Java ClearCase Update on a HTTPS Server - java

I am trying to automate ClearCase, so I can do automatic building. The first step is to update a view by script. I am trying this with the following Java code:
StpProvider provider = (StpProvider) ProviderFactory.createProvider(
CcProvider.NETWORK_PROVIDER_CLASS, callback);
CcProvider m_provider = provider.ccProvider();
File viewRoot = new File("D:\\Views\\...");
StpLocation viewLocation = provider.filePathLocation(StpProvider.Domain.CLEAR_CASE, viewRoot);
//Get instance of CcView that represents the CCRC view.
CcView view = m_provider.ccView(viewLocation);
//Options while updating view
CcFile.RefreshFlag[] refreshFlags = new CcFile.RefreshFlag[1];
refreshFlags[0] = CcFile.RefreshFlag.KEEP_HIJACKS;
PropertyRequestItem.PropertyRequest properties = new PropertyRequestItem.PropertyRequest(CcView.DISPLAY_NAME, CcView.CONFIG_SPEC);
view.doRefresh(refreshFlags, properties);
MyCallback is just a simple Implementation of Callback and CcTrustManagerCallback, with no extra logic to it. I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" CcException: CRMAP7009: Der Befehl "Update" ist fehlgeschlagen:
CCRC WAN Server: Error: Unable to get view handle.
Fehler: " Status(1001:hasNonOkMsg):
CCRC WAN Server: Error: Unable to get view handle.
reason: conflict
resource: view: cc.file:D:/Views/...
at cc.UpdateView.main(
Does anyone know how to resolve this conflict ? ClearTeam Explorer is working, I am manually updating via the Eclipse plugin. ClearCase Version and ClearTeam Explorer Version Version: Using Java 8.

Finally solved the problem, thank you #Abra for your responses. But the problem was only that I had to set the PRIMARY_GROUP to the correct group.
If you have an error like this, first check out if CC operations with ClearTeamExplorer or normal ClearCase work and then check out how it is configured and make sure to have the same settings for the CLI.


BitcoinJ walletTemplate P2WPKH Send payment not working

I have tried to use WalletTemplate sub-project inside bitcoinJ lib. I have tried p2pkh sends and they work fine. But then I tried to make P2WPKH payment but it failed with the following error message
org.bitcoinj.core.RejectedTransactionException: Reject: tx
539c7f25b14b20dfad1ad66923fa59bf7531cd1ebda967e8346793fa2464f5dc for
reason 'non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for
failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation)' (64)
This behavior doesn't exist before commit. So I'm not sure how to handle the changes introduced since this change.
I have also create github issue to get more information but I haven't got any response yet. I have tried code outside of bitcoinj's walletTemplate in another project as follows:
NetworkParameters params = TestNet3Params.get();
Address destination = Address.fromString(params, strDest);
Coin value = Coin.parseCoin(strValue);
SendRequest request =, value);
SendResult result = wallet.sendCoins(request);
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Issue was solve on github via the latest commit 7c31dcb.

How to verify that a queue exist on azure in java?

We have a service that receive the queue name and if the queue exist push data on the queue.
I'm looking to find a way to check if the queue exist on azure in java.
So far, using IQueueClient I can onl know if the queue exist when sending data via sendAsync with return a exception.
I want to found out when the client is created or even before.
The best answer I've found so far is using the NamespaceManager.
in this fashion:
Uri uri = ServiceManagementHelper.GetServiceUri();
TokenProvider tokenProvider = ServiceManagementHelper.GetTokenProvider(uri);
NamespaceManager nm = new NamespaceManager(uri, tokenProvider);
if (!nm.QueueExists("TestQueue")) return;
However this class seem not to be part of azure-core or azure-servicebus librairy and I can seem to find which lib to add to the project to have access to those class.
However this class seem not to be part of azure-core or azure-servicebus librairy and I can seem to find which lib to add to the project to have access to those class.
You mentioned code is related to .net SDK. For Java sdk we could use the following code check if the queue exist. ManagementClient seems only available in the 2.0.0-PREVIEW version. We also could get the source code from GitHub.
String connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=SharedAccessKeyName;SharedAccessKey=xxxxxxxx=";
ConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder = new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
ManagementClient client = new ManagementClient(connectionStringBuilder);
boolean isExist = client.queueExists("queueName");
Test Result:

Failed getting affiliation at the time of user registration using Fabric Client Java SDK V1.0.1

I have a Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 network setup using Build Your First Network.
I have made the network up by running the command ./ -m up.
Now all the Peers, Orderers and CAs(configured in docker-compose-e2e.yaml) are up and running.
This is my docker ps
And I am trying to connect to this network using fabric-sdk-java.
But when doing user registration using the following code
HFCAClient ca = sampleOrg.getCAClient();
final String orgName = sampleOrg.getName();
final String mspid = sampleOrg.getMSPID();
SampleUser admin = sampleStore.getMember("ädmin", orgName);
if (!admin.isEnrolled()) { //Preregistered admin only needs to be enrolled with Fabric caClient.
admin.setEnrollment(ca.enroll(admin.getName(), "adminpw"));
sampleOrg.setAdmin(admin); // The admin of this org --
SampleUser user = sampleStore.getMember("user", sampleOrg.getName());
if (!user.isRegistered()) { // users need to be registered AND enrolled
RegistrationRequest rr = new RegistrationRequest(user.getName(), "org1.department1");
user.setEnrollmentSecret(ca.register(rr, admin// here comes the error
I am getting the error
2017-08-29 07:44:01,132 main ERROR HFCAClient:237 - com.test.blockchain.client.test.SampleUser#73846619
org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.exception.RegistrationException: Error while registering the user com.test.blockchain.client.test.SampleUser#73846619 url: POST request to failed request body {"id":"user1","type":"user","max_enrollments":0,"affiliation":"org1.department1","attrs":[]} with status code: 500. Response: {"success":false,"result":null,"errors":[{"code":0,"message":"Failed getting affiliation 'org1.department1': sql: no rows in result set"}],"messages":[]}
at org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.HFCAClient.register(
at com.test.blockchain.client.test.Test.setup(
at com.test.blockchain.client.test.Test.main(
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: POST request to failed request body {"id":"user1","type":"user","max_enrollments":0,"affiliation":"org1.department1","attrs":[]} with status code: 500. Response: {"success":false,"result":null,"errors":[{"code":0,"message":"Failed getting affiliation 'org1.department1': sql: no rows in result set"}],"messages":[]}
at org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.HFCAClient.httpPost(
at org.hyperledger.fabric_ca.sdk.HFCAClient.register(
... 2 more
I am referring the codes shown in the unit test class
Someone please share your knowledge to find out where I am doing wrong.
Also I am not sure where it is configuring "affiliation":"org1.department1". Do I need to add anything in my .yaml file?
These are the affiliation which are bootstrapped for the any CA containers
> affiliations:
> org1:
> - department1
> - department2
> org2:
> - department1
But there function though which you can add New affiliation based on your organization
await caClient.newAffiliationService().create({ "name": "AFFILIATION_NAME }, adminObj)
You configure the affiliation when you create the crypto material. In your case when you generate the ./ -m up command. You have created your keys (your certificates) when you executed the ./ -m up, so you don't need to call the CA to register any user.
Also, your error code is the 500, so the cause of your error should be other. Could you try to invoke the chaincode?
Have you changed something in the crypto-config.yaml file? And in the docker-compose-e2e.yaml file?
I'm not sure about the error you are getting for org1.department1. But even I had faced this similar issue while creating new org3. I was getting error Failed getting affiliation 'org3.department1': : scode: 404, code: 63, msg: Failed to get Affiliation: sql: no rows in result set.
To answer where the setting of the Affiliation happens.
It is bootstrapped, which is defined the file /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-client-config.yaml of CA Docker container
- department1
- department2
- department1
Link to the file :
In line:
SampleUser admin = sampleStore.getMember("ädmin", orgName);
you may have to replace the ä in "ädmin".

Unknown Move Destination: STORESCP

I have just installed dcm4chee4-4.4.0.Beta1, following instructions and everything works fine except movescu test.
When I run this test I can see an error in standalone/log/server.log (previously I launched in another console storescp -b11115). This is the error:
2015-09-13 12:48:49,105 INFO [] (pool-6-thread-7) DCM4CHEE<-MOVESCU(7): processing 1:C-MOVE-RQ[pcid=1, prior=0
cuid=1.2.840.10008. - Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - MOVE
tsuid=1.2.840.10008.1.2 - Implicit VR Little Endian failed. Caused by: Unknown Move Destination: STORESCP#localhost:11115
at org.dcm4chee.archive.retrieve.scp.CMoveSCP.calculateMatches( [dcm4chee-arc-retrieve-scp-4.4.0.Beta1.jar:]
I think this is because of configuration, maybe I have to add STORESCP as acceptedAET or similar, but I can find info on how to do it. I search through ldap using Apache Directory Studio, but I didn't find anything.
Thanks in advance.
Using dcm4che3, it goes like this if you're implementing an SCP and need to define which other SCPs are allowed to C-STORE things to you.
// Usual calamity creating Connection, ApplicationEntity and Device
ApplicationEntity ae = new ApplicationEntity("MYAETITLE");
String[] acceptedAETs = { "STORESCP", "GEPACS" }; // etc...
I assume that your favourite SCP (STORESCP) may need to know where to find the SCP known by MYAETITLE; identified by IP address and port. Typically you connect to an SCP as a SCU, issuing a C-MOVE (in the scenario laid out here) instructing the SCP to do a C-STORE to the AET identified in the C-MOVE.
I'm a bit confused by your choice of AE Title in your question (STORESCP) because that indicates that you kind of mix up the two SCPs involved here; the one receiving the C-MOVE (which should not be called STORESCP :) and the one implementing the C-STORE behaviour. The answer I gave above, is aimed at the SCP implementing the C-STORE behaviour.

Unable to retrieve slot information for clusters with admission failover level control policy enabled

I'm experiencing some problems when trying to retrieve the slot information for VMware clusters with admission failover level control policy enabled. I use the VI Java API.
When calling the following method:
I either get the following Exception:
java.rmi.RemoteException: VI SDK invoke exception:java.rmi.RemoteException: Exception in
WSClient.invoke:; nested exception is:
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: slotInfo
or I get the result which is of type ClusterDasAdvancedRuntimeInfo
but I need the subclass ClusterDasFailoverLevelAdvancedRuntimeInfo in order to get the SlotInfo field (casting to the required sublcass doesn't work either).
I tried to access the web service of a vcenter directly via Soap UI and it worked without any problems, but with the vijava API it just doesn't.
Thanks in advance for any help!!!
After a lot of of debugging to see what the VI Java API does internally, I found out that if the web service client (wsc) is invoked with the name of the sublcass instead of the name of the superclass (as last parameter), the response will be converted correctly. This way the slot information can be retrieved without any problems. Here is the solution for those experiencing the same problems:
ClusterDasFailoverLevelAdvancedRuntimeInfo clusterDasFailoverLevelAdvancedRuntimeInfo = null;
try {
final Argument[] paras = new Argument[1];
paras[0] = new Argument("_this", "ManagedObjectReference", clusterComputeResource.getMOR());
clusterDasFailoverLevelAdvancedRuntimeInfo = (ClusterDasFailoverLevelAdvancedRuntimeInfo) serviceInstance.getServerConnection().getVimService().getWsc().invoke("RetrieveDasAdvancedRuntimeInfo", paras, "ClusterDasFailoverLevelAdvancedRuntimeInfo");
} catch (final Exception e) {
//error handling
(Note that this only works if admission control failover level policy is enabled!!!)

