So in Java, I have this as my json String:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String stringJson = "{\n" +
"nodes: {\n" +
"Random-key-Here: {\n" +
"name: \"PRO-cnt-elastic2-4-i-0a414518a5b67\",\n" +
"transport_address: \"\",\n" +
"host: \"\",\n" +
"ip: \"\",\n" +
"roles: [\n" +
"\"ingest\"\n" +
"],\n" +
"attributes: {\n" +
"zone: \"us-east-1a\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"tasks: {\n" +
"Random-key-Here: {\n" +
"node: \"-2688888mRPYHywWA\",\n" +
"id: 37202060,\n" +
"type: \"transport\",\n" +
"action: \"indices:data/write/reindex\",\n" +
"status: {\n" +
"total: 4869544,\n" +
"updated: 13920,\n" +
"created: 3654080,\n" +
"deleted: 0\n" +
"},\n" +
"description: \"blaaa\",\n" +
"start_time_in_millis: 1596456902705,\n" +
"running_time_in_nanos: 647855785005,\n" +
"cancellable: true,\n" +
"headers: { }\n" +
"}\n" +
"}\n" +
"}\n" +
"}\n" +
JsonObject jo = new JsonParser().parse(stringJson).getAsJsonObject();
Set s = jo.get("nodes").getAsJsonObject().entrySet().stream().map(e ->
Important: notice inside the Json some of the Keys are actually a random string that I couldn't know what it is in advance... - so I Wrote them as "Random-key-Here"
In short: My goal is to retrieve the number of this field, "total: 4869544".
Above that's what I've tried. I've managed to have a list that contains one object member of a set, and it's the "Random-key-Here" as the key, and the value is the rest of my nested json.
I thought if I would repeat the same logic as I did to overcome the first "Random-key-Here" thing, like I did with
.entrySet().stream().map(e ->
then I would get to another level below, so instead of "tasks" I wrote "status"
and I tought then I would be able to get the rest of the nested json which is easier from then on... but instead, nothing is returned when doing that:
.map(e -> e.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("tasks").getAsJsonObject().entrySet()
.map(ent-> ent.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("status").getAsJsonObject().get("total").getAsJsonObject()))
would appreciate any help to get to the nested part I need which is: "total: 4869544".
and keep in mind, I can't simply just use this:
because of "Random-key-Here".
Tnx for the helpers!
Answer to myself: So, on every unknown key that you have, you can use entrySet()
and then loop over it until you get to your desired field member.
so this usage solves the problem and can get you the nested Json even when your key is unknown in advance:
.forEach(node -> node.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("tasks").getAsJsonObject().entrySet()
.forEach(task -> { int i = task.getValue().getAsJsonObject().get("status").getAsJsonObject().get("total").getAsInt();
System.out.println(i); }))
pls share if someone has a more efficient way to do so
I receive a Http response after a call as Html String and I would like to scrape certain value stored inside the ReportViewer1 variable.
<script type="text/javascript">
var ReportViewer1 = new ReportViewer('ReportViewer1', 'ReportViewer1_ReportToolbar', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_WaitControl', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ReportCell', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_PreviewFrame', 'ReportViewer1_ParametersAreaCell', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ErrorControl', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ErrorLabel', 'ReportViewer1_CP', '/app/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd', 'a90a0d41efa6429eadfefa42fc529de1', 'Percent', '100', '', 'ReportViewer1_EditorPlaceholder', 'ReportViewer1_CalendarFrame', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_DocumentMapCell', {
ExportButtonText: 'Export',
ExportToolTip: 'Export',
ExportSelectFormatText: 'Export to the selected format',
FirstPageToolTip: 'First page',
LabelOf: 'of',
LastPageToolTip: 'Last Page',
ProcessingReportMessage: 'Generating report...',
NoPageToDisplay: 'No page to display.',
NextPageToolTip: 'Next page',
ParametersToolTip: 'Click to close parameters area|Click to open parameters area',
DocumentMapToolTip: 'Hide document map|Show document map',
PreviousPageToolTip: 'Previous page',
TogglePageLayoutToolTip: 'Switch to interactive view|Switch to print preview',
SessionHasExpiredError: 'Session has expired.',
SessionHasExpiredMessage: 'Please, refresh the page.',
PrintToolTip: 'Print',
RefreshToolTip: 'Refresh',
NavigateBackToolTip: 'Navigate back',
NavigateForwardToolTip: 'Navigate forward',
ReportParametersSelectAllText: '<select all>',
ReportParametersSelectAValueText: '<select a value>',
ReportParametersInvalidValueText: 'Invalid value.',
ReportParametersNoValueText: 'Value required.',
ReportParametersNullText: 'NULL',
ReportParametersPreviewButtonText: 'Preview',
ReportParametersFalseValueLabel: 'False',
ReportParametersInputDataError: 'Missing or invalid parameter value. Please input valid data for all parameters.',
ReportParametersTrueValueLabel: 'True',
MissingReportSource: 'The source of the report definition has not been specified.',
ZoomToPageWidth: 'Page Width',
ZoomToWholePage: 'Full Page'
}, 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ReportArea', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_SplitterCell', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_DocumentMapCell', true, true, 'PDF', 'ReportViewer1_RSID', true);
The value is a90a0d41efa6429eadfefa42fc529de1 and this is in the middle of this content:
'/app/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd', 'a90a0d41efa6429eadfefa42fc529de1', 'Percent', '100',
Whats the best way I can parse this value using Java?
Parse the HTML with String class
public class HtmlParser {
public static void main(String args[]){
String result = getValuesProp(html);
System.out.println("Result: "+ result);
static String PIVOT = "Telerik.ReportViewer.axd";
public static String getValuesProp(String json) {
String subString;
int i = json.indexOf(PIVOT);
i+= PIVOT.length();
//', chars
subString = json.substring(i);
i = subString.indexOf("'");
subString = subString.substring(i);
i = subString.indexOf("'");
subString = subString.substring(0,i);
return subString;
static String html ="<html>\n" +
"\n" +
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" +
" var ReportViewer1 = new ReportViewer('ReportViewer1', 'ReportViewer1_ReportToolbar', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_WaitControl', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ReportCell', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_PreviewFrame', 'ReportViewer1_ParametersAreaCell', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ErrorControl', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ErrorLabel', 'ReportViewer1_CP', '/app/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd', 'a90a0d41efa6429eadfefa42fc529de1', 'Percent', '100', '', 'ReportViewer1_EditorPlaceholder', 'ReportViewer1_CalendarFrame', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_DocumentMapCell', {\n" +
" CurrentPageToolTip: 'STR_TELERIK_MSG_CUR_PAGE_TOOL_TIP',\n" +
" ExportButtonText: 'Export',\n" +
" ExportToolTip: 'Export',\n" +
" ExportSelectFormatText: 'Export to the selected format',\n" +
" FirstPageToolTip: 'First page',\n" +
" LabelOf: 'of',\n" +
" LastPageToolTip: 'Last Page',\n" +
" ProcessingReportMessage: 'Generating report...',\n" +
" NoPageToDisplay: 'No page to display.',\n" +
" NextPageToolTip: 'Next page',\n" +
" ParametersToolTip: 'Click to close parameters area|Click to open parameters area',\n" +
" DocumentMapToolTip: 'Hide document map|Show document map',\n" +
" PreviousPageToolTip: 'Previous page',\n" +
" TogglePageLayoutToolTip: 'Switch to interactive view|Switch to print preview',\n" +
" SessionHasExpiredError: 'Session has expired.',\n" +
" SessionHasExpiredMessage: 'Please, refresh the page.',\n" +
" PrintToolTip: 'Print',\n" +
" RefreshToolTip: 'Refresh',\n" +
" NavigateBackToolTip: 'Navigate back',\n" +
" NavigateForwardToolTip: 'Navigate forward',\n" +
" ReportParametersSelectAllText: '<select all>',\n" +
" ReportParametersSelectAValueText: '<select a value>',\n" +
" ReportParametersInvalidValueText: 'Invalid value.',\n" +
" ReportParametersNoValueText: 'Value required.',\n" +
" ReportParametersNullText: 'NULL',\n" +
" ReportParametersPreviewButtonText: 'Preview',\n" +
" ReportParametersFalseValueLabel: 'False',\n" +
" ReportParametersInputDataError: 'Missing or invalid parameter value. Please input valid data for all parameters.',\n" +
" ReportParametersTrueValueLabel: 'True',\n" +
" MissingReportSource: 'The source of the report definition has not been specified.',\n" +
" ZoomToPageWidth: 'Page Width',\n" +
" ZoomToWholePage: 'Full Page'\n" +
" }, 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_ReportArea', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_SplitterCell', 'ReportViewer1_ReportArea_DocumentMapCell', true, true, 'PDF', 'ReportViewer1_RSID', true);\n" +
" </script>\n" +
"\n" +
I would read the text a line at a time like how most files are read. Because the format will always be the same, you look for a line that begins with the characters "var ReportViewer1." Then you know you have found the line you want. You may need to strip some white space, although it will always be formatted with the same whitespace too (up to you really.)
When you have the line, use the String .split() method to split that line into an array. There are nice delimiters there to split on ... "," or " " or ", " ... again, see what works best for you.
Test the split up line parts for '/app/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd' ... the next member of your split array will be the value you are looking for.
Again, the formatting will always be the same, so you can rely on that to find your variable. Of course, study the html text to make sure it does always follow the same format within the line you are investigating, but looking at it, I assume it probably does.
Again, find your line ... split it on a delimiter ... and use some logic to find the element you are after in the split up line parts.
I have a string, let's call it output, that's equals the following:
ltm data-group internal str_testclass {
records {
baz {
data "value 1"
foobar {
data "value 2"
topaz {}
type string
And I'm trying to extract the substring between the quotes for a given "record" name. So given foobar I want to extract value 2. The substring I want to extract will always come in the form I have prescribed above, after the "record" name, a whitespace, an open bracket, a new line, whitespace, the string data, and then the substring I want to capture is between the quotes from there. The one exception is when there is no value, which will always happen like I have prescribed above with topaz, in which case after the "record" name there will just be an open and closed bracket and I'd just like to get an empty string for this. How could I write a line of Java to capture this? So far I have ......
String myValue = output.replaceAll("(?:foobar\\s{\n\\s*data "([^\"]*)|()})","$1 $2");
But I'm not sure where to go from here.
Let's start extracting "records" structure with following regex ltm\s+data-group\s+internal\s+str_testclass\s*\{\s*records\s*\{\s*(?<records>([^\s}]+\s*\{\s*(data\s*"[^"]*")?\s*\}\s*)*)\}\s*type\s*string\s*\}
Then from "records" group, just find for sucessive match against [^\s}]+\s*\{\s*(?:data\s*"(?<data>[^"]*)")?\s*\}\s*. The "data" group contains what's you're looking for and will be null in "topaz" case.
Java strings:
String input =
"ltm data-group internal str_testclass {\n" +
" records {\n" +
" baz {\n" +
" data \"value 1\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" foobar {\n" +
" data \"value 2\"\n" +
" }\n" +
" topaz {}\n" +
" empty { data \"\"}\n" +
" }\n" +
" type string\n" +
Pattern language = Pattern.compile("ltm\\s+data-group\\s+internal\\s+str_testclass\\s*\\{\\s*records\\s*\\{\\s*(?<records>([^\\s}]+\\s*\\{\\s*(data\\s*\"[^\"]*\")?\\s*\\}\\s*)*)\\}\\s*type\\s*string\\s*\\}");
Pattern record = Pattern.compile("(?<name>[^\\s}]+)\\s*\\{\\s*(?:data\\s*\"(?<data>[^\"]*)\")?\\s*\\}\\s*");
Matcher lgMatcher = language.matcher(input);
if (lgMatcher.matches()) {
String records =;
Matcher rdMatcher = record.matcher(records);
while (rdMatcher.find()) {
} else {
System.err.println("Language not recognized");
baz:value 1
foobar:value 2
Alernatives: As your parsing a custom language, you can give a try to write an ANTLR grammar or create Groovy DSL.
Your regex shouldn't even compile, because you are not escaping the " inside your regex String, so it is ending your String at the first " inside your regex.
Instead, try this regex:
String regex = key + "\\s\\{\\s*\\n\\s*data\\s*\"([^\"]*)\"";
You can check out how it works here on regex101.
Try something like this getRecord() method where key is the record 'name' you're searching for, e.g. foobar, and the input is the string you want to search through.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "ltm data-group internal str_testclass { \n" +
" records { \n" +
" baz { \n" +
" data \"value 1\" \n" +
" } \n" +
" foobar { \n" +
" data \"value 2\" \n" +
" }\n" +
" topaz {}\n" +
" } \n" +
" type string \n" +
String bazValue = getRecord("baz", input);
String foobarValue = getRecord("foobar", input);
String topazValue = getRecord("topaz", input);
System.out.println("Record data value for 'baz' is '" + bazValue + "'");
System.out.println("Record data value for 'foobar' is '" + foobarValue + "'");
System.out.println("Record data value for 'topaz' is '" + topazValue + "'");
private static String getRecord(String key, String input) {
String regex = key + "\\s\\{\\s*\\n\\s*data\\s*\"([^\"]*)\"";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
if (matcher.find()) {
//if we find a record with data return it
} else {
//else see if the key exists with empty {}
final Pattern keyPattern = Pattern.compile(key);
Matcher keyMatcher = keyPattern.matcher(input);
if (keyMatcher.find()) {
//return empty string if key exists with empty {}
return "";
} else {
//else handle error, throw exception, etc.
System.err.println("Record not found for key: " + key);
throw new RuntimeException("Record not found for key: " + key);
Record data value for 'baz' is 'value 1'
Record data value for 'foobar' is 'value 2'
Record data value for 'topaz' is ''
You could try
(?:foobar\s{\s*data "(.*)")
I think the replaceAll() isn't necessary here. Would something like this work:
String var1 = "foobar";
String regex = '(?:' + var1 + '\s{\n\s*data "([^"]*)")';
You can then use this as your regex to pass into your pattern and matcher to find the substring.
You can simple transform this into a function so that you can pass variables into it for your search string:
public static void SearchString(String str)
String regex = '(?:' + str + '\s{\n\s*data "([^"]*)")';
I'm writing some code for web services for my Android app which uses JSON. The url should look like this
url = url + "?maddr=" + mailAddr + "&pwd=FB&lect=" + """ + lectName + """ + "&fb=Test";
This is because the Lectname may be two or more words. However the compiler wont accept """, is there a character I can precede the " with to get the compiler to accept it into my string?
Try " \" ". You have to escape the "
You need this in (nearly) every programming language.
We call a webservice from our C# app which takes about 300ms using WCF (BasicHttpBinding). We noticed that the same SOAP call does only take about 30ms when sending it from SOAP UI.
Now we also implemented a test accessing the webservice via a basic WebClient in order to make sure that the DeSer-part of the WCf is not the reason for this additional delay. When using the WebClient class the call takes about 300ms as well.
Any ideas on why Java compared to C# is about 10x faster in this regard? Is there some kind of tweaking possible on the .NET side of things?
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
executeTest(() =>
var resultObj = client.getNextSeqNr(new WcfClient()
domain = "?",
hostname = "?",
ipaddress = "?",
loginVersion = "?",
processId = "?",
program = "?",
userId = "?",
userIdPw = "?",
userName = "?"
}, "?", "?");
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.Proxy = null;
webClient.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy(System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/xml");
webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
var data = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\" xmlns:ser=\"SomeNamespace\">" +
" <soapenv:Header/>" +
" <soapenv:Body>" +
" <ser:getNextSeqNr>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <clientInfo>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <domain>?</domain>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <hostname>?</hostname>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <ipaddress>?</ipaddress>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <loginVersion>?</loginVersion>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <processId>?</processId>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <program>?</program>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <userId>*</userId>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <userIdPw>?</userIdPw>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <userName>?</userName>" +
" </clientInfo>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <name>?</name>" +
" <!--Optional:-->" +
" <schema>?</schema>" +
" </ser:getNextSeqNr>" +
" </soapenv:Body>" +
string result = webClient.UploadString("http://server:8080/service", "POST", data);
Am I missing something here? Any idea would be helpful... ;-)
Kind regards,
I just found the reason for this.
It's the 100-Expect Continue HTTP Header and the corresponding implementation in .NET. The .NET client wait 350ms as default on the server. This causes the delays. Java seems to have other default values here...
Just add the following line of code very early in your code:
System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;