Passing constructors for outer dependency into Guice implementation - java

I have a Job, which should read data from deep storage. I am using Guice DI for my project.
There is a deep store already written and coming as an outer dependencie. I am struggling with instantiating the client in Guice
Here is the code
public class JobModule extends AbstractModule {
private Config config;
JobModule(Config config) {
this.config = config;
protected void configure() {
Config provideConfig() {
return this.config;
Reader Interface
public interface Reader {
List<String> getData(String path);
public class DeepStoreReader implements Reader {
private final DeepStoreClient deepStoreClient;
DeepStoreReader(#Named("config") Config config) {
this.deepStoreClient = new DeepStoreClient(config);
public List<String> getData(String path) {
return this.deepStoreClient.getData(path);
The issue is I don't want to instantiate DeepStoreClient inside the DeepStoreReader constructor, because it becomes difficult to test DeepStoreReader, since I won't be able to mock DeepStoreClient
What is the preferred way to instantiate a client in such cases? DeepStoreClient is not a Guice module/implementation and is coming as an outer published dependency
PS: I am new to DI and learning Guice

What you want is constructor injection, e.g.:
public DeepStoreReader(DeepStoreClient deepStoreClient) {
this.deepStoreClient = deepStoreClient;
Guice will take care of instantiating the DeepStoreClient for you.
If DeepStoreClient itself has dependencies, you can also annotate that constructor:
public DeepStoreClient(#Named("config") Config config) {
// ... 8< ...


Java Guice Named Bindings with Objects provided from other modules

Heres my current setup
Class file
public class ToyAdapter {
private final ToyClient toyClient;
private final Retryer retryer;
public APIAdapter(final ToyClient toyClient,
#Named("toyRetryer") final Retryer retryer) {
this.toyClient = toyClient;
this.retryer = retryer;
Guice file
I have several guice modules, but this one pertains to the above class
public class ToyModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
public ToyClient getToyClient(...){
private Retryer getToyRetryer() {#Takes no arguments
So far this works great! However, now my retryer requires a LogPublisher object provided in another module.
I'm trying
public class ToyModule extends AbstractModule {
LogPublisher logPublisher;
protected void configure() {
private Retryer getToyRetryer() {
return RetryerBuilder.withLogPublisher(logPublisher).build();
LogPublisher is provided in another guice module which has alot of other objects that depend on LogPublisher so I'd rather not just merge everything into one giant guice module.
public LogPublisher getLogPublisher() {...}
Is this the proper way to do this? I'm getting Java findBugs errors saying unwritten field so I'm thinking I'm doing it wrong.
Declare your Retryer with help of #Provides/#Named annotations.
public Retryer getToyRetryer(LogPublisher logPublisher) {
return RetryerBuilder.withLogPublisher(logPublisher).build();

How to Mock an injected object that is not declared in Module?

For a dagger2 module
public class MyModule {
#Provides #Singleton public RestService provideRestService() {
return new RestService();
#Provides #Singleton public MyPrinter provideMyPrinter() {
return new MyPrinter();
We could have the test module as Test
public class TestModule extends MyModule {
#Override public MyPrinter provideMyPrinter() {
return Mockito.mock(MyPrinter.class);
#Override public RestService provideRestService() {
return Mockito.mock(RestService.class);
However if for a class as below that is not declared in the dagger module...
public class MainService {
#Inject MyPrinter myPrinter;
#Inject public MainService(RestService restService) {
this.restService = restService;
How do I create a mock of MainService as above.
Note, I'm not planning to perform test for MainService as per share in, but instead, my MainService is used in another normal class that I wanted to test. e.g.
public class MyClassDoingSomething() {
#Inject MainService mainService;
public MyClassDoingSomething() {
// ...
public void myPublicFunction() {
// This function uses mainService
This is definitely not answering your question, but in my honest opinion it is related, it's helpful and too big for a comment.
I'm often facing this question and I end always doing "Constructor dependency injection". What this means is that I no longer do field injection by annotating the field with #Inject but pass the dependencies in the constructor like so:
public class MyClassDoingSomething implements DoSomethig {
private final Service mainService;
public MyClassDoingSomething(Service mainService) {
this.mainService = mainService;
Notice how the constructor now receives the parameter and sets the field to it and is also annotated with #Inject? I also like to make these classes implement an interface (also for MyService) - Amongst several other benefits I find it makes the dagger module easier to write:
public class DoSomethingModule {
#Provides #Singleton public RestService provideRestService() {
return new RestService();
#Provides #Singleton public MyPrinter provideMyPrinter() {
return new MyPrinter();
#Provides #Singleton public Service provideMyPrinter(MyService service) {
return service;
#Provides #Singleton public DoSomethig provideMyPrinter(MyClassDoingSomething something) {
return something;
(This assumes that MyService implements or extends Service)
By now it seems you already know that dagger is able to figure out the dependency graph by itself and build all the objects for you. So what about unit testing the class MyClassDoingSomething? I don't even use dagger here. I simply provide the dependencies manually:
public class MyClassDoingSomethingTest {
Service service;
private MyClassDoingSomething something;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
something = new MyClassDoingSomething(service);
// ...
As you see, the dependency is passed through the constructor manually.
Obviously this doesn't work if you're coding something that doesn't have a constructor that can be invoked by you. Classical examples are android activities, fragments or views. There are ways to achieve that, but personally I still think you can somehow overcome this without dagger. If you are unit testing a view that has a field #Inject MyPresenter myPresenter, usually this field will have package access that works fine in the tests:
public class MyViewTest {
#Mock MyPresenter presenter;
private MyView view;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
view.myPresenter = presenter;
Note that this only works if both MyViewTest and MyView are in the same package (which often is the case in android projects).
At the end of the day if you still want to use dagger for the tests, you can always create "test" modules and components that can inject by declaring methods in the component like:
public interface MyTestComponent {
void inject(MyClassDoingSomething something);
I find this approach ok-ish, but throughout my development years I prefer the first approach. This also has reported issues with Robolectric that some setup in the build.gradle file is required to actually make the dagger-compiler run for the tests so the classes are actually generated.

Jersey HK2 injection in manually created objects

Is there any way to inject dependencies into manually created objects?
public class MyCommand {
#Inject Repository repository;
public Repository {
#Inject EntityManager em;
MyCommand command = new MyCommand();
Repository is properly registered the jersey ResourceConfig and can be injected in objects that are created through the CDI container for example a resource class.
But since I create the Command myself the #Inject annotation gets ignored.
Is there a way to get a registered class beside #Inject and #Context?
Something like Application.get(Repository.class)
public class MyCommand {
Repository repository;
public MyCommand() {
repository = Application.get(Repository.class);
----- EDIT -----
Thanks to your help and some rethinking I found a solution for my problem.
The first thing is that it's possible to inject the ServiceLocator without any preperation into you objects.
The second thing is that I moved from normal commands with a execute method to a a command bus system.
The reason for that is I have no controle over the creation of commands so there clean way to get dependencies injected.
The new approach looks like this:
class CommandBus {
private final ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
public CommandBus(ServiceLocator serviceLocator) {
this.serviceLocator = serviceLocator;
public void dispatch(Command command) {
Class handlerClass = findHandlerClassForCommand(command);
CommandHandler handler = (CommandHandler) serviceLocator.getService(handlerClass);
interface CommandHandler {
void handle(Command command);
interface Command {
class ConcreteCommand implements Command {
// I'm just a dto with getters and setters
class ConcreteHandler implements CommandHandler {
private final SomeDependency dependency;
public ConcreteHandler(SomeDependency dependency) {
this.dependency = dependency;
public void handle(ConcreteCommand command) {
// do some things
And in my resources I have something like this:
class Resource {
private CommandBus bus;
public void runCommand(ConcreteCommand command) {
As pointed out by jwells - HK2 is an injection framework :)
I spent some time looking into it - I have to say, I find it much more complicated than say guice or spring. Maybe this is due to the fact that I use Dropwizard and it makes it not as easy to access the Service locators.
However, here is how you can do that.
First, you will have to get a reference to your ServiceLocator. It must be the same ServiceLocator that jersey is using as well. You can access it for example like:
How to get HK2 ServiceLocator in Jersey 2.12?
In my example code I will use an event listener, which is due to my Dropwizard Setup.
You now have 2 choices: Register your command with your Service Locator and have the injection framework handle creation, or pass the ServiceLocator to your command in order to use it.
I wrote up a quick example using Dropwizard and jersey:
public class ViewApplication extends io.dropwizard.Application<Configuration> {
public void run(Configuration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
environment.jersey().register(new ApplicationEventListener() {
public void onEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
if (event.getType() == ApplicationEvent.Type.INITIALIZATION_FINISHED) {
ServiceLocator serviceLocator = ((ServletContainer) environment.getJerseyServletContainer())
ServiceLocatorUtilities.bind(serviceLocator, new AbstractBinder() {
protected void configure() {
bind(new Repository("test")).to(Repository.class);
MyCommandInjected service = serviceLocator.getService(MyCommandInjected.class);
MyCommandManual tmp = new MyCommandManual(serviceLocator);
public RequestEventListener onRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) {
return null;
public void initialize(Bootstrap<Configuration> bootstrap) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new ViewApplication().run("server", "/home/artur/dev/repo/sandbox/src/main/resources/config/test.yaml");
public static class HelloResource {
public String test(String x) {
return "Hello";
public static class Repository {
public Repository(String something) {
public static class MyCommandInjected {
public MyCommandInjected(final Repository repo) {
System.out.println("Repo injected " + repo);
public static class MyCommandManual {
public MyCommandManual(final ServiceLocator sl) {
Repository service = sl.getService(Repository.class);
System.out.println("Repo found: " + service);
In the Run method, i get access to my ServiceLocator. I bind my classes in there (so there is an example of how to do that). You can alternatively also register Binders with jersey directly - they will use the correct ServiceLocator.
The 2 classes MyCommandInjected and MyCommandManual are examples of how you can create this command.
The relevant line for you is probably:
Repository service = sl.getService(Repository.class);
This asks the service locator for a new instance of the Repository.
Now, this is just a quick example. I am much more fond of the guice bridge than using HK2 directly :) I find it much easier to use and much clearer. Using the guice-jersey-bridge you can do everything through guice and it will automatically do the right thing.
Hope that brings some inside,
You can use the inject method of ServiceLocator in order to inject already created objects. ServiceLocator is the basic registry of HK2 and should be available in your resource.

Using custom factory HK2 DI with Jersey

I'm using the HK2 container in my Jersey application . I need to use my custom factory method to get the injected instance from the HK2 container.
For example ,
// Here I declare the IOC binding.
public class ApplicationBinder extends AbstractBinder {
protected void configure() {
public class MyApplication extends ResourceConfig {
public static ApplicationBinder binder ;
public MyApplication () {
binder = new ApplicationBinder();
packages(true, "com.myapplication.server");
Here is my code :
public class BusinessLogic
//ILogger logger ;
ILogger logger = DependencyResolver .resolve(ILogger.class) // resolve will get ILogger from HK2 container
The reason I need to do this way is for sometimes , I allocate classes manually which has dependencies , so in this way each use of #Inject return null.
For example, if I use new BusinessLogic() , then the logger with #Inject is null. I have to bind businesslogic also and use IOC in order to get the ILogge.
I need something like this:
public class DependencyResolver {
public static <T> T resolve(Class<T> beanClass){
return instance;
I need to use the DependencyResolver in order to get the instances I registered in MyApplication.
Any suggestions.
Thanks in advance...
I'm not 100% sure what exactly you want to do, but ...
I think you misunderstood AbstractBinder.bind(...) or bindings itself. Also, afaig you can't inject something into an instance which is not kinda managed component (like your BusinessLogic).
See - ioc for examples regarding your BusinessLogic. You may have a look at ComponentProvider and/or InjectableProvider
For your ILogger I would suggest to create and bind a Factory like this:
public class LoggerFactory implements Factory<ILogger> {
// inject stuff here if you need (just an useless example)
public LoggerFactory(final UriInfo uriInfo) {
this.uriInfo = uriInfo;
public ILogger provide() {
// here you resolve you ilogger
return MyLocator.resolve(ILogger.class);
public void dispose(ILogger instance) {
// ignore
Bind Factory
public class ApplicationBinder extends AbstractBinder {
protected void configure() {
bindFactory(LoggerFactory.class).to(ILogger.class).in(PerLookup.class /* or other scopeAnnotation if needed */);
// what's you Logger.class ?
// bind(Logger.class).to(ILogger.class).in(Singleton.class);
// bind(MySqlRepository.class).to(IRepository.class).in(Singleton.class);
Hope this was helpful somehow. Maybe someone is willing to write something about Providers for your case.

Constructor Injection using Guice

I have some sample code which is using factories. I'd like to clean up the code by removing the factories and use Guice instead. I attempted to do this but I hit a small roadblock. I am really new to Guice, so I am hoping someone can help me out here.
Existing client code (Using factories):
public class MailClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MailConfig config = MailConfigFactory.get();
Mail mail = MailFactory.get(config);
My attempt to refactor using Guice:
//Replaces existing factories
public class MailModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
public class MailImpl implements Mail {
private final MailConfig config;
public MailImpl(MailConfig config) {
this.config = config;
public void send() { ... }
public class MailClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MailModule mailModule = new MailModule();
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(mailModule);
MailConfig config = injector.getInstance(MailConfig.class);
Mail mail = //??
How would I construct an instance of MailImpl using the object config in my revised MailClient? Should I be using Guice in this way?
Take a look at AssistedInject. It appears to address this problem.
2 solutions are possible:
1) bind the config as a guice object also, including its host parameter. then just inject Mail, in your main method you cna ignore the fact that mail has further dependencies.
2) mail must be configured individually for each send (recipient?). then you have no choice, but create it yourself using MailFactory.
You can do everything in MailModule as follows:
public class MailModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
... // other bindings
MailConfig getMailConfig( ... ) {
MailConfig config = new MailConfig( ... );
If you want a singleton MailConfig, add the #Singleton annotation to getMailConfig(), and Bob's your uncle.
Note that arguments to getMailConfig must be bound. When you bind commonly used types like String, be sure to add a binding annotation.

