.NoSuchFileException saving error in Java - java

I'm trying to save my first project and I keep getting this error, I'm following along with a book and I don't really know what went wrong?
jshell> /save ~/Desktop/filename.txt
| File '~/Desktop/filename.txt' for '/save' threw exception: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Users\klbad\Desktop\filename.txt

/save ~/Desktop/filename.txt
~ has no meaning in Windows. It's a Unix shell thing.
I'm not sure whether you'd get away with forward slashes either (I can't test it as not in Windows)


Resolve cd : Cannot find path "pathname" because it does not exist. (When it does.)

Everytime I run some code that I wrote in java on Visual-Studio-Code ,except from the first time , I get this error in the terminal but it does not affect the program's execution . What is the issue here? I've tried to access the files with cmd and I did it successfuly .
Here is the error that I get: https://prnt.sc/wmxor3
Thanks in advance.

Not able to Start Hybris server

I am using JDK 11.0.6 version and hybris 1905, I am able to build setup successfully but when I start server I am getting below error
FATAL | wrapper | The argument
'1905\hybris\bin\platform\tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf' is not a valid
property name-value pair.
What is the reason for this?
In the path, there must be a folder specified with space in the name like: "hybris 1905" so try removing this space. rename it to something like: "hybris_1905" then run ant clean all command and then start the server.
When developers received above error message, they should check complete path. Even folder name should not have any space, else you will get this error message.
For example,
C:\projects\abc xyz\hybris\ will give this error.(Wrong approach)
C:\projects\abcxyz\hybris\ will resolve the issue.(Correct approach)
Note: While working on Hybris project, we should not give any space for folder/directive name and we should avoid giving long folder/directive name.

How to deal with trailing garbage caused from unzipping the hs37d5 fastq file

I have really tried to sort this problem out but it seems like no one else faced this problem before. I unzipped the fastq file from the 1000G:
gunzip -c **hs37d5.fa.gz** | awk '{if(NR%4==1) {printf(">%s\n",substr($0,2));} else if(NR%4==2) print;}' > ref.fa
The unzipped folder though, has some "trailing garbage" and it causes the following error:
"Exception in thread "main" picard.PicardException: Sequence name appears more than once in reference: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"
when trying to run:
java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R=ref.fasta O=ref.dict
If someone could give me a little help, it would be much appreciated.

Java error while running maxent in biomod2

I am running maxent from R, in the package biomod2 and the following error appeared. I do not come from a technical background and wasn't sure why is this error happening. Is it a memory problem or someone said the java path is not set. But I followed the instructions to set maxent to run in R and also downloaded Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit and set a path for it as explained in this pdf: http://modata.ceoe.udel.edu/dev/dhaulsee/class_rcode/r_pkgmanuals/MAXENT4R_directions.pdf
I would be really grateful if you could help me understand this problem and any solution to it.
Thanks a lot
Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: running command 'java' had status 1
2: running command 'java -mx512m -jar E:\bioclim_2.5min\model/maxent.jar environmentallayers
outputformat=logistic redoifexists visible=FALSE linear=TRUE quadratic=TRUE
product=TRUE threshold=TRUE hinge=TRUE lq2lqptthreshold=80 l2lqthreshold=10
hingethreshold=15 beta_threshold=-1 beta_categorical=-1 beta_lqp=-1
beta_hinge=-1 defaultprevalence=0.5 autorun nowarnings notooltips
noaddsamplestobackground' had status 1
3: In file(file, "rt") :
cannot open file 'rainfed/models/1432733200/rainfed_PA1_Full_MAXENT_outputs/rainfed_PA1_
Full_Pred_swd.csv': No such file or directory
I've just manage to solve this problem - it is a problem with the file path specified. For me, I had a space in one of the folder names which was not accepted in the path to the maxent.jar file. From looking at your error, it looks like it might be the two backslashes.
should probably read

Monodevelop + IKVM : Java build error ("Error: invalid path: *.class")

I am using the monodevelop Java plugin to compile a simple (hello world) Java project. The project is created fine, but when I try to build it I get the following error:
"Error: invalid path: *.class"
The command that triggers the error is as follows:
ikvmc -recurse:*.class -assembly:jTest -target:exe -debug -srcpath:/home/bob/src/jTest/jTest -r:mscorlib
Any idea what's going wrong, and how to fix this?
P.s. Please do not say "Mono is not for Java. Use (insert different Java IDE here) instead"
Thank you!
I think .\*.class sould be run better. There must at minimum one slash in the path.

