I've got a problem with input from user. I need to save input from user into binary file and when I read it and show it on the screen it isn't working properly. I dont want to put few hundreds of lines, so I will try to dexcribe it in more compact form. And encoding in NetBeans in properties of project is "UTF-8"
I got input from user, in NetBeans console or cmd console. Then I save it to object made up of strings, then add it to ArrayList<Ksiazka> where Ksiazka is my class (basically a book's properties). Then I save whole ArrayList object to file baza.bin. I do it by looping through whole list of objects of class Ksiazka, taking each String one by one and saving it into file baza.bin using method writeUTF(oneOfStrings). When I try to read file baza.bin I see question marks instead of special characters (ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź). I think there is a problem in difference in encoding of file and input data, but to be honest I don't have any idea ho to solve that.
Those are attributes of my class Ksiazka:
private String id;
private String tytul;
private String autor;
private String rok;
private String wydawnictwo;
private String gatunek;
private String opis;
private String ktoWypozyczyl;
private String kiedyWypozyczona;
private String kiedyDoOddania;
This is method for reading data from user:
static String podajDana(String[] tab, int coPokazac){
boolean podawajDalej = true;
String linia = "";
Scanner klawiatura = new Scanner(System.in, "utf-8");
try {
podawajDalej = false;
linia = klawiatura.nextLine();
catch(NoSuchElementException e){
System.err.println("Wystąpił błąd w czasie podawania wartości!"
+ " Spróbuj jeszcze raz!");
catch(IllegalStateException e){
System.err.println("Wewnętrzny błąd programu typu 2! Zgłoś to jak najszybciej"
+ " razem z tą wiadomością");
return linia;
String[] tab is just array of strings I want to be able to show on the screen, each set (array) has its own function, int coPokazac is number of line from an array I want to show.
and this one saves all data from ArrayList<Ksiazka> to file baza.bin:
static void zapiszZmiany(ArrayList<Ksiazka> bazaKsiazek){
RandomAccessFile plik = new RandomAccessFile("baza.bin","rw");
for(int i = 0; i < bazaKsiazek.size(); i++){
catch (FileNotFoundException ex){
System.err.println("Nie znaleziono pliku z bazą książek!");
catch (IOException ex){
System.err.println("Błąd zapisu bądź odczytu pliku!");
I think that there is a problem in one of those two methods (either I do something wrong while reading it or something wrong when it is saving data to file using writeUTF()) but even tho I tried few things to solve it, none of them worked.
After quick talk with lecturer I got information that I can use at most JDK 8.
You are using different techniques for reading and writing, and they are not compatible.
Despite the name, the writeUTF method of RandomAccessFile does not write a UTF-8 string. From the documentation:
Writes a string to the file using modified UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
First, two bytes are written to the file, starting at the current file pointer, as if by the writeShort method giving the number of bytes to follow. This value is the number of bytes actually written out, not the length of the string. Following the length, each character of the string is output, in sequence, using the modified UTF-8 encoding for each character.
writeUTF will write a two-byte length, then write the string as UTF-8, except that '\u0000' characters are written as two UTF-8 bytes and supplementary characters are written as two UTF-8 encoded surrogates, rather than single UTF-8 codepoint sequences.
On the other hand, you are trying to read that data using new Scanner(System.in, "utf-8") and klawiatura.nextLine();. This approach is not compatible because:
The text was not written as a true UTF-8 sequence.
Before the text was written, two bytes indicating its numeric length were written. They are not readable text.
writeUTF does not write a newline. It does not write any terminating sequence at all, in fact.
The best solution is to remove all usage of RandomAccessFile and replace it with a Writer:
Writer plik = new FileWriter(new File("baza.bin"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
for (int i = 0; i < bazaKsiazek.size(); i++) {
// ...
After a week of work I designed a binary file format, and made a Java reader for it. It's just an experiment, which works fine, unless I'm using the GZip compression function.
I called my binary type MBDF (Minimal Binary Database Format), and it can store 8 different types:
Integer (There is nothing like a byte, short, long or anything like that, since it is stored in flexible space (bigger numbers take more space))
Float-32 (32-bits floating point format, like java's float type)
Float-64 (64-bits floating point format, like java's double type)
String (A string in UTF-16 format)
Null (Just specifies a null value)
Array (Something like java's ArrayList<Object>)
Compound (A String - Object map)
I used this data as test data:
float1: FLOAT_32 3.3
bool2: BOOLEAN true
float2: FLOAT_64 3.3
int1: INTEGER 3
compound1: COMPOUND {
xml: STRING "two length compound"
int: INTEGER 23
string1: STRING "Hello world!"
string2: STRING "3"
arr1: ARRAY [
STRING "Hello world!"
FLOAT_32 3.29
FLOAT_64 249.2992
str: STRING "one length compound"
NULL null
bool1: BOOLEAN false
null1: NULL null
The xml key in a compound does matter!!
I made a file from it using this java code:
Here, the variable b is a MBDFBinary object, containing all the data given above. With the makeMBDF function it generates the ISO 8859-1 encoded string and if the given boolean is true, it compresses the string using GZip. Then, when writing, an extra information character is added at the beginning of the file, containing information about how to read it back.
Then, after writing the file, I read it back into java and parse it
MBDF mbdf = MBDFFile.readMBDFFromFile("/Users/<anonymous>/Documents/Java/MBDF/resources/file.mbdf");
This prints exactly the information mentioned above.
Then I try to use compression:
I do exactly the same to read it back as I did with the uncompressed file, which should work. It prints this information:
float1: FLOAT_32 3.3
bool2: BOOLEAN true
float2: FLOAT_64 3.3
int1: INTEGER 3
compound1: COMPOUND {
xUT: STRING 'two length compound'
int: INTEGER 23
string1: STRING 'Hello world!'
string2: STRING '3'
arr1: ARRAY [
STRING 'Hello world!'
FLOAT_32 3.29
FLOAT_64 249.2992
str: STRING 'one length compound'
NULL null
bool1: BOOLEAN false
null1: NULL null
Comparing it to the initial information, the name xml changed into xUT for some reason...
After some research I found little differences in binary data between before the compression and after the compression. Such patterns as 110011 change into 101010.
When I make the name xml longer, like xmldm, it is just parsed as xmldm for some reason.
I currently saw the problem only occur on names with three characters.
Directly compressing and decompressing the generated string (without saving it to a file and reading that) does work, so maybe the bug is caused by the file encoding.
As far as I know, the string output is in ISO 8859-1 format, but I couldn't get the file encoding right. When a file is read, it is read as it has to be read, and all the characters are read as ISO 8859-1 characters.
I've some things that could be a reason, I actually don't know how to test them:
The GZip output has a different encoding than the uncompressed encoding, causing small differences while storing as a file.
The file is stored as UTF-8 format, just ignoring the order to be ISO 8859-1 encoding ( don't know how to explain :) )
There is a little bug in the java GZip libraries.
But which one is true, and if none of them is right, what is the true reason for this bug?
I couldn't figure it out right now.
The MBDFFile class, reading and storing the files:
/* MBDFFile.java */
package com.redgalaxy.mbdf;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class MBDFFile {
public static MBDF readMBDFFromFile(String filename) throws IOException {
// FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(filename);
// InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is, "ISO-8859-1");
// BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
// StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
// String currentLine;
// while ((currentLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
// builder.append(currentLine);
// builder.append("\n");
// }
// builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1);
// br.close();
Path path = Paths.get(filename);
byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
return new MBDF(new String(data, "ISO-8859-1"));
private static void writeToFile(String filename, byte[] txt) throws IOException {
// BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
//// FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(filename);
// writer.write(txt.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
// writer.close();
// PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(filename, "ISO-8859-1");
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
public static void writeMBDFToFile(String filename, MBDF info) throws IOException {
writeToFile(filename, info.pack().getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
The pack function generates the final string for the file, in ISO 8859-1 format.
For all the other code, see my MBDF Github repository.
I commented the code I've tried, trying to show what I tried.
My workspace:
- Macbook Air '11 (High Sierra)
- IntellIJ Community 2017.3
- JDK 1.8
I hope this is enough information, this is actually the only way to make clear what I'm doing, and what exactly isn't working.
Edit: MBDF.java
/* MBDF.java */
package com.redgalaxy.mbdf;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
public class MBDF {
private String data;
private InfoTag tag;
public MBDF(String data) {
this.tag = new InfoTag((byte) data.charAt(0));
this.data = data.substring(1);
public MBDF(String data, InfoTag tag) {
this.tag = tag;
this.data = data;
public MBDFBinary getBinaryObject() throws IOException {
String uncompressed = data;
if (tag.isCompressed) {
uncompressed = GZipUtils.decompress(data);
Binary binary = getBinaryFrom8Bit(uncompressed);
return new MBDFBinary(binary.subBit(0, binary.getLen() - tag.trailing));
public static Binary getBinaryFrom8Bit(String s8bit) {
try {
byte[] bytes = s8bit.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
return new Binary(bytes, bytes.length * 8);
} catch( UnsupportedEncodingException ignored ) {
// This is not gonna happen because encoding 'ISO-8859-1' is always supported.
return new Binary(new byte[0], 0);
public static String get8BitFromBinary(Binary binary) {
try {
return new String(binary.getByteArray(), "ISO-8859-1");
} catch( UnsupportedEncodingException ignored ) {
// This is not gonna happen because encoding 'ISO-8859-1' is always supported.
return "";
* Adds leading zeroes to the binary string, so that the final amount of bits is 16
private static String addLeadingZeroes(String bin, boolean is16) {
int len = bin.length();
long amount = (long) (is16 ? 16 : 8) - len;
// Create zeroes and append binary string
StringBuilder zeroes = new StringBuilder();
for( int i = 0; i < amount; i ++ ) {
return zeroes.toString();
public String pack(){
return tag.getFilePrefixChar() + data;
public String getData() {
return data;
public InfoTag getTag() {
return tag;
This class contains the pack() method. data is already compressed here (if it should be).
For other classes, please watch the Github repository, I don't want to make my question too long.
Solved it by myself!
It seemed to be the reading and writing system. When I exported a file, I made a string using the ISO-8859-1 table to turn bytes into characters. I wrote that string to a text file, which is UTF-8. The big problem was that I used FileWriter instances to write it, which are for text files.
Reading used the inverse system. The complete file was read into memory as a string (memory consuming!!) and was then being decoded.
I didn't know a file was binary data, where specific formats of them form text data. ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 are some of those formats. I had problems with UTF-8, because it splitted some characters into two bytes, which I couldn't manage...
My solution to it was to use streams. There exist FileInputStreams and FileOutputStreams in Java, which could be used for reading and writing binary files. I didn't use the streams, as I thought there was no big difference ("files are text, so what's the problem?"), but there is... I implemented this (by writing a new similar library) and I'm now able to pass every input stream to the decoder and every output stream to the encoder. To make uncompressed files, you need to pass a FileOutputStream. GZipped files could use GZipOutputStreams, relying on a FileOutputStream. If someone wants a string with the binary data, a ByteArrayOutputStream could be used. Same rules apply to reading, where the InputStream variant of the mentioned streams should be used.
No UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 problems anymore, and it seemed to work, even with GZip!
I'm writing a Java program that saves data to UTF8 text files. However, I'd also like to provide the option to save to IBM437 for compatibility with an old program that uses the same sort of data files.
How can I check to see if the data the user is trying to save isn't representable in IBM437? At the moment the file saves without complaining but results in unusual characters being replaced with question marks.
I'd prefer it if I could show a warning to the user that the data they are saving isn't supported in IBM437. The user could then have the option of manually replacing characters with the nearest ASCII equivalent.
Current code for saving is:
String encoding = "UTF-8";
if (forceLegacySupport)
// Force character encoding to IBM437
encoding = "IBM437";
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(saveFile.getAbsoluteFile()), encoding));
As mentioned by JB Nizet in comments you can use charset encoder
and for creating text/String as UTF-8
just a suggestion from my end:
public static char[] cookie = "HEADER_COOKIE".toCharArray();
byte[] cookieInBytes = new byte[COOKIE_SIZE];
for(int i=0;i<cookie.length;i++)
if(i < cookie.length)
cookieInBytes[i] = (byte)cookie[i];
String headerStr = new String(cookieInBytes,StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
My program is reading from a .txt encoded with UTF-8. The reason why I'm using UTF-8 is to handle the characters åäö. The problem I come across is when the lines are read is that there seems to be some "rogue" characters sneaking in to the string which causes problems when I'm trying to store those lines into variables. Here's the code:
public void Läsochlista()
String Content = "";
String[] Argument = new String[50];
int index = 0;
Log.d("steg1", "steg1");
InputStream inputstream = openFileInput("text.txt");
if(inputstream != null)
Log.d("steg2", "steg2");
//InputStreamReader inputstreamreader = new InputStreamReader(inputstream);
//BufferedReader bufferreader = new BufferedReader(inputstreamreader);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputstream, "UTF-8"));
String reciveString = "";
StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder();
while ((reciveString = in.readLine()) != null)
Argument[index] = reciveString;
if(index == 6)
Log.d(Argument[0], String.valueOf((Argument[0].length())));
AllaPlatser.add(new Platser(Float.parseFloat(Argument[0]), Float.parseFloat(Argument[1]), Integer.parseInt(Argument[2]), Argument[3], Argument[4], Integer.parseInt(Argument[5])));
Log.d("En ny plats skapades", Argument[3]);
Arrays.fill(Argument, null);
index = 0;
Content = stringbuilder.toString();
catch (FileNotFoundException e){
Log.e("Filen", " Hittades inte");
} catch (IOException e){
Log.e("Filen", " Ej läsbar");
Now, I'm getting the error
Invalid float: "61.193521"
where the line only contains the chars "61.193521". When i print out the length of the string as read within the program, the output shows "10" which is one more character than the string is supposed to contain. The question; How do i get rid of those invisible "Rouge" chars? and why are they there in the first place?
When you save a file as "UTF-8", your editor may be writing a byte-order mark (BOM) at the beginning of the file.
See if there's an option in your editor to save UTF-8 without the BOM.
Apparently the BOM is just a pain in the butt: What's different between UTF-8 and UTF-8 without BOM?
I know you want to be able to have extended characters in your data; however, you may want to pick a different encoding like Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1).
Or you can just read & discard the first three bytes from the input stream before you wrap it with the reader.
Unfortunately you have not provided the sample text file so testing with your code exactly is not possible and here is the theoretical answer based on guess, what could have been the reasons:
Looks like it is BOM related issue and you may have to treat this. Some related detail is given here: http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-handle-utf8-file-with-bom.html
And some information here: What is XML BOM and how do I detect it?
Basically there are various situation:
In one of the situation we face issues when we don't read and write using correct encoding.
In another situation we use an editor or reader which doesn't support UTF-8
Third is when we are using correct encoding for reading and writing, we are not facing issue in a text editor but facing issue in some other application or program. I think your issues is related to third case.
In third situation we may have to remove the BOM using a program or deal with it according to our context.
Here is some solution I guess you may find interesting:
UTF-8 file reading: the first character issue
You can use code given in this threads answer or use apache commons to deal with it:
Byte order mark screws up file reading in Java
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter text: ");
String text = sc.nextLine();
try {
String result = new String(text.getBytes("windows-1251"), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
I'm trying change keyboard: input cyrylic keyboard, output latin. Example: qwerty +> йцукен
It doesn't work, can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
First java text, String/char/Reader/Writer is internally Unicode, so it can combine all scripts.
This is a major difference with for instance C/C++ where there is no such standard.
Now System.in is an InputStream for historical reasons. That needs an indication of encoding used.
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in, "Windows-1251");
The above explicitly sets the conversion for System.in to Cyrillic. Without this optional parameter the default encoding is taken. If that was not changed by the software, it would be the platform encoding. So this might have been correct too.
Now text is correct, containing the Cyrillic from System.in as Unicode.
You would get the UTF-8 bytes as:
byte[] bytes = text.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
The old "recoding" of text was wrong; drop this line. in fact not all Windows-1251 bytes are valid UTF-8 multi-byte sequences.
String result = text;
System.out is a PrintStream, a rather rarely used historic class. It prints using the default platform encoding. More or less rely on it, that the default encoding is correct.
For printing to an UTF-8 encoded file:
byte[] bytes = ("\uFEFF" + text).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Path path = Paths.get("C:/Temp/test.txt");
Files.writeAllBytes(path, bytes);
Here I have added a Unicode BOM character in front, so Windows Notepad may recognize the encoding as UTF-8. In general one should evade using a BOM. It is a zero-width space (=invisible) and plays havoc with all kind of formats: CSV, XML, file concatenation, cut-copy-paste.
The reason why you have gotten the answer to a different question, and nobody answered yours, is because your title doesn't fit the question. You were not attempting to convert between charsets, but rather between keyboard layouts.
Here you shouldn't worry about character layout at all, simply read the line, convert it to an array of characters, go through them and using a predefined map convert these.
The code will be something like this:
Map<char, char> table = new TreeMap<char, char>();
table.put('q', 'й');
table.put('Q', 'Й');
table.put('w', 'ц');
// .... etc
String text = sc.nextLine();
char[] cArr = text.toCharArray();
for(int i=0; i<cArr.length; ++i)
cArr[i] = table.get(cArr[i]);
text = new String(cArr);
Now, i don't have time to test that code, but you should get the idea of how to do your task.
I have some problems compressing excel files using the Hffman algorthim. The thing is that my code seems to work with .txt files, but when I'm trying to compress .xlsx or older versions of excel an error occurs.
First of all, I read my file like this:
File file = new File("fileName.xlsx");
byte[] dataOfFile = new byte[(int) file.length()];
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
To check this (if everything seems OK) I use this code:
String entireFileText = new String(dataOfFile, "UTF-8");
for(int i=0;i<dataOfFile.length;i++)
By doing this to a .txt file I get something like this (which seems to be OK):
But when I use this on .xlsx file I get this and I think the hyphen makes errors that might occur later in the compression:
"8075342006080003301165490-90122100-1245001908291671111101161011101169584121112101115934612010910832-944240-96020000000000000"... and so on
Anyway, by using a string a can map this into a HashMap, where I count the frequency of each character. I have a HashMap:
public static HashMap map;
public static boolean countHowOftenACharacterAppear(String s1) {
String s = s1;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
char c = s.charAt(i);
Integer val = map.get(new Character(c));
if(val != null){
map.put(c, new Integer(val + 1));
return true;
When I compress my string I use:
public static String compress(String s) {
String c = new String();
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
c = c + fromCharacterToCode.get(s.charAt(i));
return c;
fromCharactertoCode is another HashMap of type :
public static HashMap fromCharacterToCode;
(I'm traversing through my table I've built. Dont't think this is the problem)
Anyway, the results from this using the .txt file is:
"01000110110111011011110001101110011011000001000000000"... (PERFECT)
From the .xlsx file:
"10101110110001110null0010000null0011000nullnullnull10110000null00001101011111" ...
I really don't get why I'm getting the nullpointers on the .xlsx files. I would be very happy if I could get some help here to solve this. Many thanks!!
Your problem is java I/O, well before getting to compression.
First, you don't really need DataInputStream here, but leave that aside. You then convert to String entireFileText assuming the contents of the file is text in UTF-8, whereas data files like .xlsx aren't text at all and many text files even on Windows aren't UTF-8. But you don't seem to use entireFileText, so that may not matter. If you do, and the file isn't plain ASCII text, your compressor will "lose" chunks of it and the output of decompression will be only a fraction of the compression input; that is usually considered unsatisfactory.
Then you extract each byte from dataOfFile. byte in Java is signed; plain ASCII text files will have only "positive" bytes 0x00 to 0x7F (and usually all 0x20 to 0x7E plus 0x09 0x0D 0x0A), but everything else (UTF-8 text, UTF-16 text, data, and executables) will have "negative" bytes 0x80 to 0xFF which come out as -0x80 to -0x01.
Your printout "7210110810811132119111114108100331310721111193297114101321211111173" for "the .txt file" is almost certainly the byte sequence 72=H 101=e 108=l 108=l 111=o 32=space 119=w 111=o 114=r 108=l 100=d 33=! 13=CR 10=LF 72=H 111=o 119=w 32=space 97=a 114=r 101=e 32=space 121=y 111=o 117=u 3=(ETX aka ctrl-C) (how did you get a ctrl-C into a file?! or was it really 30=ctrl-Z? that's somewhat usual for Windows text files)
Someone more familiar with .xlsx format might be able to reconstruct that one, but I can tell you right off the hyphens are due to bytes with negative values, printed in decimal (by default) as -128 to -1.
For a general purpose compressor, you shouldn't ever convert to java char's and String's; those are designed for text and not all files are text. Just work with bytes, but if you want them in consistently positive, mask with & 0xFF .