Eclipse windowbuilder not showing the full frame - java

I'm trying to use Eclipse windowbuilder, but when I go to the design page the frame gets cut. Below is an image of what I am seeing.
This is just a simple JFrame (nothing added besides the default). If I run or preview the window, it shows me the whole frame as it should. For some reason unknown to me, the design tab is just cutting my frame.
I've seen a similar question, but my eclipse.ini file already has the --illegal-access=permit added at the end.
Does anyone know what this might be about? I am using JDK 16 by the way. Sorry if this is somewhat of a newb question, but it is my first time with swing and GUI building in Java.


How is a JFrame actually created?

I am curious about how Java actually goes about creating a JFrame in swing; how does a window magically pop up? So, I went ahead and looked at the source code for the JFrame and ended up at the source code for the Window class.
In the Window class, there’s so much going on I can’t tell what hints at the initialization of a displayed window. I am a beginner, and even if it’s really high level stuff, I still want to be to see the actual code for making a window.
Maybe I’m looking at the wrong stuff. If someone could point me in the right direction or provide links, that would be great.
If anyone is confused by what I’m trying to ask, say you were to create a window just like a JFrame but from scratch, how would it be done? How is it done in swing?
Window (or more formally java.awt.Window) is a Java API to the platform native toolkit window. All modern OSes (that support display anyway) come with a toolkit.
JFrame and Swing were a secondary attempt at providing a user interface (UI) toolkit in Java that would look and work the same way over multiple OSes. The classes in java.awt like Frame and Dialog were the first attempt, but they had native peer classes (see java.awt.peer - compiled C/C++ code), and rendered and performed very differently across different OSes.
So what is going on under the hood is that JFrame is first creating the most basic window possible from the OS toolkit, and then dressing it up (adding menu bars, scroll bars, etc) to be a JFrame or a JDialog within the swing Java classes themselves.

Scaling a subpanel while resizing

I am working on a project with using Swing. Recently, I ve encountered a weird problem that I can't figure out how to solve. Had a look at similar questions and tried to use layouts for frame but it didnt solve the problem. All design is done with using free design. I am using Netbeans.
My question is, I want every panel to be resized properly. Without losing half of the panel and buttons on the screen.
Also tried to call pack() method in the componentListener(another solution that i saw here) but it didnt work neither. Here are some pictures of my project.
After resizing:

Opening a JPanel form in NetBeans GUI Builder causes strange behavior

I recently tried to open a JPanel form that I created with NetBeans GUI Builder and NetBeans almost freezes up on me. The design form is an all-gray background, not the usual gray area where I can place components surrounded by a white background. If I click on the Source button and then switch back to Design view, all of the tabs in the editor pane disappear.
Fortunately I am using Git for version control. The last commit of this file was over a week ago. I might have to revert to an earlier version to see where this problem was introduced. In the mean time, does anyone have any idea what could cause this behavior? Is it possible that my .form file is corrupted? The application compiles and runs just fine.
It sounds like Netbeans can't load the form due to some internal error. This can sometimes be fixed by doing a clean & build to clear out any old cached data.
If that doesn't work, you can check out the "message.log" for the error...and yes, I wish it would display it on the screen
Off memory it use to be in "{user.profile}/.Netbeans/{version}/var/log" (I think). It got moved on Windows under 7.2 to "{user.profile}\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\7.2\var\log"

Google WindowBuilder for Java

I made a GUI in Eclipse using the Google WindowBuilder plugin. The problem is that when I right-click on the design representation of my code and click, "Test/Preview," my GUI works and looks perfectly (the picture on the right), but when I click the "run" button in Eclipse to actually run the code, the GUI looks all weird (the picture on the left).
Does anybody have a clue as to what the problem is?
Ok this could have multiple reasons, the most obvious one being, that you (accidentally?) set your JButtons' background Color to the same dark-gray as your Frame's background. Check This first! WindowBuilder's preview has a quirk of sometimes not showing recent design changes on some elements immediately.
If that Is not the case with you, it might be some weird formatting thing.
Have you manually changed your buttons' formatting within the code and not within the design tab? Then add (Say your button is called okButton) okButton.repaint(); after the changes you manually made.
If this still doesnt work,
Try adding okButton.setVisible(true); (Althought that is pretty far fetched, seeing that a button outline can be seen!)

NetBeans (Java Swing): Set window size

This is driving me crazy. When I set an appropriate size for my window in design-mode it just ignores this size and uses something else when I compile and run. Even tough I set the minimumSize and preferredSize it just ignores this... Why? How can I set my own size?
Even if you've set the size with minimumSize and preferredSize, you might have forgotten to call Window.pack() in which Swing will resize the components (and all of it's subcomponents) according to the sizes set.
You call it in your window (or whatever is building your window) after all the preferred sizes are set.
Alternatively you can use the Component.setSize() method but it comes with some caveats.
Have you checked if you really set the size of the JFrame or of a contained JPanel?
Have you tried setSize?
I've found myself in a similar situation while using netbeans ide. I had a read of the following thread, that helped:
Seems as though the swing application framework is saving the app's window size in a subfolder within your home dir (for Windows, the "Application Data" folder, for Linux, in your "~/" home folder).
For example, for my application 'CrapApp', swing had saved some last-window-size info into the sub-folder "~/.CrapApp/", into a file called "mainFrame.session.xml".
So no matter how I re-sized the window within the designer, upon running, it seemed to have ignored it and instead loaded the window size from the preferences within this sub-folder.
So my solution was to delete this preserved-settings sub-folder, eg, in my case, "rm -rf ~/.CrapApp/"
Then the problem went away and I could re-size within the designer and run the app with this re-sized window now visible.
This made me want to learn what triggered this issue. I noticed that simply running the app within the netbeans ide and closing it didn't generate the sub-folder.
After a bit of tinkering with my app, I noticed the following action triggered the generation of this "~/.CrapApp/" sub-folder.
Going to my app's "Help >> About"
Click the "Close" button in the about dialog that appears
Exit the app
And now the "~/.CrapApp/" sub-folder re-appears. This help/about dialog was auto-generated by netbeans ide, so I didn't really tinker with it, but this seems to have been the culprit in my case.
Perhaps it may be a bug in the netbeans ide, I'm using a somewhat old version (v6.8), which seems roughly from the era of your original post too.

