Negative exponent at java.base/java.math.BigInteger.pow - java

How can i fix error Negative exponentat java.base/java.math.BigInteger.pow from my function:
static BigInteger eul(BigInteger n, BigInteger b) {
BigInteger pattern = (n.add(BigInteger.ONE)).divide(new BigInteger("4"));
BigInteger result = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(b.pow(pattern.intValue())));
return result;
error throw at line:
BigInteger result = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(b.pow(pattern.intValue())));
output should be:

pattern is some enormous number. .intValue() converts that to an int (hence the name), which is why this goes wrong, as this doesn't fit (and happens to turn into a negative number due to how intValue() works when you call that on a bigInteger whose value exceeds what int can represent. The reason only ints go there is because if you put a huge number there, your RAM can't hold it and your CPU would take a few million years to calculate it. There'd be no point.
How do I fix it?
By going back to whomever gave you this assignment. your code has a bug, but reading what it is intending to do, it is ((n+1)/4)^b.
Which is a number that has... a lot a lot of digits. Many, many more than what you expect for output.
Clearly that isn't what you really wanted, or if it is, no computer can calculate this, and the result would be nothing like what you wanted.
Possibly that output really is ((n+1)/4)^b, but mod something. Which the API does support: b.modPow(pattern, FigureOutWhatTheModuloIsAndPutThatHere).


Number of blocks to spit range of values over 64

I have the following piece of code:
long[] blocks = new long[(someClass.getMemberArray().length - 1) / 64 + 1];
Basically the someClass.getMemberArray() can return an array that could be much larger than 64 and the code tries to determine how many blocks of len 64 are needed for subsequent processing.
I am confused about the logic and how does this work. It seems to me that just doing:
long[] blocks = new long[(int) Math.ceil(someClass.getMemberArray().length / 64.0)];
should work too any looks simpler.
Can someone help me understanding the -1 and +1 reasoning in the original snippet, how it works and if the ceil would fail in some cases?
as you correctly commented, the -1/+1 is required to get the correct number of blocks, including only partially filled ones. It effectively rounds up.
(But it has something that could be considered a bug: if the array has length 0, which would required 0 blocks, it returns 1. This is because integer division usually truncates on most systems, i.e. rounds UP for negative numbers, so (0 - 1)/64 yields 0. However, this may be a feature if zero blocks for some reasons are not allowed. It definitively requires a comment though.)
The reasoning for the first, original line is that it only uses integer arithmetics, which should translate on just a few basic and fast machine instructions on mostcomputers.
The second solution involved casting floating-point arithmetic and casting. Traditionally, floating-point arithmetic was MUCH slower on most processors, which probably was the reasoning for the first solution. However, on modern CPUs with integrated floating-point support, the performance depends more on other things like cache lines and pipelining.
Personally, I don't really like both solutions, as it's not really obvious what they do. So I would suggest the following solution:
int arrayLength = someClass.getMemberArray().length;
int blockCount = ceilDiv(arrayLength, 64);
long[] blocks = new long[blockCount];
* Integer division, rounding up.
* #return the quotient a/b, rounded up.
static int ceilDiv(int a, int b) {
assert b >= 0 : b; // Doesn't work for negative divisor.
// Divide.
int quotient = a / b;
// If a is not a multiple of b, round up.
if (a % b != 0) {
return quotient;
It's wordy, but at least it's clear what should happen, and it provides a general solution which works for all integers (except negative divisors). Unfortunately, most languages don't provide an elegant "round up integer division" solution.
I don't see why the -1 would be necessary, but the +1 is likely there to rectify the case where the result of the division gets rounded down to the nearest non-decimal value (which should be, well, every case except those where the result is without decimals)

Why is math.pow not natively able to deal with ints? (floor/ceil, too)

I know that in Java (and probably other languages), Math.pow is defined on doubles and returns a double. I'm wondering why on earth the folks who wrote Java didn't also write an int-returning pow(int, int) method, which seems to this mathematician-turned-novice-programmer like a forehead-slapping (though obviously easily fixable) omission. I can't help but think that there's some behind-the-scenes reason based on the intricacies of CS that I just don't know, because otherwise... huh?
On a similar topic, ceil and floor by definition return integers, so how come they don't return ints?
Thanks to all for helping me understand this. It's totally minor, but has been bugging me for years.
java.lang.Math is just a port of what the C math library does.
For C, I think it comes down to the fact that CPU have special instructions to do Math.pow for floating point numbers (but not for integers).
Of course, the language could still add an int implementation. BigInteger has one, in fact. It makes sense there, too, because pow tends to result in rather big numbers.
ceil and floor by definition return integers, so how come they don't return ints
Floating point numbers can represent integers outside of the range of int. So if you take a double argument that is too big to fit into an int, there is no good way for floor to deal with it.
From a mathematical perspective, you're going to overflow your integer if it's larger than 231-1, and overflow your long if it's larger than 264-1. It doesn't take much to overflow it, either.
Doubles are nice in that they can represent numbers from ~10-308 to ~10308 with 53 bits of precision. There may be some fringe conversion issues (such as the next full integer in a double may not exactly be representable), but by and large you're going to get a much larger range of numbers than you would if you strictly dealt with integers or longs.
On a similar topic, ceil and floor by definition return integers, so how come they don't return ints?
For the same reason outlined above - overflow. If I have an integral value that's larger than what I can represent in a long, I'd have to use something that could represent it. A similar thing occurs when I have an integral value that's smaller than what I can represent in a long.
Optimal implementation of integer pow() and floating-point pow() are very different. And C's math library was probably developed around the time when floating-point coprocessors were a consideration. Optimal implementation of floating point operation is to shift the numbers closer to 1 (to force quicker conversion of the power series) and then shift the result back. For integer power, a more accurate result can be had in O(log(p)) time by doing something like this:
// p is a positive integer power set somewhere above, n is the number to raise to power p
int result = 1;
while( p != 0){
if (p & 1){
result *= n;
n = n*n;
p = p >> 1;
Because all ints can be upcast to a double without loss and the pow function on a double is no less efficient that that on an int.
The reason lies behind the implementation of Math.pow() (JNI of default implementation). The CPU has an exponentiation module which works with doubles as input and output. Why should Java convert that for you when you have much better control over this yourself?
For floor and ceil the reasons are the same, but note that:
(int) Math.floor(d) == (int) d; // d > 0
(int) Math.ceil(d) == -(int)(-d); // d < 0
For most cases (no warranty around or beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE or Integer.MIN_VALUE).
Java leaves you with
(int) Math.pow(a,b)
because the result of Math.pow may even be NaN or Infinity depending on input.

What data type can be used to hold the value of the factorial of 100,000,000?

Data type to hold a very large number say 1000 or more digits?
I need to find the factorial of a large number say 100000000.
My factorial program works nice for a smaller number.
long factorial(int x)
long fact=1;
System.out.println("Incorrect input, enter a positive number");
return fact;
You need a BigInteger. It can hold an arbitrarily large number.
But in your case 100000000! is such a huge number, that nothing can help.
You should use a log of gamma function, since gamma(n) = (n-1)! Far more efficient than your naive, student way of doing things. It'll be a double in that case, and the natural log will grow more slowly than the value does.
Recursion? Please. Your problem won't be the size of the value you pass back - you'll get too many stack frames and out of memory error long before that.
While BigInteger will theoretically handle such a value, you won't be able to compute it in practise.
First, your algorithm uses recursion, so you'd need 100.000.000 recursive calls of factorial. You'll get stack overflow far before computing the result. You'd have to modify your algorithm to avoid recursion (use a loop for example).
Second, the result will be huge. Using formulas for approximating factorials such as
log n! ~~ n log(n/e)
we can conclude that your number will have more than 750.000.000 digits. While with some luck you might be able to fit it into your memory, you will certainly not be able to compute the number in any reasonable time. Just imagine - you'll have to perform 100.000.000 multiplications with numbers that have hundreds of millions of digits.

Secure random number of aproximately given size

I'm doing a Secret Sharing algorithm which encrypts a a message. To do that I need a bigger than message prime and some random numbers of aproximately the same size as the message.
I can do the first with BigInteger.probablePrime(MsgSize+8) but I do not know how to do the later.
I was using Random and later SecureRandom but they don't generate numbers of a given length. My solution was to do randomInt ^ randomInt to BigInteger but is obviously a bad solution.
Some ideas?
Is it Shamir's Secret Sharing that you're implementing? If so, note that you don't actually need a prime bigger than the entire message — it's perfectly fine to break the message into chunks of some manageable size and to share each chunk separately using a fixed prime.
Also, Shamir's Secret Sharing doesn't need a prime-sized field; it's possible to use any finite field GF(pn), including in particular the binary fields GF(2n). Such fields are particularly convenient for computer implementation, since the both the secret and share chunks will then be simply n-bit bitstrings.
The only complications are that, in non-prime fields, you'll have to implement finite field arithmetic (or find an existing implementation) and that you'll need to choose a particular reducing polynomial and agree upon it. However, the former isn't really as complicated as it might seem, and the latter isn't really any harder than choosing and agreeing on a prime. (In particular, a reducing polynomial for GF(2n) can be naturally represented as an n-bit bitstring, dropping the high bit which is always 1.)
Have you tried using the same probablePrime method with a smaller size, then using a large random integer as an offset from that number? That might do the trick, just an idea.
I had the same problem (thats why i found this post).
It is a little late but maybe someone else finds this method usefull:
public static BigDecimal getBigRandom(int d)
BigDecimal rnd = new BigDecimal(Math.random());
BigDecimal rndtmp;
for(int i=0;i<=d;i++)
rndtmp = new BigDecimal(Math.random());
rndtmp = rndtmp.movePointLeft(rnd.precision());
rnd = rnd.add(rndtmp);
return rnd;
BigDecimal x = getBigRandom(y);
every y will give you approximately 50 digits.
if you need more than (2^31-1)*50 digits simply change int to long ;-)
dont know if it is good, but works for me

How do you raise a Java BigInteger to the power of a BigInteger without doing modular arithmetic?

I'm doing some large integer computing, and I need to raise a BigInteger to the power of another BigInteger. The .pow() method does what I want, but takes an int value as an argument. The .modPow method takes a BigInteger as an argument, but I do not want an answer congruent to the value I'm trying to compute.
My BigInteger exponent is too large to be represented as an int, can someone suggest a way to work around this limitation?
You shouldn't try to calculate the power of an extremely large number with another extremely large number. The resulting number would use huge amounts of memory. If you calculate a.pow(b) it will have approximately log(a)*b digits. If b is too large to fit in an integer then for even quite small values of a the result will have several billion digits.
Try to rethink what you are trying to achieve and how to achieve it without doing this operation.
The practical solution is to convert the exponent from a BigInteger to an int.
If you cannot do this because the exponent is too large, your algorithm is unimplementable. The resulting number would almost certainly be too large to represent as a BigInteger. (A BigInteger uses an array of bytes to represent the number, and the maximum size of a Java array is 2**31 - 1 elements no matter how large the heap is.) And even if you implemented a "BiggerInteger" class that would represent the number, you would soon be pushing the limits of the physical memory size of your machine. (And the time taken to do calculate N.pow(M) would be ... NP-tricky ... O((MlogN)^M) I think).
Of course, if the number you are taking the power of is 0, 1 or -1, then the result will easily fit in a BigInteger. But in those cases, there are better ways to calculate the power :-).
You can't find the the value of "Java BigInteger to-the-power BigInteger" because according to JavaDoc "BigInteger must support values in the range -2^Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive) to +2^Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive) and may support values outside of that range."
So, Java BigInteger does not support anything above 2^Integer.MAX_VALUE. Tha's why pow method does not take any argument above int.
Hope this answer helps.
Assuming we've already accepted the fact that we shouldn't do this for the reasons outlined in all of the previous answers, here's a working solution that can be used for testing purposes only:
Exponent greater than or equal to 0
BigInteger pow(BigInteger base, BigInteger exponent) {
BigInteger result = BigInteger.ONE;
for (BigInteger i = BigInteger.ZERO; i.compareTo(exponent) != 0; i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
result = result.multiply(base);
return result;
This will work for both positive and negative bases. You might want to handle 0 to the power of 0 according to your needs, since that's technically undefined.
Exponent can be both positive or negative
BigDecimal allIntegersPow(BigInteger base, BigInteger exponent) {
if (BigInteger.ZERO.compareTo(exponent) > 0) {
return BigDecimal.ONE.divide(new BigDecimal(pow(base, exponent.negate())), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
return new BigDecimal(pow(base, exponent));
This uses the first method to return a BigDecimal with 2 decimal places, you can define the scale and rounding mode as per your needs.
Again, you should not do this in a real-life, production-level system.

