I created a Spring reactive based Controller/repository and use r2dbc-postgresql driver.
Previously, for testing classical Spring boot REST service I use EmbeddedPostgres. I tried to add the same for the reactive based controller but instead of embedded postgres it tries to connect to the normal local PostgreSQL DB.
Looks like async PostgreSQL driver is not compatible with embedded.
Is there any way to let them work together in my integration tests?
I'm making an application for a school project, but I'm running into the issue that when I try to run the unit tests that it tries to connect to the database while starting up the application, which isn't required for the tests (because it will be mocked), and is not available in the CI/CD pipeline.
jdbc connection error
I'm building my project in Java Maven Springboot and would like to know how I can prevent it from trying to connect to the database when running my test.
here is a link to my repository: https://gitlab.com/kwetter_jack/Kwetter_posts/-/tree/ci_cd_setup
Your test classes have #SpringBootTest annotation which will start a Spring application context - as your application uses a database the tests will also try to setup and use a database connection.
The simplest solution is to remove the annotation so the tests no longer try to connect to a database. You'll probably need to mock some more dependencies as a result as Spring is no longer creating these for you. You could also have a look at https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-testing for some other ideas how you could alter your tests.
Alternatively if you do want / need the application context to run you can add a application.yaml for the tests that defines and uses a in memory DB so the tests have something to connect to - see https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-h2-database for details how to do this.
Just change value under spring.datasource to H2 database to prevent
The application connect the real database.
Test application.yml
FYI, You no need to copy all config from original application.yml, just only some config that you need to override.
while I was investigating the spring boot H2 in-memory database (as suggested by Chris Olive and Paranaaan) I also came across the option of using a test container. after looking into this I saw that this enables the project to create a temp docker container with a MySQL image that I can use during the testing of my project, considering I was planning on using docker anyway for the integration testing of my microservices project I attempted this and it worked as I had hoped it would.
if anyone is interested in the test container solution that I used, the information can be found here:
I want to migrate to Micronaut or Quarkus from Spring Boot, but in Spring boot there is one feature as AbstractRoutingDataSource, which in runtime change datasouce. Is there anything similar or any mechanism in micronaut or quarkus which gives opportunity to work with multiple datasources in runtime??
Spring-boot feature for reference https://medium.com/innomizetech/dynamic-multi-database-application-with-spring-boot-7c61a743e914
I have been looking all over the internet on how to configure Spring MVC 3 with redis but all in vain. I want to connect to redis using Spring MVC 3.
I have worked with spring boot and spring-data-redis and everything is working fine. I can connect to redis and store sessions. But the project I am currently working on is legacy based. It uses spring 3 but I believe spring-data-redis is compatible with spring 4 and above. Are there any alternates to make connection between spring 3 and redis. Any tutorial would be helpful.
I expect to store session data like username in the redis using Spring MVC 3
Well, from the documentation of the oldiest available spring-data-redis release
it looks like the minimal 2.x version is indeed spring 4
However, Spring data redis 1.x should work with spring 3.x:
Having said that I haven't tried it by myself and if you're only storing sessions in redis, maybe using spring data is an overkill.
After all you can create a Jedis plugin by yourself, expose it as a bean and call the commands directly via the jedis driver. Its also possible to go with reactive client...
I am using spring boot in my application, i want to know how to use Spring boot, iBatis and MySQL. While i am trying to find the reference for Spring boot with iBatis projects its automatically redirect to myBatis. I need a example project or site for referring this. I have example for mybatis but i want ibatis with spring boot.
I think, you shouldn't think how you may connect them. Just read docs about iBatis(MyBatis). But the following link special for you http://www.mybatis.org/spring-boot-starter/mybatis-spring-boot-autoconfigure/
I'm testing a Spring web MVC application with heavy RESTful invocation that POST and DELETE a remote resource on demands.
When I'm trying to run integrated test, obviously I need to test POST first and then DELETE second. Unfortunately JUnit doesn't support such dependency test, and the vanilla JExample class cannot be run with Spring application context. Is there a feasible way of using both?