My target is to get inside the flow of spy method.
I mean, I don't want to skip "manager.createChange(processId);".
Actually, I want the test class will take me inside (and then I will do all mockito behavior changes..). For now, I can reach the flow until the method and then the method has been skipped.
I know the code logic may not correct, so please do not focus on that :)
Any help regarding how I suppose to design the test class in order to:
Use manager as a mock/spy (control mockito behavior).
Can be able to run his methods.
My test class:
public class createChangeTest {
private ProcessRepository processRepository;
private ProcessManager manager;
private RequestsImpl Requestsimpl;
Process p = new Process();
public void setUpBefore() {
ProcessManager manager = spy(new ProcessManager(processRepository));
public void changeRequestTest() {
Process p = Requestsimpl.createChange(11l);
inside Requestimpl:
public class RequestsImpl {
private ProcessManager manager;
public Process createChange(Long processId) {
Process changeRequest = manager.createChange(processId);
return changeRequest;
i have a java spring service that call a spring data repository and i want to do a Junit test with mockito , this is my class and the service that i want to test :
public class DataServiceImpl implements DataService{
private CautionRepository cautionRepository;
public void addCautions(List<CautionsDTO> cautions, Contrat contrat) {
if(cautions != null && !cautions.isEmpty()) {
cautions.forEach(caution -> {
Caution caution = new Caution();
and this is my Unit test
public class DataServiceImplTest{
private DataServiceImpl dataService;
private CautionRepository cautionRepository;
public void addListCautionsTest() {
List<CautionsDTO> cautions = new ArrayList<>();
ContratExportation contrat = new ContratExportation();
Caution caution = new Caution();
Mockito.verify(cautionRepository, times(1)).save(caution);
When i run the test i got the folowwing error :
Wanted but not invoked:
-> at org.service.DataServiceImplTest.addListCautionsTest(
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
Do you have any idea please what is the mistake with my test
You never add a value to cautions so the loop is not executed and verify must fail.
Add a value to the list and the test should pass:
List<CautionsDTO> cautions = new ArrayList<>();
ContratExportation contrat = new ContratExportation();
CautionDTO caution = new CautionDTO();
This should be the correct code for executing the test
public class DataServiceImplTest{
private DataServiceImpl dataService;
private CautionRepository cautionRepository;
public void addListCautionsTest() {
List<CautionsDTO> cautions = new ArrayList<>();
ContratExportation contrat = new ContratExportation();
Caution caution = new Caution();
Mockito.verify(cautionRepository, times(1)).save(caution);
First of all, you forgot to add caution object into cautions list. But other than that you are mixing Unit test with Integration test.
You need to annotate your test class with #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class),
You need to annotate your mock objects with #MockBean and add #Autowired to your test class DataServiceImpl object.
Now, let me explain to you.
Unit Test
When you want to write a unit test, you should not make use of application context (autowiring).
By the way, a better approach is to annotate your DataServiceImpl with #RequiredArgsConstructor from Lombok and remove #Autowired from CautionRepository. This will allow you to instantiate DataServiceImpl in a setup method in your unit test.
Your DataServiceImpl class should be:
public class DataServiceImpl implements DataService{
private final CautionRepository cautionRepository;
public void addCautions(List<CautionsDTO> cautions, Contrat contrat) {
// your code...
and your new unit test class:
public class DataServiceImplTest{
private DataServiceImpl dataService;
private CautionRepository cautionRepository;
public void setup() {
dataService = new DataServiceImpl(cautionsRepository);
public void addListCautionsTest() {
// your test code...
Integration Test
Now, if you want to create an integration test, use #RunWith(SpringRunner.class). By doing this your application context will be loaded. In your case you can create a mocked bean inside your context by annotating your object with #MockBean. This will inject mocked object into your context and it will get auto wired in your real class.
For this your new DataServiceImpl class can remain same as above. But change your integration test into:
public class DataServiceImplTest{
private DataServiceImpl dataService;
#MockBean // it will be injected automatically
private CautionRepository cautionRepository;
public void addListCautionsTest() {
// your test code...
Hope, you now understand the difference and the mistake you were doing :)
I got 2 modules User and Email, both of them have 1 entry point which is a facade, rest is package scoped. The configuration is done in 2 classes
class UserConfiguration {
UserFacade userFacade(UserRepository repository, EmailFacade emailFacade) {
return new UserFacade(repository, emailFacade);
class EmailConfiguration {
EmailFacade emailFacade(EmailSender emailSender) {
return new EmailFacade(emailSender);
Now, I want to write tests that don't require Spring to start. I implemented a simple InMemoryRepository to make this happen
public class RegisterUserTest {
private EmailFacade emailFacade = new EmailFacade(new FakeEmailSender());
private UserFacade userFacade = new UserConfiguration().userFacade(new InMemoryUserRepository(), emailFacade);
public void setUp() {
I need some fake objects to instantiate EmailFacade so I wrote fake implementation
public class FakeEmailSender implements EmailSender {
public void sendEmail(EmailMessage emailMessage) throws RuntimeException {
In that scenario, I'm testing User domain, so I want to mock Email anyways.
I wrote a test to check if it works
public void shouldReturnSendingFailed() {
.password(VALID_PASSWORD).build()).getLeft(), is(EmailError.SENDING_FAILED));
But it isn't... after running this test I got
java.util.NoSuchElementException: getLeft() on Right
regiserNewUser() method
Either<DomainError, SuccessMessage> register(RegisterUserDto registerUserDto) {
return Either.left(UserError.USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS);
var userCreationResult = User.createUser(registerUserDto);
var savedUser =;
var emailDto =;
return emailDto.isRight() ? emailFacade.sendUserVerificationEmail(emailDto.get())
: Either.left(emailDto.getLeft());
With following test configuration
public class RegisterUserTest {
private EmailFacade emailFacade;
private UserFacade userFacade = new UserConfiguration().userFacade(new InMemoryUserRepository(), emailFacade);
public void setUp() {
I got nullpointer here, last line of registerNewUser().
Try running this code
public class RegisterUserTest {
private EmailFacade emailFacade;
private UserFacade userFacade;
public void setUp() {
userFacade = new UserConfiguration().userFacade(new InMemoryUserRepository(), emailFacade);
There are a few issues with your code:
You initialize your mocks twice. You don’t need to call initMocks in the setUp method if you are using Mockito runner
You are trying to inject mocks to already initialized object. But the field you are trying to inject is also passed to the constructor. Please read #InjectMocks doc, to check the strategies used to inject the mocks:
constructor (not used here, already initialized object)
setter (do you have one?)
field (is it not final)
There are details to each strategy (see my questions above). If no staregy is matched, Mockito will fail silently. The fact that you are passing an object in constructor, and rely on setter or field injection afterwards makes this code unnecesarily complex.
I have a JUnit test that reads
public class EventHandlerTest {
ThreadPoolExtendedExecutor threadPoolExtendedExecutor;
private EventHandler handler;
private Map<Queue<SenderTask>> subBuffers = new HashMap<>();
public void setUp() {
// PROBLEM: threadPoolExtendedExecutor null!
handler = new EventHandler(subBuffers, threadPoolExtendedExecutor);
When I call new in setUp, I have threadPoolExtendedExecutor=null.
I would like to insert some mocked threadPoolExtendedExecutor so, I do not have NullPointer problems when calling its methods (so simple interface mock is enough for me at this moment)
You can simply mock it using (in setUp)
threadPoolExtendedExecutor = mock(ThreadPoolExtendedExecutor.class);
public void setUp() {
threadPoolExtendedExecutor = mock(ThreadPoolExtendedExecutor.class);
handler = new EventHandler(subBuffers, threadPoolExtendedExecutor);
You can also let MockitoJUnitRunner do it for you :
don't forget to inject mocks in your service under test by annotating it with #InjectMocks
public class EventHandlerTest {
ThreadPoolExtendedExecutor threadPoolExtendedExecutor;
If you would like to use the #Mock or #InjectMocks annotations on the test class fields then you need to add #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) at the class level.
public class EventHandlerTest {
ThreadPoolExtendedExecutor threadPoolExtendedExecutor;
Another approach is to not use the above annotations and manually create mocks by calling org.mockito.Mockito.mock().
I have a Spring-boot project, in witch I have controller, service and mapper layer. Now I want to test a service and I want to mock the mapper. I do it in this way:
public class SomeServiceTest extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests {
private AMapper aMapper;
AService aService;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
executeSqlScript("classpath:insertSomeData.sql", false);
public void testMethod() throws Exception {
And the service:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class AServiceImpl implements AService {
BMapper bMapper;
CMapper cMapper;
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public SomeReturnObject callMethod(SomeData someData)throws Exception {
//some execution to obtain aResult
Now when I execute the test the result is:
Wanted but not invoked:
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
When i debug then I see that the method is called, but probably it's the wrong mapper (not the mocked). Have you some tips to figure out that issue?
I can't see the mock interaction recording here. It should come before the actual invocation. It should be something like this.
The flow should be like this. Firstly record the mocks, then perform actual invocation and finally verify the mock interactions. As above #Autowire is not needed for the test class. Please remove that too. Instead create a new instance of service class by passing some data through it's constructor. Hope this helps. Happy coding !
I don't exactly understand why would you start up spring context for testing just a service layer. Test only one layer at a time.
That's how I would address the problem. (If something does not compile, my apologies..writing from top of my head)
public class SomeServiceTest {
private AMapper aMapper;
AService aService = new AService();
public void testMethod() throws Exception {
// given
// when
// then
For example I have handler:
public class MyHandler {
private MyDependency myDependency;
public int someMethod() {
return anotherMethod();
public int anotherMethod() {...}
to testing it I want to write something like this:
class MyHandlerTest {
private MyHandler myHandler;
private MyDependency myDependency;
public void testSomeMethod() {
assertEquals(myHandler.someMethod() == 1);
But it actually calls anotherMethod() whenever I try to mock it. What should I do with myHandler to mock its methods?
First of all the reason for mocking MyHandler methods can be the following: we already test anotherMethod() and it has complex logic, so why do we need to test it again (like a part of someMethod()) if we can just verify that it's calling?
We can do it through:
class MyHandlerTest {
private MyHandler myHandler;
private MyDependency myDependency;
public void testSomeMethod() {
assertEquals(myHandler.someMethod() == 1);
verify(myHandler, times(1)).anotherMethod();
Note: in case of 'spying' object we need to use doReturn instead of thenReturn(little explanation is here)
All answers above are really good and may be useful so make sure you study and understand these principes first before continue reading my post.
In my scenario none of advices above did work. I will post what helped me after a pretty long debugging.
If you want to call methods from tested class, the #Spy annotation is needed alongside #InjectMocks (or Mockito.spy(XXX) call or course)
The interesting part is, the order of these annotations does matter!
The #Spy annotation must precede #InjectMocks annotation.
Will not work
private TestedObject instance
Will work
private TestedObject instance
In your code, you are not testing MyHandler at all. You don't want to mock what you are testing, you want to call its actual methods. If MyHandler has dependencies, you mock them.
Something like this:
public interface MyDependency {
public int otherMethod();
public class MyHandler {
private MyDependency myDependency;
public void someMethod() {
And in test:
private MyDependency mockDependency;
private MyHandler realHandler;
public void setup() {
mockDependency = Mockito.mock(MyDependency.class);
realHandler = new MyHandler();
realhandler.setDependency(mockDependency); //but you might Springify this
public void testSomeMethod() {
//specify behaviour of mock
//really call the method under test
The point is to really call the method under test, but mock any dependencies they may have (e.g. calling method of other classes)
If those other classes are part of your application, then they'd have their own unit tests.
NOTE the above code could be shortened with more annotations, but I wanted to make it more explicit for the sake of explanation (and also I can't remember what the annotations are :) )