I have generated a key pair on iOS and created a data representation using the following code:
var publicKey, privateKey: SecKey?
let keyattribute = [
kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
kSecAttrKeySizeInBits as String : 256
] as CFDictionary
SecKeyGeneratePair(keyattribute, &publicKey, &privateKey)
var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?
let pubkeyRep = SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(publicKey!, &error) as Data?
let prikeyRep = SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation(privateKey!, &error) as Data?
According to the documentation from Apple, the SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation function encodes these keys using uncompressed ANSI X9.63 format
I want to transform these byte arrays into PublicKey and PrivateKey objects in Java.
A few examples that I've found here (using SunJCE) and here (using BouncyCastle) work for the public key, but they don't describe a way to import the private key.
Notice in the Apple documentation how the first 65-bytes are the uncompressed public key (04 || X || Y) concatenated with the private scalar (|| K). Take these bytes off and you can create the private key. I hope this helps somebody.
* For an elliptic curve private key, the output is formatted as the public key
* concatenated with the big endian encoding of the secret scalar, or 04 || X || Y || K.
private PrivateKey createECPrivateKey(byte[] rawBytes) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, InvalidParameterSpecException {
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC");
BigInteger s = new BigInteger(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawBytes, 65, rawBytes.length));
return kf.generatePrivate(new ECPrivateKeySpec(s, ecParameterSpecForCurve("secp256r1")));
I am loading a public key in java using bouncy castle library but always getting error Invalid point encoding 0x45.
The public key is generated at client side using C# CNG APIs.
Java method 1:
public PublicKey loadPublicKey(String encodedPublicKey)
throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
byte[] keybytes = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedPublicKey);
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
ECNamedCurveParameterSpec params = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("P-256");
ECPublicKeySpec keySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(params.getCurve().decodePoint(keybytes), params);
return new BCECPublicKey("ECDH", keySpec, BouncyCastleProvider.CONFIGURATION);
Method 2
public PublicKey loadPublicKey(String pKey) throws Exception {
byte[] keybytes = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(pKey);
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
ECParameterSpec params = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("P-256");
ECPublicKeySpec pubKey = new ECPublicKeySpec(params.getCurve().decodePoint(keybytes), params);
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDH", "BC");
return kf.generatePublic(pubKey);
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid point encoding 0x45
at org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECCurve.decodePoint(ECCurve.java:443)
Below method to create public key
public static (byte[] publicKey, byte[] privateKey) CreateKeyPair()
using (ECDiffieHellmanCng cng = new ECDiffieHellmanCng(
// need to do this to be able to export private key
new CngKeyCreationParameters
{ ExportPolicy = CngExportPolicies.AllowPlaintextExport })))
cng.KeyDerivationFunction = ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction.Hash;
cng.HashAlgorithm = CngAlgorithm.Sha256;
// export both private and public keys and return
var pr = cng.Key.Export(CngKeyBlobFormat.EccPrivateBlob);
var pub = cng.PublicKey.ToByteArray();
return (pub, pr);
Public Key generated RUNLMSAAAAHddHI6TOEDG/Ka7naBbLQH0u/DSFfbKJI2w0WSoxrmFkwKm1tktz4wD0rqnwkZp8FwdHJ+8OVrTcpDMmxrwvS6
The key which I am receiving at java is of 72 bytes. But I think bouncy castle java supports 64 bytes of key.
I was also looking into this but did not get any help
The C# code exports the public key as a Base64 encoded EccPublicBlob whose format is described in the link given in the question:
The first 4 bytes 0x45434B31 denote in little endian order a public ECDH key for curve P-256, the following 4 bytes are in little endian order the key length in bytes (0x20000000 = 32), the rest are the x and y coordinates of the EC point i.e. the public key, 32 bytes each.
It is striking that in the key you posted, the second 4 bytes are 0x20000001, but the x and y coordinates are 32 bytes each. Possibly there is a copy/paste error here. Anyway, with the posted C# code, I cannot reproduce a key that has a value other than 0x20000000 in the second 4 bytes.
Java/BC does not directly support importing an EccPublicBlob (which is MS proprietary), but it does support importing an uncompressed public key. This results when the x and y coordinates are concatenated and 0x04 is used as prefix. The import with Java/BC is then possible as follows:
import java.security.KeyFactory;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey;
import java.security.spec.ECPoint;
import java.security.spec.ECPublicKeySpec;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.ECNamedCurveTable;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.ECPointUtil;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECNamedCurveParameterSpec;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECNamedCurveSpec;
public static PublicKey getPubKeyFromCurve(byte[] uncompRawPubKey, String curveName) throws Exception {
ECNamedCurveParameterSpec spec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec(curveName);
ECNamedCurveSpec params = new ECNamedCurveSpec(spec.getName(), spec.getCurve(), spec.getG(), spec.getN());
ECPoint point = ECPointUtil.decodePoint(params.getCurve(), uncompRawPubKey);
ECPublicKeySpec pubKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(point, params);
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDH", new BouncyCastleProvider());
ECPublicKey pubKey = (ECPublicKey) kf.generatePublic(pubKeySpec);
return pubKey;
Test (assuming EccPublicBlob is Base64 encoded like the posted one):
import java.util.Base64;
String publicKeyBlob = "RUNLMSAAAAAFzw4IGY4N8PKVt0MGF38SAKU5ixJhptVUdrWzuPhFDOcj/2k4SlGRN1RpRMbar9Iu7Uvcx7Vtm8Wa0HSzWJdE";
byte[] rawPublic = new byte[65];
rawPublic[0] = 0x04;
System.arraycopy(Base64.getDecoder().decode(publicKeyBlob), 8, rawPublic, 1, 64);
PublicKey pub = getPubKeyFromCurve(rawPublic, "P-256");
System.out.println(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(pub.getEncoded())); // MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEBc8OCBmODfDylbdDBhd/EgClOYsSYabVVHa1s7j4RQznI/9pOEpRkTdUaUTG2q/SLu1L3Me1bZvFmtB0s1iXRA==
The test imports the EccPublicBlob and exports it as a Base64 encoded DER key in X.509/SPKI format. This can be read with an ASN.1 parser, e.g. https://lapo.it/asn1js/, and thus be verified.
Note that C# also supports the export of other formats. However, this depends on the version. E.g. as of .NET Core 3.0 there is the method ExportSubjectPublicKeyInfo() that exports the public key in X.509/SPKI format, DER encoded. This format and encoding can be imported directly into Java using X509EncodedKeySpec (even without BouncyCastle).
In other versions of C#, BouncyCastle for C# can be used for the export, which also supports the X.509/SPKI format.
Since you didn't post your .NET version, it's unclear what specific alternatives exist for you.
Keep in mind that an ECDH key for P-256 can also be created more simply with:
ECDiffieHellmanCng cng = new ECDiffieHellmanCng(ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256)
or cross-platform with
ECDiffieHellman ecdh = ECDiffieHellman.Create(ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256)
I've created an RSA Key Pair. Now, I'm trying to encrypt the private key with a DES algorithm, format it to PKCS#5 and print it on the console. Unfortunately, the generated private key does not work. When I try to use it, after entering the right passphrase, the ssh client returns the passphrase is not valid:
Load key "test.key": incorrect passphrase supplied to decrypt private key
Could please someone tells me where I'm wrong?
This is the code:
private byte[] iv;
public void generate() throws Exception {
RSAKeyPairGenerator generator = new RSAKeyPairGenerator();
KeyPair keyPair = generator.generateKeyPair();
String passphrase = "passphrase";
byte[] encryptedData = encrypt(keyPair.getPrivate().getEncoded(), passphrase);
private byte[] encrypt(byte[] data, String passphrase) throws Exception {
String algorithm = "PBEWithMD5AndDES";
salt = new byte[8];
int iterations = 1024;
// Create a key from the supplied passphrase.
KeySpec ks = new PBEKeySpec(passphrase.toCharArray());
SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm);
SecretKey key = skf.generateSecret(ks);
// Create the salt from eight bytes of the digest of P || M.
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] digest = md.digest();
System.arraycopy(digest, 0, salt, 0, 8);
AlgorithmParameterSpec aps = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, iterations);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AlgorithmID.pbeWithSHAAnd3_KeyTripleDES_CBC.getJcaStandardName());
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, aps);
iv = cipher.getIV();
byte[] output = cipher.doFinal(data);
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return out.toByteArray();
private String getPrivateKeyPem(String privateKey) throws Exception {
StringBuffer formatted = new StringBuffer();
formatted.append("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- " + LINE_SEPARATOR);
formatted.append("Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED" + LINE_SEPARATOR);
formatted.append("DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,");
Arrays.stream(privateKey.split("(?<=\\G.{64})")).forEach(line -> formatted.append(line + LINE_SEPARATOR));
formatted.append("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
return formatted.toString();
private String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
char[] hexArray = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) {
int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4];
hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F];
return new String(hexChars);
And this is the generated private key in PKCS#5 PEM format:
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
Thanks in advance.
There is no such thing as PKCS#5 format. PKCS#5 primarily defines two password-based key derivation functions and password-based encryption schemes using them, plus a password-based MAC scheme, but does not define any format for the data. (It does define ASN.1 OIDs for these operations, and ASN.1 structures for their parameters -- primarily PBKDF2 and PBES2, because the only parameter for PBKDF1 and PBES1 is the salt.) PKCS#5 also defines a padding scheme for the CBC mode data encryption; this padding was slightly enhanced by PKCS#7 and used by many other applications which usually call it PKCS5 padding or PKCS7 padding. None of these are data formats, and none of them involves RSA (or other) private keys as such.
The file format you apparently want is the one used by OpenSSH (for a long time always, then for the last few years as the default, until OpenSSH 7.8 just a month ago made it optional) and as a result also used by other software that wants to be compatible or even interchangeable with OpenSSH. This format is actually defined by OpenSSL, which OpenSSH has long used for most of its cryptography. (Following Heartbleed, OpenSSH created a fork of OpenSSL called LibreSSL, which tries to be more robust and secure internally but intentionally maintains the same external interfaces and formats, and in any case hasn't been widely adopted.)
It is one of several 'PEM' formats defined by OpenSSL, and is mostly described on the man page for a number of 'PEM' routines including PEM_write[_bio]_RSAPrivateKey -- on your system if you have OpenSSL and it's not Windows, or on the web with the encryption part near the end in the section 'PEM ENCRYPTION FORMAT', and the EVP_BytesToKey routine it references similarly on its own man page. In short:
it does not use the pbeSHAwith3_keyTripleDES-CBC (meaning SHA1) scheme defined by PKCS#12/rfc7292 or the pbeMD5withDES-CBC scheme defined by PKCS#5/rfc2898 in PBES1. Instead it uses EVP_BytesToKey (which is partly based on PBKDF1) with md5 and 1 iteration, and salt equal to the IV, to derive the key, and then encrypts/decrypts with any supported symmetric cipher mode that uses an IV (thus not stream or ECB) but usually defaulting to DES-EDE3 (aka 3key-TripleDES) CBC as you ask for. Yes, EVP_BytesToKey with niter=1 is a poor PBKDF and makes these files insecure unless you use a very strong password; there are numerous Qs about that already.
And finally the plaintext of this file format is not the PKCS#8 (generic) encoding returned by [RSA]PrivateKey.getEncoded() but rather the RSA-only format defined by PKCS#1/rfc8017 et pred. And the empty line between the Proc-type and DEK-info headers and the base64 is required, and the line terminator on the dashes-END line may be needed depending on what software does the reading.
The easiest way to do this is to use software already compatible with OpenSSL private-key PEM format(s), including OpenSSL itself. Java can run an external program: OpenSSH's ssh-keygen if you have it, or openssl genrsa if you have that. The BouncyCastle bcpkix library supports this and other OpenSSL PEM formats. If 'ssh client' is jsch, that normally reads keyfiles in several formats including this one, but com.jcraft.jsch.KeyPairRSA actually supports generating a key and writing it in this PEM format as well. Puttygen also supports this format, but the other formats it can convert from and to aren't Java-friendly. I'm sure there are more.
But if you need to do it in your own code, here's how:
// given [RSA]PrivateKey privkey, get the PKCS1 part from the PKCS8 encoding
byte[] pk8 = privkey.getEncoded();
// this is wrong for RSA<=512 but those are totally insecure anyway
if( pk8[0]!=0x30 || pk8[1]!=(byte)0x82 ) throw new Exception();
if( 4 + (pk8[2]<<8 | (pk8[3]&0xFF)) != pk8.length ) throw new Exception();
if( pk8[4]!=2 || pk8[5]!=1 || pk8[6]!= 0 ) throw new Exception();
if( pk8[7] != 0x30 || pk8[8]==0 || pk8[8]>127 ) throw new Exception();
// could also check contents of the AlgId but that's more work
int i = 4 + 3 + 2 + pk8[8];
if( i + 4 > pk8.length || pk8[i]!=4 || pk8[i+1]!=(byte)0x82 ) throw new Exception();
byte[] old = Arrays.copyOfRange (pk8, i+4, pk8.length);
// OpenSSL-Legacy PEM encryption = 3keytdes-cbc using random iv
// key from EVP_BytesToKey(3keytdes.keylen=24,hash=md5,salt=iv,,iter=1,outkey,notiv)
byte[] passphrase = "passphrase".getBytes(); // charset doesn't matter for test value
byte[] iv = new byte[8]; new SecureRandom().nextBytes(iv); // maybe SIV instead?
MessageDigest pbh = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] derive = new byte[32]; // round up to multiple of pbh.getDigestLength()=16
for(int off = 0; off < derive.length; off += 16 ){
if( off>0 ) pbh.update(derive,off-16,16);
pbh.update(passphrase); pbh.update(iv);
pbh.digest(derive, off, 16);
Cipher pbc = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
pbc.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(derive,0,24,"DESede"), new IvParameterSpec(iv));
byte[] enc = pbc.doFinal(old);
// write to PEM format (substitute other file if desired)
System.out.println ("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
System.out.println ("Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED");
System.out.println ("DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC," + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(iv));
System.out.println (); // empty line
String b64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(enc);
for( int off = 0; off < b64.length(); off += 64 )
System.out.println (b64.substring(off, off+64<b64.length()?off+64:b64.length()));
System.out.println ("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");
Finally, OpenSSL format requires the encryption IV and the PBKDF salt be the same, and it makes that value random, so I did also. The computed value you used for salt only, MD5(password||data), vaguely resembles the synthetic-IV (SIV) construction that is now accepted for use with encryption, but it is not the same, plus I don't know if any competent analyst has considered the case where SIV is also used for PBKDF salt, so I would be reluctant to rely on this technique here. If you want to ask about that point, it's not really a programming Q and would be more suitable on cryptography.SX or maybe security.SX.
added for comments:
That code's output works for me with puttygen from 0.70, both on Windows (from upstream=chiark) and on CentOS6 (from EPEL). According to the source, the error message you gave occurs only if cmdgen has called key_type in sshpubk.c which recognized the first line as beginning with "-----BEGIN " but not "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY" (which is a very different format), then via import_ssh2 and openssh_pem_read called load_openssh_pem_key in import.c which does NOT find the first line beginning with "-----BEGIN " and ending with "PRIVATE KEY-----". This is very weird because both of those PLUS "RSA " in between is generated by my code and is needed for OpenSSH (or openssl) to accept it. Try looking at every byte of the first line at least (maybe first two lines) with something like cat -vet or sed -n l or in a pinch od -c.
RFC 2898 is rather old now; good practice today is usually 10s of thousands to 100s of thousands of iterations, and better practice is not to use an iterated hash at all but instead something memory-hard like scrypt or Argon2. But as I already wrote, OpenSSL legacy PEM encryption, which was designed back in the 1990s, uses ONE (un, eine, 1) iteration and therefore is a POOR and INSECURE scheme. Nobody can change it now because that's how it was designed. If you want decent PBE, don't use this format.
If you need a key only for SSH: OpenSSH (for several years now) supports and recent versions of Putty(gen) can import the OpenSSH-defined 'new format', which uses bcrypt, but jsch can't. OpenSSH (using OpenSSL) can also read (PEM) PKCS8 which allows PBKDF2 (better though not best) with iterations as desired, and it looks like jsch can, but not Putty(gen). I don't know for Cyberduck or other implementations.
I think that before invoking encrypt you need to decrypt two times more for security reasons. Instead of salt use also pepper salt and pepper. Do not mix algorithm with aes256.
Kind regards, rajeesh
Does somebody know how I can create an RSA key in C++ from an encoded byte array?
My problem is that I try to develop a C++ client that is interacting with a server which is coded in Java.
Well in Java the client receives the rsa key encoded as an byte array, decodes it to a RSA RSAPublicKey and encrypts a message with this key.
The java server/client code:
public static PublicKey decodePublicKey(byte[] p_75896_0_)
X509EncodedKeySpec var1 = new X509EncodedKeySpec(p_75896_0_);
KeyFactory var2 = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
return var2.generatePublic(var1);
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException var3)
catch (InvalidKeySpecException var4)
field_180198_a.error("Public key reconstitute failed!");
return null;
this.publicKey = CryptManager.decodePublicKey(data.readByteArray());
After that the client is doing some encrypting stuff with his key.
The key gets sent like this:
public static final KeyPair keys;
KeyPairGenerator generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance( "RSA" );
generator.initialize( 1024 );
keys = generator.generateKeyPair();
} catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ex )
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError( ex );
byte[] pubKey = keys.getPublic().getEncoded();
My problem is how to get the key from the byte array in C++.
Im currently working on this code:
char* publicKey = ...
int publicKeyLength = 162;
EVP_PKEY* key = EVP_PKEY_new();
if(d2i_PUBKEY(&key, (const unsigned char**) &publicKey, publicKeyLength) != 0){
logMessage("Key: "+to_string((uint64_t) (void*) key));
Well my problem now is that i have an SIGSEGV error on the third line and dont know what this course. Well the key should be valid.
What Java returns for the public key is a SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure, which doesn't just contain the (PKCS#1 encoded) values for the public key, but also the key identifier etc.
So to decode this you have to type "decode SubjectPublicKeyInfo openssl" in your favorite search engine. Then you'll find (after some scrolling) the following information from here:
d2i_PUBKEY() and i2d_PUBKEY() decode and encode an EVP_PKEY structure
using SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. They otherwise follow the conventions
of other ASN.1 functions such as d2i_X509().
Obviously you'd need the decoding algorithm.
Note that openssl is C so beware of buffer overruns when decoding stuff. I'd rather have a 1024 bit RSA key that is used with secure software than a 2048 bit key with software full of buffer overruns.
Needless to say you need to trust the public key before importing it. There is a reason why it is called the public key infrastructure (PKI).
I have tested a solution to verify an ECDSA signature (How can I get a PublicKey object from EC public key bytes?) that works perfect with the given data.
This is the data:
byte[] pubKey = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary("049a55ad1e210cd113457ccd3465b930c9e7ade5e760ef64b63142dad43a308ed08e2d85632e8ff0322d3c7fda14409eafdc4c5b8ee0882fe885c92e3789c36a7a");
byte[] message = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary("54686973206973206a75737420736f6d6520706f696e746c6573732064756d6d7920737472696e672e205468616e6b7320616e7977617920666f722074616b696e67207468652074696d6520746f206465636f6465206974203b2d29");
byte[] signature = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary("304402205fef461a4714a18a5ca6dce6d5ab8604f09f3899313a28ab430eb9860f8be9d602203c8d36446be85383af3f2e8630f40c4172543322b5e8973e03fff2309755e654");
And this is the code (which prints true):
private static boolean isValidSignature(byte[] pubKey, byte[] message,byte[] signature) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, InvalidKeySpecException {
Signature ecdsaVerify = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withECDSA", new BouncyCastleProvider());
return ecdsaVerify.verify(signature);
private static PublicKey getPublicKeyFromBytes(byte[] pubKey) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
ECNamedCurveParameterSpec spec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("prime256v1");
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDSA", new BouncyCastleProvider());
ECNamedCurveSpec params = new ECNamedCurveSpec("prime256v1", spec.getCurve(), spec.getG(), spec.getN());
ECPoint point = ECPointUtil.decodePoint(params.getCurve(), pubKey);
ECPublicKeySpec pubKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(point, params);
ECPublicKey pk = (ECPublicKey) kf.generatePublic(pubKeySpec);
return pk;
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println(isValidSignature(pubKey, message, signature));
My problem comes when I change the signature and data to an example input from an already implemented system:
final static byte[] pubKey = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary("0447303876C6FED5550DF3EE1136989FCD87293D54A5D8E2F2F6D7FBE9A81089B889A5917443AF33E696178CEF4C9D6A4288B2745B29AF6C8BCAD1348F78EB9F9B");
final static byte[] message = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary("02158001f53611a06e2d1a270000013ed9305dc2780524015110500000002d0100140092569202017aa00c5dd30000000000000000000000000000000007d1000001020001b20788b80059f48d95cdefc8c6000200200030d41e0000012016840310a50733a9870fffd0430100");
final static byte[] signature = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary("531F8918FF250132959B01F7F56FDFD9E6CA3EC2144E12A6DA37C281489A3D96");
New data outputs this error:
java.security.SignatureException: error decoding signature bytes.
at org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.util.DSABase.engineVerify(Unknown Source)
at java.security.Signature$Delegate.engineVerify(Signature.java:1178)
at java.security.Signature.verify(Signature.java:612)
at its.sec.exec.TestProgram.isValidSignature(TestProgram.java:168)
at its.sec.exec.TestProgram.execution(TestProgram.java:101)
at its.sec.exec.TestProgram.main(TestProgram.java:55)
I assume the problem is about the signature that comes with the secured message because:
The key pair is the same length and format that the example. And are correct since it comes from the certificate that signs the message.
The message itself (payload) shouldn't affect the security process.
Last thing worth mention is that my documentation says that the signature must be preceded by a field called "R" which "contains the x coordinate of the elliptic curve point resulting from multiplying the generator element by the ephemeral private key" and its length must be the same as the signature (32 byte).
Can someone point me out what I'm missing here?
EDIT: Solution
As Peter Dettman pointed in his answer, the signature was not correctly formatted (also content was incorrect too) in order to be computed by the verify() method. Here is a good explanation that mainly says that:
When encoded in DER, this (signature) becomes the following sequence of bytes:
0x30 b1 0x02 b2 (vr) 0x02 b3 (vs)
b1 is a single byte value, equal to the length, in bytes, of the remaining list of bytes (from the first 0x02 to the end of the encoding);
b2 is a single byte value, equal to the length, in bytes, of (vr);
b3 is a single byte value, equal to the length, in bytes, of (vs);
(vr) is the signed big-endian encoding of the value "r", of minimal length;
(vs) is the signed big-endian encoding of the value "s", of minimal length.
Applying that change, signature grows to 70 bytes and the execution outputs no error.
The expected ECDSA signature format that the BC (and other provider) implementations work with is a DER-encoded ASN.1 sequence containing two integer values r and s. This signature format has been specified in ANSI X9.62. This is the format in the first set of data you give (note that signature is a total of at least 70 bytes).
In the second set of data, signature is only 32 bytes, and is not an ASN.1 sequence at all. I would guess that this value is only the s value, and it is missing the r value and the ASN.1 INTEGER encoding for them both, instead encoding the values as a unsigned big integer value with the same size as the key.
this is a sample code to write r and s in ASN1 DER encoded format
// construct the ASN1Sequence with r and s
ByteArrayOutputStream outs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte radd = (byte)(((signed[0] & 0x80) > 0) ? 1 : 0);
byte sadd = (byte)(((signed[32] & 0x80) > 0) ? 1 : 0);
byte length = (byte)(0x44 + radd + sadd);
outs.write(length); // length 68 bytes +
outs.write(0x02); // ASN1Integer
outs.write(0x20 + radd); // length 32 bytes
if(radd > 0)
outs.write(0x00); // positive val
outs.write(signed, 0, 32);
outs.write(0x02); // ASN1Integer
outs.write(0x20 + sadd); // length 32 bytes
if(sadd > 0)
outs.write(0x00); // positive val
outs.write(signed, 32, 32);
signed = outs.toByteArray();
I am trying to run the code in this pdf. For example, for ECCKeyGeneration, I get the following output instead of Figure 1 in the pdf:
Sun EC public key, 192 bits
public x coord: 4812174841545539052388802454891896756539688756781766645984
public y coord: 1161396487043052042009627836016170768650083444786081272028
parameters: secp192r1 [NIST P-192, X9.62 prime192v1] (1.2.840.10045.3.1.1)
The private key doesn't printed to console/screen. Instead, it says "sun.security.ec.ECPrivateKeyImpl#blabla" as you can see above. What could be the reason for this situation?
Here is the code if you like to test:
import java.security.*;
import java.security.spec.*;
public class ECCKeyGeneration {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
KeyPairGenerator kpg;
kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC","SunEC");
ECGenParameterSpec ecsp;
ecsp = new ECGenParameterSpec("secp192r1");
KeyPair kp = kpg.genKeyPair();
PrivateKey privKey = kp.getPrivate();
PublicKey pubKey = kp.getPublic();
Normally private key values are not printed to screen. Hence there is little sense to provide a toString() for ECPrivateKey (a sub-class of PrivateKey).Printing out private key values is of course not safe.
It is of course possible to print out the secret part of the private key; printing out the other parameters of secp192r1 makes little sense. You can easily retrieve them from standard documents from NIST or Certicom if required.
ECPrivateKey ecPrivKey = (ECPrivateKey) eckp.getPrivate();
Note that you are better off printing out a hash over the private key value S if you just need this for verifying that the right private key is used.
Your Problem is with the toString() methode of the java PrivateKey class.
toString() does not necessarily returns all the data in your object, just a string representation.
So in your case you could use the getEncoded() methode.
Note that your byte[] might contain unprintable characters, so you may need to convert it in a readable form f.e. Base64.
PrivateKey privKey = kp.getPrivate();
byte[] data = privKey.getEncoded();
//first methode, convert to string
String privKeyString = new String(data);
//second methode, print all byte values
for(byte value : data)
See also print byte array
Also you can use: