I am using quarkus framework for java application.I have created 2 rest apis for consuming file data.
public Response uploadFile(byte[] fileData) {
System.out.println("Received file of size = " + fileData.length);
String s = new String(fileData);
return Response.ok().build();
public void uploadFile(#MultipartForm FormData fileData) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Received file of size = ");
return Response.ok().build();
FormData class looks like this
public class FormData {
public File file;
While both of these rest endpoint works fine for small files. But if i upload file as big as 700MB first endpoint fails with OOM issue while file upload with multipart-form succeed. Can someone explain how memory is managed in case of multipart-form upload?
The second API saves the file to a temp file on the file system. (which I believe is being automatically deleted when the call completes and the File is closed)
The first API saves the file to a byte stream (array) in memory - that's why you're getting an OOM error.
I have Jersey endpoint that is attempting to create a CSV file and return it via GET; however, all these attempts end up with the same result - the ok status (200) is returned but no file.
public Response dumpAllResearchAndSupportData() {
QuickDumpBuilderService dumpBuilderService = getQuickDumpService();
List<DevelopmentProposal> researchOtherProposals = dumpBuilderService.getAllResearchRecords();
String csvLocation = dumpBuilderService.buildCSV(researchOtherProposals);
File file = new File(csvLocation);
String filename = "reserach_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".csv";
return Response.ok(file, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename).build();
My CSV file is properly created, but it fails to be returned along with the response.
Notice above, I'm writing the CSV to a temporary location in my tomcat folder and then passing the path to that file back and then attempting to read that from the location here.
Another attempt with the same result where instead of writing the CSV to temp location, I'm just trying to write the ByteArrayOutputStream to the response object.
public Response dumpAllResearchAndSupportData() {
QuickDumpBuilderService dumpBuilderService = getQuickDumpService();
// Step 1. Retrieve all research and other proposals
List<DevelopmentProposal> researchOtherProposals = dumpBuilderService.getAllResearchRecords();
// Step 2. Create CSV File
ByteArrayOutputStream csvBaos = dumpBuilderService.buildCSV(researchOtherProposals);
// Step 3. Create spreadsheet
ByteArrayOutputStream excelBaos = dumpBuilderService.createExcelSpreadsheet(csvBaos, servlet);
// Step 4. Return spreadsheet
Response.ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok(excelBaos);
return response.build();
Another attempt where I added this "writer" into the response. This attempt generated an error that a "MessageBodyWriter for the ByteArrayStream was not found." That prompted the attempt below.
public Response dumpAllResearchAndSupportData() {
// Step 4. Return spreadsheet
return Response.ok(getOut(csvBaos.toByteArray())).build();
private StreamingOutput getOut(final byte[] csvBytes) {
return new StreamingOutput() {
public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
I've looked at the following similar answers, and I've attempted all of them with no success.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong - I suspect that it's something to do with how I setup my endpoint and defer to the Java REST API experts here.
File download/save from a Jersey rest api call using ANGULARJS . file is attached with response as "Content-Disposition"
Download CSV file via Rest
jersey - StreamingOutput as Response entity
Thanks for your help.
I want to write a client code to consume an API. The API is expecting a text file. When I select the binary file option in the postman tool and select any text file from my local it worked. how to implement this in spring ?. I have tried MULTIPART_FORM_DATA but no luck.
If You mean file
public class FileContentController {
#RequestMapping(value="/up", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> upload(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file)
throws IOException {
String contentType=file.getContentType());
InputStream i=file.getInputStream();
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
return null;
also spring boot has multi part confs, you should enable it and set size and tempdir
,In Earlier version spring boot need to add:
However in your client code you should not set content-type application/json in your header post request
simple fetch should be such
const input = document.getElementById('uploadInput');
const data = new FormData();
data.append('file', input.files[0]);
var resp = await fetch('upload/', {
method: 'POST',
body: data
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${resp.status}`);
if (resp.ok) {
await this.images();
i have a simple question.
Lets say that i want to download multiple specific images when i call my GET method in my REST API from a directory, given that i have their names. eg.
And i want to download name2.png, name3.png.
Everything that i could dig up was regarding only 1 image per call, like this:
public class ImageService {
private static final String FILE_PATH = "c:\\picture.png";
public Response getFile() {
File file = new File(FILE_PATH);
ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok((Object) file);
"attachment; filename=image_from_server.png");
return response.build();
The thing that has come to my mind is to send a zip or something like that. Could anyone tell me if this is possible, and if it is how to do it? Thanks.
I need to build a service that can receive 2 binary files (~100k each) and some metadata, preferably in json.
I found this, but it only seems to provide one InputStream to one of the parts. But I'd need two.. so what to do?
You have a few options
Simply add another parameter(s) with a different part annotation
public Response post(#FormDataParam("file1") InputStream file1,
#FormDaraParam("file2") InputStream file2) {
The parts can have the same part name, so you could do
public Response post(#FormDataParam("file") List<FormDataBodyPart> files) {
for (FormDataBodyPart file: files) {
FormDataContentDisposition fdcd = file.getFormDataContentDisposition();
String fileName = fdcd = getFileName();
InputStream is = file.getValueAs(InputStream.class);
You could traverse the entire multipart body youself
public Response post(FormDataMultiPart mulitPart) {
Map<String, List<FormDataBodyPart>> fields = multiPart.getFields();
See Also:
Sending multiple files with Jersey: MessageBodyWriter not found for multipart/form-data, for a complete example
File upload along with other object in Jersey restful web service, for how the handle the JSON as a POJO.
I'm using jersey as backend in one of my applications. I am having trouble in uplaoding file using jersey. I have used the common file upload code available on google.
public String setProfileImage(
#FormDataParam("profileimage") InputStream uploadedInputStream,
#QueryParam("myemail") String myemail) throws IOException {
String contextRoot = uri.getBaseUri().getPath();
String uploadedFileLocationOrig = httpRequest.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("") + "/images/" + myemail + "_orig.png";
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(uploadedInputStream, new File(uploadedFileLocationOrig));
return "true";
The code runs without error, but the image copied at the destination is not valid and an empty file is returned when I hit this file using its url.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
I finally figured it out, the version of Jersey was pretty old i.e. 1.17 and following code worked like a charm for me
public String setProfileImage(
final MimeMultipart file,
#QueryParam("myemail") String myemail) throws IOException, javax.mail.MessagingException {
String uploadedFileLocationOrig = httpRequest.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("") + "/images/" + myemail + "_orig.png";
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(file.getBodyPart(0).getInputStream(), new File(uploadedFileLocationOrig));
return "true";