i am working on a project that use swagger codegen, unfortunately they asked me to do a fix and I feel really stack, we have this swagger with an object, they requested me that in a specific object of the swagger when the class is generated the equals method must not check all the properties of the object and ignore one specific property, is possible so personalize the generation of the equals for a single object of swagger? for example using templates?
The only solution I can think of is using customized templates and extensions (e.g. x-skip-equal) to indicate a particular property needs extra handling.
I have a Kotlin object that has several fields exposed as static #JvmFields. The parser that I use (which I cannot edit or change) looks for public static fields and creates a configuration file based on those. Since the INSTANCE field is public too, the parser generates a new category called instance. Is there a way to add actual annotations to the INSTANCE field? I would want to add the #Ingore annotation to it so the parser does not use the INSTANCE field.
Basically, the answer is no, Kotlin does not allow annotating or altering the INSTANCE fields in any other way. If you believe this could be a useful feature, please file a feature request at kotl.in/issue.
The valid solutions to this problem are:
Make the bytecode analyzing tool Kotlin-aware, i.e. make it behave correctly with Kotlin declarations. Though this requires non-trivial job to be done and does not seem possible in your case, it could be a valuable time investment.
Create another ad-hoc tool that post-processes the classes produced by the Kotlin compiler and adds the annotations you need, then include that tool into your build.
I am using https://immutables.github.io/ library with Jackson.
I want my class to be Jackson-serializable. I would like to use custom PropertyNamingStrategy (configured for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper using mapper.setPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy.CAMEL_CASE_TO_LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES);
Unfortunately Immutables library puts #JsonProperty("propertyName") at every field in generated code. That overrides PropertyNamingStrategy defined at mapper level (or at class level, using #com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonNaming annotation).
Is it possible to make Immutables library stop putting property name for every field (using org.immutables.value.Value.Style or similar means)?
I have come with workaround, putting #JsonProperty (without value) at every property, but I am not satisfied with this.
Style property forceJacksonPropertyNames=false does not force property names to specific strings. It works with naming strategies configured at class level and at mapper level.
Introduction to styles is available here: http://immutables.github.io/style.html
You can read some background information about this setting in issues: https://github.com/immutables/immutables/issues/431 https://github.com/immutables/immutables/issues/353
Is it possible to load the value for the #PATH annotation from configuration (web.xml, etc) for a given class?
#Path(<value loaded from config>)
public class myRestService {
Independent of JAX-RS: Annotations in Java are compile time constants so they can't be changed at runtime.
I don't know your use case but possible ways to change the values of the annotations are:
Replacing variables before compilation, e.g. through a maven plugin.
Adding the #Path annotations dynamically like described here.
Using one generic ResourceClass mapped to /* which decides which subresource should be returned.
No comment if one of these approaches makes sense as I don't know why you want to change them. As the URI names a resource I don't see any reason to change it. See also: Cool URIs don't change
Update: JAX_RS_SPEC-60 requests "A Dynamic way to register JAX-RS resources (not based on annotations)".
According to JAX-RS specification (here), there is no standard way to do this, I think.
Need to serialize java objects to JSON while doing compression such as name change, exclusion etc. Objects use class from jar, source code of which is not available.
Looked through many libraries(Jackson , Gson), but found none solving this particular problem. Most of them are annotations based, which I can't use given I don't have source code.
One way to solve this problems is, use reflection and recursively go through object until you find a property name of which should be replaced or object is excluded in serialized JSON.
Need solution for this. Better if it is already implemented and tested.
You can also have a look at Genson library http://code.google.com/p/genson/.
You can rename and filter with quite concise code:
// renames all "fieldOfName" to "toName", excludes from serialization
// and deserialization fields named "fieldNamed" and declared in DefinedInClass
// and uses fields with all visibility (protected, private, etc)
Genson genson = new Genson.Builder().rename("fieldOfName", "toName")
.exclude("fieldNamed", DefinedInClass.class)
If you want to do some more complex filtering (based on annotations for example) you can implement BeanMutatorAccessorResolver or extend BaseResolver.
Same for property renaming you can implement PropertyNameResolver and have full control.
And finally if you want to filter fields, methods or constructors according to their modifiers you can define your own VisiblityFilter.
Concerning performances of filtering/renaming there should be no problem as it is done only once per class and then cached.
To start using Genson you can have a look at the Getting Started Guide.
Found solution to the problem.
Google gson has class called GsonBuilder which has methods for exclusion strategy and naming strategy.
Using these two methods implemented a custom solution, where all the mapping and exclusion rules are stored using a xml and used at the time of serialization and de-serialization.
Works perfectly, though not sure about the performance of same.
I was wondering if I can easily annotate Acceleo templates and then get these annotations when working with TraceabilityModel.
Acceleo is now using an annotation to determine entry points for generation:
[comment #main]
So I am asking, if I can use this mechanism to annotate my templates for other purposes, for example:
[comment #org.project.SimpleStatement]
[template public generateSimpleStatement(...)]
Then, I could be able to get the annotation programmatically when working with traceability model (probably using the org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.ModuleElement interface).
Acceleo's traceability does not support either annotations or comments : we only record traceability information for the actually generated text bits, not for any of the "extra" information (comments of the module, main annotation, metamodels ...).
That being answered, and though not possible through the means of an annotation, maybe your use case would be worth an enhancement request? Can you describe what you were expecting to achieve through this? (preferrably through the Eclipse M2T forum since stack overflow does not seem to be appropriate for such discussions ;)).
(Note : I am an active developper on Acceleo)