Create optimized docker image with multi layer jar file using Gradle - java

I'm trying to build an efficient Docker image that leverages Docker’s image layering to decrease the duration and the required bandwidth for uploading to or downloading from the repository. Is there any way to separate my compiled code and dependencies (external libs) using Gradle build tools?
My current Dockerfile copies the fat jar to the container, while the most significant part of the jar file is libraries that don’t change between releases.
My current Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim
# Add the application's jar to the container
COPY /build/libs/app-*.jar app.jar
# Run the jar file
ENTRYPOINT ["java","","-jar","app.jar"]
Edit 1: I'm trying to achieve this goal without using any plugin (if it's possible).

Well, maybe a tool like is more what you are looking for? It has been made precisely for this kind of use case.
With "pure" Docker, the whole build is done in your Dockerfile, with at the beginning a command to dowload the dependencies, and THEN adding your code to the image with a copy. This way, the first layers can be cached. You should probably start from an official Gradle image then. And since your dependencies will be included, you can even get away with running your software by directly calling Gradle. The image size will be bigger, but only your code would be sent over the network each time, unless your dependencies change.
There are a lot of other options to achieve something similar with Docker, but many of them break the reproducibility of the build, by using local caches, or downloading the dependencies directly from the target machine. They work, but then you lose the "universal container" approach of Docker.


How to make maven install in docker container

I have a multi-module project on maven. It is quite ancient and is going with a special dance with a tambourine.
Project structure
To build such a project, I have a special script that needs to be executed while at the root of the project.
When building on Windows, there are a lot of problems (problems with long paths, symbols and line separators get lost, etc.), so I want to build this project in docker.
At first I wanted to connect docker-maven-plugin from io.fabric8 as a plugin in maven, but as I understand it, it cannot run the build of itself in docker.
So I tried to write Dockerfile and ran into the following problems
I don't want to copy the .m2 folder to docker, there are a lot of dependencies there, it will be quite a long time.
I don't want to copy the project sources inside the container
I couldn't run the script./build/
How I see the solution to this problem.
Create a dockerfile, connect maven and java8 to it, and bash
Using Volume to connect the sources and maven repository
Because I work through VPN and the script is deployed, you need to find a solution to the problem through it (proxy/port forwarding???)
If you have experience or examples of a similar script or competent advice, then I will be glad to hear it
You can perform the build with Maven inside Docker.
For that you basically trigger something like docker build ., and the rest is inside the Dockerfile.
Start off from a container that has Maven, such as maven.
Add your whole project structure
Run your build script
Save your build result
To save your build result, you might want to upload it to some repository, or store it in a mounted volume that is available after the container run as well. Alternatively copy it to the next stage if you use a multistage docker build.
If you want to prevent repeated downloads of the .m2 directory or have many other dependencies in there, also mount it as volume when running the container.

spring-boot-devtools Automatic Restart not working

I have a working Spring Boot 2.25 application built with mvn. As per this documentation I add
From the documentation:
As DevTools monitors classpath resources, the only way to trigger a restart is to update the classpath. The way in which you cause the classpath to be updated depends on the IDE that you are using. In Eclipse, saving a modified file causes the classpath to be updated and triggers a restart. In IntelliJ IDEA, building the project (Build -> Build Project) has the same effect.
With the application running I tried a simple
touch /path/to/app.jar
expecting the application to restart but nothing happened.
Okay, so maybe it's doing something smarter. I modified some source .java, recompiled the .jar, and cp'd it to replace the running .jar file and... nothing happened.
Also from the documentation
DevTools relies on the application context’s shutdown hook to close it during a restart. It does not work correctly if you have disabled the shutdown hook (SpringApplication.setRegisterShutdownHook(false)).
I am not doing this.
DevTools needs to customize the ResourceLoader used by the ApplicationContext. If your application provides one already, it is going to be wrapped. Direct override of the getResource method on the ApplicationContext is not supported.
I am not doing this.
I am running this in a Docker container, if that matters. From the documentation:
Developer tools are automatically disabled when running a fully packaged application. If your application is launched from java -jar or if it is started from a special classloader, then it is considered a “production application”. If that does not apply to you (i.e. if you run your application from a container), consider excluding devtools or set the -Dspring.devtools.restart.enabled=false system property.
I don't understand what this means or if it is relevant.
I want to recompile a .jar and replace it in the running docker container and trigger and application restart without restarting the container. How can I do this?
EDIT: I am using mvn to rebuild the jar, then docker cp to replace it in the running container. (IntelliJ IDEA claims to rebuild the project, but the jar files are actually not touched, but that's another story.) I am looking for a non-IDE-specific solution.
The Spring Boot Devtools offers for Spring Boot applications the functionality that usually is available in IDEs like IntelliJ in which you have the ability to, for example, restart an application or force a live browser reload when certain classes or resources change. This can be very useful in the development phase of your application.
It is typically used in conjunction with an IDE in such a way that it will be launched with the rest of your application by Spring Boot when detected in the classpath and if it is not disabled.
Although you can configure it to monitor further resources, it will usually look for changes in your application code, in your classes and resources.
It is important to say that, AFAIK, Devtools will monitor your own classes and resources in an exploded way, I mean, the restart process will not work if you overwrite your whole application jar, only if you overwrite some resources in your classes directory.
This functionality can be tested with Maven. Please, consider download a simple blueprint from Spring Initializr, with Spring Boot, Spring Boot Devtools and Spring Web, for example - in order to keep the application running. From a terminal, in the directory that contains the pom.xml file, run your application, for instance, with the help of the spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin included in the pom.xml:
mvn spring-boot:run
The command will download the project dependencies, compile and run your application.
Now, perform any modification in your source code, either in your classes or in your resources and, from another terminal, in the same directory, recompile your resources:
mvn compile
If you look at the first terminal window you will see that the application is restarted to reflect the changes.
If you are using docker for your application deployment, try reproducing this behavior can be tricky.
On one hand, I do not know if it makes sense, but you can try creating a maven based image and run your code inside, just as described above. Your Dockerfile can look similar to this:
FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as maven
# Copy project pom
COPY ./pom.xml ./pom.xml
# Fetch (and cache) dependencies
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -B
# Copy source files
COPY ./src ./src
# Run your application
RUN mvn springboot:run
With this setup, you can copy with docker cp your resources to the /app/target directory and it will trigger an application restart. As an alternative, consider mounting a volume in your container instead of using docker cp.
Much better, and taking into account the fact that overwriting your application jar will probably not work, you can try to copy both your classes and library dependencies, and run your application in a exploded way. Consider the following Dockerfile:
FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as maven
# Copy your project pom
COPY ./pom.xml ./pom.xml
# Fetch (and cache) dependencies
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -B
# Copy source files
COPY ./src ./src
# Compile application and library dependencies
# The dependencies will, by default, be copied to target/dependency
RUN mvn clean compile dependency:copy-dependencies -Dspring-boot.repackage.skip=true
# Final run image (based on
FROM openjdk:8u171-jre-alpine
# OPTIONAL: copy dependencies so the thin jar won't need to re-download them
# COPY --from=maven /root/.m2 /root/.m2
# Change working directory
# Copy classes from maven image
COPY --from=maven /app/target/classes ./classes
# Copy dependent libraries
COPY --from=maven /app/target/dependency ./lib
# Please, modify your main class name as appropriate
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-cp", "/app/classes:/app/lib/*", "com.example.demo.DemoApplication"]
The important line in the Dockerfile is this:
mvn clean compile dependency:copy-dependencies -Dspring-boot.repackage.skip=true
It will instruct maven to compile your resources and copy the required libraries. Although redundant for the typical Maven phase in which the spring-boot-maven-plugin repackage goal runs, the flag spring-boot.repackage.skip=true will instruct this plugin to not repackage the application.
With this Dockerfile, build you image (let's tag it devtools-demo, for example):
docker build -t devtools-demo .
And run it:
docker run devtools-demo:latest
With this setup, if now you change your classes and/or resources, and run mvn locally:
mvn compile
you should be able to force the restart mechanism in your container with the following docker cp command:
docker cp classes <container name>:/app/classes
Please, again, consider mounting a volume in your container instead of using docker cp.
I tested the setup and it worked properly.
The important think to keep in mind is to replace your exploded resources, not the whole application jar.
As another option, you can take an approach similar to the one indicated in your comments and run your Devtools in remote mode:
FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as maven
# Copy project pom
COPY ./pom.xml ./pom.xml
# Fetch (and cache) dependencies
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -B
# Copy source files
COPY ./src ./src
# Build jar
RUN mvn package && cp target/your-app-version.jar app.jar
# Final run image (based on
FROM openjdk:8u171-jre-alpine
# OPTIONAL: copy dependencies so the thin jar won't need to re-download them
# COPY --from=maven /root/.m2 /root/.m2
# Change working directory
# Copy artifact from the maven image
COPY --from=maven /app/app.jar ./app.jar
ENV JAVA_DOCKER_OPTS "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=*:8000,suspend=n"
ENV JAVA_OPTS "-Dspring.devtools.restart.enabled=true"
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-lc", "exec java $JAVA_DOCKER_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS -jar /app/app.jar"]
For the Spring Boot Devtools remote mode to work properly, you need several things (some of them pointed out by Opri as well in his/her answer).
First, you need to configure the spring-boot-maven-plugin to include the devtools in your application jar (it will be excluded otherwise, by default):
Then, you need to setup a value for the configuration property spring.devtools.remote.secret. This property has to do with the way remote debugging works in Spring Boot Devtools.
The remote debugging functionality consists of two parts, a client and a server. Basically, the client is a copy of your server code, and it uses the value of the spring.devtools.remote.secret configuration property to authenticate itself against the server.
This client code should be run from an IDE, and you attach your IDE debugging process to a local server exposed from that client.
Every change performed in the client monitored resources, remember, the same as in your server, is pushed to the remote server and it will trigger a restart if necessary.
As you can see, this functionality is again more appropriate from a development point of view.
If you need to actually restart your application by overwriting your jar application file, maybe a better approach will be to configure your docker container to run a shell script in your ENTRYPOINT or CMD. This shell script will monitor a copy of your jar, in a certain directory. If that resource changes, as a consequence of your docker cp, this shell script will stop the current running application version - this application is supposed to run from a different location to avoid problems when updating the jar -, replace the current jar with the new one, and then start the new application version. Not the same, but please, consider read this related SO answer.
In any case, when you run an application in a container, you are trying to provide a consistent and platform independent way of deployment for it. From this perspective, instead of monitoring changes in your docker container, a more convenient approach may be to generate and to deploy a new version of your container image with those new changes. This process can be automated greatly using tools like Jenkins, Travis, etcetera. These tools allow you to define CI/CD pipelines that, in response to a code commit, for example, can generate on the fly a docker image with your code and, it configured accordingly, deploy later this image to services like some docker flavor or Kubernetes, on premises or in the cloud. Some of them, especially Kubernetes, but swarm an even docker compose as well, will allow you to perform rolling updates without or with minimal application service interruption.
To conclude, probably it will not fit your needs, but be aware that you can use spring-boot-starter-actuator directly or with Spring Boot Admin, for instance, to restart your application.
Finally, as already indicated in the Spring Boot Devtools documentation, you can try a different option, not based on restart but in application reload, in hot swapping. This functionality is offered by commercial products like JRebel although there are some open sources alternatives as well, mainly dcevm and the HotswapAgent. This related article provides some insight in how these last two products work. This Github project provides complementary information about how to run it in docker containers.
I had a similar problem when using intellij idea, I saw somewhere that you had to use the build button for it to work.
In jsp the application reloads the files, it is not completely automatic, because intellij saves automatically -> this behavior is the default but there is I think a way to change it. -> To record manually and then that it reloads automatically.
Works for jsp apps only, if you try this with standard apps it will create a double frame execution (swing)
I am no shore because you are not saying explicitly if you tried this things but:
try to set this on true:(SpringApplication.setRegisterShutdownHook(true))
try adding manually in the dockerfile this property -Dspring.devtools.restart.enabled=true
I know it says that on default should be on true, but try to do it
Maybe show us the dockerfile.
Later Edit:
Saw this in documentation:
repackaged archives do not contain devtools by default. If you want to
use certain remote devtools feature, you’ll need to disable the
excludeDevtools build property to include it. The property is
supported with both the Maven and Gradle plugins.
The Spring Boot developer tools are not just limited to local development. You can also use several features when running applications remotely. Remote support is opt-in, to enable it you need to make sure that devtools is included in the repackaged archive:
Then you need to set a spring.devtools.remote.secret property, for example:
Remote devtools support is provided in two parts; there is a server side endpoint that accepts connections, and a client application that you run in your IDE. The server component is automatically enabled when the spring.devtools.remote.secret property is set. The client component must be launched manually.
Documents from spring
In order to restart app with devtools you need to make sure following things.
Use any IDE or Build tools like maven gradle to start app
Using java -jar devtools will not work as it packages app.
Using maven you can run app like mvn spring-boot:run
Refer official documentation for more details.
I had similar issue after using dependency also spring boot was not picking up devtools configuration so I did following steps in eclipse.
installed eclipse (assuming you have already installed)
installed sts plugin from eclipse market (since i am eclipse generic version lover so prefer generic eclipse on top of that i installed sts plugin)
project --> build automatically
debug as --> spring boot application

Docker layers with Maven versioning

I have a question with the correct flow for dockerizing Java/Spring Boot/Maven application in order to use docker layers.
Currently it looks like this -> Maven updates the versions(using the maven release plugin) -> docker image is building with the custom dockerfile.
However the problem is, that all of the dependencies are being downloaded every time(even when the poms are not modified, due to the fact, that every new version which I want to build has different version value in the pom's(it is being updated using this plugin).
I would want to use the docker layers, so that our builds could be faster than currently it is. Is it possible to do so? If it is, how? Should I use different plugin or are there other options that should be taken into account(maybe the whole flow is bad and it should be done in a different way?)
One possibility is to set up a local proxy, like a Nexus or Artifactory instance, which you can use to cache contents from the internet. You'll still be downloading them but hopefully that would be faster.
The second possibility you could do would be to create a Docker layer by downloading the content to the local repository (in the Docker image), followed by then doing a Docker build. So it would look something like:
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline
RUN mvn build
That way, your docker image would capture all of the dependencies and plugins in the local ~/.m2/repository cache, and then the build would resolve them locally. When you re-run the build step, it should inherit the layer previously.
You'll need to re-build the dependency set over time as your project evolves, but it would speed your build up by not needing them again.
You might want to have a final step that creates a new runtime Docker image from the built contents rather than depending on this layer for all your production content though.
You might want to look at David Delabasee's presentation at QCon London last year:
I recommend to either mount the local maven repository as a volume and use it across Docker images or use a special local repository (/usr/share/maven/ref/) the contents of which will be copied on container startup.
The documentation of the official Maven Docker images (click here) also points out different ways to achieve better caching of dependencies.

Create a docker image contains pre-installed spring boot dependencies

I have a spring-boot java application build with gradle, run by gitlab CI on that works just fine. But every time the CI run, it takes so much time to download dependencies (because I'm using gitlab shared-runner from which is docker-auto-scale runner and it doesn't cache anything for the next run).
My idea is create a docker image base on docker:latest (because build jobs needs to interact with docker daemon while running) and pre-install or add gradle caches to the image so that images contains all dependencies that my app needs and when the CI run, it doesn't need to re-download dependencies.
Has anyone done it before?
I had the exact idea as you did, but for Maven.
During the docker image build, I copy my project files in the image and run mvn clean install and upload it to my gitlab registry.
CI pipeline execution time is considerably reduced.
But you of course need to do this everytime you have new dependencies, or at least when there is a large difference between what is already in the cache and the dependencies required by your app.

how to use docker-compose and maven snaphot dependencies from external repos

I have several java components (WARs), all of them expose webservices, and they happen to use the samemessaging objects (DTOs).
This components all share a common maven dependency for the DTOs, let's call it "messaging-dtos.jar". This common dependency has a version number, for example messaging-dtos-1.2.3.jar, where 1.2.3 is the maven version for that artifact, which is published in a nexus repository and the like.
In the maven world, docker aside, it can get tedious to work with closed version dependencies. The solution for that is maven SNAPSHOTS. When you use for example Eclipse IDE, and you set a dependency to a SNAPSHOT version, this will cause the IDE to take the version from your current workspace instead of nexus, saving time by not having to close a version each time you make a small change.
Now, I don't know how to make this development cycle to work with docker and docker-compose. I have "Component A" which lives in its own git repo, and messaging-dtos.jar, which lives in another git repo, and it's published in nexus.
My Dockerfile simpy does a RUN mvn clean install at some point, bringing the closed version for this dependency (we are using Dockerfiles for the actual deployments, but for local environments we use docker-compose). This works for closed versions, but not for SNAPSHOTS (at least not for local SNAPSHOTs, I could publish the SNAPSHOT in nexus, but that creates another set of problems, with different content overwriting the same SNAPSHOT and such, been there and I would like to not come back).
I've been thinking about using docker-compose volumes at some point, maybe to mount whatever is in my local .m2 so ComponentA can find the snapshot dependency when it builds, but this doesn't feel "clean" enough, the build would depend partially on whatever is specified in the Dockerfile and partially on things build locally. I'm not sure that'd be the correct way.
Any ideas? Thanks!
I propose maintain two approaches: one for your local development environment (i.e. your machine) and another for building in your current CI tool.
For your local dev environment:
A Dockerfile that provides the system needs for your War application (i.e. Tomcat)
docker-compose to mount a volume with the built war app, from Eclipse or whatever IDE.
For CI (not your dev environment):
A very similar Dockerfile but one that can build your application (with maven installed)
A practical example
I use the docker feature: multi stage build.
A single Dockerfile for both Dev and CI envs that might be splited but I prefer to maintain only one:
FROM maven as build
COPY ./src /app/
RUN mkdir /app/target/
RUN touch /app/target/app.war
# Run the following only if we are not in Dev Environment:
RUN test $LOCAL_ENV = "false" && mvn clean install
FROM tomcat
COPY --from=build /app/target/app.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
The multi-stage build saves a lot of disk space discarding everything from the build, except what is being COPY --from='ed.
Then, docker-compose.yml used in Dev env:
version: "3"
context: .
- ./target/app.war:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/app.war
Build in CI (not your local machine):
# Will run `mvn clean install`, fetching whatever it needs from Nexus and so on.
docker build .
Run in local env (your local machine):
# Will inject the war that should be available after a build from your IDE
docker-compose up

