I am writing a Java program by using the Binance JAVA API to retrieve the 1-minute interval candelsticks of a trading pair. Using this Java class, I want to calculate the EMA (Exponential Moving Average) of the past 10 days.
The Binance JAVA API websocket implementation gets the latest depth events, which also contains the current closing price that I use to update the EMA calculation by calling the EMA#update method.
However, I notice that the EMA showing on the Binance's graph, does not correspond to the ones I get from my code. Also, I notice that the values need some time to 'settle' before giving (somewhat) same values compared to those shown on Binance.
On TradingView I found a formula to calculate the EMA (that shows the same EMA value as on Binance), but that is different than the one used in the EMA class. However, even when using this formula, the values are very different than the one on Binance.
Could someone help me figure out what the issue is and how to obtain the same values?
UPDATE 1: code provided
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import com.binance.api.client.BinanceApiClientFactory;
import com.binance.api.client.BinanceApiRestClient;
import com.binance.api.client.BinanceApiWebSocketClient;
import com.binance.api.client.domain.market.Candlestick;
import com.binance.api.client.domain.market.CandlestickInterval;
import core.util.text.DecimalFormat;
import core.util.text.StringUtil;
public class test_003
private Map<Long, Candlestick> candlesticksCache = new TreeMap<>();
private EMA EMA_10;
private EMA EMA_20;
public static void main(String[] pArgs)
new test_003();
private test_003()
candlesticksCacheExample("ADAUSDT", CandlestickInterval.ONE_MINUTE);
private void candlesticksCacheExample(String symbol, CandlestickInterval interval)
initializeCandlestickCache(symbol, interval);
startCandlestickEventStreaming(symbol, interval);
private void initializeCandlestickCache(String symbol, CandlestickInterval interval)
BinanceApiClientFactory factory = BinanceApiClientFactory.newInstance();
BinanceApiRestClient client = factory.newRestClient();
List<Candlestick> candlestickBars_10 = client.getCandlestickBars(symbol.toUpperCase(), interval, Integer.valueOf(11), null, null);
List<Candlestick> candlestickBars_20 = client.getCandlestickBars(symbol.toUpperCase(), interval, Integer.valueOf(21), null, null);
List<Double> closingPriceList_10 = candlestickBars_10.stream().map(c -> Double.valueOf(c.getClose())).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<Double> closingPriceList_20 = candlestickBars_20.stream().map(c -> Double.valueOf(c.getClose())).collect(Collectors.toList());
EMA_10 = new EMA(closingPriceList_10, Integer.valueOf(10));
EMA_20 = new EMA(closingPriceList_20, Integer.valueOf(20));
private void startCandlestickEventStreaming(String symbol, CandlestickInterval interval)
BinanceApiClientFactory factory = BinanceApiClientFactory.newInstance();
BinanceApiWebSocketClient client = factory.newWebSocketClient();
client.onCandlestickEvent(symbol.toLowerCase(), interval, response -> {
Long openTime = response.getOpenTime();
Candlestick updateCandlestick = candlesticksCache.get(openTime);
if (updateCandlestick == null)
// new candlestick
updateCandlestick = new Candlestick();
// update candlestick with the stream data
// Store the updated candlestick in the cache
candlesticksCache.put(openTime, updateCandlestick);
double closingPrice = Double.valueOf(updateCandlestick.getClose());
System.out.println(StringUtil.replacePlaceholders("Closing price: %1 | EMA(10): %2 - EMA(20): %3", response.getClose(),
DecimalFormat.format(EMA_10.get(), "#.#####"),
DecimalFormat.format(EMA_20.get(), "#.#####")));
public class EMA
private double currentEMA;
private final int period;
private final double multiplier;
private final List<Double> EMAhistory;
private final boolean historyNeeded;
private String fileName;
public EMA(List<Double> closingPrices, int period)
this(closingPrices, period, false);
public EMA(List<Double> closingPrices, int period, boolean historyNeeded)
currentEMA = 0;
this.period = period;
this.historyNeeded = historyNeeded;
this.multiplier = 2.0 / (double) (period + 1);
this.EMAhistory = new ArrayList<>();
public double get()
return currentEMA;
public double getTemp(double newPrice)
return (newPrice - currentEMA) * multiplier + currentEMA;
public void init(List<Double> closingPrices)
if (period > closingPrices.size()) return;
//Initial SMA
for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)
currentEMA += closingPrices.get(i);
currentEMA = currentEMA / (double) period;
if (historyNeeded) EMAhistory.add(currentEMA);
//Dont use latest unclosed candle;
for (int i = period; i < closingPrices.size() - 1; i++)
public void update(double newPrice)
// EMA = (Close - EMA(previousBar)) * multiplier + EMA(previousBar)
currentEMA = (newPrice - currentEMA) * multiplier + currentEMA;
if (historyNeeded) EMAhistory.add(currentEMA);
public int check(double newPrice)
return 0;
public String getExplanation()
return null;
public List<Double> getEMAhistory()
return EMAhistory;
public int getPeriod()
return period;
The problem is that onCandlestickEvent is not just called when a candle is completed, but actually multiple times per minute (every 2 seconds or so). The data that you are receiving in the response spans the time from when the candle is opened until the event time of the response, whether the candle is completed or not.
To see what I mean, you could replace the System.out() statement in your startCandlestickEventStreaming method with the following:
System.out.println(response.getOpenTime() + ";" +
response.getEventTime() + ";" +
You will see that the close time of the candle actually lies in the future.
In order to update your EMA correctly, you will have to wait until the candle has actually been completed. You could store the open time of the tentative candle in a member variable, check if it has changed since the last time onCandlestickEvent was called, and then update your EMA with the final close value of the candle:
client.onCandlestickEvent(symbol.toLowerCase(), interval, response -> {
Long openTime = response.getOpenTime();
Candlestick updateCandlestick = candlesticksCache.get(openTime);
if (updateCandlestick == null)
// new candlestick
updateCandlestick = new Candlestick();
// update candlestick with the stream data
// Store the updated candlestick in the cache
candlesticksCache.put(openTime, updateCandlestick);
if (openTime > m_LastOpenTime)
// need to get the close of the PREVIOUS candle
Candlestick previousCandle = candlesticksCache.get(m_LastOpenTime);
double closingPrice = Double.valueOf(previousCandle.getClose());
System.out.println(StringUtil.replacePlaceholders("Closing price: %1 | EMA(10): %2 - EMA(20): %3", response.getClose(),
DecimalFormat.format(EMA_10.get(), "#.#####"),
DecimalFormat.format(EMA_20.get(), "#.#####")));
m_LastOpenTime = openTime;
You'll probably get an exception on the first response, because there are no candles on the stack yet and we don't have a m_LastOpenTime. You could get the current server time before calling client.onCandlestickEvent():
private void startCandlestickEventStreaming(String symbol, CandlestickInterval interval)
BinanceApiClientFactory factory = BinanceApiClientFactory.newInstance();
BinanceApiWebSocketClient client = factory.newWebSocketClient();
BinanceApiRestClient restClient = factory.newRestClient();
m_LastOpenTime = restClient.getServerTime();
client.onCandlestickEvent(symbol.toLowerCase(), interval, response -> {
I noticed there's actually a much simpler way than my other answer. I'm leaving that one up, however, because it could still be relevant for dealing with a dodgy connection where you can't necessarily rely on always getting the final candlestick with your response.
The response.getBarFinal()) method allows for testing whether the response you have received is the final candlestick or if it is just an intermediate one. If you change your code as follows, your EMA will only get updated with the final close value of the candle as it should be:
if (response.getBarFinal())
double closingPrice = Double.valueOf(updateCandlestick.getClose());
System.out.println(StringUtil.replacePlaceholders("Closing price: %1 | EMA(10): %2 - EMA(20): %3", response.getClose(),
DecimalFormat.format(EMA_10.get(), "#.#####"),
DecimalFormat.format(EMA_20.get(), "#.#####")));
My Java application does quite a lot of synchronization with databases. Each such single event is logged, e.g.
logger.info("Starting synchronization...");
logger.info("Synchronization has ended.");
This clutters logs quite a lot. Would it be possible to log a summary every hour (e.g. "there were 60 successful synchronization events from 12:00:00 to 13:00:00") and only log errors per occurrence? I'm using slf4j Logger
The straightforward way is to write code to do what you want. Write a wrapper class that, for each "event", tracks the last time you actually logged the event, and the number of times it has occurred.
Then on a call for which the time-since-logged exceeds an hour, actually write the log message, and reset the counter.
Here's a sketch off the top of my head. Hasn't been near a compiler. Not intended as a fully-baked solution.
class QuenchData {
private static final long delta = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hr
private long lastLogTime;
private int count;
void log(String message, Logger logger) {
long now = System.getTimeInMillis();
if (now < lastLogTime || now-lastLogTime >= delta) {
String andAlso = String.format(" [occurred %d times]", count);
logger.log(message + andAlso);
lastLogTime = now;
count = 0;
} else
class QuenchedLogger {
private Logger logger = new Logger(...whatever...);
private Map<String, QuenchData> history = new HashMap<>();
synchronized void log(String message) {
QuenchData qd = history.get(message);
if (qd == null)
history.put(message, (qd = new QuenchData()));
qd.log(message, logger);
I have an assignment where I have to read data from a text file. The data looks like this in the file:
I want to format the data and put it in an appropriate data structure so that I then can search for average temperature for all dates between two dates. What is the simplest way to format this data when my code is:
package algo.weatherdata;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.List;
* Provides methods to retrieve temperature data from a weather station file.
public class WeatherDataHandler {
* Load weather data from file.
* #param filePath path to file with weather data
* #throws IOException if there is a problem while reading the file
public void loadData(String filePath) throws IOException {
//Read all weather data
List<String> fileData = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filePath));
* TODO: Format data and put it in appropriate data structure.
You can iterate over your lines and separate each line by a delimiter (in your case ;):
public void loadData(String filePath) throws IOException {
List<String> fileData = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filePath));
String[] lineValues = str.split(";");
// line values are stored in this array
Then you can do with the array as you like (store them, process them).
Let's assume the following class that will contain weather data:
public class WeatherData {
private LocalDateTime dateTime;
private double temperature;
private String tag; // I don't really know what is 'G' mean
public WeatherData(LocalDateTime dateTime, double temperature, String tag) {
this.dateTime = dateTime;
this.temperature = temperature;
this.tag = tag;
Next, we analyze the data file into the current structure and collect them all into a list:
private List<WeatherData> weatherData = new ArrayList<>();
public void loadData(String filePath) throws IOException {
List<String> fileData = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filePath));
for(String str : fileData) {
List<String> parsed = parseData(str);
LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(dateOf(parsed.get(0)),
double temperature = Double.parseDouble(parsed.get(2));
String tag = parsed.get(3);
WeatherData weather = new WeatherData(dateTime, temperature, tag);
private List<String> parseData(String s) {
return Arrays.asList(s.split(";"));
private LocalDate dateOf(String date) {
return LocalDate.parse(date);
private LocalTime timeOf(String time) {
return LocalTime.parse(time);
And then you could work with a list to search between dates and calculate the average temperature
I have tried above Dinar Zaripov piece of code in my work space with addition of generating getters methods for dateTime, temperature and tag.
Continuation after for loop
private static float averageTemperature(List<WeaterData> weatherData)
float sum = 0; // Variable to store the sum
float count = 0; // Variable to keep the count
if (weatherList != null) {
for (WeaterData averageWeather : weatherData) {
float value = averageWeather.getTemperature();
if (value <= 0) { // Check if the number is negative
sum += value; // Add the value to the current sum
count++; // Increment the count by 1
return (count > 0) ? (sum /count) : 0; // Calculate the average if there were any negative numbers
But I am getting average as ** average::1.5999999 **
However as per the math it should be 1.6. could someone tell me how ? or this is correct ?
when I give below data , I am getting correct average :)
** 1946-01-01;13:00:00;-1.1; B**
I'm ingesting a stream of data into Flink. For each 'instance' of this data, I have a timestamp. I can detect if the machine I'm getting the data from is 'producing' or 'not producing', this is done via a custom flat map function that's located in it's own static class.
I want to calculate how long the machine has been producing / not producing.
My current approach is collecting the production and non production timestamps in two plain lists. For each 'instance' of the data, I calculate the current production/non-production duration by subtracting the latest timestamp from the earliest timestamp. This is giving me incorrect results, though. When the production state changes from producing to non producing, I clear the timestamp list for producing and vice versa, so that if the production starts again, the duration starts from zero.
I've looked into the two lists I collect the respective timestamps in and I see things I don't understand. My assumption is that, as long as the machine 'produces', the first timestamp in the production timestamp list stays the same, while new timestamps are added to the list per new instance of data.
Apparantly, this assumption is wrong since I get seemingly random timestamps in the lists. They are still correctly ordered, though.
Here's my code for the flatmap function:
public static class ImaginePaperDataConverterRich extends RichFlatMapFunction<ImaginePaperData, String> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4736981447434827392L;
private transient ValueState<ProductionState> stateOfProduction;
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS");
DateFormat timeDiffFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd HH:mm:ss.SS");
String timeDiffString = "00 00:00:00.000";
List<String> productionTimestamps = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> nonProductionTimestamps = new ArrayList<>();
public String calcProductionTime(List<String> timestamps) {
if (!timestamps.isEmpty()) {
try {
Date firstDate = dateFormat.parse(timestamps.get(0));
Date lastDate = dateFormat.parse(timestamps.get(timestamps.size()-1));
long timeDiff = lastDate.getTime() - firstDate.getTime();
if (timeDiff < 0) {
System.out.println("Something weird happened. Maybe EOF.");
return timeDiffString;
timeDiffString = String.format("%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d",
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(timeDiff) % TimeUnit.HOURS.toHours(1),
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(timeDiff) % TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(1),
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(timeDiff) % TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1),
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(timeDiff) % TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1));
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.println("State duration: " + timeDiffString);
return timeDiffString;
public void open(Configuration config) {
ValueStateDescriptor<ProductionState> descriptor = new ValueStateDescriptor<>(
TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<ProductionState>() {}),
stateOfProduction = getRuntimeContext().getState(descriptor);
public void flatMap(ImaginePaperData ImaginePaperData, Collector<String> output) throws Exception {
List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<>();
JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject();
String productionTime = "0";
String nonProductionTime = "0";
// Data analysis
if (stateOfProduction == null || stateOfProduction.value() == ProductionState.NOT_PRODUCING && ImaginePaperData.actSpeedCl > 60.0) {
} else if (stateOfProduction.value() == ProductionState.PRODUCING && ImaginePaperData.actSpeedCl < 60.0) {
if(stateOfProduction.value() == ProductionState.PRODUCING) {
if (!nonProductionTimestamps.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Production has started again, non production timestamps cleared");
productionTime = calcProductionTime(productionTimestamps);
} else {
if(!productionTimestamps.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Production has stopped, production timestamps cleared");
warnings.add("Production has stopped.");
//System.out.println("Production stopped");
nonProductionTime = calcProductionTime(nonProductionTimestamps);
// The rest is just JSON stuff
Do I maybe have to hold these two timestamp lists in a ListState?
EDIT: Because another user asked, here is the data I'm getting.
{'szenario': 'machine01', 'timestamp': '31.10.2018 09:18:39.432069', 'data': {1: 100.0, 2: 100.0, 101: 94.0, 102: 120.0, 103: 65.0}}
The behaviour I expect is that my flink program collects the timestamps in the two lists productionTimestamps and nonProductionTimestamps. Then I want my calcProductionTime method to subtract the last timestamp in the list from the first timestamp, to get the duration between when I first detected the machine is "producing" / "not-producing" and the time it stopped "producing" / "not-producing".
I found out that the reason for the 'seemingly random' timestamps is Apache Flink's parallel execution. When the parallelism is set to > 1, the order of events isn't guaranteed anymore.
My quick fix was to set the parallelism of my program to 1, this guarantees the order of events, as far as I know.
I have a very strange problem. I'm trying to show in a basket the price of products. When I run the code and add a product to the basket, I can see the name of the product but I can't see its price. When I click back to a previous page and add another product, I am able to see its price. There is no error message.
Also, when I try to debug this program, everything works. The problem appears only when I'm not debugging. The problem is closely connected with these two variables as indicated below. I think that these variables are 0 which is later printed on the screen. But I don't know why they are sometimes 0 and sometimes not. I also tried to set breakpoints on:
When I assign values to these two variables in Data class everything is ok (not 0).
Controller code:
public String createBasket(Model model, #PathVariable("roomName") String roomName){
Floor currentFloor = floorService.getCurrentFloor();
User currentUser = userService.getCurrentUser();
this.roomName = roomName;
if(currentFloor != null){
Room currentRoom = roomService.getRoomByName(roomName, currentFloor);
Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
String name = auth.getName();
if(currentUser == null){
userService.setCurrentUser(userService.getUserByName(name)); // wykona sie jesli nie zakladamy konta w danej sesji
Basket basketToSave = new Basket(userService.getCurrentUser());
BasketItem basketItem = new BasketItem(currentRoom);
int quantityOfDays = dataService.getQuantityOfDays(); //<--problem
int quantityOfBreakfast = dataService.getQuantityOfBreakfasts(); //<--problem
int priceForOneBreakfast = 17;
int priceForOneDay = currentRoom.getPriceForOneDay();
int wholePrice = quantityOfDays * priceForOneDay + quantityOfBreakfast * priceForOneBreakfast;
Set<BasketItem> basketItemList = new HashSet<BasketItem>();
basketService.countBasketPrice(basketItemList, basketToSave);
boolean ifWasAnUpdate = basketService.save(basketToSave); // metoda save oprócz zapisu lub nadpisania zwraca co się wydarzyło (true - jesli nadpisywaliśmy koszyk)
basketItem.setBasket(basketService.get(basketToSave.getUser())); // jeżeli dodaje coś do koszyka (a nie tworzę go od nowa), muszę ustawić basketItemowi
} // koszyk, który już istnieje, a nie ten, który stworzyłem wcześniej w klasie BasketController.
// W tym celu pobieram go z bazy.
model.addAttribute("basket", basketService.get(currentUser));
model.addAttribute("days", dataService.getQuantityOfDays());
return "basket";
It's a repository code.
public class DataRepositoryImpl implements DataRepository {
private int quantityOfDays;
private int quantityOfBreakfasts;
public void setQuantityOfDaysAndBreakfasts(String text) {
List<Integer> listOfIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0;i<text.length();i++){
if(text.charAt(i) != '1'){
char znak = text.charAt(listOfIndexes.get(0));
this.quantityOfDays = Character.getNumericValue(text.charAt(listOfIndexes.get(0))); // <- I put breakpoint here
this.quantityOfBreakfasts = Character.getNumericValue(text.charAt(listOfIndexes.get(1))); // <- I put breakpoint here
public int getQuantityOfDays() {
return this.quantityOfDays;
public int getQuantityOfBreakfasts() {
return this.quantityOfBreakfasts;
A problem can be also in basket save. Firslty when I can see only zeros I persist basket, then I'm only updating it.
Save & update methods:
public boolean save(Basket basketToSave) {
List<Basket> listOfAllBaskets = getAll();
boolean save = true;
boolean ifWasAnUpdate = false;
for(Basket basket: listOfAllBaskets){
save = false;
ifWasAnUpdate = true;
return ifWasAnUpdate;
public void updateBasket(Basket basket) {
Basket basketFromDatabase = get(basket.getUser());
I'm calling setQuantityOfDaysAndBreakfasts(text) earlier in this apllication. In this controller I'm only setting these values to basketItem class. I'll change this controller. Here another controller where I call setQuantityOfDaysAndBreakfasts(text).
#RequestMapping(value = "/room/rest", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {"application/json"})
public void data(#RequestBody Data request){
String text = request.getText();
You are calling setQuantityOfDaysAndBreakfasts() after you get the value from your dataService. The value for quantityOfDays and quantityOfBreakfasts are only set when that method is called.
There are several things you should also examine.
As #NathanHughes points out, it's best to put your complex logic in your service layer and leave the controller to simply route requests. This is also true of your repository class. You should keep this very simple as the next developer reading your code is not going to expect to find any logic that doesn't simply read or write to your data source. (See Single Responsibility Principle.) It will also reduce code duplication in the future and as a result, reduce your time maintaining and fixing bugs.
For example, this code:
List<Integer> listOfIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0;i<text.length();i++){
if(text.charAt(i) != '1'){
char znak = text.charAt(listOfIndexes.get(0));
Should be refactored to a separate method entirely that can be made static and would not belong in that class.
The Drools version is 6.2.0, and I'am using the Stream Mode.
I used #timestamp to tell engine to use the timestamp from the event's attribute.
The question is the number of Facts in WorkingMemory is larger and larger, and facts not retract even the fact is expired(10s).
I tryed to use Pseudo Clock, but it also take No effect.
this is my drl:
package test.drools
import test.drools.LogEntry;
declare LogEntry
rule "sliding-window-test"
$msgA: LogEntry($sip: sourceIP)
Number(intValue > 2) from accumulate (
$msgB: LogEntry(sourceIP == $sip, this after $msgA) over window:time(10s); count($msgB))
System.out.println("rule sliding-window-test action actived!!");
this my code:
public class LogEntry {
private String logcontent = null;
private String[] logFieldStrArray = null;
private String sourceIP = null;
private long callDateTime;
public LogEntry(String content) {
this.logcontent = content;
if (logFieldStrArray == null) {
logFieldStrArray = logcontent.split("\\,");
sourceIP = logFieldStrArray[6];
**callDateTime = System.nanoTime();**
public long getcallDateTime() {
return callDateTime;
public String getsourceIP() {
return sourceIP;
The session configuration is correct, here just show how to call clock advanceTime.
use Pseudo Clock, advanceTime.
public class DroolsSession {
private long beginTime = 0, curTime = 0;
private statfulKsession;
private Object syncobject;
public void InsertAndFireAll(Object obj) {
synchronized(syncobject) {
if (beginTime == 0) {
beginTime = ((LogEntry)obj).getcallDateTime();
} else {
curTime = ((LogEntry)obj).getcallDateTime();
long l = advanceTime(curTime - beginTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
beginTime = curTime;
By the way, I use the System.nanoTime(), does Drools support nanoTime?
I'm looking forward to your answer.It is my pleasure.
What the condition of rule "sliding-window-test" says is:
If there is a LogEntry event A (no matter what, no matter how old) and
if there are more that two LogEntry events later than A and with the same sourceIP that have arrived in the last 10 seconds: then retract A.
This does not permit to retract LogEntry events automatically, because it is
always possible for the second condition to be fulfilled at some later time.