I'm using RxJava3 and I have the following code setup where I want to emit an item in the middle, between the first and second flowable. Is there a way to do it?
//I want to emit an item here
.flatMap { secondFlowable.firstElement() }
The reason I want to do this is because after firstFlowable initializes there is a long period of time until the secondFlowable initializes and I want to notify the UI with a message that there the operation has started and I'm waiting on the data computation from secondFlowable.
I tried to use startWithItem, but that initializes my whole chain at the beginning, but I want to emit only after firstFlowable produces its first value.
You could use merge to inject a value, then act based on the value type. In case secondFlowable finishes immediately, you may want to avoid displaying the string after all via takeUntil.
.flatMap(v ->
Maybe.just("Second in progress")
.takeUntil(v -> !(v instanceof String))
.subscribe(v -> {
if (v instanceof String) {
// display message here
} else {
// cast and display results of second
Maybe you can use concatWith() with take() and skip() for the firstFlowable.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Flowable<String> firstFlowable = Flowable.just("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th");
Flowable<String> middleFlowable = Flowable.just("between");
Flowable<String> secondFlowable = Flowable.just("A", "B", "C", "D");
Flowable.timer(10, SECONDS).blockingSubscribe(); // Just to block the main thread for a while
This gives something like that:
I use combineLatest() to combine 3 streams of observables. All these are combined so that all data in the UI is shown at the same time. Now, there is a scenario in which one of the observables won't emit anything, since the data that gets fetched, can be null.
Is there a RxJava operator to let the subscriber know that there won't be any emits because of null data?
private fun retrieveData() {
Observable.combineLatest(getCurrentUser.execute(), getLatestGoal.execute(), getLatestLog.execute(),
Function3<User, Goal, Log, PersonalViewModel> { user, goal, log -> mapToViewModel(user, goal, log) })
.doOnSubscribe { /*todo: animation*/ }
.doOnNext { view.setViewModel(it) }
.doOnComplete { view.stopLoading() }
.doOnError { /*todo: error message*/ }
The third stream: getLatestLog.execute() emits nothing when the user has nog log. When this stream doesn't emit, the whole view will not be visible.
The data is fetched from FireBase Realtime database. The ChildEventListener has a method that looks like this:
override fun onChildAdded(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot?, p1: String?) {
val log = dataSnapshot?.getValue(Log::class.java)
log?.let { subscriber.onNext(it) }
If you have Java8 or some Optionals at your fingertips, you may use this construct:
void name() {
TestScheduler scheduler = new TestScheduler();
Observable<Optional<Integer>> o1$ =
Observable<Optional<Integer>> o2$ =
Observable<Optional<Integer>> o3$ =
.timeout(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler)
throwable -> {
return Observable.<Optional<Integer>>never()
Observable<Tuple3<Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>>> result =
(integer, integer2, integer3) -> Tuple.of(integer, integer2, integer3))
.filter(t -> t._1.isPresent() && t._2.isPresent() && t._3.isPresent());
TestObserver<Tuple3<Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>, Optional<Integer>>> test =
scheduler.advanceTimeTo(10000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
As you may no, null values are not allowed to be emitted through observables-pipelines. Therfore we need some other construct to represent null. In Java8 there is a construct called Optional (vavr calls it Option -> also Java8).
In this example o3$-Observable will not emit anything. It could also error, maybe this resembles your case a little bit more. We will catch the error (in this case: timeout-exception) and return a Observable with Optional.empty.
In the combination-callback we combine alle three values. In a later step we filter out all Tuples, which all have valid values (Optional with Value).
You will only get a value emitted, when all three values have been emitted with a value.
When you can not use a Optional-class, you can also define a INVALID-Object like in the following example:
class So51217041 {
private static Integer INVALID_VALUE = 42;
void name() {
Observable<Integer> o1$ = Observable.just(4).mergeWith(Observable.never());
Observable<Integer> o2$ = Observable.just(2).mergeWith(Observable.never());
Observable<Integer> o3$ =
throwable -> {
return Observable.<Integer>never().mergeWith(Observable.just(INVALID_VALUE));
Observable<Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Integer>> result =
(integer, integer2, integer3) -> Tuple.of(integer, integer2, integer3))
.filter(t -> t._3 != INVALID_VALUE); // yeah I know, I want to compare reference, not the content
TestObserver<Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Integer>> test = result.test();
Also, when you want a stream to start with INVALID or NULL, that the CombineLatest emits at least one value, you may use Observable#startWith(INVALID) oder Observable#startWith(Optional.empty()). This will guarantee, that the observable will at least emit one value.
You can use public final Single first(T defaultItem) method. So the code may look like this
I'm experimenting with RxJava. I need an Observable, which produces a HashSet<String>. Into Observable I want to be abele to put Pair<String, Boolean> in the way that false boolean value removes the String key from the resulting HashSet. Here's a code snippet of what I have:
private val selectionSubject = ReplaySubject.create<Pair<String, Boolean>>()
init {
selectionSubject.onNext(Pair("dd", false))
.collect({HashSet<String>()}, {dest, value -> collectSelection(dest, value)})
.subscribe { t1, t2 -> Log.d(TAG, t1.toString())}
private fun collectSelection(dest: HashSet<String>, value: Pair<String, Boolean>): HashSet<String> {
if (value.second) {
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "collectSelection, ${dest.toString()}")
return dest
In the logs I can see that collectSelection gets called but my subscribe listener doesn't.
How can it be fixed?
collect waits for onComplete event from the stream above before emitting a value. In your case, ReplaySubject never ends and thus no value is emitted.
Without knowing the context of selectionSubject I can't provide a solution to your problem, like, does it have to remain open? If there are limited onNext calls, you can use .take(X). If it has to remain open, you shouldn't depend on collect but add the item inside on HashSet in something like .doOnNext
I am looking for what is the recommended practice in rxjava2 to handle a case where one flowable leads to conditional behaviors.
More concretely, I have a Maybe<String> for which I want to Update the String on the database if the String exists or, if it doesn't exists I want to create a new String and save it on the database.
I thought of the below but obviously it is not what I am looking for:
Maybe<String> source = Maybe.just(new String("foo")); //oversimplified source
source.switchIfEmpty(Maybe.just(new String("bar"))).subscribe(result ->
System.out.println("save to database "+result));
source.subscribe(result -> System.out.println("update result "+result));
The above obviously produces
save to database foo
update result foo
I tried also the below which gives the expected result but still feel it's... weird.
Maybe<String> source = Maybe.just(new String("foo")); //oversimplified source
source.switchIfEmpty(Maybe.just(new String("bar")).doOnSuccess(result ->
System.out.println("save to database "+result))).subscribe();
source.doOnSuccess(result -> System.out.println("update result "+result)).subscribe();
How can I have an action for when the result exists and when it doesn't exists? How is that use case supposed to be handled in rxjava2?
Update 01
I tried the below and it looks cleaner than what I came up with above. Note sure it is recommended rxjava2 practice however...
Maybe.just(new String("foo"))
.map(value -> Optional.of(value))
.subscribe(result -> {
if(result.isPresent()) {
System.out.println("update result "+result);
else {
System.out.println("save to database "+"bar");
You have the isEmpty() operator that will return you Boolean if the Maybe source is empty or not, and then you can flatMap it and write a if else statement depending on that Boolean
This is a common pattern in our code as well, though in our case the choices are themselves async. You can't get quite the right semantic by simply composing flatMapX and switchIfEmpty (in either order), so I am curious why this isn't part of the API.
Here's what we're doing for now (this example for when the 2 options are both Completables, we have similar things for the other types as well):
public static <T> Completable flatMapCompletable(Maybe<T> target,
Closure<? extends CompletableSource> completableSupplier,
Supplier<CompletableSource> emptySupplier) {
Maybe<T> result = target.cache();
return result.isEmpty().flatMapCompletable(empty -> {
if (empty) {
return emptySupplier.get();
} else {
return result.flatMapCompletable(completableSupplier::call);
We're using Groovy, so we package these up as extension methods. I'm not thrilled with the need to use cache() so I'm wondering if there is a better alternative. From looking at the code, an operator which basically combines flatMapX and switch looks like it wouldn't be too hard (but I feel like I'm missing something).
Try something like this. checkDB can return a Maybe or Single or whatever which emits either an optional or a wrapper Object.
.flatMap(s -> {
if (s.isPresent()) {
return updateDB(s.get());
} else {
return insertDB("new String");
There is an solution using the flatMap call with 3 params
fun addOrUpdate(message: LocalMessage): Single<LocalMessage> {
return getById(message.id) // returns Maybe
Function {
update(message) // onSuccess update call returns Single
Function {
Single.error(it) // onError
Callable {
add(message) // onComplete add call returns Single
Or shorter version
fun addOrUpdate(message: LocalMessage): Single<LocalMessage> {
return getById(message.id) // returns Maybe
update(message) // onSuccess update call returns Single
Single.error(it) // onError
add(message) // onComplete add call returns Single
Can someone explain why the below test fails?
public class ObservableTest {
public void badObservableUsedTwiceDoesNotEmitToSecondConsumer() {
// Any simpler observable makes the test pass
Observable<Integer> badObservable = Observable.just(1)
.zipWith(Observable.just(2), (one, two) -> Observable.just(3))
.flatMap(observable -> observable);
ObservableCalculator calc1 = new ObservableCalculator(badObservable);
ObservableCalculator calc2 = new ObservableCalculator(badObservable);
// zipping causes the failure
// Calling calculate().toBlocking().subscribe() on each calc passes
// Observable.from(listOfCalcs).flatMap(calc -> calc.calculate()) passes
Observable.zip(ImmutableList.of(calc1.calculate(), calc2.calculate()), results -> results)
assertThat(calc2.hasCalculated).isTrue(); // this fails
private static class ObservableCalculator {
private final Observable<?> observable;
public boolean hasCalculated = false;
public ObservableCalculator(Observable<?> observable) {
this.observable = observable;
public Observable<Void> calculate() {
return observable.concatMap(o -> {
hasCalculated = true;
// returning Observable.just(null) makes the test pass
return Observable.empty();
I've tried to simplify the "bad" observable further, but can't find anything I can remove to make it simpler.
My current understanding, though, is that it's an Observable which (regardless of how it's constructed), should emit a single value and then complete. We then make two similar instances of an object based on that Observable, and call a method on those objects which consumes the Observable, makes a note of having done so, and then returns Observable.empty().
Can anyone explain why using this observable causes the test the fail (when using a simpler observable causes the test to pass)?
It's also possible to make the test pass by either serially calling calculate().toBlocking().subscribe() rather than using zip, or making calculate return Observable.just(null) instead. That makes some sense to me (zip won't subscribe to calc2 if calc1 is empty, since it in that case zip could never yield anything), but not complete sense (I don't understand why zip doesn't behave like that for a simpler version of badObservable - the calculate() methods still return empty, regardless of that input).
If you zip an empty source with something, the operator detects it can't produce any value anymore and unsubscribes from all of its sources. There is a mix of zip and merge involved and merge takes unsubscription seriously: it doesn't emit the value 3 at all thus concatMap doesn't call the mapping function for the second source either.
I'm making an Android interface that shows some data fetched from the network. I want to have it show the latest available data, and to never be empty (unless no data has been fetched at all yet) so I'm using a BehaviorSubject to give subscribers (my UI) the latest available info, while refreshing it in the background to update it.
This works, but due to another requirement in my UI, I now have to know whether or not the published result was gotten fresh from the network or not. (In other words, I need to know if the published result was BehaviorSubject's saved item or not.)
How can I achieve this? If I need to split it up into multiple Observables, that's fine, as long as I'm able to get the caching behavior of BehaviorSubject (getting the last available result) while also being able to tell if the result returned was from the cache or not. A hacky way I can think of to do it would be to check if the timestamp of the response was relatively soon, but that'd be really sloppy and I'd rather figure out a way to do it with RxJava.
As you mentioned in the question, this can be accomplished with multiple Observables. In essence, you have two Observables: "the fresh response can be observed", and "the cached response can be observed". If something can be "observed", you can express it as an Observable. Let's name the first one original and the second replayed.
See this JSBin (JavaScript but the concepts can be directly translated to Java. There isn't a JavaBin as far as I know, for these purposes).
var original = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.map(function (x) { return {value: x, from: 'original'}; })
var replayed = original
.map(function (x) { return {value: x.value, from: 'replayed'}; })
.replay(null, 1).refCount();
var merged = Rx.Observable.merge(original, replayed)
.replay(null, 1).refCount()
.distinctUntilChanged(function (obj) { return obj.value; });
console.log('subscribe 1st');
merged.subscribe(function (x) {
console.log('subscriber1: value ' + x.value + ', from: ' + x.from);
setTimeout(function () {
console.log(' subscribe 2nd');
merged.subscribe(function (x) {
console.log(' subscriber2: value ' + x.value + ', from: ' + x.from);
}, 2500);
The overall idea here is: annotate the event with a field from indicating its origin. If it's original, it's a fresh response. If it's replayed, it's a cached response. Observable original will only emit from: 'original' and Observable replayed will only emit from: 'replayed'. In Java we would require a bit more boilerplate because you need to make a class to represent these annotated events. Otherwise the same operators in RxJS can be found in RxJava.
The original Observable is publish().refCount() because we want only one instance of this stream, to be shared with all observers. In fact in RxJS and Rx.NET, share() is an alias for publish().refCount().
The replayed Observable is replay(1).refCount() because it is also shared just like the original one is, but replay(1) gives us the caching behavior.
merged Observable contains both original and replayed, and this is what you should expose to all subscribers. Since replayed will immediately emit whenever original does, we use distinctUntilChanged on the event's value to ignore immediate consecutives. The reason we replay(1).refCount() also the merged is because we want the merge of original and replay also to be one single shared instance of a stream shared among all observers. We would have used publish().refCount() for this purpose, but we cannot lose the replay effect that replayed contains, hence it's replay(1).refCount(), not publish().refCount().
Doesn't Distinct cover your case? BehaviorSubject only repeats the latest element after subscription.
I believe what you want is something like this:
private final BehaviorSubject<T> fetched = BehaviorSubject.create();
private final Observable<FirstTime<T>> _fetched = fetched.lift(new Observable.Operator<FirstTime<T>, T>() {
private AtomicReference<T> last = new AtomicReference<>();
public Subscriber<? super T> call(Subscriber<? super FirstTime<T>> child) {
return new Subscriber<T>(child) {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(T t) {
if (!Objects.equals(t, last.getAndSet(t))) {
} else {
public Observable<FirstTime<T>> getObservable() {
return _fetched;
public static class FirstTime<T> {
final boolean isItTheFirstTime;
final T value;
public FirstTime(boolean isItTheFirstTime, T value) {
this.isItTheFirstTime = isItTheFirstTime;
this.value = value;
public boolean isItTheFirstTime() {
return isItTheFirstTime;
public T getValue() {
return value;
public static <T> FirstTime<T> yes(T value) {
return new FirstTime<>(true, value);
public static <T> FirstTime<T> no(T value) {
return new FirstTime<>(false, value);
The wrapper class FirstTime has a boolean which can be used to see if any subscriber to the Observable has seen it before.
Hope that helps.
Store the information of BehaviorSubject objects in a data structure with a good lookup such as a Dictionnary. Each value would be a key and the value would be the number of iteration.
There so, when you look at a particulary key, if your dictionnary contains it already and its value is already at one, then you know that a value is a repeated value.
I'm not really sure what you want to achieve. Probably you'd just like to have a smart source for the "latest" data and a second source which tells you when the data was refreshed?
BehaviorSubject<Integer> dataSubject = BehaviorSubject.create(42); // initial value, "never empty"
Observable<String> refreshedIndicator = dataSubject.map(data -> "Refreshed!");
Observable<Integer> latestActualData = dataSubject.distinctUntilChanged();
latestActualData.subscribe( data -> System.out.println( "Got new data: " + data));
// simulation of background activity:
Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.subscribe(aLong -> dataSubject.onNext(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(2)));
Got new data: 42
Got new data: 0
Got new data: 1
Got new data: 0
Got new data: 1