Print a string from ArrayList of String[] per Index? - java

How to print ArrayList of String[] into String per index
with expected Output like this
Nama: John
Kimia: 10
biologi: 9
fisika: 8
Nama: Peter
Kimia: 7
biologi: 8
fisika: 10
Nama: Steve
Kimia: 6
biologi: 9
fisika: 8
Here is the code and how to print it?
public static String dataSiswa(ArrayList<String[]> list_Siswa){
for (String[] dataSiswa : list_Siswa){
String nama = dataSiswa[0];
String kimia = dataSiswa[1];
String biologi = dataSiswa[2];
String fisika = dataSiswa[3];
data = "Nama: " + nama;
return data;

You were pretty close to it:
public static String dataSiswa(ArrayList<String[]> list_Siswa){
String data = "";
for (String[] dataSiswa : list_Siswa){
data += "Nama: " + dataSiswa[0] + "\n" +
"Kimia" + dataSiswa[1] + "\n" +
"Biologi" + dataSiswa[2] + "\n" +
"Fisika" + dataSiswa[3] + "\n\n";
return data;
This generates your String to be outputted. Printing:
Just don't forget to initialize yourArrayList prior of the method call.

Recommend using a StringBuilder and appending the desired values together with a \n at the end for a new line. General form could look like this:
public static String dataSiswa(ArrayList<String[]> list_Siswa){
String[] sections = {"Nama: ", "Kimia: ", "biologi: ", "fisika: "};
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (String[] dataSiswa : list_Siswa) {
for(int i = 0; i < dataSiswa.length; i++) {
builder.append("\n"); //Extra space between data chunks added here
return builder.toString();


Remove some text between square brackets in Java 6

Would it be possible to change this:
[quote]user1 posted:
[quote]user2 posted:
to this:
Using Java 6?
ok, wrote some not regex solution.
String str ="[quote]user1 posted:[quote]user2 posted:Test1[/quote]Test2[/quote]Test3";
String startTag = "[quote]";
String endTag = "[/quote]";
String subStr;
int startTagIndex;
int endTagIndex;
while(str.contains(startTag) || str.contains(endTag)) {
startTagIndex = str.indexOf(startTag);
endTagIndex = str.indexOf(endTag) + endTag.length();
if(!str.contains(startTag)) {
startTagIndex = 0;
if(!str.contains(endTag)) {
endTagIndex = startTagIndex + startTag.length();
subStr = str.substring(startTagIndex, endTagIndex);;
str = str.replace(subStr, "");
I compiled this to Java 8. I don't believe I'm using any features not available in Java 6.
Edited: System.lineSeparator() was added in Java 1.7. I changed the line to
public class RemoveQuotes {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "[quote]user1 posted:\r\n" +
" [quote]user2 posted:\r\n" +
" Test1\r\n" +
" [/quote]\r\n" +
" Test2\r\n" +
"[/quote]\r\n" +
input = input.replace(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "");
String endQuote = "[/quote]";
int endPosition;
do {
int startPosition = input.indexOf("[quote]");
endPosition = input.lastIndexOf(endQuote);
if (endPosition >= 0) {
String output = input.substring(0, startPosition);
output += input.substring(endPosition + endQuote.length());
input = output;
} while (endPosition >= 0);

Weird console output after temporary redirection of System.out

Under normal conditions the following code:
String[] outputStrings = {" Initial values: a = 1, b = 2 ", "Swapped values: a = 2, b = 1", ""};
System.out.println("array length: " + outputStrings.length);
int i = 0;
for (String line: outputStrings) {
String str = Integer.toString(i) + " : |" + line + "| ";
Has the following output:
array length: 3
0 : | Initial values: a = 1, b = 2 |
1 : |Swapped values: a = 2, b = 1|
2 : ||
However, the following code:
CommandLineTestScaffolding scaffolding;
scaffolding = new CommandLineTestScaffolding(ExchangeCL::main);
String[] inputStrings = {"1", "2"}; // string literals with integer numbers
String[] outputStrings =;
scaffolding = null; //no longer necessary
System.out.println("array length: " + outputStrings.length);
int i = 0;
for (String line: outputStrings) {
String str = Integer.toString(i) + " : |" + line + "| ";
Has the following strange output:
array length: 1
0 : | Initial values: a = 1, b = 2
Swapped values: a = 2, b = 1
For information, the CommandLineTestScaffolding is a simple contraption to temporary redirect System.out to fetch command line output to an array of strings:
public class CommandLineTestScaffolding {
private Consumer<String[]> theMethod; //Place to store main method generating text output
public CommandLineTestScaffolding(Consumer<String[]> method) {
theMethod = method;
public String[] run(String[] args) {
// Create a stream to hold the output
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream);
// A variable to temporarily hold System.out stream
PrintStream oldOutputStream = null;
// Critical section. System.out must be restored to its original value
try {
System.out.flush(); // Clear buffer;
// IMPORTANT: Save the old System.out!
oldOutputStream = System.out;
// Use new wrapped byte array stream
theMethod.accept(args); //Run the method. fill the stream
printStream.flush(); // Clear buffer;
finally {
// Put things back
String[] output = outputStream.toString().split("/n"); //split into lines with regex
printStream = null;
outputStream = null;
return output;
What leads to such strange behaviour?
outputStrings has just one element, and it is "0 : | Initial values: a = 1, b = 2
Swapped values: a = 2, b = 1
| "
So, it is not strange behaviour.
Your CommandLineTestScaffolding does not do the job ypu expect.
However, i did not understand what you need? You need exact same output with 1?

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException :

I have a String = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404", if I provide space between abcd1 & number eg. abcd1 862893007509396 my code will work fine, but if there is no space like abcd1862893007509396, I will get java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, please help ?:
PFB the code :
String text = "";
final String suppliedKeyword = "abc model 123 abcd1862893007509396 abcd2862893007509404";
String[] keywordarray = null;
String[] keywordarray2 = null;
String modelname = "";
String[] strIMEI = null;
if ( StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase( suppliedKeyword,"model")) {
keywordarray = suppliedKeyword.split("(?i)model");
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(keywordarray[1], "abcd")) {
keywordarray2 = keywordarray[1].split("(?i)abcd");
modelname = keywordarray2[0].trim();
if (keywordarray[1].trim().contains(" ")) {
strIMEI = keywordarray[1].split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < strIMEI.length; i++) {
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
} else {
text = keywordarray2[1];
After looking at your code the only thing i can consider for cause of error is
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(strIMEI[i],"abcd")) {
text = text + " " + strIMEI[i] + " "
+ strIMEI[i + 1];
You are trying to access strIMEI[i+1] which will throw an error if your last element in strIMEI contains "abcd".

String replace not working or Im dumb?

I have this:
for (String[] aZkratkyArray1 : zkratkyArray) {
String oldString = " " + aZkratkyArray1[0] + " ";
String firstString = aZkratkyArray1[0] + " ";
String newString = " " + aZkratkyArray1[1] + " ";
fileContentsSingle = fileContentsSingle.replaceAll(oldString, newString);
if (fileContentsSingle.startsWith(firstString)) {
fileContentsSingle = aZkratkyArray1[1] + " " + fileContentsSingle.substring(firstString.length(),fileContentsSingle.length());
fileContentsSingle is just some regular string, aZkratkyArray is array with shortened words, f.e.:
ht, hello there
wru, who are you
So when fileContentsSingle = ht I am robot
it should end up : hello there I am robot
or when fileContentsSingle = I am robot hru
it should end up : I am robot who are you
But when I sysout fileContentsSingle after this iteration, or during it, string is never changed.
I tried both replace and replaceAll, I tried probably everything I could think of.
Where is the mistake?
This is how I import array:
String[][] zkratkyArray;
try {
LineNumberReader lineNumberReader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader("zkratky.csv"));
int lines = lineNumberReader.getLineNumber();
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("zkratky.csv");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
zkratkyArray = new String[lines + 1][2];
String line;
int row = 0;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] array = line.split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
zkratkyArray[row][i] = array[i];
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Soubor se zkratkami nenalezen.");
zkratkyArray = new String[0][0];
Your code will work correctly for "ht I am robot". If you print fileContentsSingle after your for loop, it will print what you expect it to print:
final String[][] zkratkyArray = new String[2][];
zkratkyArray[0] = new String[] { "ht", "hello there" };
zkratkyArray[1] = new String[] { "wru", "who are you" };
String fileContentsSingle = "ht I am robot";
for (String[] aZkratkyArray1 : zkratkyArray) {
String oldString = " " + aZkratkyArray1[0] + " ";
String firstString = aZkratkyArray1[0] + " ";
String newString = " " + aZkratkyArray1[1] + " ";
fileContentsSingle = fileContentsSingle.replaceAll(oldString, newString);
if (fileContentsSingle.startsWith(firstString)) {
fileContentsSingle = aZkratkyArray1[1] + " "
+ fileContentsSingle.substring(firstString.length(), fileContentsSingle.length());
System.out.println(fileContentsSingle); // prints "hello there I am robot"
Concerning "I am robot hru", it will not work because "hru" is at the end of the String, and not followed by a space, and the String you are replacing is " hru " (with spaces before and after).
As you don't use regexps, you don't need replaceAll(), and you can use replace() instead.
Using regexps, you can do a more generic solution working everywhere in the line:
final String[][] zkratkyArray = new String[2][];
zkratkyArray[0] = new String[] { "ht", "hello there" };
zkratkyArray[1] = new String[] { "wru", "who are you" };
String fileContentsSingle = "ht I am robot wru";
for (String[] aZkratkyArray1 : zkratkyArray) {
fileContentsSingle = fileContentsSingle.replaceAll("\\b" + Pattern.quote(aZkratkyArray1[0]) + "\\b",
System.out.println(fileContentsSingle); // hello there I am robot who are you
I don't think you are using any regex here. You are just reading a suustring and replace it with another one.
Just use the other version which does not use regex:
fileContentsSingle.replace(oldString, newString);
In the end, I found out that I had BOM's in input.csv file.

Split mathematical string in Java

I have this string: "23+43*435/675-23". How can I split it? The last result which I want is:
String 1st=23
String 2nd=435
String 3rd=675
String 4th=23
I already used this method:
String s = "hello+pLus-minuss*multi/divide";
String[] split = s.split("\\+");
String[] split1 = s.split("\\-");
String[] split2 = s.split("\\*");
String[] split3 = s.split("\\/");
String plus = split[1];
String minus = split1[1];
String multi = split2[1];
String div = split3[1];
But it gives me this result:
But I require result in this form
Try this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s ="23+43*435/675-23";
String[] ss = s.split("[-+*/]");
for(String str: ss)
I dont know why you want to store in variables and then print . Anyway try below code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "hello+pLus-minuss*multi/divide";
String[] ss = s.split("[-+*/]");
String first =ss[1];
String second =ss[2];
String third =ss[3];
String forth =ss[4];
Try this out :
String data = "23+43*435/675-23";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^\\+\\*\\/\\-]+");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(data);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
while (matcher.find()) {
for (int index = 0; index < list.size(); index++) {
System.out.println(index + " : " + list.get(index));
Output :
0 : 23
1 : 43
2 : 435
3 : 675
4 : 23
I think it is only the issue of index. You should have used index 0 to get the split result.
String[] split = s.split("\\+");
String[] split1 = split .split("\\-");
String[] split2 = split1 .split("\\*");
String[] split3 = split2 .split("\\/");
String hello= split[0];//split[0]=hello,split[1]=pLus-minuss*multi/divide
String plus= split1[0];//split1[0]=plus,split1[1]=minuss*multi/divide
String minus= split2[0];//split2[0]=minuss,split2[1]=multi/divide
String multi= split3[0];//split3[0]=multi,split3[1]=divide
String div= split3[1];
If the order of operators matters, change your code to this:
String s = "hello+pLus-minuss*multi/divide";
String[] split = s.split("\\+");
String[] split1 = split[1].split("\\-");
String[] split2 = split1[1].split("\\*");
String[] split3 = split2[1].split("\\/");
String plus = split1[0];
String minus = split2[0];
String multi = split3[0];
String div = split3[1];
System.out.println(plus + "\n" + minus + "\n" + multi + "\n" + div + "\n");
Otherwise, to spit on any operator, and store to variable do this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "hello+pLus-minuss*multi/divide";
String[] ss = s.split("[-+*/]");
String plus = ss[1];
String minus = ss[2];
String multi = ss[3];
String div = ss[4];
System.out.println(plus + "\n" + minus + "\n" + multi + "\n" + div + "\n");

