I am trying to show/hide form fields in a Squarespace form based upon the value selected in a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu has a list of values from 1-10. The intent is to display 2 form fields for each number selected from the dropdown menu. For value 1, I want the form fields titled "Serial Number" and "Confirm Serial Number" to ALWAYS be displayed. For value 2, I want to show "Serial Number 2" and "Confirm Serial Number 2". And so on for values 3-10.
Here is a screenshot of the form as it is now with everything displayed.
enter image description here
You can get the serial element with document.getElementById(`serial-input-${index}`)
You can get the serial confirm element with document.getElementById(`serial-input-confirm-${index}`)
<p>Number of products</p>
<select id="select" onChange="create.input()"></select>
<div id="input"></div>
const create = {
select: () => {
let select = document.getElementById('select')
// Create 1-10 number of products
new Array(10).fill(0).forEach((x, i) => {
let option = document.createElement('option')
option.innerHTML = (i+1)
option.value = (i+1)
input: () => {
let input = document.getElementById('input')
let select = document.getElementById('select')
// Remove all child
input.innerHTML = ''
// Create the same number of input has you select in select ...
const size = parseInt(select.value, 10)
new Array(size).fill(0).forEach((x, i) => {
let p_input = create.p_input(i)
p_input.forEach(x => input.appendChild(x))
p_input: index => {
let name = `erial number` + (index > 0 ? ' ' + (index+1) : '')
let serial_p = document.createElement('p')
serial_p.innerHTML = 'S' + name
serial_p.id = 'p-serial-' + index
serial_p.class = 'p-serial'
let serial_p_confirm = document.createElement('p')
serial_p_confirm.innerHTML = 'Confirm s' + name
serial_p_confirm.id = 'pc-serial-' + index
serial_p_confirm.class = 'pc-serial'
let serial_input = document.createElement('input')
serial_input.type = "text"
serial_input.id = "serial-input-" + index
serial_input.class = 'serial-input'
let serial_input_confirm = document.createElement('input')
serial_input_confirm.type = "text"
serial_input_confirm.id = "serial-input-confirm-" + index
serial_input_confirm.class = 'serial-input'
return [serial_p, serial_input, serial_p_confirm, serial_input_confirm]
for exemple here its what i get when i click on 5.
Currently I have multiple dropdown field in screen. when selected dropdown value pass in the query param so I want to create dynamic query param added. my code is below
// this is one of the dropdown value
if (this.SearchText) {
query += 'q:' + SearchText + ',';
// this is the second one of dropdown value
if (this.MakeId) {
makename = this.SpaceToDash(this.MakesList.find(x => x.Id === +this.MakeId).Name);
navigateUrl += '/' + makename;
query += 'merk:' + this.MakeId + ',merkname:' + makename + ',';
this.router.navigate([ navigateUrl ], { queryParams: { query } });
So if "MakeId" is not dropdown value then should not added in "queryParams" so how can I do it. Above solution is not working it.
Apply solution for Dynamically create query Params in Angular 2 but it is not fit in my requirement. So can you help me anyone in it?
QueryParams should take an Object not a string ,
so you can do it by this way
let query = {};
// this is one of the dropdown value
if (this.SearchText) {
query['q'] = SearchText;
// this is the second one of dropdown value
if (this.MakeId) {
makename = this.SpaceToDash(this.MakesList.find(x => x.Id === +this.MakeId).Name);
navigateUrl += '/' + makename;
query['merk'] = this.MakeId;
query['makename'] = makename;
this.router.navigate([ navigateUrl ], { queryParams: query });
I have an input for search ,
i search for "res"
<input type="text" name="search"I/>
i use Like method to get search results,
$txt = $this -> input -> post("search");
$this -> db -> like('title', $txt);
if ($sql = $this -> db -> get('ads') -> result()) {
$data['posts'] = $sql;
and get this results :
some text restaurant and other
some text result
my resume
i want to show the liked word
extract the word from strings and remove other texts
i want this :
You can split the found string into an array (explode) and then search this array with the given string (preg_grep) and output the found strings.
$searchString = "/res/";
$foundString = "some text restaurant and other";
$explode = explode(" ", $foundString);
$searched = preg_grep($searchString, $explode);
foreach($searched as $item) {
echo $item . " ";
I am supposed to create an output similar to this:
I have organized my data into an array. To put it simply, I have organized it to
with 8 different POIBook with its individual data.
POIBook[i] = new POI(Type, Place, Rating)
I have no problems calling the right array according to the user input into a JOptionpane display.
However, I have problems trying to determine the total number of search and the search result the user is currently at. Eg. Search 1 of 3
How do I get the total number of the search result and the number the user is currently at?
Edit: To add in the context of the question.
The user will enter a search query in JOptionpane and it will search and return the array containing the search result. For example, searching for "Excitement" will return POIBook[4] , [5] and [6] as a JOptionpane display and as per the output expected in the picture above.
Need help on the following:
How do I show that that 'Search Result - 1/3' when POIBook [4] is returned? and 'Search Result - 2/3' when POIBook[5] is returned etc.?
At the point of display, we will need to know there are 3 results of "excitement" type and it is currently showing the 1st result out of 3.
public static void dataPOI() {
POIBook[0] = new POI("Sightseeing", "River Safari","Wildlife, Panda Bear, Cruise",4.0);
POIBook[1] = new POI("Sightseeing", "Singapore Flyer","Fly!",3.5);
POIBook[2] = new POI("Sightseeing", "Gardens by The Bay","Flower Dome, Cloud Forest",3.5);
POIBook[3] = new POI("Shopping", "Orchard Road","Ion, Mandarin Gallery",4.0);
POIBook[4] = new POI("Excitement", "Universal Studios","Battlestar Galactica, Puss in Boots",4.5);
POIBook[5] = new POI("Excitement", "Marina Bay Sands","Casino, Sky Park Observation Deck",4.0);
POIBook[6] = new POI("Excitement", "Resorts World Sentosa","Trick Eye Museum, Adventure Cove",4.5);
POIBook[7] = new POI("Night Life", "Night Safari","Wildlife, Tram Ride",4.5);
My code is as follows.
public static void search() {
String search = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter your type of attraction", "Place of Interest",
for (int i = 0; i<POIBook.length; i++) {
if(search.equalsIgnoreCase(POIBook[i].type)) {
Object[] options = { "Next >", "Return to Menu" };
int select = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Place of interest " + (i+1) + " of 8\n" + POIBook[i].display() +
"\nPress Next for next Place of Interest \n" + "To return, press Return to Menu \n", "Display Places of Interest in Sequence",
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, POIBook[i].icon, options, options[1]);
if (select == 1) {
I have scriptet me a maps with markers based on a MySQL Table.
The position is in the Table.
Now, i would like to write with HTML in the InfoWindow, because it not show HTML on the InfoWindow on the Map.
downloadUrl('inc/map_bridge.php', function(data) {
var xml = data.responseXML;
var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('marker');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(markers, function(markerElem) {
var name = markerElem.getAttribute('name');
var ide = markerElem.getAttribute('id');
var desc = markerElem.getAttribute('beschreibung');
var type = markerElem.getAttribute('art');
var link = '<p>Klicke für weitere infos: Hier';
var point = new google.maps.LatLng(
var infowincontent = document.createElement('div');
var strong = document.createElement('strong');
strong.textContent = 'ID' + ide + ': ' + name
var text = document.createElement('text');
text.textContent = desc + link
var icon = customLabel[type] || {};
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: point,
label: icon.label
marker.addListener('click', function() {
infoWindow.open(map, marker);
It show only so:
show example picture
the following i have in the MySQL-Table
first line<br>second line
If 'beschreibung' were the result of SELECT SQL, the reason is escaped SELECT
SQL result.
(I'm in short of reputation, so write in answer form.)
I have a SimpleComboBox in GUI which contains some duplicate items also. Assume there are 3 items which is same as "domain". When i select second "domain" or third "domain", the selected item and selected index is always pointing to first occurance of "domain". How can i correct, so that the selected index/item is right one, instead of first occurance of item?
ComboBox with duplicate values:
When i select "domain" at fourth occurence it will always pointing the first occurance of "domain".
When i select the "" at last occurenece, it will point the first occurance of "".
Please any one help me.
private SimpleComboBox<String> domainName = new SimpleComboBox<String>();
domainName = WidgetUtil.getStringCombo("Domain Name", 12, true, domainNameList, null);
private Button New, add, remove;
New = WidgetUtil.getButton("New", "new", "");
add = WidgetUtil.getButton("Add", "add", "");
add.setStyleAttribute("paddingTop", "10px");
thirdLayoutContainer.add(add, formData);
remove = WidgetUtil.getButton("Remove", "remove", "");
public void componentSelected(ButtonEvent ce){
String domain_name = null;
if (ce.getComponent().getId().equals("remove")){
System.err.println("Clicked remove button...");
domain_name = domainName.getRawValue();
systemDetailsMap.remove(domain_name + "_USER_NAME");
systemDetailsMap.remove(domain_name + "_HOST_NAME");
systemDetailsMap.remove(domain_name + "_PASSWORD");
System.err.println("After remove domain name list ---> " + domainNameList);
System.err.println("After remove map ---> " + systemDetailsMap);
} else if (ce.getComponent().getId().equals("add")) {
System.err.println("Clicked add button...");
domain_name = domainName.getRawValue();
systemDetailsMap.put(domain_name, domain_name);
systemDetailsMap.put(domain_name + "_HOST_NAME", hostName.getValue());
systemDetailsMap.put(domain_name + "_USER_NAME", userName.getValue());
systemDetailsMap.put(domain_name + "_PASSWORD", password.getValue());
// domainName.clear();
// domainName.reset();
System.err.println("After add domain name list ---> " + domainNameList);
System.err.println("After add map ---> " + systemDetailsMap);
} else if (ce.getComponent().getId().equals("new")) {
System.err.println("Clicked new button...");
domainName.setEmptyText("Add a new domain");
userName.setEmptyText("Add a new username");
hostName.setEmptyText("Add a new hostname");
password.setEmptyText("Add a new password");
private SelectionChangedListener<SimpleComboValue<String>> getReportSelectionListener(){
SelectionChangedListener<SimpleComboValue<String>> ReportListener = new SelectionChangedListener<SimpleComboValue<String>>() {
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent<SimpleComboValue<String>> se) {
SimpleComboValue<String> selectedValue = se.getSelectedItem();
String value = selectedValue.getValue();
System.err.println("Selected Value ---> " + selectedValue.getValue());
if (value != null && !value.equals("---New---") ){
userName.setValue(systemDetailsMap.get(value + "_USER_NAME").toString());
hostName.setValue(systemDetailsMap.get(value + "_HOST_NAME").toString());
password.setValue(systemDetailsMap.get(value + "_PASSWORD").toString());
return ReportListener;
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
I am not using Ext-gwt just the standard ext-js, but I think I know what you need! You should define a display and value field.
Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
store: xyz,
queryMode: 'local',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'id',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
You just have to make sure, that the duplicated items are getting unique id. I think that if this is possible in ext-js it should also be possible in ext-gwt!