I am facing issues while retrieving/searching through Postgres JSONB column using CriteriaBuilder.
Postgres Query : SELECT * FROM table where lower(jsonb_extract_path(tags,'Case')::text) = lower('"normal"') as text));
Tags: datatype of tags column is JSONB.
Above query is working fine using postgres client.
But I was facing issues while trying to get it done from CriteriaBuilder.
Following is my code:
private Specification<TemplateMetadata> findByTagsFilter(Map<String, String[]> requestParameterMap) {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(requestParameterMap)) {
predicates = requestParameterMap.entrySet().stream()
.filter(keyValue1 -> validateKeyValues(keyValue1.getKey()))
.map(keyValue2 -> Arrays.asList(keyValue2.getValue()).stream()
.map(v -> builder.equal(builder.function("jsonb_extract_path", String.class, builder.lower(root.<String>get("tags")), builder.literal(keyValue2.getKey())) , builder.lower(builder.literal("\""+v+"\"")).as(JsonDataType.class)))
.flatMap(list -> list.distinct())
return builder.and(
predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()])
requestParameterMap is filled by REST (API URI should looks like : ?testtag1=testtag1&testtag2=testtag2)
I am getting follwoing Error
ERROR: function lower(jsonb) does not exist\n Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.\n Position: 444
Can some one help me on this.
I am facing a strange issue while migrating my old Neo4j code to the new OGM 3.2.38.
When I run the following query in my browser
MATCH (a:Attribute)--(c:Class {name: 'Dog'})--(b:Attribute) RETURN a.name as nom1,c.name as nom2,b.name as nom3
I have results :
│"nom1" │"nom2"│"nom3" │
│"gender"│"Dog" │"age" │
│"age" │"Dog" │"gender"│
When I use the session.query() with Result type as follows:
String query = "MATCH (a:Attribute)--(c:Class {name: 'Dog'})--(b:Attribute) RETURN a.name as nom1,c.name as nom2,b.name as nom3";
Result result = session.query(query, new HashMap<>());
I have the following results [{nom3=age, nom2=Dog, nom1=gender}, {nom3=gender, nom2=Dog, nom1=age}].
Then, I want to use a custom DTO to get theses results directly mapped into a Java object as follows:
public class TestResult {
String nom1;
String nom2;
String nom3;
String query = "MATCH (a:Attribute)--(c:Class {name: 'Dog'})--(b:Attribute) RETURN a.name as nom1,c.name as nom2,b.name as nom3";
Iterable<TestResult> testResultList = session.query(TestResult.class, query, new HashMap<>());
for(TestResult testResult : testResultList){
This session.query() call with the TestResult object does not return anything, the Iterable is empty. Do you have an idea how where the problem is?
When debugging the session.query() call, I see that the database returns the results, but that somehow they are not mapped to my TestResult objects.
Trying to migrate a Netflix DGS GraphQL and Neo4J project to now use Spring for GraphQL and Neo4J instead. Hit a roadblock when I wanted to avoid the N+1 problem.
Yes, there is an alternative to avoid the N+1 problem in Spring for GraphQL. It's the #BatchMapping annotation:
Suppose you have the following schema:
type Query {
artistas: [Artista]
type Artista {
id: ID
apellido: String
estilo: String
type Obra{
artistaId: ID
titulo: String
imagen: String
And the following #QueryMapping:
Flux<Artista> artistas(){
return Flux.fromIterable(allArtistas);
Our Artista DTO contains a List of Obra we may sometimes want, so it can cause us the N+1 problem:
record Artista (Long id, String apellido, String estilo, List<Obra> obras){}
record Obra (Long artistaId, String titulo, String imagen){}
So if you add an additional mapping method annotated with #BatchMapping, you tell the GraphQL engine to fetch that data using a DataLoader under the hood and keeping it at hand for each DB roundtrip, for example.
#BatchMapping(typeName = "Artista")
Mono<Map<Artista, List<Obra>>> obras(List<Artista> artistas){
var artistasIds = artistas.stream()
var todasLasObras = obtenerObras(artistasIds);
return todasLasObras.collectList()
.map(obras -> {
Map<Long, List<Obra>> obrasDeCadaArtistaId = obras.stream()
return artistas.stream()
unArtista -> unArtista, //K, el Artista
unArtista -> obrasDeCadaArtistaId.get(Long.parseLong(unArtista.id().toString())))); //V, la lista de obras
private Flux<Obra> obtenerObras(List<Long> artistasIds) {
// ...your service-specific way of getting all the Obras from each artistaId...
If you throw some logs here and there you can check it only fetches the Obras once.
Hope it helps!
Given we have following documents in database
{id:0, SID:0, STATUS:"UNDONE", UID:1, AT:122}
{id:1, SID:1, STATUS:"DONE", UID:1, AT:123}
{id:2, SID:1, STATUS:"DONE", UID:2, AT:124}
{id:3, SID:2, STATUS:"PEN", UID:3, AT:125}
{id:4, SID:2, STATUS:"PEN", UID:4, AT:126}
{id:5, SID:3, STATUS:"DONE", UID:5, AT:127}
{id:6, SID:4, STATUS:"DONE", UID:6, AT:128}
I'm trying to get write a query using spring data mongodb to skip 'm' distinct SID and get next 'n' distinct SID (Sorted by AT field) matching the filter and return documents corresponding to those SIDs.
For this example m = 1 and n = 2 would return these documents
{id:3, SID:2, STATUS:"PEN", UID:3, AT:125}
{id:4, SID:2, STATUS:"PEN", UID:4, AT:126}
{id:5, SID:3, STATUS:"DONE", UID:5, AT:127}
So far I've managed to write this.
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
Aggregation.project("STATUS", "AT", "SID"),
Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("STATUS").in("DONE", "PEN")),
Aggregation.sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "AT"),
AggregationResults<Map> results = mongoOperations.aggregate(aggregation, MyClass.class, Map.class);
List<String> SIDs = results.getMappedResults().stream().map(it -> it.get("_id").toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
Query query = new Query();
return mongoOperations.find(query, MyClass.class);
This is returning unpredictable results ie every call returns different results and therefore not sorted as intended.
What am I missing here?
I've a feeling the sort stage in pipeline is incorrectly placed.
I am trying to get data by pagination from CosmosTemplate.paginationQuery(), but the problem is I am not getting data from the offset that I am setting in pagination object. Below is my code for setting pagination,
DocumentQuery documentQuery = new DocumentQuery(criteriaList, CriteriaType.AND));
if (Objects.nonNull(Offset) && Objects.nonNull(limit)) {
PageRequest cosmosPageRequest = CosmosPageRequest.of(Offset, limit);
Page<User> page = cosmosTemplate.paginationQuery(documentQuery, User.class, COLLECTION_NAME);
This always returns me list with first set of objects. So for example when I am setting offset as 11 and limit 10, it is always returning me records with offset 0 to 10. I tried to check library as well but there also no where they are setting offset while retrieving records. Below is the code for the same form azure-cosmosdb library AbstractQueryGenerator.generateCosmosQuery().
protected SqlQuerySpec generateCosmosQuery(#NonNull CosmosQuery query,
#NonNull String queryHead) {
final Pair<String, List<Pair<String, Object>>> queryBody = generateQueryBody(query);
String queryString = String.join(" ", queryHead, queryBody.getFirst(), generateQueryTail(query));
final List<Pair<String, Object>> parameters = queryBody.getSecond();
List<SqlParameter> sqlParameters = parameters.stream()
.map(p -> new SqlParameter("#" + p.getFirst(),
if (query.getLimit() > 0) {
queryString = new StringBuilder(queryString)
.append("OFFSET 0 LIMIT ")
return new SqlQuerySpec(queryString, sqlParameters);
Over here also hard coding for offset is done instead of taking from pagination object. Please can anyone suggest if I am doing anything wrong or getting records based on offset is not supported in this library.
This is a bug in the azure-spring-data-cosmos SDK, where it does not honor the OFFSET as part of CosmosPageRequest and always set it to 0.
It is currently being investigated and will be fixed soon. Follow this issue for updates - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/issues/28032
However, as a workaround for now, the best way would be to use a custom query using query annotation as mentioned in this example - Usage of offset - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/cosmos/azure-spring-data-cosmos-test/src/test/java/com/azure/spring/data/cosmos/repository/integration/ContactRepositoryIT.java#L235
Query annotation - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/cosmos/azure-spring-data-cosmos-test/src/test/java/com/azure/spring/data/cosmos/repository/repository/ContactRepository.java#L39
Let's say we have a entity "Device" it contains other entity "DeviceInfo", and we have a entity "Site" which contains a List of "DeviceInfo" entities, and "DeviceInfo" has a "Device" and a "Site" in its properties.
My task was to find all "Device"s which are in one "Site". To some endpoint I would send a "Site" id and page number and size of page (since it has to be pageable). I have made it work by creating a JPA specification
public static Specification<Device> bySearchRequest(final DeviceSearchRequest searchRequest) {
return (root, query, cb) -> {
final Join<Device, DeviceInfo> deviceInfo
= root.join(Device_.deviceInfo, JoinType.LEFT);
final Join<DeviceInfo, Site> site
= deviceInfo.join(DeviceInfo_.site, JoinType.LEFT);
return cb.and(cb.equal(site.get(Site.id), searchRequest.getSiteId()));
And then using I would convert the "Device"s to "IndexDevice"s which is in ES.
new PageRequest(searchRequest.getPage(), searchRequest.getSize()))
.getContent().stream().map(x ->indexedDeviceConverter.convert(x)).collect(Collectors.toList());
That is it. It works. But here I am fetching the data from DB, and I already have everything in Elasticsearch. Is there a way to make this same query to fetch the data directly from ES (with paging) ?
Only difference is that in ES "IndexedDevice" has a direct relation with a "IndexedSite" (there is no "IndexedDeviceInfo").
"id": "46e7ada4-3f34-4962-b849-fac59c8fe8ad",
"name": "SomeSite",
"displayInformation": "SomeSite",
"subtitle": ""
I managed to do it. At the end it was really simple. I used ElasticsearchRepository (org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.repository).
new PageRequest(searchRequest.getPage(),