I have to find all the cycles in a directed graph where every node has to only go out to 1 node but it can have more than one come in towards it and print all the nodes that are in a cycle.
Is there anyway I can make [my code][1] run faster?
right now it runs 100k nodes at about 4s but the time-limit is 1.5s
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
long startTime = 0;
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
int numOfPeople = Integer.parseInt(input.readLine());
StringTokenizer following = new StringTokenizer(input.readLine(), " ");
startTime = System.nanoTime();
int[] people = new int[numOfPeople], // index -> personID, value -> personID's friend
winningPotentials = new int[numOfPeople]; // index -> personID, value -> personID's winningPotential
Arrays.fill(winningPotentials, 50);
// adding followings of people
for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfPeople ; i++) {
people[i] = Integer.parseInt(following.nextToken()) - 1;
int numOfWinners = 0;
for (int person : people) {
if (winningPotentials[person] == 50) {
Deque<Integer> path = new ArrayDeque<>();
while (true) {
int friend = people[person];
if (path.contains(friend)) {
// all those in a friend group are winningPot = 100
while (path.getLast() != friend) {
if (winningPotentials[path.peekLast()] != 100) {
winningPotentials[path.peekLast()] = 100;
if (winningPotentials[path.peekLast()] != 100) {
winningPotentials[path.peekLast()] = 100;
// if friend hasn't been checked before, repeat
else {
person = friend;
// anyone in the path that wasnt in a friend group is winnerPot=0
for (int person2 : path)
winningPotentials[person2] = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(numOfWinners + "\n");
// print each winner
for (int i = 0 ; i < winningPotentials.length ; i++)
if (winningPotentials[i] == 100)
sb.append((i + 1) + " ");
sb.append("\nExecution Time ->\t" + ((System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000000) + "ms");
Why do you need a BufferedWriter ? Can you just not do a System.out.println(sb.toString()) ?
This can be implemented as a modified BFS algorithm.
Difference is what whenever you see a point that has already been added to the queue, and isn't the point before the one you were just at, you have found a cycle. So when you add points to the queue you add the current path to that point instead of just the point, but you also add the adjacent point (the last on the path) to a list of already found points.
I would probably wait to calculate the winning Potentials until you have found all the cycles.
Hey everyone so I'm new to programming and recently I've been introduced to array's I've been having some problems in my current project. Essentially I am getting an array out of bounds exception when trying to calculate the discount price (afterDiscount located at the bottom) however when I run the program I get this error. I'm not sure how to fix it as I have not dealt with arrays before.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9
at StarterJ52PartPriceDiscount.main(StarterJ52PartPriceDiscount.java:108)
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class StarterJ52PartPriceDiscount
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
// Constants
final int MAX = 30; // max records on parts.dat
final int SENTINEL = 999;
// File Objects - Parts and Trans files
Scanner inPartsFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("parts.dat"));
Scanner inTransFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("trans.dat"));
// Part file Variables
int stkPartNo;
double stkPartPrice; // ???
// Tx file Variables
int txPartNo;
int txQuantity;
int txDiscountCode;
// Arrays
int[] partNos = new int[MAX];
double[] prices = new double[MAX];
int[] discounts = {0,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50}; // Discount Percentages
// Other Variables
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
int recCount; // no records on file
int cnt, foundPosition,i,pos; // index
double beforeDiscount, afterDiscount, totalDiscount, cost;
boolean found;
// Initialise
recCount = 0;
foundPosition = 0;
totalDiscount = 0;
found = false;
pos =-1;
// Output Part No and Prices (for)
System.out.println("Part No Part Price");
for(i=0; i <MAX; i++)
stkPartNo = inPartsFile.nextInt();
stkPartPrice = inPartsFile.nextDouble();
//System.out.printf("%2d %4.2f %n",stkPartNo,stkPartPrice );
partNos[i] = stkPartNo;
prices[i] = stkPartPrice;
System.out.printf("%6d %7.2f %n",partNos[i],prices[i]);
// Initial Tx read of first record
System.out.println("Part Quantity Disc Code");
while(txPartNo != SENTINEL)
txQuantity = inTransFile.nextInt();
txDiscountCode = inTransFile.nextInt();
System.out.printf("%4d %4d %4d %n",txPartNo,txQuantity,txDiscountCode );
// Verify Tx trans.dat contents (initially)
inTransFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("trans.dat"));
txPartNo=inTransFile.nextInt();//initial Read
while(txPartNo != SENTINEL)
txQuantity = inTransFile.nextInt();
txDiscountCode = inTransFile.nextInt();
System.out.printf("%4d %4d ",txPartNo,txQuantity );
found = false;
pos = -1;
while (pos < partNos.length -1 && found == false)
if (partNos[pos] == txPartNo){
found = true;
else if (partNos[pos] > txPartNo){ // Ordered
pos = partNos.length; // break;
} // inner while
if (found) { // == true
beforeDiscount = prices[pos];
//Throws out of bounds exeption
afterDiscount = beforeDiscount - (beforeDiscount * discounts[txDiscountCode]);
System.out.printf("%4.2f %n",beforeDiscount);
System.out.printf("%4.2f %n",afterDiscount);
else {
System.out.println("NOT Found");
txPartNo=inTransFile.nextInt();//Sub Read
} // main
ThankYou for your comments I was able to rectify the problem, my discount array was beginning at position 1 rather than position 2, therefore, cause the out of bounds exception
changed the code from this
afterDiscount = beforeDiscount - (beforeDiscount * discounts[txDiscountCode]);
to this
afterDiscount = beforeDiscount - (beforeDiscount * discounts[txDiscountCode-1]);
So I have a program written so far that reads in a csv file of cities and distances in the following format:
Alaska Mileage Chart,Anchorage,Anderson,Cantwell,
So the algorithm works and outputs the cities in the order they should be visited following the shortest path using the nearest neighbor algorithm always starting with Anchorage as the city of origin or starting city.
Using this data, the example output for the algorithm is: 1,3,2. I have ran this with a 27 element chart and had good results as well. I am using this small one for writing and debugging purposes.
Ideally the output I am looking for is the Name of the City and a cumulative milage.
Right now I am having working on trying to get the cities into an array that I can print out. Help with both parts would be appreciated or help keeping in mind that is the end goal is appreciated as well.
My thought was that ultimately I may want to create an array of {string, int}
so my output would look something like this..
Anchorage 0
Cantwell 210
Anderson 284
I am able to set the first element of the array to 1, but can not get the 2nd and 3rd element of the new output array to correct
This is the code I am having a problem with:
public class TSPNearestNeighbor {
private int numberOfNodes;
private Stack<Integer> stack;
public TSPNearestNeighbor()
stack = new Stack<>();
public void tsp(int adjacencyMatrix[][])
numberOfNodes = adjacencyMatrix[1].length;
// System.out.print(numberOfNodes);
// System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(adjacencyMatrix));
int[] visited = new int[numberOfNodes];
// System.out.print(Arrays.toString(visited));
visited[1] = 1;
// System.out.print(Arrays.toString(visited));
int element, dst = 0, i;
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
boolean minFlag = false;
System.out.print(1 + "\n");
//System.arraycopy(arr_cities, 0, arr_final, 0, 1); // Copies Anchorage to Pos 1 always
//System.out.print(Arrays.deepToString(arr_final)+ "\n");
while (!stack.isEmpty())
element = stack.peek();
i = 1;
min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
while (i <= numberOfNodes-1)
if (adjacencyMatrix[element][i] > 1 && visited[i] == 0)
if (min > adjacencyMatrix[element][i])
min = adjacencyMatrix[element][i];
dst = i;
minFlag = true;
if (minFlag)
visited[dst] = 1;
System.out.print(dst + "\n");
minFlag = false;
Given the existing structure you are using, you can output the cities in the path using:
public void printCities(Stack<Integer> path, int[][] distances, List<String> names) {
int cumulativeDistance = 0;
int previous = -1;
for (int city: path) {
if (previous != -1)
cumulativeDistance += distances[previous][city];
System.out.println(names.get(city) + " " + cumulativeDistance);
previous = city;
I'd like to answer your question slightly indirectly. You are making life hard for yourself by using arrays of objects. They make the code difficult to read and are hard to access. Things would become easier if you create a City class with appropriate methods to help you with the output.
For example:
class City {
private final String name;
private final Map<City,Integer> connections = new HashMap<>();
public static addConnection(City from, City to, int distance) {
from.connections.put(to, distance);
to.connections.put(from, distance);
public int getDistanceTo(City other) {
if (connections.containsKey(other))
return connections.get(other);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non connection error");
I've left out constructor, getters, setters for clarity.
Now outputting your path becomes quite a bit simpler:
public void outputPath(List<City> cities) {
int cumulativeDistance = 0;
City previous = null;
for (City current: cities) {
if (previous != null)
cumulativeDistance += previous.getDistanceTo(current);
System.out.println(current.getName + " " + cumulativeDistance);
previous = current;
I'm trying to build simple multithreading application. But I'm confused about Java monitors. I have many threads that want to format with their data one array. So for example I have Supermarket Threads (data of the thread is in txt file) So first thread have these product (Milk, Cheese, Chocolate) and country code for each product 1,2, 3
Milk 1
Cheese 2
Chocolate 3
Yogurt 1
Orangle 2
Bannana 3
Tea 7
Kiwi 9
and I want to format array that has to fields (country_code and count)
So my array should look like that
Country_code count
1 2
2 2
3 2
7 1
9 1
public class SortedArray{
private int num = 0; // num is country code
private int count = 0;
So here's my monitor class
public class SingleArray {
private SortedArray[] array;
private int arrayIndex;
private static final int MAX_SIZE = 5;
public SingleArray() {
array = new SortedArray[MAX_SIZE];
arrayIndex = 0;
private void initArray() {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
array[i] = new SortedArray();
public synchronized void inc(){
private void awaitUnderMin(){
while (arrayIndex == 0) try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public synchronized void dec(){
public void add(ArrayList<Integer> count){
for (int i = 0; i < count.size(); i++) {
int num = count.get(i);
if (singleArray.arrayIndex == 0) { // if array is empty add value to it
singleArray.array[0].num = num;
} else {
if (!isThere(num)) { // if num is a new value to array
int index1 = singleArray.arrayIndex;
if (num > singleArray.array[index1 - 1].num) {
singleArray.array[index1].num = num;
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " first " + singleArray.array[index1].num);
} else if (num < singleArray.array[index1 - 1].num) { // jei num mazesne uz paskutinia masyvo reiksme
int index = index1 - 1 < 0 ? index1 : index1 - 1;
while (index > 0 && num < singleArray.array[index].num) {
if (index != singleArray.arrayIndex) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " sec " + singleArray.array[index].num);
singleArray.array = addPos(singleArray.array, index + 1, num);
public boolean isThere(int number){
for(int i=0; i<singleArray.arrayIndex; i++){
if(number == singleArray.array[i].num){
return true;
return false;
private void awaitUnderMax(){
while (arrayIndex >= MAX_SIZE) try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public synchronized void removeValue(int number, int howManyItems){
for(int i=0; i<arrayIndex; i++){
if(number == array[i].num){
int numberToDelete = array[i].count - howManyItems >= 0 ? howManyItems : array[i].count;
if(array[i].count >= numberToDelete){
array[i].count -= numberToDelete;
if(array[i].count == 0){
if(array[i].count == 0){
Each thread call add(ArrayList<Integer> count) method
So basically what add method does:
Find place where to insert new value (dependng if new value is greater or lower than a previous)
call isThere(int num) method that check if new value is already in array (if so increment count singleArray.array[i].count++) otherwise add new value to array
If array is full arrayIndex == MAX_SIZE wait current thread for other threads to decrement arrayIndex (this is oly one part of code I also have other threads that based on county code decrement array)
So the biggest problem is that multiplethreads need to update single array at the same time (I know that adding synchronized keyword to add method should solve this problem but it only let one thread to run this method at once!) So sometimes all works fine, but sometimes I get really starnge results (for example that country code is 0 (That is imposible!!!) and sometimes new values is placed in wrong array posiitons). Also I think that semaphores should solve this problem, but is it possible to do that with monitors? Thank's for the answers.
to #Elyasin
public Thread[] setUpShopsBuilderThreads(){
int size = data.getSize();
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> a = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> b = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> c = new ArrayList<>();
Thread[] threads = new Thread[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int tmp = data.getIndex(i);
int range = i + 1 < size ? data.getIndex(i + 1) : data.getWaresSize();
ArrayList<String> name = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Integer> count = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Double> price = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = tmp; j < range; j++) {
procesas_1 p1 = new procesas_1(a.get(0), b.get(0), c.get(0));
procesas_2 p2 = new procesas_2(a.get(1), b.get(1), c.get(1));
procesas_3 p3 = new procesas_3(a.get(2), b.get(2), c.get(2));
procesas_4 p4 = new procesas_4(a.get(3), b.get(3), c.get(3));
procesas_5 p5 = new procesas_5(a.get(4), b.get(4), c.get(4));
Thread worker1 = new Thread(p1);
Thread worker2 = new Thread(p2);
Thread worker3 = new Thread(p3);
Thread worker4 = new Thread(p4);
Thread worker5 = new Thread(p5);
threads[0] = worker1;
threads[1] = worker2;
threads[2] = worker3;
threads[3] = worker4;
threads[4] = worker5;
return threads;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Starter start = new Starter();
Thread[] builderThreads = start.setUpShopsBuilderThreads();
for(int i=0; i<builderThreads.length; i++){
what about using the concurrent safe datasets java already provides?
if you want it sorted, this one looks it might work for you:
just add it as in a normal Collection
Looking for an algorithm to find the largest area. Here, "area" is defined as a number of dots (.) bounded by Xs.
private static void readFile(File inputFile) throws IOException {
Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(inputFile);
Point previousPoint = null;
int rowCount = 0;
String line = fileScanner.next();
String[] points = line.split(" ");
for(int columnCount=0;columnCount<points.length;columnCount++){
Point currentPoint = new Point();
This is my first and struggling to move further.
This algorithm should work. You just need to implement it in Java.
Load the file into a char[][]. (1 char[] per line)
Loop through the char[][] (2 dimensionally)
upon finding a '.', perform flood fill, changing all '.' to ',', also incrementing a counter on every change.
At the end of flood fill, compare this counter with a globally set maximum. If it's higher, then set it as the new highest. (If the edges are not a proper boundary, then do not set this counter if you reached an edge during flood fill by setting a flag during 3)
Return the highest you set.
If you have any specific problems with the Java implementation, then let me know
Note: If you want to exclude the area "outside" any boxes, flood as
usual, but discard any area that hits the edge during the fill(skip
step 2.2 for that flood).
When doing the flood fill, you have 2 types of boundaries. A wall ('X'), and the edge of the array(which you need to explicitly check for to avoid OutOfBounds exceptions). If you hit an out of bounds, keep doing the fill, but set a flag so you know later to not consider the number you counted for the biggest box.
I was given this as assignment in an interview process and this is the compile and running code
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
public class FindArea {
public static void main(String[] args)
String fileName="C:\\map.txt";
FindArea area = new FindArea();
FileReader inputFile = new FileReader(fileName);
BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
char[][] twoArray= new char[100][100];
String line;
int i=0;
while ((line = bufferReader.readLine()) != null) {
twoArray[i] = line.toCharArray();
System.out.println("file read");
System.out.println("Max area: " + area.getMaxArea(twoArray));
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("error : " + e.getMessage());
* Get the maximum area from the given map
* #param charArray
* #return
private int getMaxArea(char[][] charArray) {
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> numberOfBoxes = convertToBoxes(charArray);
numberOfBoxes = mergeOverlapAreas(numberOfBoxes);
int largeSize = 0;
for (Integer key : numberOfBoxes.keySet()) {
ArrayList<String> list = numberOfBoxes.get(key);
System.out.println("Key : " + key + " Size : " + list.size());
if (largeSize < list.size()) {
largeSize = list.size();
return largeSize;
* Convert the 2d Array to HashMap
* Key being the count of boxes and
* Value being the list of indexes associations
* #param charArray
* #return
private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> convertToBoxes(char[][] charArray) {
HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> numberOfBoxes = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
int boxes = 0;
for(int i=1; i<charArray.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<charArray[i].length; j++) {
if (charArray[i][j] == '.') {
boolean isExists = false;
for(Integer key : numberOfBoxes.keySet()) {
ArrayList<String> arrList = numberOfBoxes.get(key);
if(arrList != null) {
if(arrList.contains((i-1) + "-" + j) ||
arrList.contains(i + "-" + (j-1))) {
isExists = true;
arrList.add(i + "-" + j);
numberOfBoxes.put(key, arrList);
if (!isExists) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add(i + "-" + j);
numberOfBoxes.put(boxes, list);
return numberOfBoxes;
* Check for the points exists in more than one area
* #param numberOfBoxes
* #return
private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> mergeOverlapAreas( HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> numberOfBoxes) {
for(Integer key : numberOfBoxes.keySet()) {
ArrayList<String> list1 = numberOfBoxes.get(key);
for (Integer key2 : numberOfBoxes.keySet()) {
if (key < key2) {
ArrayList<String> list2 = numberOfBoxes.get(key2);
Iterator<String> listIter = list2.iterator();
while(listIter.hasNext()) {
if (list1.contains(listIter.next())) {
Set<String> noDuplicates = new HashSet<String>(list1);
numberOfBoxes.put(key, new ArrayList<String>(noDuplicates));
return numberOfBoxes;
Here's an algorithm that's an alternative to flood fill. This method sweeps through the 2d array and whenever you encounter a node(pixel) that's outside to the left (right, top, bottom), it flags the current node as outside, ie if your neighbour is 'outside', you're marked 'outside' too.
The algorithm continues like this until there're no more updates. That means that all the nodes that are reachable from the 'outside' have been flagged. BTW, this is a very similar problem to level sets functions and updating them (where flood fill is also used). The nice this about this method is that it is ideal for parallelization.
1. Load 2D Symbol Array from File
2. hasupdates = false
3. Create 'isinside' bool array -> {
if(symbolarray[row][col] == '.' and row or col is at boundary)
isinside[row][col] = false
isinside[row][col] = true
4. do{
Do a sweep from left to right (for all rows) -> //This loop can be run parallely on all rows.
If (!isinside[row][col-1] and symbolarray[row][col] == '.'){
isinside[row][col] = false //mark current value as 'outside'
hasupdates = true
Do similar sweeps from right to left, top to bottom(all columns) and bottom to top.
5. Go through 'isinside' array and count the number of falses.
If you have huge files where you have to do this area calculation, you can have the sweeps along the rows and columns run parallely, because each row update (column update) is independent of the other updates.
I'm doing some sentiment analysis using SentiWordNet and I referred to the post here How to use SentiWordNet . However, I'm getting a score of 0.0 despite trying out various inputs. Is there anything I'm doing wrong here? Thanks!
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
public class SWN3 {
private String pathToSWN = "C:\\Users\\Malcolm\\Desktop\\SentiWordNet_3.0.0\\home\\swn\\www\\admin\\dump\\SentiWordNet_3.0.0.txt";
private HashMap<String, Double> _dict;
public SWN3(){
_dict = new HashMap<String, Double>();
HashMap<String, Vector<Double>> _temp = new HashMap<String, Vector<Double>>();
BufferedReader csv = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pathToSWN));
String line = "";
while((line = csv.readLine()) != null)
String[] data = line.split("\t");
Double score = Double.parseDouble(data[2])-Double.parseDouble(data[3]);
String[] words = data[4].split(" ");
for(String w:words)
String[] w_n = w.split("#");
w_n[0] += "#"+data[0];
int index = Integer.parseInt(w_n[1])-1;
Vector<Double> v = _temp.get(w_n[0]);
for(int i = v.size();i<index; i++)
v.add(index, score);
_temp.put(w_n[0], v);
Vector<Double> v = new Vector<Double>();
for(int i = 0;i<index; i++)
v.add(index, score);
_temp.put(w_n[0], v);
Set<String> temp = _temp.keySet();
for (Iterator<String> iterator = temp.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String word = (String) iterator.next();
Vector<Double> v = _temp.get(word);
double score = 0.0;
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
score += ((double)1/(double)(i+1))*v.get(i);
for(int i = 1; i<=v.size(); i++)
sum += (double)1/(double)i;
score /= sum;
String sent = "";
sent = "strong_positive";
if(score > 0.25 && score<=0.5)
sent = "positive";
if(score > 0 && score>=0.25)
sent = "weak_positive";
if(score < 0 && score>=-0.25)
sent = "weak_negative";
if(score < -0.25 && score>=-0.5)
sent = "negative";
sent = "strong_negative";
_dict.put(word, score);
catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
public Double extract(String word)
Double total = new Double(0);
if(_dict.get(word+"#n") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#n") + total;
if(_dict.get(word+"#a") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#a") + total;
if(_dict.get(word+"#r") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#r") + total;
if(_dict.get(word+"#v") != null)
total = _dict.get(word+"#v") + total;
return total;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SWN3 test = new SWN3();
String sentence="Hello have a Super awesome great day";
String[] words = sentence.split("\\s+");
double totalScore = 0;
for(String word : words) {
word = word.replaceAll("([^a-zA-Z\\s])", "");
if (test.extract(word) == null)
totalScore += test.extract(word);
Here's the first 10 lines of SentiWordNet.txt
a 00001740 0.125 0 able#1 (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something; "able to swim"; "she was able to program her computer"; "we were at last able to buy a car"; "able to get a grant for the project"
a 00002098 0 0.75 unable#1 (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how; "unable to get to town without a car"; "unable to obtain funds"
a 00002312 0 0 dorsal#2 abaxial#1 facing away from the axis of an organ or organism; "the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem"
a 00002527 0 0 ventral#2 adaxial#1 nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism; "the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface"
a 00002730 0 0 acroscopic#1 facing or on the side toward the apex
a 00002843 0 0 basiscopic#1 facing or on the side toward the base
a 00002956 0 0 abducting#1 abducent#1 especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part
a 00003131 0 0 adductive#1 adducting#1 adducent#1 especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part
a 00003356 0 0 nascent#1 being born or beginning; "the nascent chicks"; "a nascent insurgency"
a 00003553 0 0 emerging#2 emergent#2 coming into existence; "an emergent republic"
Usually the SentiWord.txt file comes with a weird format.
You need to remove the first part of it (which includes comments and instructions) and the last two lines:
The parser doesn't know how to handle these situations, if you delete these extra two lines you'll be fine.