FAILED(hres))
cout << "Failed to create IWbemLocator object."
<< " Err code = 0x"
<< hex << hres << endl;
return 1; // Program has failed.
// Step 4: -----------------------------------------------------
// Connect to WMI through the IWbemLocator::ConnectServer method
IWbemServices *pSvc = NULL;
// Connect to the root\cimv2 namespace with
// the current user and obtain pointer pSvc
// to make IWbemServices calls.
hres = pLoc->ConnectServer(
_bstr_t(L"ROOT\\CIMV2"), // Object path of WMI namespace
NULL, // User name. NULL = current user
NULL, // User password. NULL = current
0, // Locale. NULL indicates current
NULL, // Security flags.
0, // Authority (for example, Kerberos)
0, // Context object
&pSvc // pointer to IWbemServices proxy
if (FAILED(hres))
cout << "Could not connect. Error code = 0x"
<< hex << hres << endl;
return 1; // Program has failed.
cout << "Connected to ROOT\\CIMV2 WMI namespace" << endl;
// Step 5: --------------------------------------------------
// Set security levels on the proxy -------------------------
hres = CoSetProxyBlanket(
pSvc, // Indicates the proxy to set
NULL, // Server principal name
NULL, // client identity
EOAC_NONE // proxy capabilities
if (FAILED(hres))
cout << "Could not set proxy blanket. Error code = 0x"
<< hex << hres << endl;
return 1; // Program has failed.
// Step 6: --------------------------------------------------
// Use the IWbemServices pointer to make requests of WMI ----
// For example, get the name of the operating system
IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnumerator = NULL;
hres = pSvc->ExecQuery(
bstr_t(L"SELECT * FROM Win32_TemperatureProbe"),
if (FAILED(hres))
cout << "Query for operating system name failed."
<< " Error code = 0x"
<< hex << hres << endl;
return 1; // Program has failed.
// Step 7: -------------------------------------------------
// Get the data from the query in step 6 -------------------
IWbemClassObject *pclsObj = NULL;
ULONG uReturn = 0;
while (pEnumerator)
HRESULT hr = pEnumerator->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1,
&pclsObj, &uReturn);
if (0 == uReturn)
// Get the value of the Name property
hr = pclsObj->Get(L"SystemName", 0, &vtProp, 0, 0);
wcout << " OS Name : " << vtProp.bstrVal << endl;
VARIANT vtProp1;
pclsObj->Get(L"Caption", 0, &vtProp1, 0, 0);
wcout << "Caption: " << vtProp1.bstrVal << endl;
// Cleanup
// ========
return 0; // Program successfully completed.
Output On a Vmware Machine
Output On A Real Cpu
I use this C# class to detect if the Guest OS is running inside a virtual environment (windows only):
using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class sysInfo
public static Boolean isVM()
bool foundMatch = false;
ManagementObjectSearcher search1 = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_BIOS");
var enu = search1.Get().GetEnumerator();
if (!enu.MoveNext()) throw new Exception("Unexpected WMI query failure");
string biosVersion = enu.Current["version"].ToString();
string biosSerialNumber = enu.Current["SerialNumber"].ToString();
foundMatch = Regex.IsMatch(biosVersion + " " + biosSerialNumber, "VMware|VIRTUAL|A M I|Xen", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
// Syntax error in the regular expression
ManagementObjectSearcher search2 = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_ComputerSystem");
var enu2 = search2.Get().GetEnumerator();
if (!enu2.MoveNext()) throw new Exception("Unexpected WMI query failure");
string manufacturer = enu2.Current["manufacturer"].ToString();
string model = enu2.Current["model"].ToString();
foundMatch = Regex.IsMatch(manufacturer + " " + model, "Microsoft|VMWare|Virtual", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
// Syntax error in the regular expression
return foundMatch;
if (sysInfo.isVM()) {
Console.WriteLine("VM FOUND");
I came up with universal way to detect every type of windows virtual machine with just 1 line of code. It supports win7--10 (xp not tested yet).
Why we need universal way ?
Most common used way is to search and match vendor values from win32. But what if there are 1000+ VM manufacturers ? then you would have to write a code to match 1000+ VM signatures. But its time waste. Even after sometime, there would be new other VMs launched and your script would be wasted.
I worked on it for many months. I done many tests upon which I observed that:
win32_portconnector always null and empty on VMs. Please see full report
//asked at: https://stackoverflow.com/q/64846900/14919621
what win32_portconnector is used for ? This question have 3 parts.
1) What is the use case of win32_portconnector ? //https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-portconnector
2) Can I get state of ports using it like Mouse cable, charger, HDMI cables etc ?
3) Why VM have null results on this query : Get-WmiObject Win32_PortConnector ?
On VM:
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WmiObject Win32_PortConnector
On Real environment:
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WmiObject Win32_PortConnector
Tag : Port Connector 0
ConnectorType : {23, 3}
SerialNumber :
ExternalReferenceDesignator :
PortType : 2
Tag : Port Connector 1
ConnectorType : {21, 2}
SerialNumber :
ExternalReferenceDesignator :
PortType : 9
Tag : Port Connector 2
ConnectorType : {64}
SerialNumber :
ExternalReferenceDesignator :
PortType : 16
Tag : Port Connector 3
ConnectorType : {22, 3}
SerialNumber :
ExternalReferenceDesignator :
PortType : 28
Tag : Port Connector 4
ConnectorType : {54}
SerialNumber :
ExternalReferenceDesignator :
PortType : 17
Tag : Port Connector 5
ConnectorType : {38}
SerialNumber :
ExternalReferenceDesignator :
PortType : 30
Tag : Port Connector 6
ConnectorType : {39}
SerialNumber :
ExternalReferenceDesignator :
PortType : 31
Show me Code
Based upon these tests, I have made an tiny program which can detect windows VMs.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Universal_VM_Detector
static void Main()
if((new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PortConnector")).Get().Count == 0)
MessageBox.Show("VM detected !");
MessageBox.Show("VM NOT detected !");
You can read code or get compiled executable.
It is tested on many environments and is very stable.
Detects Visrtualbox
Detects Vmware
Detects Windows Server
Detects RDP
Detects Virustotal
Detects any.run
I have a Perl script that uses Inline::Java and just has to fork (it is a server and I want it to handle multiple connections simultaneously).
So I wanted to implement this solution which makes use of a shared JVM with SHARED_JVM => 1. Since the JVM is not shutdown when the script exits, I want to reuse it with START_JVM => 0. But since it might just be the first time I start the server, I would also like to have a BEGIN block make sure a JVM is running before calling use Inline.
My question is very simple, but I couldn't find any answer on the web: How do I simply start a JVM? I've looked at man java and there seems to be just no option that means "start and just listen for connections".
Here is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do in Perl, if this helps:
&start_jvm unless &jvm_is_running;
use Inline (
Java => 'STUDY',
STUDY => ['JavaStuff'],
if (fork) {
else {
What I need help with is writing the start_jvm subroutine.
If you've got a working jvm_is_running function, just use it to determine whether Inline::Java should start the JVM.
use Inline (
Java => 'STUDY',
START_JVM => jvm_is_running() ? 0 : 1,
STUDY => ['JavaStuff'],
Thanks to details provided by tobyink, I am able to answer my own question, which was based on a the erroneous assumption that the JVM itself provides a server and a protocole.
As a matter of fact, one major component of Inline::Java is a server, written in Java, which handles request by the Inline::Java::JVM client, written in Perl.
Therefore, the command-line to launch the server is:
$ java org.perl.inline.java.InlineJavaServer <DEBUG> <HOST> <PORT> <SHARED_JVM> <PRIVATE> <NATIVE_DOUBLES>
where all parameters correspond to configuration options described in the Inline::Java documentation.
Therefore, in my case, the start_jvm subroutine would be:
sub start_jvm {
'java org.perl.inline.java.InlineJavaServer 0 localhost 7891 true false false';
(Not that it should be defined: tobyink's solution, while it did not directly address the question I asked, is much better.)
As for the jvm_is_running subroutine, this is how I defined it:
use Proc::ProcessTable;
use constant {
JAVA => 'java',
INLINE_SERVER => 'org.perl.inline.java.InlineJavaServer',
sub jvm_is_running {
my $pt = new Proc::ProcessTable;
return grep {
$_->fname eq JAVA && ( split /\s/, $_->cmndline )[1] eq INLINE_SERVER
} #{ $pt->table };
We are sending iOS / Apple devices push notifications via PHP / Java backend systems.
The issue now we're facing is, Java has different multibyte character count that PHP does.
For example, below is the Arabic text that we have to send, one from Java backend and one from PHP based backend system (PHP & Java backend - both are different, no relations with each other):
يبدا بقرص العقيلي واللقيمات وينتهي مع خالد حرية بالامارات نكهة وبهار مع القصار-٦ مساءا على تلفزيون الكويت
Now, when we check the string length:
length 106
byte 194
length 369
byte 547
Now Apple allows only 256 bytes of Payload, hence Java backend is able to send above mentioned Arabic text in full, while same is not being allowed in PHP. We needs to reduce text for PHP.
Below is my PHP Code:
// PHP Interpretation:
echo $str = 'يبدا بقرص العقيلي واللقيمات وينتهي مع خالد حرية بالامارات نكهة وبهار مع القصار-٦ مساءا على تلفزيون الكويت';
echo '<br><br>';
$payload['aps'] = array('alert' => $str, 'sound' => 'default');
$payload = json_encode($payload);
echo $payload;
echo strlen($payload);
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>';
echo utf8_encode($str);
echo '<br><br>';
echo json_encode($str);
echo '<br><br>';
echo strlen(json_encode($str));
echo '<br>';
echo strlen(utf8_encode($str));
echo '<br>';
echo mb_strlen(json_encode($str));
Have anybody face this issue ever? Any known solution for this?
Please advise.
Got one trick [not sure this is permanent soln though] temporarily: May be handy to other people in future
commented below code of line
//$payload = json_encode($body);
And directly appending JSON format to Payload variable:
// static sound and badge commands
$payload = '{"aps":{"alert":"'.$message.'","sound":"default","badge":"+1"}}';
// dynamic sound and badge commands
$payload = '{"aps":{"alert":"'.$message.'","sound":"'.$sound.'","badge":'.$badge.'}}';
Here, $message will be my Arabic string and it WORKS like a Charm !!
Very interesting :-)
I really was looking for such an awesome answer for a while, and you saved the day ... I guess though the badging does NOT work anymore!!!
It works with me like this:
$badge = 3;
$payload = '{"aps":{"alert":"'.$message.'","sound":"'.$sound.'","badge":'.$badge.'}}';
I usually let the server side computes the next badge count.