How do I draw two lines that intersect on Bitmap - Java android - java

So I want to draw two lines that cross in the middle (like an x), and I want to draw this onto my randomly generated bitmap. Does anyone know how I can make the line diagonl?
public static Bitmap randomImage(int width, int height) {
Bitmap ranImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int r = rand.nextInt(255);
int g = rand.nextInt(255);
int b = rand.nextInt(255);
int color = Color.rgb(r, g, b);
ranImage.setPixel(x, y, color);
//initialise a new canvas instance
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(ranImage);
//intialise a new paint instance to draw the line
Paint paint = new Paint();
//line color
//line width in pixels
//set a pizel value to offset the line from the canvas edge
int offset = 50;
//draw a line on canvas at the center postion ....for now
return ranImage;


Panning a BufferedImage

How can I delete say 50px of the leftmost vertical column of a BufferedImage, and copy that into a new BufferedImage the same size as the original BufferedImage?
class TestCopyImage {
var img: BufferedImage? = null
private val rnd = Random()
fun create(screenWidth: Int, screenHeight: Int) {
img = BufferedImage(screenWidth, screenHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
//Grab the graphics object off the image
val graphics = img!!.createGraphics()
//val stroke: Stroke = BasicStroke(1f)
// Fill the image buffer
for (i in 1..screenWidth) {
for (j in 1..screenHeight) {
val r: Int = rnd.nextInt(255)
val g: Int = rnd.nextInt(255)
val b: Int = rnd.nextInt(255)
val randomColor = Color(r, g, b)
graphics.paint = randomColor
graphics.fill(Rectangle(i , j , 1, 1))
// Get a subimage, deleting 50 pixels of the left-most vertical portion.
img = img!!.getSubimage(50, 0, screenWidth - 50 , screenHeight)
// TODO Now copy that into a new image, same size as the original buffer?
img = BufferedImage(screenWidth, screenHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
Here's a Java version of what you can do:
int panDist = 50;
BufferedImage subImg = img.getSubimage(panDist, 0, img.getWidth() - panDist, img.getHeight());
BufferedImage newImg = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), img.getType());
for (int x = 0; x < subImg.getWidth(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < subImg.getHeight(); ++y) {
newImg.setRGB(x, y, subImg.getRGB(x, y));
The subimage isn't really necessary though, you could skip that and just do this instead:
int panDist = 50;
BufferedImage newImg = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), img.getType());
for (int x = panDist; x < img.getWidth(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < img.getHeight(); ++y) {
newImg.setRGB(x - panDist, y, img.getRGB(x, y));
You could also tweak that slightly to modify the image in-place instead.

drawText to a specific postion of bitmap Android

I want to fill a credit card image with some text(name, surname,...) but i found problems to correctly find the starting position of the text.
I have marked my image with special pixels, I want to draw text at the start of this specific pixels but when I run the text is not aligned with them, I supposed that the specific pixel position that I calculated in the code is calculated starting from the first canvas pixel rather than the first bitmap pixel. How can I solve it? Thank you.
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)this.getDrawable()).getBitmap();
final int w = bitmap.getWidth();
final int h = bitmap.getHeight();
int pixel;
int redValue;
int blueValue;
int greenValue;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
pixel = bitmap.getPixel(x, y);
redValue =;
blueValue =;
greenValue =;
if (redValue == 255 && greenValue == 254 && blueValue == 0){
Paint paint = new Paint();
canvas.drawText("Some Text", x, y, paint);

Trying two different methods to transform a picture - JavaFX

So Im still learning Java. Now Im learning JavaFX.
I have a picture of a tree. And I want to try two different method. the first method I use was using unary operator to turn the image colour to grey.
Now I want to try a second method using the ColourTransformer interface that I made to get a 10 pixel wide gray frame replacing the pixels on the border of an image.
This is what I have done. for the second method, im not quite sure how to specify the pixel. Any suggestions?
this is what I have done
public class ColourFilter extends Application {
//Using Unary Operator to transform image to grayscale - Method 1
public static Image transform(Image in, UnaryOperator<Color> f) {
int width = (int) in.getWidth();
int height = (int) in.getHeight();
WritableImage out = new WritableImage(
width, height);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
out.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y,
f.apply(in.getPixelReader().getColor(x, y)));
return out;
public static <T> UnaryOperator<T> compose(UnaryOperator<T> op1, UnaryOperator<T> op2) {
return t -> op2.apply(op1.apply(t));
//Using ColourTransformer interface to get 10 pixel wide gray frame replacing the pixels on the border of an image - Method 2
public static Image transform(Image in, ColourTransformer f) {
int width = (int) in.getWidth();
int height = (int) in.getHeight();
WritableImage out = new WritableImage(
width, height);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
out.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y, f.apply(x, y, in.getPixelReader().getColor(x, y)));
return out;
interface ColourTransformer {
Color apply(int x, int y, Color colorAtXY);
public void start(Stage stage) {
Image image = new Image("amazing-trees.jpg");
Image image2 = transform(image, Color::brighter);
Image image3 = transform(image2, Color::grayscale);
// alternative to two previous image transforms -- composition
//Image image3 = transform(image, compose(Color::brighter, Color::grayscale));
stage.setScene(new Scene(new VBox(
new ImageView(image),
// new ImageView(image2),
new ImageView(image3))));;
As the compile error message says, you are trying to call
where f is a ColourTransformer: however you defined the apply method in ColorTransformer with three parameters: apply(int, int, Color).
You need to replace
f.apply(in.getPixelReader().getColor(x, y))
f.apply(x, y, in.getPixelReader().getColor(x, y))
public static Image transform(Image in, ColourTransformer f) {
int width = (int) in.getWidth();
int height = (int) in.getHeight();
WritableImage out = new WritableImage(
width, height);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
out.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y, f.apply(x, y, in.getPixelReader().getColor(x, y)));
return out;
You can get the 10-pixel gray border by doing:
Image image = new Image("amazing-trees.jpg");
int width = (int) image.getWidth();
int height = (int) image.getHeight();
Image framedImage = transform(image, (x, y, color) -> {
if (x < 10 || y < 10 || width - x < 10 || height - y < 10) {
return Color.GRAY ;
} else return color ;

image watermark on an image in android

i have an image in imageview , how can i add an image/logo watermark on that image.?
i have used following code to add text watermark
String watermark ="Sari collage";
int x =1500;
int y =1200;
int color = Color.parseColor("#ff720b");
int alpha=80;
int size = 70;
boolean underline= false;
int w = src.getWidth();
int h = src.getHeight();
Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, src.getConfig());
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result);
canvas.drawBitmap(src, 0, 0, null);
Paint paint = new Paint();
canvas.drawText(watermark, x, y, paint);
I guess:
String watermark ="Sari collage";
int x =1500;
int y =1200;
int color = Color.parseColor("#ff720b");
int alpha=80;
int size = 70;
boolean underline= false;
int w = src.getWidth();
int h = src.getHeight();
Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, src.getConfig());
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result);
canvas.drawBitmap(src, 0, 0, null);
canvas.drawBitmap(src, w/2, h/2, null);
Paint paint = new Paint();
canvas.drawText(watermark, x, y, paint);

Android Circular image with pointer

I am developing Android application, in my application I have to show the user profile image as shown in this image. I had used CircularImage but I need to have the pointer in the bottom, can anyone help me how to create circular image with pointer the bottom
you can set your pointer(blue background) as background for ImageView and set user image as src in bitmap
also you need to round your bitmap,by this method you can earn circular bitmap:
public static Bitmap toRoundBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
int width = bitmap.getWidth();
int height = bitmap.getHeight();
float roundPx;
float left, top, right, bottom, dst_left, dst_top, dst_right, dst_bottom;
if (width <= height) {
roundPx = width / 2.0f;
top = 0;
bottom = width;
left = 0;
right = width;
height = width;
dst_left = 0;
dst_top = 0;
dst_right = width;
dst_bottom = width;
} else {
roundPx = height / 2.0f;
float clip = (width - height) / 2;
left = clip;
right = width - clip;
top = 0;
bottom = height;
width = height;
dst_left = 0;
dst_top = 0;
dst_right = height;
dst_bottom = height;
Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);
final int color = 0xff424242;
final Paint paint = new Paint();
final Rect src = new Rect((int) left, (int) top, (int) right,
(int) bottom);
final Rect dst = new Rect((int) dst_left, (int) dst_top,
(int) dst_right, (int) dst_bottom);
final RectF rectF = new RectF(dst);
canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, roundPx, roundPx, paint);
paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.SRC_IN));
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, src, dst, paint);
return output;
and set round bitmap as src for your ImageView:
for better view set android:scaleType="fitStart" in your ImageView tag in xml

