I'm trying to implement JWT based authentication in TomEE 8 (based on Tomcat 9).
I use org.glassfish.soteria:jakarta.security.enterprise:1.0.1 as an implementation of Jakarta Security.
Following this tutorial https://github.com/payara/Payara-Examples/blob/master/javaee/security-jwt-example/src/main/java/fish/payara/examples/security/JWTAuthenticationMechanism.java java class looks like this:
public class JWTAuthenticationMechanism implements HttpAuthenticationMechanism
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JWTAuthenticationMechanism.class.getName());
* Access to the
* IdentityStore(AuthenticationIdentityStore,AuthorizationIdentityStore) is
* abstracted by the IdentityStoreHandler to allow for multiple identity
* stores to logically act as a single IdentityStore
private IdentityStoreHandler identityStoreHandler;
private TokenProvider tokenProvider;
public AuthenticationStatus validateRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpMessageContext context) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "validateRequest: {0}", request.getRequestURI());
// Get the (caller) name and password from the request
// NOTE: This is for the smallest possible example only. In practice
// putting the password in a request query parameter is highly insecure
String name = request.getParameter("name");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
String token = extractToken(context);
if (name != null && password != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "credentials : {0}, {1}", new String[]{name, password});
// validation of the credential using the identity store
CredentialValidationResult result = identityStoreHandler.validate(new UsernamePasswordCredential(name, password));
if (result.getStatus() == CredentialValidationResult.Status.VALID) {
// Communicate the details of the authenticated user to the container and return SUCCESS.
return createToken(result, context);
// if the authentication failed, we return the unauthorized status in the http response
return context.responseUnauthorized();
} else if (token != null) {
// validation of the jwt credential
return validateToken(token, context);
} else if (context.isProtected()) {
// A protected resource is a resource for which a constraint has been defined.
// if there are no credentials and the resource is protected, we response with unauthorized status
return context.responseUnauthorized();
// there are no credentials AND the resource is not protected,
// SO Instructs the container to "do nothing"
return context.doNothing();
User sends login request with username and password, identityStoreHandler validates it. Then we generate JWT token and send it back. Frontend attaches it to each next request.
This works.
validateRequest() is triggered for every request, protected or unprotected. As I understand it comes from the spec and is a desired behaviour.
Now, if token is expired and user sends request to not protected url - it will be rejected, because token is present and invalid.
I want first to check if url is protected or not and only if it's protected check for token presence and validity. But ((HttpMessageContext ) context.isProtected()) always returns false. In controller protected methods are annotated with #RolesAllowed and #PermitAll annotations. I tried this also with web.xml based constraints, but isProtected() is still false.
Why is it always false?
I was under the wrong impression that annotation-based security and via descriptor (web.xml) are interchangeable.
If web.xml doesn't contain any security constraints - requests of unauthenticated user to resources with #RolesAllowed are rejected with 403 error, requests to resources with #PermitAll are fulfilled. This is strange behaviour, both require authenticated user and should be rejected.
If web.xml has auth-constraint tag then context.isProtected() returns true for that url-pattern.
But it still returns false for methods annotated with #RolesAllowed and #PermitAll, if path in those methods doesn't match url-pattern in web.xml.
According to this https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQTP_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.base.doc/ae/twbs_jaxrs_impl_securejaxrs_annotations.html
Annotated constraints are additional to any configured security constraints. The JAX-RS runtime environment checks for annotated constraints after the web container runtime environment has checked for security constraints that are configured in the web.xml file.
Does it mean that container based security (Soteria) will not consider annotated methods as protected?
I'm trying to configure a Spring Boot application with Keycloak to have an endpoint that is both accessible for authenticated and unauthenticated users. For authenticated users, I want to return some extra information. Here is a simple example of what I'm trying to achieve:
public class HelloController {
public String index(Principal principal) {
KeycloakPrincipal keycloakPrincipal = (KeycloakPrincipal) principal;
if (keycloakPrincipal != null) {
return "Hello " + keycloakPrincipal.getKeycloakSecurityContext().getToken().getPreferredUsername();
} else {
return "Hello";
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].authRoles[0] = *
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].securityCollections[0].name = Hello
keycloak.securityConstraints[0].securityCollections[0].patterns[0] = /*
So far, I only got it to work for one of both cases. If I protect the endpoint using the security constraint above, the endpoint is only accessible to authenticated users. If I remove the security constraint, the endpoint is accessible for everyone, but then the principal will always be null.
Is it possible to achieve the intended behavior?
Have you tried something like Principal principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();?
I believe the Principal as method parameter is only populated on secured endpoints but am unsure if it would exist in the SecurityContext. If not, you need to add a Filter to add it yourself.
I was able to solve the problem by calling the authenticate() method on the HttpServletRequest object. This will trigger the authentication process and will populate the user principal whenever possible. From the docs:
Triggers the same authentication process as would be triggered if the
request is for a resource that is protected by a security constraint.
To avoid triggering an authentication challenge, I pass in a dummy response object to the authenticate() call.
Java + Spring (and Spring Security) here, interested in implementing a JWT-based auth mechanism for my web service using bearer tokens. My understanding of the proper way of using Spring Security for authentication and authorization is through the use of provided (or custom) filters as follows:
you specify which URLs in your app are authenticated (and thus require authenticated requests to access)
this is typically done in an #EnableWebSecurity-annotated web security class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
for any unauthenticated URLs, no filters should block access to the resources being requested
an authentication filter effectively provides a "sign in" endpoint
request clients should hit this signin endpoint (authn filter) initially to obtain an auth token that can be used for making subsequent API calls
this filter should receive a type of "sign in request" object that contains a principal (e.g. username) and credential (e.g. password)
this authn filter should use the principal/credential contained in the sign in request to determine if they represents a valid user in the system
if so, an auth token (JWT, etc.) is generated and sent back to the requesters in the response somehow
else, if the principal/credential don't match a valid user in the system, an error response is returned and authentication fails
for authenticated URLs, a verification filter verifies that the request contains an auth token and that the auth token is valid (was signed correctly, contains user information such as JWT claims, is not expired, etc.)
if the auth token is valid, the request continues on to the authorization filter (see below)
else if the auth token is not valid, verification fails and the filter sends an error response back to the client
finally, an authorization filter verifies that the user associated with the valid auth token has the ability/permission to make such a request
if they do, then the request is allowed to continue on to whatever resources/controller was written to handle it, and that resource/controller provides the response back to the requester
if they don't, an error response is returned to the client
ideally the logic (code) inside this authz filter would have access to the permission annotations added to the resource method, so that I can add endpoints and specify permissions on them without having to modify the code of the authz filter
So to begin with, if anything I have stated above is a Spring Security (or web security in general) anti-pattern or is misled, please begin by providing course correction and steering me in the right direction!
Assuming I'm more or less understanding the "auth flow" above correctly...
Are there any specific Spring Security filters that take care of all of this for me already, or that can be extended and have a few methods overridden to behave this way? Or anything that comes really close? Looking at the list of authentication-specific Spring Security filters I see:
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter -> looks like a decent candidate for the authn filter but expects a username and password parameter on the query string which is strange to me, and most importantly, does not generate a JWT
CasAuthenticationFilter -> looks like its used for CAS-based SSO and is not appropriate for use in non-SSO contexts
BasicAuthenticationFilter -> for HTTP basic authentication-based auth, not appropriate for more sophisticated setups
As for token verification and authorization, I (much to my surprise) don't see anything in the Spring Security landscape that could qualify.
Unless anyone knows of JWT-specific filters that I can use or subclass easily, I think I need to implement my own custom filters, in which case I'm wondering how to conigure Spring Security to use them and not use any of these other authentication filters (such as UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter) as part of the filter chain.
As I understand it, you want to:
Authenticate users via a username and password and respond with a JWT
On subsequent requests, authenticate users using that JWT
username/password -> JWT isn't an established authentication mechanism on its own, which is why Spring Security doesn't yet have direct support.
You can get it on your own pretty easily, though.
First, create a /token endpoint that produces a JWT:
public class TokenController {
RSAPrivateKey key;
public String token(Authentication authentication) {
Instant now = Instant.now();
long expiry = 36000L;
// #formatter:off
String scope = authentication.getAuthorities().stream()
.collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
JWTClaimsSet claims = new JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
.issueTime(new Date(now.toEpochMilli()))
.expirationTime(new Date(now.plusSeconds(expiry).toEpochMilli()))
.claim("scope", scope)
// #formatter:on
JWSHeader header = new JWSHeader.Builder(JWSAlgorithm.RS256).build();
SignedJWT jwt = new SignedJWT(header, claims);
return sign(jwt).serialize();
SignedJWT sign(SignedJWT jwt) {
try {
jwt.sign(new RSASSASigner(this.key));
return jwt;
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
Second, configure Spring Security to allow HTTP Basic (for the /token endpoint) and JWT (for the rest):
public class RestConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
RSAPublicKey key;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
http.authorizeRequests((authz) -> authz.anyRequest().authenticated())
.csrf((csrf) -> csrf.ignoringAntMatchers("/token"))
.sessionManagement((session) -> session
.exceptionHandling((exceptions) -> exceptions
.authenticationEntryPoint(new BearerTokenAuthenticationEntryPoint())
.accessDeniedHandler(new BearerTokenAccessDeniedHandler())
// #formatter:on
UserDetailsService users() {
// #formatter:off
return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(
// #formatter:on
JwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {
return NimbusJwtDecoder.withPublicKey(this.key).build();
I think there's appetite to add support for something like this in spring-authorization-server to reduce the /token boilerplate, if you're interested in contributing your efforts!
I've been trying to implement OAuth2 password expiration filter and I'm unsure about what the proper way would be to do so. The idea is as follows:
User tries to login.
User gets response with a header containing token if the password is expired.
User get's redirected to password change page using that token (i.e. /password-change/{token}).
He submits his old and new passwords, it gets changed.
Some rest controller retrieves user id by that token and does the rest password changing logic.
User should be redirected back to the initial login page where he logins with his new password (if he would be logged in instantly after the password change, he could navigate through secured pages even if the password would not be changed in background due to some exception, etc.).
So... I set a custom flag in user details for password expiration because I can't use credentialsNonExpired as it gets validated in DaoAuthenticationProvider and thrown as an exception which gets processed as InvalidGrantException which doesn't give me much control. I've figured out that in order to access user details right after it's authentication my filter should be in the inner Spring Security filter chain placed after OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter:
protected static class ResourceServerConfiguration extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.addFilterAfter(new PasswordExpirationFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class
Why does my filter get placed after OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter while there's no BasicAuthenticationFilter in the chain? I've digged through Spring Security and OAuth2 documentation and sources and couldn't find the right answer.
If that user's password is expired my filter generates some random string and it saves it to retrieve user details later during the password change request (at least it should be):
public class PasswordExpirationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter implements Filter, InitializingBean {
private static final String TOKEN_HEADER = ...;
private ExpiredPasswordRepository repo; // gets set in a constructor and is basically holding a concurrent map of tokens
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
UserDetails details = (UserDetails) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
if (details.isPasswordExpired) {
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
repo.push(uuid, details.getId());
request.getSession(false).invalidate(); // don't create a new session
response.addHeader(TOKEN_HEADER, uuid);
response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "Credentials have expired");
} else {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
Do I have to revoke the OAuth token as well? It gets reused in later requests and I keep getting the last userDetails object and therefore I keep getting the same response from my filter.
Is it even the right place to do all this validation? How should one validate the password for the concrete user and not the OAuth client?
Ok, I think I resolved this issue by revoking the access token via injected TokenStore in my filter (I used BearerTokenExtractor to get the token value) which seems pretty logical in this situtation. I still had no time to figure out, why my filter gets placed after OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter, though.
I've a set of APIs under /api. If my shiro.ini lists this as:
/api/** = authcBasic
Then basic auth is required. If anon is present in place of authcBasic then no auth is required. I'd like to be able to use the APIs with basic auth so I can e.g. programatically check the user is authenticated for POSTs and yet still allow anonymous access to GETs on the same URI. Alternatively to hide restricted data at the same URI for anonymous users and reveal it for auth'd users.
Is this possible?
You can roll your own custom shiro filter. Extend class BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter and override onPreHandle where you can check the servlet request method if it is GET or POST and act on it.
So something like:
public class MyFilter extends BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter {
protected boolean onPreHandle(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, Object mappedValue) {
if ("GET".equals((HttpServletRequest)request).getMethod()){
return true;
return super.onPreHandle(request, response, mappedValue);
And in shiro.ini:
myfilter = mypackage.MyFilter
/api/** = myfilter
Have you tried:
/api/** = authcBasic[permissive]
if user/password is set, shiro sends 401 if they are wrong
if user/password is not set, no 401. SecurityUtils.getSubject().authenticated is false
I think this works.
protected boolean onAccessDenied(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) throws Exception {
boolean loggedIn = false; //false by default or we wouldn't be in this method
if (isLoginAttempt(request, response)) {
loggedIn = executeLogin(request, response);
if (!loggedIn) {
// sendChallenge(request, response);
return true;
return loggedIn;
i.e. if authorisation details are provided execute login as normal (401 if auth details are invalid), else allow them in anyway (then check if authenticated, authorised later).
There's a caveat to this method though in that while it works with curl tests, using Apache's HttpClient Fluent API seems to send a request without authorisation and then send a second request with the credentials after a challenge response, which we're obviously now not sending. Arguably a bug in HttpClient but seeing as we've presumably deviated from the basic auth spec it's probably asking for it. So YMMV. This can be worked around by using preemptive auth and specifying the header value as suggested here.
After a new user submits a 'New account' form, I want to manually log that user in so they don't have to login on the subsequent page.
The normal form login page going through the spring security interceptor works just fine.
In the new-account-form controller I am creating a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken and setting it in the SecurityContext manually:
On that same page I later check that the user is logged in with:
This returns the authorities I set earlier in the authentication. All is well.
But when this same code is called on the very next page I load, the authentication token is just UserAnonymous.
I'm not clear why it did not keep the authentication I set on the previous request. Any thoughts?
Could it have to do with session ID's not being set up correctly?
Is there something that is possibly overwriting my authentication somehow?
Perhaps I just need another step to save the authentication?
Or is there something I need to do to declare the authentication across the whole session rather than a single request somehow?
Just looking for some thoughts that might help me see what's happening here.
I couldn't find any other full solutions so I thought I would post mine. This may be a bit of a hack, but it resolved the issue to the above problem:
AuthenticationServiceImpl authenticationManager;
public void login(HttpServletRequest request, String userName, String password) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userName, password);
// Authenticate the user
Authentication authentication = authenticationManager.authenticate(authRequest);
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
// Create a new session and add the security context.
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
session.setAttribute("SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT", securityContext);
I had the same problem as you a while back. I can't remember the details but the following code got things working for me. This code is used within a Spring Webflow flow, hence the RequestContext and ExternalContext classes. But the part that is most relevant to you is the doAutoLogin method.
public String registerUser(UserRegistrationFormBean userRegistrationFormBean,
RequestContext requestContext,
ExternalContext externalContext) {
try {
Locale userLocale = requestContext.getExternalContext().getLocale();
this.userService.createNewUser(userRegistrationFormBean, userLocale, Constants.SYSTEM_USER_ID);
String emailAddress = userRegistrationFormBean.getChooseEmailAddressFormBean().getEmailAddress();
String password = userRegistrationFormBean.getChoosePasswordFormBean().getPassword();
doAutoLogin(emailAddress, password, (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getNativeRequest());
return "success";
} catch (EmailAddressNotUniqueException e) {
MessageResolver messageResolvable
= new MessageBuilder().error()
return "error";
private void doAutoLogin(String username, String password, HttpServletRequest request) {
try {
// Must be called from request filtered by Spring Security, otherwise SecurityContextHolder is not updated
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password);
token.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetails(request));
Authentication authentication = this.authenticationProvider.authenticate(token);
logger.debug("Logging in with [{}]", authentication.getPrincipal());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failure in autoLogin", e);
Ultimately figured out the root of the problem.
When I create the security context manually no session object is created. Only when the request finishes processing does the Spring Security mechanism realize that the session object is null (when it tries to store the security context to the session after the request has been processed).
At the end of the request Spring Security creates a new session object and session ID. However this new session ID never makes it to the browser because it occurs at the end of the request, after the response to the browser has been made. This causes the new session ID (and hence the Security context containing my manually logged on user) to be lost when the next request contains the previous session ID.
Turn on debug logging to get a better picture of what is going on.
You can tell if the session cookies are being set by using a browser-side debugger to look at the headers returned in HTTP responses. (There are other ways too.)
One possibility is that SpringSecurity is setting secure session cookies, and your next page requested has an "http" URL instead of an "https" URL. (The browser won't send a secure cookie for an "http" URL.)
The new filtering feature in Servlet 2.4 basically alleviates the restriction that filters can only operate in the request flow before and after the actual request processing by the application server. Instead, Servlet 2.4 filters can now interact with the request dispatcher at every dispatch point. This means that when a Web resource forwards a request to another resource (for instance, a servlet forwarding the request to a JSP page in the same application), a filter can be operating before the request is handled by the targeted resource. It also means that should a Web resource include the output or function from other Web resources (for instance, a JSP page including the output from multiple other JSP pages), Servlet 2.4 filters can work before and after each of the included resources. .
To turn on that feature you need:
return "forward:/login?j_username=" + registrationModel.getUserEmail()
+ "&j_password=" + registrationModel.getPassword();
I was trying to test an extjs application and after sucessfully setting a testingAuthenticationToken this suddenly stopped working with no obvious cause.
I couldn't get the above answers to work so my solution was to skip out this bit of spring in the test environment. I introduced a seam around spring like this:
public class SpringUserAccessor implements UserAccessor
public User getUser()
SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
Authentication authentication = context.getAuthentication();
return (User) authentication.getPrincipal();
User is a custom type here.
I'm then wrapping it in a class which just has an option for the test code to switch spring out.
public class CurrentUserAccessor
private static UserAccessor _accessor;
public CurrentUserAccessor()
_accessor = new SpringUserAccessor();
public User getUser()
return _accessor.getUser();
public static void UseTestingAccessor(User user)
_accessor = new TestUserAccessor(user);
The test version just looks like this:
public class TestUserAccessor implements UserAccessor
private static User _user;
public TestUserAccessor(User user)
_user = user;
public User getUser()
return _user;
In the calling code I'm still using a proper user loaded from the database:
User user = (User) _userService.loadUserByUsername(username);
Obviously this wont be suitable if you actually need to use the security but I'm running with a no-security setup for the testing deployment. I thought someone else might run into a similar situation. This is a pattern I've used for mocking out static dependencies before. The other alternative is you can maintain the staticness of the wrapper class but I prefer this one as the dependencies of the code are more explicit since you have to pass CurrentUserAccessor into classes where it is required.