So, I have three users in my oracle database: user_role, admin_role, provider_role. They have access to execute different procedures. Also, I have a Spring boot app with a login page. How can I change my connection to the database according to the database role?
In your data model, you should introduce a concept called permissions and roles. A role can hold multiple different permissions. You don't need three different tables like user_role, admin_roles, and provider_role. Just create a single table for users, another tables for roles and permissions. For every user there will be at least one role and each role can hold multiple permissions.
Your SpringBoot application should have an authorization layer. All the execution path should goes through this authorization layer. All your model(DB) layer access, constrained with the permissions allowed for different type of users. That gate keeping task is going to be taken care by your authorization layer in your service.
I have two realms in Keycloak "internal" and "external".
As a user (not Admin!) from "internal" realm I would like to get list of users from "external" realm.
There is default Role "view_users" but I guess it's only for the users from the same realm right ?
is it possible as not admin user to access to another realm ?
how it would look like in java Spring Boot ?
This is not possible in Keycloak by design, realms are isolated from each other. The exception to this rule is the master realm. A user that is in the master and has the global admin role is allowed to do everything in all realms.
In addition, there are (automatically generated) management clients for all realms in the master realm, in your case named internal-realm and external-realm. These clients, in turn, have a list of client-roles that allow the user that is in those roles, to perform specific actions. You can read more about this in the Keycloak documentation here.
I have a spring boot application with a MySQL database which is designed to store information about doctor appointments.
Let's say that I have an endpoint at localhost:8080/visit/{id} which is secured as such that only authenticated users with group claims of patient and doctor can access it.
How can I integrate an okta user who is a doctor or a patient, which I use to log in with with this database table relationship?
I thought of storing the user data in a local table on login based on the user claims, but it duplicates the users stored in okta which seems pointless.
Maybe it's not a bad idea to store the user data in a local table on login based on the user claims since you might need to correlate some other info for this user, which might not be convenient to use Okta user only.
I have two modules - Gateway and Micro-services, generated using jhipster. Both using different databases. All the user and permission entities are in the gateway database, while the components generated and used by these users are in the micro-services database tables (Each of these tables have a column created_by_id which stores the user_id of the gateway user table by which the component is created).
I have an api, which requires a list of all the components and its corresponding user information in a single ResponseEntity.
Proposed Solution
To achieve this, i need to access the gateway user table information in micro-services.
How can i access a table from a different database in micro-services?
My application has currently two types of users: Admin or Normal user.
The application has several projects: 100 or more. Per project the user has a different role like project owner, client, etc...
I'm now figuring out the best way to put those subroles in place.
Because in my services I want to use PreAuthorise("hasRole('OWNER')") so that only the right people can execute an update or whatever.
What I was trying now was giving every project a list of users that are working on it with a roles (project owner, client, etc...) when I login via Spring Security I retrieve the user and fetch all the projects where he is part of and then I add roles as follows ROLE_PROJECTNAME_OWNER or ROLE_PROJECTNAME_CLIENT.
The thing is that I can't use the HASROLE because there are a lot of projects so I can't annotate in advance which projects there are to allow a method call in my service layer. I also can't just add OWNER because then I don't know in which project. So I'm a little bit stuck here how to do this properly.
Define your own service to manage access with user/project/role and call this service directly on your #PreAUthorize.
Have a look to :
Why don't you separate your users and the groups they form part of, from the roles and services they can access.
There are various ways you can do this, but one approach is to have the central authentication framework provide you the groups of the user once he performs authentication.
Now within each service, there will be a mapping between groups and roles. The roles are application specific, the authentication service or the other applications do not care about them. You might store this mapping in the individual application's database, or in a simple configuration file (maybe simply in application.yaml of the specific application).
Your groups currently are Admin and Normal but you could have others. A user could also be a member of multiple groups. So in application 1 you could say that Admin users can do role 1, role 2, role 3, while Normal users can only do role 1. Again it is many to many. This is something your UserDetails instance would carry once it recognizes the authenticated user and his groups, which are then mapped to roles as part of your Spring Security configuration. You will then be able to do PreAuthorise("hasRole('OWNER')") etc. on your services.
This way, if you add more users, you just put them in the right groups to give them access to the individual services. If you want to create new profiles, instead of just Admin and Normal, or special groups, you just do it once and update the configuration of the individual application to recognise that group if it is relevant to it (remember the user can be a member of multiple groups, so you don't even need each application to know about each group).
I don't know what mechanism you are using for single sign on authentication. But in spirit of microservices and minimal sharing between applications, you could actually put the groups as scopes in your token (if you are using JWT for example). This way the application receiving the token not only knows that the user was authenticated but knows the groups of the user without even making a query to any other system.
This architecture you will have is shown in the picture.
Each use case (service method annotated with #PreAuthorise) will have a role.
Each user will be associated with a number of groups the authentication system will provide. (For example groups in Active Directory). Upon receiving the authentication information of the user, the groups will be mapped to the roles specific to the application and populated in the UserDetails Spring Security object. Each annotated method will then get the application specific roles (not the global groups).
This gives you the flexibility to add as many groups as you like that can have the same application role.
I have an application built on Spring MVC that uses Hibernate for all of it's DB interaction needs. There is now a need to update the application to use our LDAP infrastructure to drive the user information, including basic user data, such as name and email, as well as authentication and authorization needs as well.
Since everything has been in one spot (the DB) up to now, the reports are all fairly straightforward, since Hibernate is managing retrieval of information as needed when starting with the required queries. Grabbing the users' name, etc. is very simple, since Hibernate loads the data lazily.
With the desire to drive the user information with LDAP, Hibernate will no longer be able to populate the user information on the fly, since it won't be managing the users' data. How should we use LDAP to drive the user data and deal with authentication / authorization without causing to much pain when we need to grab user data like Name, etc.?
We have considered using a hybrid approach where LDAP is treated as the "source" for the data and the current system is left as-is. This would require changes to the transaction processing code to update against LDAP so that the live transaction is using up-to-date information, and also a periodic sync against LDAP to keep the application DB up-to-date for reporting purposes.
This solution seems a bit hacky, and seems to have a lot of moving parts, but I could not find much on this subject elsewhere on the web.
How should user information be handled / how should the app be structured so that all of the user information is still easily accessible and can be easily tied to the rest of the system for reporting purposes? Is there a way to integrate Spring LDAP and Hibernate so that layers above the data layer don't have to know? Or is pulling the info from LDAP into the existing database the easiest way to go?
If you can not drop the user table at all, because it is used from other entities, then my suggestion is to separete the security stuff from the business stuff.
This mean remove the only for security needed information from the user table (login, password, ...), so that only the stuff remains that is needed to implement the buiness cases.
Then rewrite the security stuff so that is is based on the LDAP. I guess you find a way to get the user data base object for an given prinipal.
Only one thing will remain, how to create new user database entities if a new person get a new login. You have 3 choices, what is the best one strongly depends on your application:
Create the database entity if the users first login
Create the database entity if you first need it
Create the database entity when it is created in the LDAO (or some minites later) for example with an cron job, or some Spring Scheduling service.