installation of java using powershell does not work - java

I use the following command in powershell to install java using the jdk that I have
start-process -filepath jdk-x64.exe -passthru -wait -argumentlist "/s,INSTALLDIR=c:\progra~1\jre,/L,myinstallogs.log"
It just starts a process and never install java in program files
When I run PS command, all i see is a new process started but not the actual installation.
Not sure what am I doing wrong


How to run a linux command using processbuilder WITHOUT elevated (sudo / root) permissions from an elevated java process?

I am running an elevated java process sudo java -jar ... and i want to be able to execute something using ProcessBuilder but without elevated permissions.
The exact command i want to run is sox -t pulseaudio default -t wav -. Running this with sudo prepended, it gives an error, this command has to be ran without sudo.
Running the command like so from the elevated java process
new ProcessBuilder().inheritIO().command("bash", "-c", command).start();
Results in having the command ran with sudo privleges, so the sox command gives an error.
How can i run the sox command without sudo privleges from an elevated java process?
i have attempted sudo -u USERNAME bash -c but that yields the exact same result, where sox cant open the default input

powershell invoke-expression java program get status

I'm running a jar from powershell using Invoke-Expression:
$line="c:\temp\my file.txt"
$cmd="java -jar C:\temp\post.jar `"" + $line + "`""
invoke-expression $cmd
If I test $? it will only give me the status of Invoke-Expression which will always be a success as the java executable and post.jar can be found.
Also, I've thought of running the java program directly and test $? but sometimes the file name can be very complex and sometimes I put extra options.
How do I get the status of the run of the post.jar program?
You could try to check the exit code of the process via:
$p = Start-Process java -ArgumentList '-jar C:\temp\post.jar',$file -Wait -PassThru
Based on -PassThru you'll receive a System.Diagnostics.Process-object that should include the exit-code of the jar. For more info see the Start-Process cmdlet description.
Hope that helps.

Running Spigot BuildTools.jar from PowerShell using Git Bash

I'm trying to write a PowerShell script to update Spigot using Git Bash. Hopefully from the two failed PS examples below you get the gist of what I'm trying to do.
I can successfully open a Git Bash shell in the target folder and run java -jar BuildTools.jar. When I try to run through PowerShell, a CMD window opens and immediately closes. No errors are displayed and best I can tell, the CMD window contains no text. I prefer to use PowerShell over a CMD script because I am leveraging Invoke-WebRequest earlier on to get the latest version of BuildTools.jar. I would like to keep all this together in one script.
Example 1:
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" -ArgumentList "--login -i -c ""java -jar BuildTools.jar"""
Example 2:
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" -ArgumentList '--login', '-i', '-c', '"java -jar BuildTools.jar"'
Figured it out thanks to an idea from Ansgar Wiechers.
Solution is as follows:
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" -ArgumentList '-c', '"cd /c/Bitnami/Updater && java -jar BuildTools.jar"'

JAVA getRuntime().exec used to execute powershell script, Start-Process -wait no longer works

I am trying to execute a powershell script from my java console app, I was able to get this working with the below command:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c start cd "+dir+" & start cmd.exe /k \"Powershell C:\\runscript.ps1 args\"",null,dir);
Inside my powershell script, i have the below snippet which gets called in a loop,
Start-Process -FilePath $RunLocation -ArgumentList $args -wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput $OutputFile
$output = Get-Content $OutputFile| out-string
Remove-Item $outLogFile
If I open command prompt, and copy exactly what I have in my exec(...) command, it runs great, however, when I run it in my Java application, it seems like the -wait in my powershell script is being ignored, and the next line (which is checking and removing logs) is run, I've even gone to the length of adding a sleep for a few seconds in my powershell just after the Start-Process, this works but I'm hoping there is a better way.
The error i am getting is in the powershell script is below (this only happens when ive run it from my Java app, the -wait waits foor the start process to finsih before continuing when run directly from command prompt..):
Remove-Item : Cannot remove item D:\adhoc\logs\2016-06\output38844448.out: The process cannot access the file
'D:\adhoc\logs\2016-06\output38844448.out' because it is being used by another process.
At C:\runscript.ps1:91 char:3
+ Remove-Item $OutputFile
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (D:\adhoc\log...4448.out:FileInfo) [Remove-Item], IOException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveFileSystemItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand
Why is the -wait in my powershell script not working when I run it from my Java app using runtime().exec?

How to call a Java program from PowerShell?

I need to call a java program (jar file )from PowerShell.
The following code works:
java -jar $cls --js $dcn --js_output_file $dco
But I need to have to run the app in a process (using Start-Process).
I am trying the following with no sucess:
Start-Process -FilePath java -jar $cls --js $dcn --js_output_file $dco -wait -windowstyle Normal
Start-Process : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'jar'.
Any idea how to fix it?
You will need to use following format for powershell:
Start-Process java -ArgumentList '-jar', 'MyProgram.jar' `
-RedirectStandardOutput '.\console.out' -RedirectStandardError '.\console.err'
Or other option you can use is Start-job:
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
& java -jar MyProgram.jar >console.out 2>console.err
It looks like the -jar is being picked up as an argument of Start-Process rather than being passed through to java.
Although the documentation states that -ArgumentList is optional, I suspect that doesn't count for -option-type things.
You probably need to use:
Start-Process -FilePath java -ArgumentList ...
For example, in Powershell ISE, the following line brings up the Java help (albeit quickly disappearing):
Start-Process -FilePath java -argumentlist -help
but this line:
Start-Process -FilePath java -help
causes Powershell itself to complain about the -help.
Option 1 [Using Start-Job ScriptBlock]
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
& java -cp .\Runner.jar >console.out 2>console.err
if ( $? == "True")
write-host("Agent started successfully")
else if ($? == "False")
write-host("Agent did not start")
Option 2 [Using Start-Process]
Start-Process -FilePath '.\jre\bin\java' -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait -ArgumentList "-cp .\Runner.jar"
That's how i did it using above two options initially.
Option 3 [Using apache-commons-daemon]
I can suggest a better and robust alternative.
You can use apache-commons-daemon library to build a windows service for your java application and then start, stop the service very conveniently.
There is amazing youtube video which will explain apache commons daemon and how to build a windows service. I will attach the reference at the end.
References :

