I'm having a problem comparing the date range. I have to validate dates that are within a certain month and year. The month and year are integer values.
NOTE: I´m using OUTSYSTEMS aggregates using Oracle DataBase
Example for two results of a query:
Start Date End Date
1 2020-08-16 2020-10-14
2 2019-11-01 2020-08-15
Case 1
Month = 9
Year = 2020
Expected Result:
Start Date End Date
1 2020-08-16 2020-10-14
Case 2
Month = 8
Year = 2020
Expected Result:
Start Date End Date
1 2020-08-16 2020-10-14
2 2019-11-01 2020-08-15
Case 3
Month = 3
Year = 2020
Expected Result:
Start Date End Date
2 2019-11-01 2020-08-15
Case 4
Month = 10
Year = 2019
Expected Result: No Row
The selection is in Java Way. I´m using a system function like Month() and Year() to convert the rows to the integers.
Like this
((Month(StartDate) <= Month and Month(EndDate) = Month)
(Year(StartDate) <= Year and Year(EndDate) = Year))
((Month(StartDate) <= Month and Month(EndDate) = Month)
(Year(StartDate) <= Year and Year(EndDate) = Year))
The code above won't work. I try many combinations without success. I have no special comparison functions. For my analysis, I have four scenarios to create to bring the dates that are included in the month and year that I am researching. But I'm not getting the code to work. Someone can light the way for me
A simple approach uses arithmetics:
where year * 100 + month
between year(startdate) * 100 + month(startdate)
and year(enddate) * 100 + month(enddate)
However this probably isn't the most efficient method. In general, you want to avoid applying functions on the column you filter on. A better alternative woul be to convert the year/month parameter to a date - unfortunately you did not tag your database, and date functions are highly vendor-specific, so it is not really possible to suggest.
If you don't want between:
where year * 100 + month >= year(startdate) * 100 + month(startdate)
and year * 100 + month <= year(enddate) * 100 + month(enddate)
Does this work? Considering your inputs m for month and y for year:
StartDate <= AddDays(AddMonths(NewDate(Year(y), Month(m), 1),1)-1)
EndDate >= NewDate(Year(y), Month(m), 1))
The thinking is like: filter by all start dates that are lower than the last day of input month and all the end dates that are greater than the first day of input month.
Regarding performance, with this approach you don't have to do any logic/filter on the columns you're filtering on.
The vendor-independent solution
The answer by GMB is nice, I might go with it if it were me. As GMB says, it is vendor specific because the date functions are. If you want a solution that works across database vendors, do the date math in Java so you only need simple date comparisons in the database.
int month = 8;
int year = 2020;
YearMonth ym = YearMonth.of(year, month);
LocalDate monthStart = ym.atDay(1);
LocalDate monthEnd = ym.atEndOfMonth();
When you pass these dates to your query, your search condition may be put simply:
where startDate <= monthEnd and endDate >= monthStart
Here is my code. This method works only for 1 ( current year). When week number is more than 53, dates start from dates in first week in current year but not the next.
Year has 52 or 53 weeks, so when week is last (52or53) i have 2020-12-28 - 2021-01-03, but when I want get first week of next year (2021-01-04 - 2021-01-10) it outputs me first week from 2020 ( 2019-12-30 - 2020-01-05).
public void showPreviousNextWeekDays(DataBaseHelper dataBaseHelper, long weekChange) {
if (weekChange >= 0) {
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.now().plusWeeks(weekChange);
final long weekNumber = ld.get(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR); //takes week from current date
LocalDate firstDayOfWeek = ld.ofYearDay(ld.getYear(), (int)weekNumber)
.with(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR, weekNumber)
LocalDate lastDayOfWeek = ld.ofYearDay(ld.getYear(), (int)weekNumber)
.with(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR, weekNumber)
String firstAndLastDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek.toString() + " - " + lastDayOfWeek.toString();
daysArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<DayModel>(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, db.NextWeek(weekChange));
How can i go forward with years also by adding weeks?
You are correct that your code is not correct. When I set weekChange to 14 and run today (September 29), I get 2019-12-30 - 2020-01-05 where expected result would be 2021-01-04 - 2020-01-10. Also for 15 and 16 weeks your code goes back to a week in the beginning of this year rather than finding a week in the beginning of next year as it should.
I suggest the following, which is also a bit simpler:
int weekChange = 14;
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.now(ZoneId.systemDefault()).plusWeeks(weekChange);
LocalDate firstDayOfWeek = ld.with(DayOfWeek.MONDAY);
LocalDate lastDayOfWeek = ld.with(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY);
String firstAndLastDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek.toString() + " - " + lastDayOfWeek.toString();
Output when run today:
2021-01-04 - 2021-01-10
LocalDate uses the ISO calendar system including ISO weeks if not explicitly instructed otherwise. So we can be sure that ld.with(DayOfWeek.MONDAY) gives us Monday at the start of the same ISO week. Similarly ld.with(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY) gives us Sunday at the end of the ISO week. So there is nothing more to it.
What happened in your code?
Sticking to the case of weekChange 14 and running today.
ld becomes 2021-01-05 (Tuesday 14 weeks from now). This date is in week 1 of 2021, so weekNumber will be 1.
ofYearDay is a static method of LocalDate. So ld.ofYearDay(ld.getYear(), (int)weekNumber) gives you the same date as you would have got from LocalDate.ofYearDay(ld.getYear(), (int)weekNumber). It does not use ld for anything. Since weekNumber is 1, you get day 1 of 2021, so 2021-01-01. Passing the week number as the day of year to ofYearDay() is meaningless. 2021-01-01 happens to fall in week 53 of 2020. So with(IsoFields.WEEK_OF_WEEK_BASED_YEAR, weekNumber) adjusts the date back to week 1 of 2020. This is where we go a year wrong. The result is 2020-01-03. The Monday of that week is 2019-12-30, which explains why you got this as the first day of week in the output.
The last day of week is similar. And week numbers 2 and 3 are similar since you use the week number as a day of year, and January 2 and 3 fall in the last week of the previous year, 2020, too.
How did I find out? I ran your code in my debugger. There it was clear to see. If you haven’t yet learned to use a debugger. I suggest that now is the best of all times.
I need to get the 4-5-4 Calendar Week from a Date. Is there any utility like Georgian Calendar in Java for 4-5-4 Retail Calendar?
If not, how can I create one? What all logic is needed? What is 53rd Week in case of Leap Year?
For example, if I pass a date (DD-MM-YYY) 04-03-2018 as input I should get March Week 1 as output.
Or, if I give 01-04-2018 as input I should get March Week 5 as output.
Please help me by providing a way to build this utility.
The following class should do it:
public class NrfMonthWeek {
public static NrfMonthWeek getWeek(LocalDate date) {
// Determine NRF calendar year.
// The year begins on the Sunday in the interval Jan 29 through Feb 4.
LocalDate firstDayOfNrfYear = date.with(MonthDay.of(Month.JANUARY, 29))
if (date.isBefore(firstDayOfNrfYear)) { // previous NRF year
firstDayOfNrfYear = date.minusYears(1)
.with(MonthDay.of(Month.JANUARY, 29))
// 1-based week of NRF year
int weekOfNrfYear = (int) ChronoUnit.WEEKS.between(firstDayOfNrfYear, date) + 1;
assert 1 <= weekOfNrfYear && weekOfNrfYear <= 53 : weekOfNrfYear;
YearMonth firstMonthOfNrfYear = YearMonth.from(firstDayOfNrfYear)
if (weekOfNrfYear == 53) {
// Special case: the last week of a 53 weeks year belongs to
// the last month, January; this makes it a 5 weeks month.
return new NrfMonthWeek(firstMonthOfNrfYear.plusMonths(11), 5);
} else {
// 1-based month of NRF year (1 = February through 12 = January).
// A little math trickery to make the 4-5-4 pattern real.
int monthOfNrfYear = (weekOfNrfYear * 3 + 11) / 13;
// Number of weeks before the NRF month: 0 for February, 4 for March, 9 for April, etc.
int weeksBeforeMonth = (monthOfNrfYear * 13 - 12) / 3;
int weekOfMonth = weekOfNrfYear - weeksBeforeMonth;
return new NrfMonthWeek(
firstMonthOfNrfYear.plusMonths(monthOfNrfYear - 1), weekOfMonth);
private YearMonth month;
/** 1 through 5 */
private int weekOfMonth;
public NrfMonthWeek(YearMonth month, int weekOfMonth) {
this.month = Objects.requireNonNull(month);
if (weekOfMonth < 1 || weekOfMonth > 5) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect week number " + weekOfMonth);
this.weekOfMonth = weekOfMonth;
public String toString() {
return month.getMonth().getDisplayName(TextStyle.FULL, Locale.US)
+ " Week " + weekOfMonth;
Let’s try it. Here I pass the two dates from your question to the getWeek method:
System.out.println(NrfMonthWeek.getWeek(LocalDate.of(2018, Month.MARCH, 4)));
System.out.println(NrfMonthWeek.getWeek(LocalDate.of(2018, Month.APRIL, 1)));
This prints the desired:
March Week 1
March Week 5
Though only month and week are printed, also the year is contained in the object returned from getWeek.
The formulas for calculating the month and week-of-month are cryptic. I have no really good argument why they work, though such an argument could probably be constructed. I have tested them with all relevant values, and you are free to do the same. Other than that, using java.time, the modern Java date and time API, it wasn’t too bad.
If that were me, I would have finer validation in the NrfMonthWeek constructor, only allowing week 5 in the months that may have 5 weeks. I am leaving that to you. And I would have a pretty thorough unit test.
Please check whether my understanding agrees with yours: If I have understood correctly from the example calendars that Basil Bourque linked to in his answer, the NRF 4-5-4 year starts with February. Its weeks begin on Sunday, and the first week of the year is the first week that contains at least 4 days of February. In other words, the week that contains February 4. In yet other words, the week that begins on a Sunday in the interval January 29 through February 4. Months March, June, September and December always have 5 weeks. In case of a 53 weeks year also January has 5 weeks.
No support built-in
Neither the modern java.time classes nor the legacy date-time classes (Date/Calendar) directly support the National Retail Federation 4-5-4 Calendar.
Implement Chronology
I suspect the best way to solve this problem is to implement a Chronology for the java.time framework.
Java 8 and later bundle five implementations (HijrahChronology, IsoChronology, JapaneseChronology, MinguoChronology, ThaiBuddhistChronology). Their source is available in the OpenJDK project.
The ThreeTen-Extra project provides ten more chronologies (AccountingChronology, BritishCutoverChronology, CopticChronology, DiscordianChronology, EthiopicChronology, InternationalFixedChronology, JulianChronology, PaxChronology, Symmetry010Chronology, Symmetry454Chronology) whose source code might help.
Calculating the difference between two Java date instances
calculate months between two dates in java [duplicate]
I have two dates:
Start date: "2016-08-31"
End date: "2016-11-30"
Its 91 days duration between the above two dates, I expected my code to return 3 months duration, but the below methods only returned 2 months. Does anyone have a better suggestion? Or do you guys think this is a bug in Java 8? 91 days the duration only return 2 months.
Thank you very much for the help.
Method 1:
Period diff = Period.between(LocalDate.parse("2016-08-31"),
Method 2:
long daysBetween = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(LocalDate.parse("2016-08-31"),
Method 3:
I tried to use Joda library instead of Java 8 APIs, it works. it loos will return 3, It looks like Java duration months calculation also used days value. But in my case, i cannot use the Joda at my project. So still looking for other solutions.
LocalDate dateBefore= LocalDate.parse("2016-08-31");
LocalDate dateAfter = LocalDate.parse("2016-11-30");
int months = Months.monthsBetween(dateBefore, dateAfter).getMonths();
Since you don't care about the days in your case. You only want the number of month between two dates, use the documentation of the period to adapt the dates, it used the days as explain by Jacob. Simply set the days of both instance to the same value (the first day of the month)
Period diff = Period.between(
System.out.println(diff); //P3M
Same with the other solution :
long monthsBetween = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(
System.out.println(monthsBetween); //3
Edit from #Olivier Grégoire comment:
Instead of using a LocalDate and set the day to the first of the month, we can use YearMonth that doesn't use the unit of days.
long monthsBetween = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(
System.out.println(monthsBetween); //3
Since Java8:
ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(startDate, endDate);
//Backward compatible with older Java
public static int monthsBetween(Date d1, Date d2){
if(d2==null || d1==null){
return -1;//Error
Calendar m_calendar=Calendar.getInstance();
int nMonth1=12*m_calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)+m_calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int nMonth2=12*m_calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)+m_calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
return java.lang.Math.abs(nMonth2-nMonth1);
The documentation of Period#between states the following:
The start date is included, but the end date is not.
A month is considered if the end day-of-month is greater than or equal to the start day-of-month.
Your end day-of-month 30 is not greater than or equal to your start day-of-month 31, so a third month is not considered.
Note the parameter names:
public static Period between(LocalDate startDateInclusive, LocalDate endDateExclusive)
To return 3 months, you can increment the endDateExclusive by a single day.
In case you want stick to java.time.Period API
As per java.time.Period documentation
Period between(LocalDate startDateInclusive, LocalDate endDateExclusive)
#param startDateInclusive the start date, inclusive, not null
#param endDateExclusive the end date, exclusive, not null
So it is better to adjust your implementation to make your end date inclusive and get your desired result
Period diff = Period.between(LocalDate.parse("2016-08-31"),
System.out.println("Months : " + diff.getMonths());
//Output -> Months : 3
You have to be careful, never use LocalDateTime to calculate months between two dates the result is weird and incorrect, always use LocalDate !
here's is some code to prove the above:
package stack.time;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
public class TestMonthsDateTime {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/**------------------Date Time----------------------------*/
LocalDateTime t1 = LocalDateTime.now();
LocalDateTime t2 = LocalDateTime.now().minusMonths(3);
long dateTimeDiff = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(t2, t1);
System.out.println("diff dateTime : " + dateTimeDiff); // diff dateTime : 2
LocalDate t3 = LocalDate.now();
LocalDate t4 = LocalDate.now().minusMonths(3);
long dateDiff = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(t4, t3);
System.out.println("diff date : " + dateDiff); // diff date : 3
My 2%
This example checks to see if the second date is the end of that month. If it is the end of that month and if the first date of month is greater than the second month date it will know it will need to add 1
LocalDate date1 = LocalDate.parse("2016-08-31");
LocalDate date2 = LocalDate.parse("2016-11-30");
long monthsBetween = ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(
if (date1.isBefore(date2)
&& date2.getDayOfMonth() == date2.lengthOfMonth()
&& date1.getDayOfMonth() > date2.getDayOfMonth()) {
monthsBetween += 1;
After the short investigation, still not totally fix my question, But I used a dirty solution to avoid return the incorrect duration. At least, we can get the reasonable duration months.
private static long durationMonths(LocalDate dateBefore, LocalDate dateAfter) {
System.out.println(dateBefore+" "+dateAfter);
if (dateBefore.getDayOfMonth() > 28) {
dateBefore = dateBefore.minusDays(5);
} else if (dateAfter.getDayOfMonth() > 28) {
dateAfter = dateAfter.minusDays(5);
return ChronoUnit.MONTHS.between(dateBefore, dateAfter);
The Java API response is mathematically accurate according to the calendar. But you need a similar mechanism, such as rounding decimals, to get the number of months between dates that matches the human perception of the approximate number of months between two dates.
Period period = Period.between(LocalDate.parse("2016-08-31"), LocalDate.parse("2016-11-30"));
long months = period.toTotalMonths();
if (period.getDays() >= 15) {
I need the number of days in a year and I wanted to use Java8's new time api.
However, I can't do Duration.ofDays(365) because it doesn't account for leap years. And Duration.of(1, ChronoUnit.YEARS) doesn't fly because of java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unit must not have an estimated duration
I looked into Period, but it doesn't appear useful for going from years to days.
I feel like I'm missing something here? I could write something to add a day if the year is a leap year, but it seems like I should be able to handle this out of the box.
As per the response in Getting Duration using the new dateTime API you should be using
Period p = Period.ofYears(1);
It's important to understand the difference between Duration (exact number of nanoseconds < 1 day) and Period (variable > 1 day).
Duration won't account for leap days, daylight savings time or leap seconds, for example, and is intended for durations of less than a day, at most a few days.
So you should use Period instead.
Because different years have different number of days, if you want to find the number of days in a year, you need to specify which year you're talking about.
If you want the number of days in a specific year, you can use
If you want the date one year from now, you can use
If you need the number of days between two dates, you can use
ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(start, end)
So to find the number of days to the date a year from now, you can use
LocalDate today = LocalDate.now();
long days = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(today, today.plusYears(1));
If you want to see whether a membership of one year is still valid, you can use
Period membershipLength = Period.ofYears(1);
LocalDate membershipStart = ...;
LocalDate membershipEnd = membershipStart.plus(membershipLength);
LocalDate today = LocalDate.now();
boolean memberShipEnded = today.isAfter(membershipEnd);
boolean membershipValid = !membershipEnded;
It seems clear you do not want a duration (= between two dates), but the year length of a specific date.
LocalDate dateLeap = LocalDate.of(2004, Month.MARCH, 1);
System.out.println("leap year of " + dateLeap
+ " has days: " + dateLeap.lengthOfYear());
leap year of 2004-03-01 has days: 366
Java 8 Date & Time is astonishing complete.
If you mean, in January 5th 2004 to January 5th 2005 = 366 and March 2nd 2004 to March 2rd 2005 = 365:
int lengthOfYear(LocalDate date) {
return date.getMonthValue() <= 2
? date.lengthOfYear() // Count Feb in this year
: date.plusYears(1).lengthOfYear(); // Count Feb in next year
Explanation: basically the length is 365. But if date is >= March, the February in the next year is counted, otherwise this year's February.
Mind that plusYears(1) will not change DAY or MONTH.
Also neither leap second nor hour/minuts on February, 29th are considered.
I am new to java programming and I am stuck at the following problem.
I have a database (SQLite3) table in which one of the columns is text which stores DATE in the string(text) format. It has to be Text for some reasons and not of type Date (I even don't know whether Sqlite3 supports date data-type).
Now based on this Text date, I want to filer the data in the table into :
Week : how much data has been entered in the table in this week.
Week starts from monday and ends on sunday.
So when I filter on week , I want the all the entries that have been
entered from Monday to this day of the week.
Similar results are expected when I want to filter data into month and year.
Need some pointers on how this could be done. ?
I will give an example for the week. You can use similar technique for month and year. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/date-and-time-functions.html
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE yourTimestamp >= CURDATE() - LEAST(6, DAYOFWEEK(CURDATE())-2)
DAYOFWEEK() numbers Sunday as 1, Saturday as 7. What happens if the command is run on a Sunday? To cater for this, LEAST(6,...) is used.
What you can do here is to use the java.Util.Calendar library to create your query from the db layer of your code.
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = now.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = now.get(Calendar.MONTH); // Note: zero based!
int dayofMonth = now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
But the trickiest part in forming this query from java layer is to get the number of days elapsed since the first day of the week,
For this you need to use
int dayofWeek = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
// If current day is Sunday, day=1. Saturday, day=7.
The following function can return a String array of the elapsed days in week -
String[] elapsedDaysOfWeek(String dayOfWeek,String dayofMonth)
int dayOfWeek=Int.ParseInt(dayOfWeek);
int dayOfMonth=IntParseInt(dayOfMonth);
String[] days=new String(dayOfWeek);
for (int i=1;i<dayOfWeek;i++)
return days;
So if you call elapsedDaysOfWeek(5,25) - you will get an arry of {25,24,23,22,21} - this array you can use in your query using an ÍN' keyword -
e.g. substr(datetext,1,2) in {25,24,23,22,21}